What's your PC's signature move?
What's your PC's signature move?
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"I surrender"
As a martial in PF I mastered it.
Sanctuary+Spirit Guardians+Dodge. I made a gentleman's agreement with my DM to never use it, except for extremely dangerous situations.
Bicycle kicking security guards after base jumping off the roof of a sky scraper and using a wing suit with mini parachute to glide two city blocks, then launching himself into melee with the rest of the SWAT team.
I'm not making this up. Pink Mohawk games of Shadowrun can really go off the rails.
Don't know if this counts, but one character in my group is responsible for the death of at least one young woman in every arc he's part of. Not killing them directly, mind you.
>JJBA campaign
Used to be Sunset Cagematch. She'd form a Sunset Cage around herself and her enemy and either try to win or survive until the rest of the party found the five keys that got scattered around the city. Since then, her stand evolved and she hasn't worked out a specialty yet.
>eldritch guy
Eternal Memory. Basically just a roll the dice and get a boost to everything. Including limb count, HP (multiply by dice result), size, dimension count and even acid potency.
>L5R Lion Bushi character
His wide sweeping nodachi, when he is in the Full Attack stance. It's a long-reach decapitation strike, to behead enemy commanders and bring their heads back as trophies.
>Mutants and Masterminds Wave-user
His ultimate attack is a strong radioactivity wave that can go for up to one and a half kilometers in distance, while being subtle and dangerous (crits on a 17), as well as a long duration attack: once he hit, he can concentrate and keep damaging the target. It's deadly.
To turn around, bend over, and fire his constipated impacted feces at the enemy like a cannon out of his ass.
>When I charge I can jump and double the damage dice
>I have pounce
>When I charge I deal extra 1d12 on every unarmed attack
So in the level I'm now, 8th, I basically deal 2d10+1d12+1.5 Str on 3 attacks
It's surprisingly effective.
How do you do that friend? I'm making a pounce Natural attack build.
The Locate City nuke.
We only got to level 3 but I would cast grease every chance I got
Spitting Blood and Praying while crawling away from danger.
I don't get it - it says "fuck nice things", but it hits like 2 places worth living - and not ones that are even particularly nice
What is even happening in that gif?
Chris is that you
Janni Rush
Pummeling Charge
Dragon Ferocity
Flying kick (3.5)
Erectus Maximus
An all-in suicide charge that often leaves my character worse than maimed, but almost always leaves the enemy dead.
A Scorpion kick
Probably this one, seeing as it's the most famous one - René Higuita, a Colombian goalie nicknamed "El Loco" saving a goal during a Colombia-England friendly at Wembley in 1995
>Being there
>Wanting to leave
>Not doing much
>Making clutch roles to avoid Bad End
>Living the longest
Snarking at the party
To roll a 1 after painstakingly describing an elaborate attack.
My monk charges towards the boss at 190 mph and one of two things happens.
>the momentum causes her to utterly pulverise her arm as she takes out the offending enemy in one punch
>same as above only the enemy shrugs it off and she looks like S complete retard
Using gas bombs filled with constitution damaging poison to weaken an enemy while she charges her death attack
System? my current Unchained Monk travels at mach 1 but I can't find official rules to help get the most from that speed
DnD 5e, I have a good DM who rules I could do that shit, since I ended up reaching that speed entirely by accident. Though I find that a lot of systems don't include rules for taking momentum into account.
Self-immolation. He's immune to his own fire magic and can set himself ablaze with it, which causes damage to anyone in melee proximity to him.
He likes to lightly bite the whore's neck as he fucks her from behind.
Now comes the time where you have to say what those 2 good states are in your eyes, so we can laugh at your shitty taste.
I didn't play many systems but Anima does it.
High speed is nice in that system, starts doing nothing, then you're (the faster you become) hitting worse and getting hit easier till you reach a point in where you start hitting better, doing more damage and being harder to hit. From normal person running to below Usain Bolt is bad to try to move at your top speed, but once you pass Usain Bolt levels, if you have that speed, use it. I liked that. Basically is because if you move at your fastest you have penalties, and depending on your speed you have bonuses, so till you're Usain Bolt your bonuses don't match penalties for running.
It reaches a point in where you can basically teleport (as in appear behind people and get advantage from flanking, surprise, unaware, etc).
Shooting an arrow, really really hard
Before that, I had a guy who kicked, really really hard.
And my first was a guy who talked, really really hard.
>Turn into bird
>Possition myself above enemies
>Turn into a blue whale
Sanctuary doesn't work in tandem with any other action or concentration spell. Your combo doesn't work.
Had a similar idea for a shadowrun game.
My old character died and my GM wanted some new "wild" character. One idea was to play an parrot shapeshifter which would turn into a Troll and dropkick people with his adept powers. In the end i setteled for a buffing mage parrot, human form.
I assume it's Dallas and Minneapolis.
"I challenge thee to a duel of honor!"
>Sneak attack at first opportunity
He was a kobold who thought he was a knight but his only reference was a codex on knighthood that he could barely read. Heart of gold, but literally no concept of being honorable, thinking "honor" is a plant that knights grew in fields and "duel" is just a knight specific word for killing.
Bonus is when he got disarmed and grappled and just ripped the guys throat out with his sharp lizardy teeth.
Bending over and assuming the position.
Saving the party because I'm the only one with combat stats.
topkek. tell us about chris, user.
I advise you to re-read the spell as it's written.
Wait which edition?
Charging someone and using size modifiers and improved grappling to scoop them up and carry them along.
Polearn + Set for Charge maneuver against enemies idiotic enough to charge.
10d4 exploding + 3 damage will fuck most things, especially with 13 ft reach.
It's a combo move, he crouches with his shield raised, another party member (usually the rogue) jumps on it, then my PC boosts him up high. Not sure what to call it, though.
fastball special
greetings from /co/
probably jumping onto people
I weigh 1000lbs so its fucking hilarious when I ODST onto some cunt doing fireball tier damage for free
so fucking underrated
Pick one and only one, user. Dallas is a fucking shithole unlike many others. Concrete jungle for miles in all directions, full of trigger happy assholes, miserable environment, the only thing Dallas has going for it is a decent food scene and that's not enough to keep it from being a complete fucking waste of space and people. If I could nuke one place and get away with it, it'd be Dallas.
>If I could nuke one place and get away with it, it'd be Dallas.
There are so many better places
and then i proceed to charge and slaughter all the bandits. didnt plan on it but it keeps popping up in my game.
So you've lived in Dallas exclusively then.
Then miss my first three attacks and crit on the fourth.
Throw pipe bomb
Springboard or Launchboard
Not starving is nice.
Turning the country's breadbasket into Bullet Ants, less so.
I once played a Shaman who was peasantry personified. To such a degree that even her spirit companion was a turnip.
Turnip was a cool dude.
Turnips signature move was making muffled (due to not having any mouth) screams, causing anyone who heard it and saw the source of the sound to flee in terror.
Using a literal door to anywhere to cause chaos.
Then using said door to anywhere to feed people to the warp when they become a problem
My current campaign hasn't really had much in the way of cohesive events. The last one, though, had Joey.
Joey was a Stand user whose Stand could smack things into a pocket dimension through any surface, leaving behind some form of picture of them. His favourite trick was booby-trapping the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, and his back, and his arms, and just about everything he could find. We used chairs and books to corral a misbehaving Stand user to a prison of tables we called "baby jail".
Shooting the other guy in the chest
I mostly just drive the other murderhobos around
Throwing PBR cans for effect.
Florida Man is not to be underestimated.
Hey, if it works.
So it's literally just a regular city except it's both in the south and you're from there.
I'm sure if you move to an ""enlightened"" city like LA or New York you'll find it much more agreeable.
Can you believe they banned him from Wembley for life for doing that?
Brits couldn't handle the banter
What a bunch of pussy cunts
theres a weaboo in my group who is always sticking swords in the ground and then grabbing people by the legs and dragging them over the sword to cut them crotch to head. As a gm how can I make this backfire or something funny.
"You're going back to the poorhouse!" Kick to the knee, knee to the face, multiple kicks in the groin.
Can't always execute it but when I can it's effective
>Anima game
Does falling over at the end of every fight because I used all my stamina a signature move?
The autism surprise
>trigger happy
Do u mean regular happy and happen to like guns? Cuz I don't think Dallas even ranks in the upper tier as far as gun crime stats go
I call it the Headache.
I play an orc Storm Cleric and I always end a fight with a Thunderwave originating on the inside of an enemies head, and if they remain alive, I smash the head via my trusty hammer, Durindahl!
D.C. comes to mind.
If you can get LoS on the inside of your enemy's head, how are they not dead already?
Brutal rape
Why are you blowing all your stamina every fight? Scratch that, what are you fighting that you need to blow all your stamina each and every fight?
I'm the team's block machine. Particularly, my job ends up being to keep the glass cannon safe. Guardian is my catchphrase at this point. Gotta burn up that stamina to keep the defense up.
Charging at the enemy, elbow/butt-strike them to the ground, then unloading a round of plasma into their face. Turns out that if you build it right, you can make a character do more damage at point blank range with a gun than a melee specialist jedi swinging a lightsaber.
Ahhh, okay. I'm Guessing Weaponmaster with a Full Shield protecting a Wizard?
Weaponsmaster, yes. Wizard, no. We have a ranger who has specialized as the sniper of the team.
Color me intrigued. This is the first time I've head of a Ranger being deadly. How're they specced, if you don't mind my asking?
A few levels ranger with a few in acrobatic warrior I believe. I believe he has a ki tech that would normally take a long time for him to build up to but if I let him sit there and get ready he can pop it and make crazy shots with his bow.
Good teamwork.
I wish my players would've figured out how to teamwork these past two and a half years.
I'm really proud of mine. I recently put them up against a set of enemies that could have definitely caused a wipe if they weren't smart about things and they pulled out a perfect victory
>Off-field controversy dogged Higuita’s career as well, indeed he was imprisoned in 1993 for his role in a kidnapping that saw him act as a go-between for a pair of notorious Colombian drug barons and get paid for the privilege, landing him a spell of seven months behind bars, meaning he missed the 1994 World Cup. How Colombia missed him, as they crashed out in the opening round thanks in large to the inexperience of Higuiata’s replacement, Oscar Cordoba. In 2004, the mad goalie found himself in hot water again after testing positive for cocaine, earning himself another ban from the game.
Australia please, it's too early for your lies.
Mine always split up because they feel like one-person armies. And then the Mentalist accidentally Railgun's either the WarSum, one of her Sheele, her Raphael Totem Stoat, or the healer Warlock NPC.
Then they shat bricks in the last big fight because the opponents used teamwork to render the Mentalist unable to use any powers, and dropped his resists to 0 and physical stats to 1.
The two characters who do the best teamwork are the two that have been in this team for the longest. Two people have had to reroll and one joined late. The two members of the original party are now a cohesive fighting force of crazy combos. It's wonderful.
Oh, and the new guy is basically a walking Jojo reference. Including his recent use of a ki tech that basically amounts to "I punch twelve times"
Hitting people with a stick and looking good in yellow.
>your PC's signature move
Exploring the worst depths of any homebrew crit-fail tables at every low-leverage, mundane opportunity.
Nothing beats failing a simple shove against some mooks in such spectacular fashion as to cause a crippling injury.
I would nuke sydney desu
>Playing Pathfinder
You have no-one to blame but yourself.
You stole my thought.
>Playing other system than isn't PF or D&D
Please, tell me where, those two plague everywhere I go
Tell me kid, have you finished 3rd grade math?
The joke is anima world is ittybitty.
>northeast is safe
You have good taste, user.
You mean if I can play Anima? I bought the first book and Dominus Exxet, but nobody wants to play anything but D&D or PF in the city I grew up, in the city I went to college and the city I'm right now.
Ok, I liked, I found a couple of groups playing WoD, but after a couple of games I prefer to stay away from that people.