What D&D monster could survive a nuclear bomb?

What D&D monster could survive a nuclear bomb?

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Do they know the nuke is coming? Because that can change the answer substantially.

Is the nuke magical? Because that's important.

The Tarrasque

Basically anything that's immune to fire, electricity, and poison.

Anything incorporeal, unless someone/something has enchanted the nuke

You forgot about the physical damage from the blast...

nuke = primarily radiant and maybe also necrotic damage.
fire and poison come next
then physical damage.

Guess you're right, the air compression and aftershock can do some damage. But unlike the heat, that kinetic force isn't so great that if you don't have total immunity you couldn't survive it. That shit's hard to quantify in D&D terms.

Radiant and necrotic? Is that some fifth edition shit? Cause I played 3.5 and pathfinder. Fire damage for the heat, could probably just drop the electricity idea because the EMP isn't even relevant to most D&D creatures, poison for the radioactively decaying fallout, and bludgeoning damage for the shockwave and aftershock with an attached fort save or strength check to remain in one spot instead of going flying for additional bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.

>Modern nukes

You'd be shocked at how clean these things are, radiation might be an issue in the immediate surrounding area but it's hardly going to create the radioactive wasteland as seen in 1950s films.

The necrotic damage wouldn't come until much later. The most deadly parts are the radiant damage and thunder (the blast wave). Physical would be from objects smacking you.

Depends on what passes off as survival, the damage will wipe out most, but regenerators such as vampires will simply reassemble. Lich will reform at his phylactery. Tarrasque could arguably survive a small one without the need to regenerate.

Yes, but getting hit by a nuke is going to expose you to more than enough radiation to turn every last one of your chromosomes into slime if you somehow didn't get burned or crushed by the flash or double shock-waves. Although, the flash and waves will probably destroy anything vulnerable to radiation first.

Does becoming ethereal count?
Would it even work?

The metaphysical mechanics of nuclear weaponry remains very poorly explored.

>The metaphysical mechanics of nuclear weaponry

The Tarrasque

Improved Evasion, yo!


Dynamite usually has 2d6.

A nuke is like x20000 times stronger, so that would be like 40000d6 damage.

Tarrasque literally CAN NOT be killed except through extremely specific means such as wish(or not at all). It doesn't matter how much damage you deal to it.

It can drown.

That won't kill it, it'll just knock it out.

beep beep coming through

Nada. Drowning doesn't do damage, it just outright kills you.

>Russian fucking up the metaphysical realms of ideas and thought to attack the US with the rest of the world unknowing.

"The tarrasque can be slain only by raising its nonlethal damage total to its full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hit points) and using a wish or miracle spell to keep it dead. "

Specific trumps general.

Havent played DD in years but why can't you dump it into a hostile plane using shift?

You can, but that won't kill it either.

>This is unironiclly the plot of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

"The tarrasque can be slain only by raising its nonlethal damage total to its full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hit points) and using a wish or miracle spell to keep it dead. "
>keep it dead.
So it does, in fact, die. It's just not permanent.

What changed?

Efficiency. Radioactive fallout is primarily caused by nuclear material that failed to fissile. While dirty bombs exist and have their uses, most governments build their nukes with the intent of maximum yield, and that means converting as much material into explosions as possible.

North Korea is to blame for the current state of affairs. The U.S. have not helped to stabalize the situation as much as they should have, quite the contrary, but one has difficulty to blame them if a conventional weapon strike is conducted on N.K..

These guys.

>North Korea is to blame for the current state of affairs.
Look what happened to Iraq or Ukraine. Meanwhile, apart from some scuffles between India and Pakistan, no nuclear power has been invaded. Considering their situation, acquiring an effective nuclear deterrent is the only sane thing to do.

I understand that a) N.K. goverment needs an enemy to prop itself up and b) acquiring weapons of mass destruction acts as a safeguard against aggression from foreign nations. But there is a way to do b) and there is a way not to do it. Firing mortars at South Korea, rockets into the japanese ocean and countless threats to every existing country is not how you do it. At some point threats have to be taken as credible.
I understand N.K.s want for atomic weapons. I understand the U.S.s want for intervention. The complicated history of N.K. and the U.S. aside (no one is evil ever yadayada circumstances etc), this time the U.S. is going to blow up actual bad guys (and civilians). South Korea should do all the ground work though. Sending U.S. into guerilla warfare would be crazy stupid mang.

>South Korea should do all the ground work though.
Unless NK starts actually killing people(other than their own citizens, that is), restarting the war is the LAST thing anyone living in South Korea should want. Half of South Korea will end up in ruins(and that's not even taking nukes into account), and then China will interfere to stop North Korea from getting their shit pushed in, because they won't accept a united, US-aligned Korea at their southern border, simple as that.

In 5E? Anyone wearing Armor of Invulnerability who knows it's coming. Ten minutes of immunity to nonmagical damage means you can shrug off an unlimited number of nuclear weapons as long as they only hit you during that window of time.

So in a 5E setting, always send two nukes, and always send the second one eleven minutes later.

Nukes never come alone. You always launch more than two at the same target just to make sure.

Anything with Rope Trick or the equivalent. So like, 2/3 of them.

Even if a single nuke, can you get out of the radiation zone in 10 minutes?

If you have an access to legendary items, you probably can.

Which means it didn't actually die, you fucking retard.

The question should be more "can the creature survive being thrown at a star." The center of a nuclear blast is about as hot as one (thus why it flash blinds everything around it)

I tend to belief that, should war break out, the U.S. would bomb every dangerous strategic position to glass before N.K. can unleash its destructive potential. China would not want to risk a nuclear war with the U.S. (and allies), grabs the northern, rich parts of N.K. as quasi-vassals and turns its back to Kim. South Korea would send in troops and begin re-unification. China has distanced itself from N.K. many times now China is sane.

Nukes are measured in kilotons and megatons of blast..
A kiloton is defined as a blast equivalent to 1000 tons TNT.
TNT is more powerful than dynamite on a per pound basis.
If you really want numbers, look them up, then do the math...

A 5e wizard with Contingency: Resilient Sphere set to trigger just before being harmed, then use Teleport or Planeshift or whatever. I'm sure previous editions have similar possibilities that I don't remember.


There are still (theoretical) salted nukes. You can put bucketloads of cobalt in a nuke so it sucks up all the fallout while simultaneously turning into cobalt gas, recondense into cobalt nano particles, rain down on Earth, and dispense radioactive waves at something like 10x-1000x times the speed normal radiation is released by fallout. Doesn't even matter if your nuke is an efficient modern nuke that produces little fallout.

Which means, that with a few cobalt-nukes, you can fucking exterminate all surface-dwelling life on Earth. Only subterranean organisms and deep sea organisms will survive that.

If you ever hear that saying of "there are enough nukes to kill all life on earth 7 times over", they're referring to a scenario where every nuclear power goes insane and turns their conventional nuclear weapons into cobalt-nukes or "salted" nukes.

Cheeki Breeki Comrade, send those Orcs some Vodka

so then if they weren't "salted" would there be enough regular nukes to kill all life on earth ANY times over?

But how many can survive two nukes?

I mean, you're still kicking up tons of dirt that will take a damn long while to settle.

a stick of dynamite is 190 grams according to google. lets round up for the sake of ease and say

200g TriNitroToluene = 2d6 dmg

1kg = 10d6 dmg
1000kg = 10000d6dmg

so 1000 tons TNT would be
10,000,000d6 dmg


no re


Dire cockroaches

It's gotta be far enough apart time-wise. The Armor functions for ten consecutive minutes, so all the nukes in the world won't dent it until that time is up.

That's what Lesser Restoration is for.

No. They probably wouldn't even be able to kill all humans.

Don't forget that even if they do somehow manage to defeat and absorb all of North Korea, you're now having to economically integrate a country that's about 40% the size of your own and is pretty much a welfare case with severe brainwashing. It took decades for the former West Germany to reasonably (it still hasn't completely) integrate the former GDR, and the integration of North Korea would be an even bigger job.

ah but black powder/dynamite is fire damage so any monster with fire immunity could survive but they would likely be killed by the resulting nuclear winter

You're assuming damage scales in a straightforward way. In actuality, multiple low-yield explosions are more devastating than a single high-yield one.

Depends. Total nuclear war could set off a chain reaction leading to mankinds extinction. But it won't cause the direct extinction of mankind, you're right about that part.

Don't forget that Germany teaches us that letting millions of uneducated retards that lived decades under totalitarian cunts vote in a democratic system will lead to unpleasant voting behavior. That neonazi party in Germany only exists because all the former-East-Germans are all fucking retarded mongoloids voting for a bunch of Hitler lolligagging faggots.

Nah it'd be dead while underwater, and revive itself when in a breathable area again.

True. That's why Trump crying about Russia's larger nuclear stockpile compared to America's is retarded.

Russia has big dumb heavy-hitting nukes from the Soviet era. The USA has high-tech low-yield nukes that are specifically designed to cause as much damage with the least effort, and they're on really recent missile platforms.
Doesn't matter if Russia has more nukes than the USA. The USA can still nuke far more targets effectively than Russia.

i think at that scale it would be fire+force+radiant.

im low balling it by rounding up.
if you were to take into account the inverse square law, you would need 8 times the material for twice the power in one direction (1/r^3).

its still over a million d6 damage.

Unless you got a source there is no radiant/necrotic damage. That shit is pure magic from what I've seen.

energy weapons are radiant
antimater weapons are necrotic

im pretty sure that somthing powered by nuclear fission would be able to qualify as either radiant or necrotic.

One could argue that the existing damage types don't fully encapsulate what a nuclear weapon does. I sure as hell wouldn't say that the gamma radiation counts as fire or poison damage. Necrotic is what one might call "good enough" substitute, unless you want to start inventing new damage types(or just call it untyped damage).

>That neonazi party in Germany only exists because all the former-East-Germans are all fucking retarded mongoloids voting for a bunch of Hitler lolligagging faggots.

France wasn’t totalitarian for quite some time yet they have no problem voting for Le Pen en masse.

You do realise that LePen had to throw her neonazi father to the wolves to show France that she was far-right, but not THAT far-right?

lets not get too off topic

Could a cleric with contingency cast raise dead on themselves after tanking the damage? probably need a higher level resurrection spell.

Raise Dead needs an intact body, good luck finding one of those near a nuke. Resurrection is better since you only need a body part, it takes True Res if there's no remains at all.

>Radiant and necrotic? Is that some fifth edition shit? Cause I played 3.5 and pathfinder
My condolences.

Depending on the system, I would have a (small) nuclear blast do the following within it's blast radius.

10d10x10 lightning damage to all unshielded electronic devices within the wide range of the blast immediately, representing the electromagnetic burst.

20d10x10 force/fire damage that counts as a coup-de-grace, or otherwise forcing a save-or-die that also immediately incinerates those that fail within the epicenter. Creatures and all materials within the epicenter range suffer this equally, even if they are normally immune to precision/critical damage.

Xd6 radiant damage against all creatures within any range field of the blast, where X is the number of squares(5ft) a given target is away from the edge of the furthest blast radius increment (IE, the closer you are/the bigger the blast, the worse it gets). Creatures can make reflex rolls for half damage. Immediately blinds all creatures who are at the epicenter permanently. All creatures who fail their save at middling range are permanently blinded, and successful saves are temporary blindness. All creatures at long ranges suffer no blindness on a save, and temporary blindness on a failure.

^As above, but with sonic damage one round later. Sub blindness effects for deafness, and reflex saves for Con saves.

All creatures within all ranges make a Con save with a scaling DC based on the bomb or suffer ongoing radiant damage from radiation. Each round this save must be attempted again. This effect lasts 1d8 years. Any creature who suffers from this radiation damage also takes CON damage, and must roll percentile on a table of mutations/miscarriage when they procreate.

Any morale bonus any creature who witnesses the explosion occur in person at any range, regardless of other effects, immediately ends.

not even close to a million d6 damage

Force damage

Rolled 4, 6, 7, 6, 9, 1, 7, 7, 1, 2, 8, 7, 8, 3, 6, 9, 8, 10, 7, 1 = 117 (20d10)

Yeah it's kind of underwhelming.

And force damage ISN'T exclusive to magical effects? Further, I would argue that necrotic damage works better once you start factoring things that are resistant/immune to it: certainly a magically animated statue isn't going to be bothered much when the primary damage is caused by the gamma rays scrambling your DNA(though it almost certainly would be destroyed by the other aspects of the explosion).

>>Russian fucking up the metaphysical realms of ideas and thought to attack the US with the rest of the world unknowing.
Why did you think the Russian government were footing the bill for Russia Today again?

How close to the epicenter are we talking?





What are the vertical lines of smoke in the foreground?


Wires and ropes for rigging up sensors and range finding. They vaporized instantly and turned to smoke. In some cases they were holding sensor balloons.

A million d6 is way overdoing it. That's more than enough damage to blow a hole through the Earth's crust.

would the blast be strong enough to launch it into space ?

>>Modern nukes
The vertical ones before the explosion are smoke trails used for visual measurement of the blast.

Bert the turtle can survive a nuclear explosion, and you can to! All you have to do is duck, and cover!


Not that guy, but how would a nuke simulate drowning?

A cockroach I think. Might have a CR of

Contingency wouldn't work anyway. Raise Dead takes more longer than 1 action to cast, so it's not legal for Contingency. And for Contingency to work, the material component has to be on you, that's unlikely in case you'll get hit by nuke.

Even if it could, I'd say it's not that great idea, you'll get killed, respawn, and die instantly again, because the deadly conditions are still there.

Fun fact: Vampires and liches are immune to antimatter.

Fun fact: Sufficient quantities of negative energy contained within physical matter convert thanks matter to a third form of molecule which neither annihilates matter nor antimatter.

A nuclear weapon's power is so far beyond the comprehension of anyone in this thread, it's pointless to even ask.

And that's before the arguments about whether or not the thing is immune to damage, immortal, under the effect of some kind of spell, etc.

Is a Black Hole Antimatter? Or a Gravity blender?


Anything ethereal isn't going to give a shit unless you cast Magic Weapon on the nuke first, at which point they have a 50% chance of not giving a shit.

Anything with the Regeneration ability technically can't die as long as its weakness isn't used. Most creatures with it (like trolls) are weak to fire and would be killed, but certain Devils can only be killed by good aligned silver weapons. You need to bless the nuke and somehow manage silver shrapnel or something? Otherwise the little shits are coming back once they wake up.

Vampires, when they take enough damage, switch to gaseous form. Only unlike the actual gaseous spell the vampire emergency version is immune to damage for some fucking reason. On the other hand they're SoL if the nuke hits their coffin as well, which should be always.

Lich, see Vampire. Hit the phylactery too.

As said before, the Tarrasque also falls under the regeneration clause but its weakness happens to be Wish/Miracle and nothing else.