EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"Direct Control" Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Namefag bitchfest, but people often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Just wizards left. What soon-to-be-dashed hopes do you hold?

Other urls found in this thread:


For people who give a shit about lore, they confirmed Marsil from the Dark novels will be in the Wizard deck.

>soon to be dashed hopes

instead of being UBR they'll be another shitty UG intensive deck. or merfolk. we're already getting an entire expansion on merfolk soon, please no merfolk.

Makes me hope for Jodah when Dominaria drops.

Decent reprints like Demonic Tutor, Oblivion Stone, or some of the Swords. No chance though.

All my hopes for new cards were shattered already.

>Just wizards left. What soon-to-be-dashed hopes do you hold?

I have no hopes left, this set is utter garbage with the exception of some of the cat cards ironically enough

>What soon-to-be-dashed hopes do you hold?
blue red artificer
come the fuck on wizards

Except Grixis Wizards was already confirmed.

Oh shit guys!

>$20-$30 cards
Manage your expectations.

>this set is utter garbage
you are def not a johnny
how did you even end up on edhg?

Lame as fuck

Does returning to hand or exiling still kill? Because otherwise this is gay.

I wasn't aware that tokens didn't phase back in. That's interesting though.

Hah, that "Phase out someone's commander forever" guy is gonna be pissed.

>Soon-to-be-dashed hopes

>What soon-to-be-dashed hopes do you hold
At least one new qt3.14 in art, but I think WotC has decided against representing good-looking females in any form (Well other than "Liliana" or "Nissa" I guess. Even Chandra got beat with the ugly stick)

who is this guy?

Yes, because it would remove the tokens from the battlefield.


Fucking stupid

Phasing isn't a zone change, so it didn't really make sense for it to kill tokens. Of course actually leaving the battlefield still kills them.



>tribal, a stratigy that literally builds and plays itself

Nigga what?

>good-looking females
yeah good luck with that

all the new wizards are going to be black females

The former Rules Manager for MtG. There's a new one, but Tabak is the one everyone remembers so he's still the face of MtG Rulings.

posting from last thread:

I love newzilek mechanically but holy fuck is using that situational counter spell hard.

on a not commander related note:
I'm making a "brood" deck for each of the NUtitans (meaning the deck is built around a specific titan and their brood). I've successfully done so for newlamog (using BU ingest/process) and newrakul (RW hanweir meld) but I cannot for the life of me figure out how you build a kozilek brood deck and it's bugging me. Maybe UG?

Also continuing what another user started, post tech, anons guess your commander. Image related.

I kinda liked the new Olivia.

I just wanted a new Veldrane. An old lore character from what's regarded as the worst set in Magic history with a ton of potential for a human that supports vampires.
>"Poor, foolish Veldrane. He goes wherever the Baron wills him. One day, he'll go to die."

>only looks at one axis
you make the eternal johnny in the sky sad, repent!

thank you. I was thinking it, didn't say it though.


That would be me. Not so much pissed as disappointed, I was kind of expecting it on seeing the new Phasing card and realizing that "Oh and all your tokens go poof" would probably be the kind of thing that Nanny WotC would take out to prevent bad feels or interesting decisions.

Guess that leaves me flicker-sundial trickery

Use Kruphix

That combo was pretty hilarious, so I'm a little bummed too. I guess I'm not shocked though, considering that card is most likely in the vampire deck and it seems dumb to have a card that phases everything you control out led by a commander who likes to poop out vampire tokens.

So when does this Markov take place that's being shown for this commander set? last I read soon was still kind of half petrified and his mansion was stoned to death by that white haired harlot.

Or does it not matter and they're just characters wotc pulls to fight eachother every year?

>Not pictured: being Puncture Blasted by Olivia

Neat. I'm always a fan of bringing in older lore characters.

You're thinking Sorin. Edgar is his grandpa and we have no clue where he was when shit went down at Markov Manor.

Considering Pre-Mending Teferi was a commander, the time frame is just whenever it's convenient.

The card in C17 is of Edgar Markov, the first and original creator of the Markov lineage of Vampires on Innistrad.
From long, long ago.
He's a character from long time ago in the lore, like how they made cards for Teferi and Freyalise in Commander products before.

We dont know if Edgar was petrified at Markov Manor, but its been said this is a older Edgar at the height od his power, so irs pre SOI and p4obabky pre INN as well.

>fixing one weird corner case of phasing just for one card in a supplemental set
what could this mean for the future of phasing, lads?


UG colorless emerge maybe? Don't know if you'll have enough cards to do it but maybe.
You could run Scornful Egoist and have it actually be relevant, which is funny.

Or dudes screaming with really contorted faces.

Or black females screaming with really contorted faces.


She IS right behind him, isn't she?


>Or black females screaming with really contorted faces.
your preconceived notions of what a wizard is really show how uneducated you are

Who in their right mind would let their commander flicker into exile?

Oblivion Stone is just for the lack of supply for all those years, but they just reprint Nevinyrral's Disk each year instead. They were roughly the same price 5 years ago or so.


>Thread Question
I'm hoping it isn't just a heavy control deck, but with how the other decks are panning out, it is inevitable.

That may mean something for Dominaria. Why would they change the rules for one card that may or may not be played in some edh decks?

I was kind of hoping Jodah would be in this one.

>you are treated as though you don't exist

It's like attending prom all over again

>every cishetwhitemale ever

In grixis? I'd rather not.

>Why would they change the rules for one card that will be played in every W and part W edh deck?


Becaus eif they randomly bring baxk a shitty weird mechanic, theres no better time to revise it. its just a small change that matters for the deck its in because of Edgar. It means nothing.

I suppose they might also be non-human.

I'm just hoping for a Boros commander that doesn't suck

Not really. Phasing never removed the card from the game, only made it not exist temporarily. Tokens only disappear if they leave the battlefield, which phasing does not do.

>Keep calling this Angry Black Woman Yelling At High Velocity, the Deck in somewhat large playgroup
>Not getting shit for it
I am lucky

teferi's bullshit should have had split second as well

>nigress runnign at incredibel high speeds


Trying to build some Slivers, tell me how shit my first draft is

You are retarded, This card doesn't save you from 70% combos played in the format. Only dumb, basic Kiki-Jikki stuff and combat wins. Angel's Grace is better and cost 1. I'd play it against Jhoira or other mld dominant decks, but that's it.

It's fringe as fuck.

I don't mean he'd be Grixis, just that I wish he'd come in the deck. Jodah is primarily blue after all.

>play edh at the store I usually only play malifaux at
>play some games
>win some games
>haha I identify as a solider do I get +1/+1 until end of turn
>ha my pronouns are fag and faggot lol
>room is silent
>what did you say user
>big shit eating grin on my face
>I said my pronouns are fag and faggot lol
>get kicked out
>told to never come back

>Phasing never removed the card from the game,

Sure did. It had it's own zone and everything.

But that was long ago.

They are $20-30 because they havent been reprinted

>strictly better Ghostway is fringe as fuck

wait does teferi's bullshit give you an untap step?
do they phase in untapped if they were tapped?

Demonic Tutor will literally never be reprinted even though it's not on the reserve list. As for the others, the only chance of them being reprinted outside of their Masterpiece reprints would be as mythics in a Masters set. Might as well buy them now before they get too expensive

It gives you protection from everything. That means that stuff like BSZ, Aetherflux, and Tendrils cannot target you.

Seeing Teferi again really has me hoping he gets a new card in Dominaria. UW if anything because Teferi shows up a decent amount in white and his mention in Karona's story (though its place in canon is up in the air) has him appear as an avatar of White mana. I'd like him to be the phasing commander I've always wanted.

I have no god damn clue how phasing works, do you get etb triggers? I was under the impression you did not.

>Demonic Tutor will literally never be reprinted

Expect to see it in Iconic Masters.

Eh, not true. This is a good card but ghostway allows for etb abuse. Also it doesnt exile itself (not that there aren't ways around that).

The important question is, what is your position on the pronunciation of "slivers"?

>strictly better Ghostway is fringe as fuck

Because Ghostway is such a staple. It's even strictly better dumbass, Ghostway triggers ETB effects.

this is so much fun in grenzo.....sure ill take 10 lands.

>do you get etb triggers?


Honestly I think phasing is more rules trouble than it's worth. Maybe they're trying to soften us up for wider return of the mechanic or some shit.

And no, you don't get etb triggers. Although I think there was something that cared about "whenever something phases in" and that would generate a trigger.

Im almost certain he'll be in Dominaria now tbqh. Pretty sure he will have nothing to do with phasing though.

How would pronounce it other than literally the word "Sliver"?

Haha, epic kekistani bants dude! You should totally go back there wearing a MAGA hat and steal their cards for being degenerates. Hahaha helicopter rides am I right fellow 4channer?

You don't. Phasing doesn't cause creatures to enter the battlefield because they never really left. They simply ceased existing for a short time.

Phasing in/out happens during the controller's untap step, before they untap.
So phased out things come back in, then untap.


That's. . .brilliant actually

However, the personal limit I've placed on these decks is that all creatures must fall under the category of that particular Eldrazi brood. Hanweir was a bit of a stretch, but I put it in that category because the flavor of that town was all the people became eldrazi horrors, including the physical town itself. The deck reflects that mechanically as well.

I build for flavor more than anything 99% of the time. It's why I love tribal decks so much.

speaking of which, HO BOY is my sliver deck gonna LOVE these tribal spells!


Slih-vers is objectively correct, and all others are objectively wrong.

They brought it back becauee it did what they wanted but avoid doing etb triggers because that wasnt what it was meant for. According to the article, the dev was asked "so basically you just want your stuff to not exist for a turn?" And the rest is history. Dollars to donuts there is no greater significance behind its usage.

This was done because of that Ixalan Jace Card that has an ult that creates a token copy of itself.

Also Legendary rules are probably going to change. Riku is going to get jacked up because of it.

Basically, they're going to remove the legendary rules, but balance it by introducing new stuff that can deal with the shift in the Meta.

After Nigravamp I've lost all hopes. When not even vampires can be hot chicks in fetish/glamour gear, your IP's balls have been cut off.

not the user you're talking to but me and my buddies pronounce it

I for the longest time miss read it as silvers though.