How would a world where all mythologies are true exist?
How would a world where all mythologies are true exist?
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All of the gods and demons that have existed are still around and merely jump ship whenever a new God gains supremecy.
Currently, The warlord god Yaweh has subjugated many other religions and many of the old gods have pledged loyalty to him and changed their names becoming "angels"
Those that rebelled were cast out and have become the numerous demons who are against Yaweh.
It's called real life, look up Modal Realism. Any narrative that humans can imagine is in fact just as real as reality, because it exists within reality, and can effect reality in one way or another.
Some gods (Such as YHWH or Odin) become real when their followers manage to convince you to believe in them. Other gods (such as science or nature) are powerful enough to assert their existence from observational evidence, independent of human arguments. If the second kind of god appears to be more valid to you than the first, that's only because you don't like to listen to what other people have to say, and are thus resistant to one form of belief. Ironically, many people who insist on a purely scientific worldview lack any form of scientific background themselves, and simply listen to whatever people they consider to be respected authorities tell them. The controversy over Bill Nye should tell you that much.
So, all stories are true, because a story is as real as you make it. If this doesn't make sense to you, then you haven't figured out how to manipulate reality yet.
Well, OP, Odin would be the CEO of Monoc securities, renting out Valkyrie and Einherjar mercenaries.
An actual carpenter would be a knight of the cross.
A mouthy wizard burns down buildings.
Oberon tends a bar.
The oracles of Delphi were actually hosts for a magical construct that archives all of mankind's accumulated knowledge.
>when you take so much red suppositories in your ass you start to jizz blood
What if it's the other way around
Fallen angels atarted calling themselves gods
>Mac is Oberon
I think he's a Grigori, since He Who Walks Before called him "watcher"
Hyped for Peace Talks, and for finding out which good guy is actually the spy Outsider Knight, He Who Walks Beside. I bet it's Ramirez
It would't. Myths contradict each other all the time.
I personally dislike the idea of there actually being a one true god. In this way, Yaweh could have been the bitch boy to another diety and then found his niche when he got his own chosen people. But this is all about suggestions so if that's the way you want to take it by all means.
You're right, Mac could of course be a Grigori as well, but I remember reading somewhere that Oberon was a master brewer, and it'd kinda make sense for him to be vaguely ageless and an independent party to host accorded neutral grounds as the king of the wild fae, but I could be completely wrong, of course.
I really really hope Ramirez isn't the traitor, I really like him, and the poor guy's been through so much already,
Hyped for Peace Talks as well, recently binged the series again and aside from Ghost Story, it was pretty enjoyable, if seriously repetitive.
>The gods of Egypt were cowed when YHVH's archangels proved too tough for anything short of a prolonged campaign.
>But Horus the Avenger never forgot
>And Horus never forgave
by severely diluting and diminishing the concept of myth, and for that matter, truth.
You can still steal conspiracy theories and /x/ style metaphysics for world-building even if it's wrong irl
A better question is how are creation myths all true.
The best you're going to get is some lame fluff about how magic is real if you believe in it, or maybe a few alternate versions of reality that converge somehow, and those are all tired concepts.
Do you mean how could all mythologies in the real world be simultaneously true or how could you have multiple competing religions in a fantasy setting where they're all true?
The former.
You can't at-least without altering the original myths so that they don't contradict each other
That would break my heart.
In that case, how would you do it?
If the answer is "just do it the same as American Gods/Dresden Files/Harry Potter/..." then that's fine, those are all fun settings.
I'm ok with them being slightly altered for world building sake. As long as the stories aren't completely changed.
What parts were repetitive? I'm interested in repeated elements or situations and examining them.
Or do you mean like "Dresden lets Murphy come with him against his better judgment" repetition?
Doesn't that make that higher deity the one true God, demiurge style?
Or is it turtles all the way up?
Well in adition to the stuff already mentioned like making reality subjective, you could also go with having each mythology as a flawed interpretation of the same truth or you could have gods be local forces, Zeus for example is only really a thing in Greece and places influenced by greek culture
>ctrl+f planescape
>0 results
I'm disappointed Veeky Forums
One of my favorite parts of dresden Files is vampires. It acknowledges that "vampire" has been and could beapplied to a lot of different kinds of monsters, and so treats it as a catch all term for
>used to be human, and reproduces by turning humans into more like itself
>appears to be human...ish
>eats humans (for whatever value of "eat")
So you have Red Court Mayan camazotz, White Court Western Euro incubi and succubi, Black Court Slavic nosferatu, and Jade Court Chinese Jiangxi. My money is that ghouls are the mid-east representative that used to be the Top Vamp until they went out of fashion, now they're just hired muscle
Pretty sure it ends up like God of War, where someone kills off the Pantheon in a certain part of the world and moves onto the next.
Killing all of them until the Earth is ravaged by their absence.
It would be complete, total, absolute gibberish.
Utter chaos.
I'm pretty sure all the sun gods would just chill out with Ra on his barge.
It could not work. Think of all of the creation myths alone.
Just read the Dresden Files already faggot.
I don't think Mac is Oberon.
I think he's literally what Sharkface/He Who Walks Before called him; a Watcher, which is it's own mythological thing.
Butcher actually explained what happened to Oberon once.
Basically he was two-timing both Mab AND Titania, and they both found out. He didn't survive the breakup.
>Jade Court Chinese Jiangxi.
I've used them for my house game.
They're actually playable, but only at Submerged-level Refresh games due to the number of powers they have.
Have we finally got a release date for Peace Talks yet?
No, but Butcher just finished the last short story collection ("Brief Cases") and says he's completrlt done with short stories because they detract too much time from finishing the proper novels.
The one where Ramirez and Molly hook up to go kill Alaskan Innsmouth is a fun one, though Ramirez is STILL a virgin and Molly discovers some shitty downsides to being Winter Lady when it comes to sex.
All this talk of who Mac is and no one is asking the important question. who in the fuck had the balls to steal Grammy Winter's cane???
>Ramirez still a virgin.
Guy has no luck, does he?
What's the sex problem? Maeve didn't seem to have any problem being a total slut.
My guess?
The Blackstaff had to come from somewhere doesn't it? And an a "do unto evil" magical artifact like that fits Winter's purview pretty well.
When Molly has sex with someone now her first instinct is to go full Praying Mantis and murder them mid-coitus. Molly realizes what "climaxing" is going to be just in time and breaks it off, but Ramirez freaks the fuck out because she was halfway to killing him.
I'm guessing her staff was on the Black side, if you catch my drift.
How stupid do you have to be to sleep with Mab and THEN cheat on her?
Even Titania seems like she'd go pretty nutshit over that.
Sidhe Be Crazy
Considering the Mothers have implied they are one person, I think the Queens sort of are too. The Queens also have some kind of relationship with Hades, which makes me think they're the two moods of Persephone (who is apparently madly in love with Hades, and he with her) and the Mothers are Demeter.
So Mab and Titania can fuck whoever they please because they run shit. The Ladies, however, are backups and need to be ready at any time, which apparently means they can't have sex with anyone at all (except possibly the Knights I think)
How this manifests is that Molly and Maeve before her go berserkergang as the Mantle of Winter takes over and attempts to kill whoever has the gall to offend the Lady's honor.
That sounds awesome.
It seems like the mantles get heavier and heavier the higher up the food chain you go. Which fits in with how things work in the Dresdenverse, power always comes with a downside, more power = bigger drawback. So while the Knights can take off the mantles at times (though at least the Winter Mantle has been shown to constantly tempt it's owner to put it back on) the Ladies likely have a hell of a time being themselves and not the Ladies, and the Queen's likey can't exert their own will anymore save for tiny acts here and there. More like moments that remind you they used to be people than anything else.
The Fate system really does capture this shit well. (stupid Harry, Every time his threshold goes up he buys a new power. Forever starting at one fate chip.)
>You can't at-least without altering the original myths so that they don't contradict each other
What if they're all true even though they DO contradict each other?
Great Coyote set the stars in the sky in imitation of eyes. And Yahweh created the stars during the 7 days. And stars are just distant balls of gas burning in space. And stars are fireflies, sown into the fabric of the night sky.
And so on.
See Planescape
No shit, I came up with this notion years ago. It made me the most tolerant atheist I know. I imagined that I couldn't be the first, but never bothered to look. Modal realism... Interesting.
Thank you for making me less ignorant user.
>No mention of Shin Megami Tensei.
You dissapoint me.
>The oracles of Delphi were actually hosts for a magical construct that archives all of mankind's accumulated knowledge.
They are Google. You query is just submitted to an oracle instead of a search engine.