>FBI investigated a group of Dungeons and Dragons players as part of the Unabomber case
>FBI investigated a group of Dungeons and Dragons players as part of the Unabomber case
That's fair. If one of my friends committed a terrorist attack, I would be disappointed if I didn't get asked about my relationship with them by the FBI. From an investigative perspective it makes sense.
The Secret Service raided Steve Jackson's office because they thought his GURPS Cyberpunk book was connected to cyberterrorism.
Your link isn't shocking in the least.
I think Ted was right.
Well at least this guy thinks we're smart.
>extremely intelligent
There is no reason why Jerks and Terrorists can't play DnD.
On a list of reasons why my taxes are so high, stupid things like this are some of them.
Kind of disquieting that our elite guardians consider us 'extremely intelligent'.
Well, that was back in '95, when people were playing AD&D 2e and roleplaying simply was not as accessible or popular as today. And they were referring to people who actually played games regularly with others in person (no Roll20 in '95), as opposed to every teenager who blunders into Veeky Forums screaming obscenities and fapping to images of lizard people.
yeah but this was pre-3rd ed, so the autism, pants-shitting and general hatred of humanity common in today's D&D was less common back then
Cops, even FBI/CIA are not smart
The truly smart people working for those organisations are the analysts in the offices.
The door-kickers are grunts with average intelligence
I think you overestimate just how smart the "average" person is. They probably assumed DnD players were "extremely intelligent" because they can do math really quick and formulate plans.
>extremely intelligent
Yeah well, it was all done by a modern day lovecraft kid-genius who got fucked hard by the government who lived innawoods and hated Jews.
Think he was good at chess too.
>Ted 'Known for his other work' Kaczynski
He was a brilliant mathematician whose proofs are still taught in university mathematics classes today.
>mid 90ies
>west coast
Yeah... I'm on that list for sure
This is a good thing to keep track of if in your campaign's you are facing law enforcement. Officer Joe that is arresting your party for crimes against the dragon probably knows little about you, do a good persuasion or deception roll and you can easily get past him.
Fucking summer.
It's the Thai cuisine that gave them away.
>Not collectors
Normie pleb
Yet here you are.
This, I worked briefly for a scouting agency and "outstanding intelligence" accounts for anyone who has forethought and/or basic tactical skills.
"Outstanding physical condition" accounted anyone who wasn't overweight, ancient or anorexic.
Standards are not at all.
>Less autism and pant-shitting
I was playing back then and I can honestly say you have no idea what you're talking about.
>our elite guardians
Is this seriously what you think the alphabet soup agencies are?
The only thing Ted Kaczynski did wrong was not doing his homework and recognizing that they had a daycare inside the building.
Which is kinda fucked up if you think about it. Having a daycare in a center of government? One of the most likely places to be attacked by a terrorist? Who fucking okayed that dipshit idea?
>The only thing Ted Kaczynski did wrong was not doing his homework and recognizing that they had a daycare inside the building.
That was the other angry bomb guy.
Ted was the guy who blew up researchers and bureaucrats with letter bombs.
God dammit. I always confuse Ted with McVeigh. I don't even know why, but it always fucking happens.
>Special Agents and Case Officers
>not smart
What are you smoking?
>Having a daycare in a center of government? One of the most likely places to be attacked by a terrorist? Who fucking okayed that dipshit idea?
The same reason that a lot of hospitals have day cares for the children of the employees.
Having on-site daycare is a big draw for people who live in big cities.
>First we were satanists now we're terrorists
At what point can we sue
You're thinking of the Oklahoma City Bomber, and daycares are a normal feature of high end employment. It's not ablative armor like the durkallahs use, because bombing civilians is not a normal occurrence in the US.
I don't think that's really equivalent. Hospitals are almost-globally regarded as safe zones, which is why people get so pissed off when certain groups use them (as well as places like schools) to stage terrorist or other military activities.
You're basically hiding behind a shield of kids and saying "Nyah, nyah, you can't get me or you're a BAD person." It's appalling conduct.
Oh my god I never got that reference until now
Oh shit, the FBI's here. Everyone act natural.
>tfw too intelligent too spend money on anything other than plastic toys
>Eats Fruit Loops before the bombing
I don't think you understand just how rare large-scale terrorist attacks in America were back then. Plus the daycare was there to provide a convenient service, not to shield the building from explosives.
Attacks on government buildings are exceedingly rare, however, employees who don't want to waste an additional hour a day commuting for pick-up/drop-off and tens of thousands of dollars a year on a private daycare are, however, extremely common. Frankly, the reduction in vehicle miles traveled alone probably saves more children in a month than have been killed in terrorist bombings of government buildings since the dawn of time.
it's Veeky Forums dude FBI probably come here all the time, they're used to our autism by now
lurk more faggot
I do understand, and I'm aware of the probabilities involved, and I still think it's fucking appalling to have a daycare inside a building where government employees works. It makes children a target, or casualty, for the sake of convenience to the government workers in question.
The conspiracy theorist in me says that it was an ill-advised idea in order to somewhat mitigate the dangers of terrorist attack. The realist in me says it was just some asshole's bad idea that got okayed because government workers are complacent as shit and don't realize that they are in constant danger due to the field of work they chose to undertake.
Either way, keep kids out of government buildings. There is no benefit worth the risk.
>I do understand
No nigga, you don't.
what exactly do you think an investigation should do, if somehow "asking people with whom he interacted in what way he interacted with them and to what depths that went" is paranoid conspiracy mongering?
You've convinced me. I will change my ways.
You better
t. FBI
That's cute, considering you have to do all the boring shit to actually get to the few cool parts of the FBI. Their normal SWAT still do boring shit when they're not called in, and you'll be doing that boring shit for a while before you're allowed to try out for HRT.
Stop talking about shit you don't know anything about.
>still doesn't get it
>runs his mouth like he knows what I'm talking about
>completely misses the joke
Lurk fucking more
Wasn't this guy brainwashed by the CIA as part MKUltra?
When I was a kid, I answered the door for two FBI agents... that was fun.
>A cop role-playing as a role-player that is role-playing a wizard to see if the other role-players arent just role-playing
Hey Veeky Forums which is the best system to run this?
Oh the late 80's, a time where the government could belived that any chuclefuck with a pc was able to crack bullshit and be right about it
They let FBI agents be trans too?!
Good thing I don't have any incriminating material on my comp-
>my GFD folder is full of /ss/
Unlike the average fa/tg/uy, they are regularly exposed to the full spectrum of American society. You think your fellow gamers are dumb because of those 104 iq hair sniffers in the pony T-shirts seem like complete and utter fuck ups, but what you fail to realise, at least on the intuitive level, is that 104 is above average and that more than half of society is dumber than those kids. You can't intuitively grasp it because it's not common that you meet people way way dumber than you are, but law enforcement people do.
Rock bottom is way, way, way down from here.
Its hard to know exactly what did or did not happen as part of MKUltra, since the lions share of the records were destroyed (by the CIA before they could be investigated), but its primary focus was on chemicals with intelligence applications including, improved interrogation outcomes, faking illnesses, disabling extraction targets, publicly embarrassing people, and lowering ambition in workers. Some work was done on 'mind control', primarily though a combination of drugs and sleep deprecation, although a wide range of other stuff, like shock therapy and hypnosis, were tried as well. The CIA hasn't exactly been forthcoming with results, outcomes and how they feed into the state of tradecraft at the CIA, although personally I think that one of the objective
"Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced."
was probably the genesis of MDMA as a street drug, jumping form the CIAs program to the CIA at large, and then out into the world, perhaps looking to make some untraceable cash or a new friend in the recreational chemistry business.
I'll quote George Carlin:
''When you look at the average inteligence of people, just remember that at least half of them are dumber than that.
Some people have bad manners and low EQ due to being raised badly which we falsely call Autism.
EQ and IQ have a low corelation in humans.
Then there's the fact that most modern men are low in conscintiousness due to having everything they need ''on demand'' and thus lack discipline (doesn't mean they can't train them selves to change).
>They know how to save money for expensive toys
>These people are extremely intelligent
I'm not surprised since most people choose to blow their money away the second they have it,
>I'll quote George Carlin:
Yep, wargamers definitely aren't extremely intelligent.
Pretty sure that players are the most retarded people around. Including me, of course
Not even close.
Ponder that, and despair thinking about the fact there's at least a handfull of people with a direct responsability in making sure your money is safe and valuable, your water is potable, you have avaliability of food and medicine, and are safe from crime. All being much less intelligent than yourself.
>Ponder that, and despair thinking about the fact there's at least a handfull of people with a direct responsability in making sure your money is safe and valuable, your water is potable, you have avaliability of food and medicine, and are safe from crime. All being much less intelligent than yourself.
Yeah, if they were less intelligent then they wouldn't be working where they are working and they wouldn't be having good and stable workplaces.
>us cops r totally smrt you lil bitch 300 gorilla kulls!
>he didnt hack the pentagon clinton files with stevy and assage
Fucking D%Drones.
What the fuck?
MKULTRA was lsd; mdma was developed as a therapy drug
The misc acronyms probably have higher standards but the average cop applicant can and have been rejected for being too smart. That's not to say all cops are dumb but at the same time it does mean there's a bit of a cap on how smart they're going to get unless they knew to fake a lower intelligence.
>Hiding behind kids
Are you retarded? None of these people expect to be bombed, most government buildings in the US don't get bombed. These are people with their own lives who want to have the "luxury" of having their children taken care of while they go do their regular ass jobs.
No one is hiding behind their children.
It's like you have no fucking clue what being a parent is like, or what government employees actually love through.
Holy fucking shit, get outta the fuck basement Timmy.
>Bringing your family to live with you on the Warship Enterprise
terrorists don't attack their enemy.
They attack their enemies subjects, just look at the IRA.
>better know for other work
He still put a bomb on a plane full of people
Maybe they knew dnd players are intelligent, but not wise?
A while ago we had guy post here that works for unspecified national security agency saying browsing Veeky Forums, and other such "social sites other than FB" is part of job description for couple people in their department (FB has its own dedicated team).
>bombing civilians is not a normal occurrence in the US.
It has been before and seems likely to be so again.
True enough, but shootings are far more common.
Compared to say Irish Separatists whose modus operandi is primarily bombs (but you don't hear that on TV because nobody cares about Ireland)
I think that unless the raid is already over, she's missing a fucking jacket to conceal that pistol.
If you're talking Weather Underground and other shit back in the 70s, they rarely hit civies unless the bomb courier fucked up. FALN was considered the most extreme, but they only hit one bar.
Ignorance is a boon.
I actually worked in the local water sanitation plant and had to build a filter of my own at home after what I experienced.
>I worked briefly for a scouting agency
Any good/funny/interesting stories?
>to intelligent
Anyone has the maths paper that actually had this in the references?
*Too intelligent
Obviously doesn't apply to you, user.
Just one Fed for the whole of Veeky Forums or, like, one for each board or what?
You realize his "other work" that's referring to is another set of math proofs, right
"tfw to intelligent" is a meme, user. It's been in circulation site-wide for over a year.
I have dishonoured myself with my lack of meme-ary.
I must pic related.