How does your group handle ascension to godhood? Any good stories of a PC ascending?
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How does your group handle ascension to godhood? Any good stories of a PC ascending?
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Do all these new Rick and Morty screencaps mean that Season 3 is finally out?
Yes. S3E1 was streamed online on April 1st, exactly a year and a half after the end of season 2, which this img is from. then a bit of a break, now we're back into it with S3E2 & S3E3 out.
Well hot dog
I will probably end up waiting until the whole season is out and then binge it all at once.
Haven't hit there yet, but in my current campaign, my character is working on it. Purely for his own safety. My DM says it's possible, but the campaign is taking place in Greyhawk's universe, and dude has been DMing since before D&D existed, so he's got that real old-fashioned idea of difficulty. So I'm sure it's not happening.
Don’t bother, it got stale and self-derivative.
Are you sure you're not just bitter for unrelated reasons?
Regardless, I can't trust the opinion of someone who posts a meme image with improper punctuation.
Xavier was absolute garbage
Is that Xavier : Renegade Angel any good? I can hardly find anything about it.
I've seen a few clips, and I got that feeling. (He's a pickle? That wasn't just a bit they did? Jesus...) I always wait until a season is finished so I can marathon it though, so I couldn't be sure.
Its only been on less than 3 seasons
for fucks sake, Next Generation was bad longer than rick and morty has existed, and look how it turned around in later seasons
>Regardless, I can't trust the opinion of someone who posts a meme image with improper punctuation.
But that's the greatest qualification of them all.
They fired all the male writers and replaced them by female writers with no qualifications for season 3.
This is true.
Most people didn't know that at first, but they instantly recognized a sharp drop in quality in Rick and Morty. The drop in quality was so huge people started asked questions, and it appeared they fired all the male writers to replace them by female with no qualifications.
This is highly entertaining bullshit. I don't really know how many cocks had been sucked, or what exactly happened, but brace yourself for a stupid season of Rick and Morty.
>This is true.
Holy shit it's one of them alt right bots! On Veeky Forums no less! Damn I didn't think we were that important
>s that Xavier : Renegade Angel any good?
I didn't think it was, but then I read the wiki on it. Apparently it's loaded with a lot of highbrow high-concept shit that goes over my head.
I like Rick and Morty because it makes me laugh, which Xavier fails to do.
>They fired all the male writers and replaced them by female writers with no qualifications for season 3.
>This is true.
If you say so. Other, more correct people would say that they hired three female writers in addition to their three male writers, so now they have the three male writers and three more female writers, for a total of six writers (three male writers and three female writers).
Look, man.
Fact 1: Season 3 has a huge drop in quality. Most people say that this last episode, particularly, was the worst Rick and Morty ever aired.
Fact 2: They fired all the men and replaced them by women without qualifications. This is easily checkable on the net.
Both of those facts are true. Both of those facts are readily available on the internet. You believe what you want, mate. You think what you want, make the connections between those two facts as you want. I won't try to force you to use your brain. Just be aware of those two objectively true facts.
I thought ep 2 was kinda weak, but I enjoyed ep 3, I honestly don't see what people are whining about.
>Fact 2: They fired all the men and replaced them by women without qualifications. This is easily checkable on the net.
>Part of that renewed creative energy, Harmon says, came from a gender-balanced writers’ room, the first in the show’s history. “We had that for this season and I thought the results were really good because it meant that both the men and the women could increase their attention on Beth and Summer [Morty’s mom and teenage sister],” Harmon explains. In a room of three men and three women, “nobody represents any gender because if nobody outnumbers anybody else, then nobody’s an ambassador to anything.”
Weird. After checking the net, it seems they doubled their writing staff by hiring three women.
Although I am not agreeing with the butthurt guys complaining about "firing all the men", IMDB lists a lot more than 3 male writers that were part of writing the show up until the end of 2015
Played a Chronomancer who gathered every version of himself from the next hour ahead of him and contained them all in a sub-dimensional pocket. The collective mages were a problem to the GM, so "Fuck it, you're a god now, reroll."
See :There were a lot more than 3 male writers before this season
So where are the proofs that they got fired? People often leave projects.
People are annoyed about the Self Insert that did nothing but reiterate what we already know about Rick, all while grinding any comedy to a halt.
They were six at first but three changed gender.
I dunno, I enjoyed it. I love the reminders that Rick is at his core kind of pathetic and hates himself.
Not here to argue that they fired all the males, but the idea that they just added 3 females to the 3 men that were already there is not quite true. So to imply that the change in quality is not due to the change in writers is probably also not true
> alt right fake news proved false again
Go back to sucking off Russian State Television. I hope when/if evidence is found, the whole lot of you hang for treason.
Are you fucking retarded? Wong was great.
That moment when Beth says
>and by the way, your name is totally racist.
Yeah, but unless those writers were actually fired, this alt-right wanker is just a shit-stirring ideologue.
>change in quality
Pickle Rick is still up there. So far this looks like your standard Veeky Forums bitching.
It isn't really a thing given that gods strictly speaking aren't in existence, only broad constellations representing ideologies and their powers. Faith without faces, as I put it.
However, physical near-gods are fair game. The "last dragon", an omnipitent ur-being, was so powerful his death still has shockwaves of eldritch power decades later.
My character, a paladin fighting for an extreme idea of a greater good, skirted his personal convictions and lied to the queen of all fey to gain a portion of her power. He broke his oath in the process but it seems like a fair trade given what's at stake- and in this world it's about as close as one gets to godhood.
Xavier: Renegade Angel is a show made for art students and philosophy students. Or druggies. Or art students and philosophy students that do drugs.
It's not really that funny unless you like dipping in deep abstract world salad.
Dan Harmon - 2013 to 2017
Justin Roiland 2013 to 2017
Eric Acosta 2013 to 2015
Tom Kauffman 2013 to 2015
Wade Randolph 2013 to 2015
Matt roller 2015
And 8 more writers that all did between 1 and 3 episodes
They did admittedly add 4 women to the roster for 2017. But that's hardly all that's changed friendo
Look at this guy, trying to actually discuss what the thread was originally about.
What an asshole.
>6-3 males aren't 3 male writers remaining and 3 new female ones
>I love the reminders that Rick is at his core kind of pathetic and hates himself.
Those should be shown, not told. Hell, the whole point of Episode 1 of this season was Morty reminding people that Rick, while someone he cares about, is an incredibly shitty person.
It was shown in that he just sat there and tacitly agreed with her rather than kicking up a stink or bothering to defend himself in the slightest.
Also him attempting to erase it by buttering Beth up and relying on manipulating her driving need for his approval.
And 8 more other presumably guest writers which the new season has had none of... selective readingn I understand
>why would a complete season have more guest writers than a season only three episodes in?
This is me, imitating you.
This, see? The three new female writers are actually former male writers and the other dudes are just guests.
Calm down /pol/.
>First season had all male writers, was fucking amazing
>Second season had all male writers, sucked donkey balls except for 1 or two eps
>Third season has 3 female and 3 male writers, some male writers got fired. Has had two great episodes and one episode far above par for S2
I feel like the gender dynamic has very little to do with quality here.
Seriously though, do you not fucking remember get schwifty? That was /par/ for S2. At least pickle rick was the most biopunk thing ever represented in media, easily surpassing guyver.
God, western cartoons are so fucking ugly. I can't imagine how people could stomach watching that shit even if the writing and humor weren't so terrible.
They signed up a bunch of new writers with very little experience (annoying orange writer) between seasons and it shows. It really really shows.
>Pickle Rick approached by a cat
"Cat! Do not eat me! I know that cats hate pickles because they confuse pickles with snakes, but I promise you I am not a snake, which you hate, I am a pickle."
And in Episode 2...
Morty: Aww Jeeze giant mutant arm, killing people really helps me blow off steam during my parents divorce.
5 minutes later
Morty: Aww Jeeze giant mutant arm, killing people really helps me blow off steam during my parents divorce.
Writing is all about saying something without really saying it, but these new writers are handling topics with all the subtly of a giant murderous mutant arm.
can't ascend if we turn him into PICKLE RIIIIICK
Well there was this one guys that fucked over one of our players out of Godhood and quickly became a thorn in mine and another guys side so we plotted and waited, so when he tried to fight tiamat solo we set out plans into action and he died. He's trying for round two but myself and guy have an underground cyber empire that stretches space and time to deal with his bullshit
>God, western cartoons are so fucking ugly. I can't imagine how people could stomach watching that shit even if the writing and humor weren't so terrible.
Hey, I know you are expecting to get some upset replies, but I just wanted to let you know that I feel the same way about japshit. Small world, innit?
Why must you turn this thread into a den of lies?
How here unironically the idea of Heroes with a big H to become minor deities or at least spiritual immortal beings as a reward?
Think about Herakles and all.
>Both of those facts are readily available on the internet
>nobody would ever spread a rumor or lie to us in the internet
>Come to thread cause characters ascending actually is an interesting idea to me
>Derailed into Rick and Morty thread from post one
On one hand, I'm a little disappointed, but on the other hand, it's good to see you haven't gotten boring Veeky Forums.
This meme would be a lot better if it were The Venture Bros on the right.
saved like hell
>show has jokes or wordplay that flies over your head, or requires subsequent rewatch to fully comprehend
Not even bashing Rick and Morty, but Jesus Christ Veeky Forums is full of retards.
wow, so much for the tolerant left
It's a good show. An ugly as hell show, but a good show all the same.
Its without a doubt the best absurdist humor will ever be.
I think its just them running out of content. Season 2 is a massive step down from season one.
Why haven't they hung Ted Kennedy yet?
Who are you quoting?
The left is tolerant of people who have done nothing wrong. The Trump administration on the other hand likely committed treason and has worked to make people's lives more shitty since day 1 to benefit a select few and their intolerant beliefs. They deserve to be arrested and punished for betraying their own people for personal profit.
>The left is tolerant of people who have done nothing wrong
ROFL. Man, either you don't read news or you don't know any right-wing or moderate people IRL.
The left witch hunts people all the time, from Harvard professors like Larry Summers to Nobel scientists like James Watson. Google's HR reps just canned an engineer for wrongthink, and he wasn't even a rightist, he was a classical liberal.
Getting witch hunted is a real, concrete risk for conservatives in academia and major companies.
>The left is tolerant of people who have done nothing wrong.
You wanna derail this into a /pol/ thread by lying on the internet? Fine, let's derail this into a /pol/ thread by lying on the internet.
>The left is tolerant of people who have done nothing wrong
How do you define "done nothing wrong" and how do you diferentiate it from "people I don't like", because the Left s notoriously bad at doing that. I mean, just look at all the shit CNN has been landing themselves into.
This is just McCarthyism by another name, and is just as much of an example of horseshoe theory as how the sheer ammount and levels of hate from both /pol/ and the SJWs are essentially the same nowadays
In the denouement of my last big campaign quite a few of the players achieved some sort of diety.
The emporer, who was also the prophet of a forgotten spider god, sacrificed himself to summon his god to stop an archlich and an enslaved dracolich from destroying his kingdom and save his son. He became the first spidereinherjar fighting them alongside his god for eternity.
Of the rest, a few players died fighting the lich, and the rest flew off to fight 3 of the horsemen of the apocalypse, having beaten famine earlier in the campaign.
The homunculus, after killing War, stayed behind to hold off Conquest while the wounded party regrouped. Conquest revealed that he was actually a plan across decades by War to become the greatest warrior. He later fused with his series of 66 autistically dedicated swordsmen and became War.
The half dragon and giant spider agreed to let the two remaining horsemen reshape the world.
The Lich was evil since he did the ritual, and the demon bound to him (unrelated) survived the cleansing, theyll,come back as the last Old demon if I ever revisit the setting.
>How does your group handle ascension to godhood?
We got rules for this.
>has worked to make people's lives more shitty since day 1 to benefit a select few and their intolerant beliefs
You mean the people who voted for him? You know, what a politician is supposed to do? I have a lot of reason to dislike Trump, but I will never understand the people who try to denigrate him for working towards his campaign promises.
Well, unless you're willing to argue that a possible case of colluding with a foreign power who actually broke the laws of your state to sway an American presidential election as 'wrong'...
that's not what that term means.
>*wasn't wrong
That's the important word right there.
i can't tell if you're trolling. it's a 15 minute cartoon show, not obscure wittgenstein puns
>classic blunder thread derailed into /pol/bait
It's good, but it's definitely not for everyone.
Pickle Rick is amazing.
OP deserved this for his shitty choice of image
>The left is tolerant of people who have done nothing wrong
Statistics show that people who identify as leaning left are actually less tolerant of discenting views than people who identify as leaning to the right.
>Russian collusion
Dude pee pee tape lmao lmao i cant believe orange drumphie the racist sucks putins cock what a fucking homophobe lmao he should be hung for treason 4 having a foriegnier influence us politics john oliver and trevor noah told me so.
I wonder if some day you'll have sincerely held beliefs that you understand and hold yourself to.
Please sage when you reply to me, this is an off-topic post and not related to traditional games in any way.
>How does your group handle ascension to godhood?
By accidentally funneling the remnant dreaming power of the dead god who created the worlds into a small slavic girl.
>my replacement daddy figure who only cares about his own personal power would never do anything wrong guys!
fuck off alt-shit
Is she at least cute?
yeah that's why right wing nuts knife people to death right? because they're sooo tolerant?
I just find it suspect that this "possible case" only arose after it was concretely shown that the Democrats rigged their own elections. I also find it shameful that it took a Russian to expose it, because American journalists are bought-and-paid-for cockroaches, these days.
You're thinking of bernie supporters.
>dindu nothin
Yeah sending out a hate filled manifesto at work, while you're supposed to be fuckign working, is nothing right? Just "witchhunts"
Yet I'm sure if Hobby Lobby fired someone for taking birth control (something the right seriously advocates for) that's just dandy?
The right always leaves a sludge of hypocrisy dribbling everywhere
>hurr it's a false flag guys!
>The people who firebomb doctors offices and threaten people constantly couldn't be violent!
Fucking retards these days
My friend read the rules for ascension in 2nd edition D&D and made it his goal to become a god. Once he met all the requirements his character joined the pantheon and he had to make a new character.
>Guy who literally shots several republican congressmen
>Lmao nah, we don't commit any violence.
>nuh-uh its them democrats!
>no one could possibly vote in a way I wouldn't therefore it's rigged!
Yeah the republicans having the most gerrymandered districts and passing voter suppression laws constantly are all them democrats fault right?
>literally decades of right wing terrorism
>hurr it's the left gius!
Hypocrisy at it's finest. The right can kill as many as they like but oh no! A single person who's not a goose stepping moron does something and it's all the lefts fault!
>I'm not an alt-shit honest guis!
>I just believe the left is the cause of all the violence
>never mind the right wing nut knifing people in Oregon
>or those clinic bombings
>or threatening to lynch people
fucking /pol/shits at their best. Go back to your containment board
>they can't fire tha engineer for being a racist nut it's wrong
>hurr but they can fire people for whatever reason
>as long as it supports my personal politics
This is how fucking amoral alt-shits are, as long as it puts their views on top and suppresses all others who cares about consistency or rules right?
You're dumb, and also have no faith in the strength of your beliefs. If tolerance is so progressive, and if progressiveness is the "right side of history", then the businesses that support tolerance should naturally outperform the businesses that don't, even without government intervention forcing businesses to hire people they don't want to hire, right?