Can anyone recommend a dice-rolling app which fudges the roll results in my favor? Bonus points if I can control the results depending on which way my phone is tilted/where I press roll on the screen.
Can anyone recommend a dice-rolling app which fudges the roll results in my favor...
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...You want a cheating app, basically?
It's just added insurance against bad rolls, i would't call it cheating
Just make one yourself, faggot.
thats fucking cheating
i can't into programming
it would only be cheating if it rolled 6s or 20s all the time. I'm thinking some thing more like increased chances
kys famalam
It's still cheating.
Why is it cheating? If I practice rolling physical dice well to get the desired results it wouldn't be considered cheating.
Fuck you, user.
Just lie and tell your friends what you wanted the outcomes to be. They're just part of your imagination, so they should go along with it without much hesitation.
This. It's not like everyone's staring at your dice, trying to catch you. If I feel like it'd make for better story, and I roll less than 10, I just add 10 to my roll and call it good.
OP, that's cheating. That's not to say that what you want to do is necessarily bad; a "random" dice roller that can be cheated would be a great tool for a GM to have, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's not cheating.
that doesnt happen with balanced dice. You go roll dice 10k times and you will get an equal number of results unless you drop dice or use weighted dice, which is cheating.
>Having a program that unbalances probabilities is the same FUCKING THING.
Yes it would. Anything which weights the results in your favour or makes them predictable is literally cheating.
If you can't make an app just steal one, or would that be cheating?
That's not actually mathematically true. With such a large sample size the deviation probably wouldn't be statistically significant, but you'll almost never get an actually equal number of each result. Fair probability doesn't mean it always rolls an absolutely perfect distribution of results, just as a fact of how probability works.
If you were to roll an infinite number of dice you would have an equal number of each value.
You can do it with casino dice, which is why casinos make you throw dice in a certain way when you play craps.
I would be using it against this one guy who I'm pretty sure is cheating. He uses GW Tzeentch dice and won't let me see the results before scooping them up again and telling me what he got. We don't even play GW games. Pic related is the dice
Sure, but that's completely pointless and redundant to actually say.
that's why i'm asking, I would steal an app like this if i could
I prefer to use the term "bending the rules". Bend not break lol
But it isn't. Dice are non-predictable number generators. While not being truly random, they fulfil their purpose. Compromising that purpose, of providing non-predictable number generation, is explicitly cheating. Rules are being broken, not bent.
It's exactly the point he was making but with different verbage. He only made the mistake of saying 10k instead of "a sufficiently large number" or something similar. No one has ever sat down and rolled 10k dice at once.
But some day...
Are you the GM?
Dice superstitions in PnP games are more or less on the same tier of mana weaving in MTG.
If it works, it's cheating, and if it does not work, it's a waste of time for everyone involved. Just roll the same dice as everybody else and make sure anybody who might care about the outcome can see what you got. Anything else should require the GMs permission.
Here follow this tutorial. Afterwards you should be able to figure out where to modify the chances.
If this one sucks just find a different one, there is like a dozen.
Dice testing companies do that kind of thing as a matter of course, to test their product.
most game rules actually don't specify you can't use loaded dice. much less training yourself to roll dice a certain way.
Because they don't need to be stated. It's implicit in the function of dice that compromising them is not allowed.
But if it's not explicitly stated, then no rule is being broken. Just bent like beckham lol
God fucking damn it I'm so frustrated with you OP I forgot the link.
haha I thought you were fucking with me. thanks senpai I'll take a look
>people complain Veeky Forums is shit
>OP starts troll thread saying it's okay to cheat and milks replies
>honest discussion threads barely garner 10
never change 4chin
You cheating is not using it "against" a cheater. It's just adding another cheater to the game.
And if you still think it's not cheating then how about this: tell your group what you're going to do and see if they think it's acceptable. If it's not cheating then it should be fine, right?
i'd probably have to find a way to bring it up in character because i am in character from the moment i walk through the door. might be too much trouble tbqh
What the actual fuck are you talking about
well my character wouldnt know about any "dice" being rolled
I have those and yah they are way too difficult to read. I have no idea if the mark of tzeentch is a 6 or the skull is, so I usually declare the mark as the 6 before I roll. But, I have stopped using them in 40k and AoS. Decent enough chance the guy is cheating, add a house rule for having the dice rolled out in the open and left there until a certain point like after results are determined or the next roll
>You can do it with casino dice, which is why casinos make you throw dice in a certain way when you play craps.
Don't they make you bounce the dice off the wall?
We're all just killing time until quest threads are allowed back on Veeky Forums. Then we can go back to being the best board on Veeky Forums.
No problem. To help you out a bit more, in there the function to generate a dice roll is probably something like rand(6)+1. For you you would want it something more like rand(36), and then you would want to dynamically redefine what counted as a 1-6. Like maybe 0-3 would return a 1, 4-7 would return a 2, etc.
> i am in character from the moment i walk through the door
This. This is a bizarre nonsense statement.
Questfags should be banned
>Don't they make you bounce the dice off the wall?
>We're all just killing time until quest threads are allowed back on Veeky Forums. Then we can go back to being the best board on Veeky Forums.
Also correct.
Kek, need a safespace?
Matt Parker of standupmaths is probably the closest any one person will reasonably go; he rolled 1k d6s to calculate pi.
You wouldn't call it cheating because you're the one doing it
Then that just adds to my point about it being CHEATING.
well there's also the factor of other people knowing. it only counts as cheating if they find out. if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?
Yes. You can quote philosophy all you want but the conservation of energy does not care.
"hey man imma gonna cheat in this game but since you know about it its technically not cheating ok? ok cool thanks"
>You can do it with casino dice
As a wargamer, for me casino dice are an instant red flag for that reason. Especially since most of their users tend to "place" their dice and not use a dice tower or a tray so they bounce off something.
He won't be labelled one if he doesn't get caught, and obviously his conscience is giving a thumbs up
To pull dice fudging shit in the first place is a very shitty thing to do at the table because it breaks the trust you have between players & DM as to what's expected of everyone. It's flat out cheating.
But what exactly are you fucking on about here? Just because you've got a character doesn't mean the rest of the world stops existing, or you're not accountable for your actions. I'm honestly questioning if you're high or autistic to think like this.
If your mom is in a room and no one is around to fuck her, is she still a slut? The answer is yes.
I hope you're trolling
It's not explicitly stated in the game rules you can't punch a cheater in the face.
No, but that would be breaking the law, another set of rules.
Ah, but if you stab the cheater and hide his body so it is never found, does it really make a sound?
"So, I know my girlfriend found me in bed with another woman, but because she now knows about it, it's no longer an affair."
By this logic:
Yeah, outgassing will occur.
I would give bonus points for the murder if his last words were "not fair"
Guys. this thread is obviously a bait thread.
leave and let it die.
>guise, stop posting in this thread! Guise, I'm serious!
You first.
Laws your character wouldn't know about. So laws you won't do anything to protect yourself with because > i am in character from the moment i walk through the door
I wouldn't call this bait
Wait yes I would
What stops you from doing that with non-casino dice?
Most game rules don't say that you can't ritually murder the GM and wear his skull as a hat.
I would still advise against trying it.
They're smaller with more rounded corners, so they're easier to actually roll and "placing" them looks sloppy enough to call out instantly without the excuse of "the dice are big and I don't wanna knock stuff over".
>the dice are big and I don't wanna knock stuff over
Jeez, to think people like this actually exist.
Just learn some basic phyton and how to make UI should take you 40 minutes and convert for android. Make it to roll percentages and then convert them to numbers, lets say you want 16s make them 1-30. Done.
Move along, nothing to see here.
We're not helping you cheat, dickass.
>says the retard bumping the thread after four plus hours
>what is sage
rpgs should be noncompetitive, thus it is not cheating
>Questfags should be banned
>Questfag sympathizer is also one of the absolute lowest dregs of the hobby, a cheater
Alternatively, a (You) farmer.
But if a cheater isn't caught (and thus nobody knows), is it really cheating?
>We're all just killing time until quest threads are allowed back on Veeky Forums. Then we can go back to being the best board on Veeky Forums.
Fuck off back to /qst/ retard.
Veeky Forums is the most innocent board on Veeky Forums. this is one madlad bait shitpost and for the longest time anons have attempted to convince that he's cheating, as if he genuinley may not understand this
you're my favorite, Veeky Forums. never change
America was never punished for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it was still the worst war crime ever committed.
Many people will call you a cheater who invalidated an entire campaign if you pull this shit *as the dm*.
As a player?
Cheating is cheating.
>Many people will call you a cheater who invalidated an entire campaign if you pull this shit *as the dm*.
You're a fucking retard, fudging rolls for the sake of the game is a standard part of DMing.
got me.
I roll openly as a gm. If your campaign buckles on the whim of the dice you've made a shit campaign.
I only stack a deck of cards as insurance against drawing a bad hand. It's only cheating if I keep giving myself a royal flush.
I'll make you one if you wanna pay me for it. (Android only, I take bitcoin).
10/10, I'm fucking furious
Fudging rolls is a standard part of being a shit dm.
If you're not doing anything wrong, tell the players you cheat the dice to make the game go more in the direction you want. If they're okay with it you're not doing anything wrong. If they're not okay with it you are.
I think it's necessary to make the game go where you want it to.
Not him but your game shouldn't be so dependent on dice rolls
Fuck you, you limp dick nigger. Quest threads are cancer.
Please explain to me how.
Not him but curious. What don't you like about them? They're pretty fun desu
i guess if you want to make sure your players don't get too cocky and really smack them down? seeing them trying to recover after getting btfo is one of the best parts of being a DM.
itt: dice (t)rolling
So yeah shit campaign ran by a shit gm. Gotcha.
>I think it's necessary to make the game go where you want it to.
If at any point it seems like fudging is necessary, then you've either screwed up somewhere or are just a bad GM. The way you're saying that makes me inclined to think you belong in the latter category.
>i guess if you want to make sure your players don't get too cocky and really smack them down? seeing them trying to recover after getting btfo is one of the best parts of being a DM.
And you actually need to FUDGE to accomplish that? Words can't describe your fail.
Kek. Saved