
Why is this shitcoin $100 fee to send $10 mooning? What faggot is buying this for 15k? I thought we were over the 'mah store of value' meme? It isn't a currency anymore. Dead cat i guess?

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lol u never heard of painting the tape

wait you thought people actually cared about tx fees?

2018 is the year of Bitcoin Cash. We don't want BTC to crash anyways until BCH passes it.

This is just normies and boomers piling into the meme coin

McAfee is buying it all so he doesn't need to eat his dick New Years day

what is an elliott wave?

what is astrology?


truth right here
People go for names, they don't give a shit about tech.
Sure there are a lot of better fast food restaurants right now, better taste, better service, etc, but do you know why Mcdonald's is still the giant it is? Because of the name, that fucking name, and 1st mover advantage. Go watch "The Founder"
No other name in crypto right now has such a resounding and assured title as BITCOIN

Is that why you have to have another shitty fork every two weeks to give away more coupons cause your name is so great


I do. No seriously I didn't give a shit about BCH until about a month ago when I noticed fees were getting outrageous.


The thing is, store of value is valuable. Bitcoin has been proven to be secure since its inception, and since it is guaranteed to be deflationary, it's a great place to park your money.

any crypto can be forked not just bitcoin. the fuck you talking about.
bitcoin forks have no connection to the original chain idiot.

Things can't be a store of value with no utility and btc no longer has utility.

It may no longer has utility as a currency, but if you just need to park your money and store it, aka store of value, it is just fine.

You can't park your money in things that don't allow you to move your money. It's time and cost prohibitive to "store" your value in Core. It's worthless user, BTC will be dead within a year. I'm not kidding.

Why would fees matter? It's an investment. People buy and hold or exchange it for other currencies on exchanges. It IS a store of value and a speculative asset.
But ultimately who give a fuck, it's about to bounce back after boxing day sales so get in and and make some dosh

>Assuming the average investor is this sophisticated

Somewhere on the internet, people this stupid actually exists.

It's not detrimental to cost or time at all. You can cash out in fiat, you don't need to move it from the exchange, unless you're using some pajeet tier mt gox shit

Non sequitur. Crypto is not an investment, it's technological adoption. Read the white paper.

This is literally the antithesis if crypto currency.

>there are a lot of people losing fucktons of money with this shitcoin

The greed of mankind is unparalleled

Scam. i know ROIWITHME

The thesis of cryptocurrency is and always has been lunacy. A currency is only as valuable as the state backing it . Physical force, sovereignty is what ensures a dollar has value. Do you really think decentralizing the control of the currency changes this? Of course not, it simply means that the units represent absolutely nothing.

The concept of cryptocurrency is a farce, and if you're in this under the belief that you'll be able to buy a car with fucking Ripple or litecoin anytime soon, you should get out of this shadow market

>thinks ripple is a crypto currency

You're fundamental lack of understanding of economics makes this discussion pointless. At any rate authority doesnt give currency value, it's faith. If you can't accept this, that is okay, but I don't have time to explain this to you.

>can't refute
>pick a semantic quibble on ripple
>I don't have the TIME to explain this to you, as I sit here shitposting on a botzwanian puppetry board

Sure showed me hotshot

If you are using it as a store of value you only need to do transactions 1-2 times a year so 50 dollar tx feeds arent that big of a deal

this garbage spam is all over the board today; mods pls

this is only true if you are trying to store allowance money from your mother; people who have significant capital are willing to spend a mere $50 to have borderless, unregulated capital.

merry christmas :)

ultimately you are correct but remember the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

I won't argue whether BCH/BTC yadda yadda yadda but I will say be careful and avoid margin leverage. Forums-user-bought-a-200000-lamborghini-using-bitcoin-2013-12

Just for you -- a Veeky Forums buys a lambo with bitcoin, for the second time that week.

bitcoin will be a million per by the time its all over

Censorship resistance is the only thing that matters. If you care about low fees there's ripple. Anything in between is worthless and pointless (with the possible exception of monero).

Do I sell my alts for bitcoin? Or do I wait until just before the fork?