"oh hey, what's up faggots"
"oh hey, what's up faggots"
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Oh shit!
1st 4 drukhari
What the christ is that abomination supposed to be?
Wow, that's terrible
Too fat when he should gaunt
The fuck with those chains and bells?
Fly wings are retarded.
AoS design.
0/10 would not write a name on his heart.
At least he has a mask, unlike the FW model.
presumably our friend morty turned into an overdesigned fuckboy
A giant, smelly jobber
Oh boy, Papa has not been kind huh?
Mortarion Daemon Primarch of Nurgle, who the fuck do you think carries a big fucking scythe like that outside of Typhus (who looks nothing like that may I add) you stupid nigger
One last point.
The gun looks stupid. Nurgle models are always bad. Remove Nurgle please.
>a big fucking scythe like that outside of Typhus (who looks nothing like that may I add) you stupid nigger
The Nightbringer?
I don't play chaos, and my local chaos players are tzeenchfags.
That model is also garbage.
>At least he has a mask
Why are we supposed to fear the only Primarch with sleep apnea again?
Well, he's got the rebreather, so he's already superior to the FW version.
Because he's a big guy.
It makes no sense. Daemons don't breath.
Maybe he likes the smell? It's why he wore one in the past.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
If we take his mask off, will he die?
It would be extremely disgusting
Who was in the wrong here?
He's a bloated guy
For Draigo.
This writing is so bad I think it gave me a disease.
So, kudos to the author for that.
>The numbers don't lie Typhus, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice
For I...
...Cato Sicarius!!!
I'd rather a nagash conversion
what kinda Primarch you want faam?
The khan, obv.
Eleven thousand years later and Chaos is still a bunch of faggots with tremendous daddy issues. Every single one of them.
daemons supposedly dont stay around when they die yet plenty of models have daemon skulls
daemons dont really have any set rules
He most likely has different head options like BobbyG and Magnus.
Gonna have to go with the Khan.
>The fuck with those chains and bells?
They're called Thuribles, which are a type of censer used during (predominantly Catholic) worship sermons and parades. It fits well with Death Guard's theme being tied with disease and the despair and death it brings. Catholic priests during the time of the black death would wave these around the sick, believing the holy incense would purge the penitent/pious of their illness. In twisted fashion, Nurgle followers use these to infect, but also cure people of their ties to life and the despair a fear-of-death brings.
Morty became one Thicc Bih
I feel that the DG colour scheme does not do this model any favours, much like how the gold trim of Ultramarines made Guilliman's model look far too overdesigned. It doesn't help at all that the green is very light all over, which clashes with the bright colours they have chose for the diseased portions of the model. It's very poorly contrasted. Every time I look at the model, my eyes adjust to how bright it is, but then there's another bright bit that attracts my eyes, which need to adjust more, and eventually it feels like I am getting a headache looking at it. It's shit.
Have you tried not having epilepsy?
Have you tried not sucking GW dick all the time?
purely because of the shit-tier 'writers'. ADB's books for example reads like an internalised psychological paper on inadequacy related disorders and issues mixed with pretentious wish fulfillment. Goto is a how-to on how to misinterpret source material & there's that other bloke who is a good writer that seems to wish he was writing in anything else but the 40k IP. Plus ward who writes like a child. Whoever wrote that piece posted here is one of the most shocking examples I've seen.
Privateer press & forgeworld put out good background material & Chris Wraight/mc neil did some good work but otherwise the majority coming out is utter trash. I am of course omitting a few other good authors but I can't remember their names right now. Either way its an inconsistent mess in terms of quality and I doubt thats going to change any time soon when they're pumping out black library books/ebooks/dramas at a rate of one every two seconds.
As for morty, its salvageable with a less cartoony paint job. Obviously the older design with the gaunt body and rotting angel wings was cooler that the rounded, busy, CAD aesthetic. FW would have done a nice version if anyone was allowed or interested I'm sure.
Nurgle Celestine?
Another absolutely awesome miniature by our beloved company GW.
I'm SO going to buy that fucking piece of overdesigned crap lmao.
Best post
That's nurgle for you, it's terrible for the waistline
He does seem overly purple actually, not sure why they went with that - doesn't even appear to be flesh, looks like robes.
Imho they should have gone with white robes as an inversion of his old colours, or a darker black or brown - not clashing purple, he's Tzeench's bitch
the paintjob is killing him
infact the whole death guard army looks awful with that green and purple
>green and purple
I get that Primarchs and Marines are supposed to be very intelligent people but holy fuck the writing reeks of dumb-person-writing-how-he-thinks-smart-people-speak.
I love how little effort has been put into those alien things they're killing.
Will there be new GUO and BON?
This would look so much better with a different colour scheme
Shit, if they actually do that it'd be pretty rad - palanquin's of nurgle are pretty dope and Great Unclean Ones are ancient
I'm so fucking disappointed they didn't go with this color scheme.
Forgot pic
kek. thanks for pointing that out
It looks like there are some white robes under all the purple and I sort of get that they might have been going for more of a "rotting" purple or something but the way it fades into blue at the tips looks way more Tzeentch than Nurgle.
>Digital Artist: There, a Grim Reaper primarch painted in dark and brooding colours to match his personality! I've even painted him in his original legion colours since he should stand out from his sons and he wasn't much of a Nurgle worhsiper anyway. I can't wait to see him painted in model form!
If you have no model you don't matter
Yeah, that's a much better scheme, more muted and Nurgle-y
Wow this one actually looks good and not-overdesigned. My only complaint is the rebreather rubs are really won't, but that might just be the fucking stupid color scheme.
Is that fulgrim? Isnt he supposed to be a snake
Best Primarch returns
Would buy that shit in a heart beat
He saw this model before any of us. Which explains his expression.
you can barely understand what you're looking at
can anyone figure out if the top left are Inceptors or if we might be getting funky Nurgle flyers?
what is this from? I desire more
Dark Imperium.
Gotta keep sucking down those Barbarus farts in between whimpers.
Well that's pretty awful. There's no visual breathing space any more.
Enjoy paying £60 for him I guess guys.
I used to think this era's sculpts were the best ever, even well into 2013, but now I can see how dated they are. The details aren't as crisp or perfect as they could be. This sculpt would look great in modern CAD or FW resin. The problem with the new models is they're high quality but the sculpts are ugly dog shit.
Thanks user!
I wish Typhus and Morty will eventually find common ground in their hypocrisy of bashing psykers while being psykers.
Their dynamic is good because they actually interact with each other, albeit begrudgingly, but it seems kinda similar with Ahriman and Magnus' dynamic.
Magnus and Arhiman just like to argue about who fucked up more
I actually find the sharpness of CAD-aided miniatures pretty jarring sometimes, not sure at 28mm it's really necessary.
These guys are peak Nurgle though imho.
>Not "Triumvirate of Shit"
C'mon, you had one job.
I don't see why so many people are complaining about this model. And overdesigned, ugly, piece of shit is pretty much perfect design for a nurgle model
ew nurgle makes you so ugly
Because the retard who painted him forgot who he was painting. Morty has ALWAYS, be it pre or post heresy, been depicted as pale and muted, for the whole "Death rides on a pale horse" shtick.
Also, Morty hates his legion, and why he would ever repaint himself to blend in with them is beyond me.
It would be like Magnus painting himself blue to fit in with Ahriman.
The lack of perfect detail is what makes them great. They were hand sculpted so the character and style of the artist is reflected in the sculpt and it's why CAD is generally nicer looking but more soulless and less appealing, it had no personality.
>Morty hates his legion
what the fuck are you talking about? he hates sorcery sure and probably despises himself and the sorcerers in his legion, but there's nothing suggesting that he hates his own legion.
also they didn't repaint their armour, that's just what it looks like after 10,000 years of nurgley filth. similar to how the world eaters red armour is just the old colour stained with blood.
Isn't that the same pose as the saint celestine?
Why is Ku'gath so chill?
>"Not yet masters, Unworthy acolytes"
What did he mean by this?
Typhus loves being a psyker, he revels in it
Ku'gath was a Nurgling that fell into Nurgles pot, drinking in his most virulent disease, that made him a GUO. He blames himself, even if Nurgle was fine with it, and he's trying to recreate the disease.
That is one small head.
for you
Ku'gath's at least as emo as Plaguebearers because of the accident of his birth, he's the big representation of Despair in Nurgle's top guys
But he's saying that he, Mort and Typhus haven't won yet, they shouldn't count their nurglings before they're hatched, that sort of thing
I agree. The current paint job makes him look like an over designed chew toy and a moth got eaten by my dog then vomited out into some unholy mess.
He's supposed to be a DAEMON prince. He just looks like a big chaos space marine with wings.Is he even bigger than his FW pre-demonhood model? He must be a manlet compared to Daemon Magnus.
Ah alright. Its pretty funny and cute to see Ku'gath take criticism so happily and openly from his underlings. A bloodthirster would scream and likely take a slice at you, Lord of Change curse you and a Keeper rape you.
But Ku'gath?
"You are right! I am unworthy. So unworthy, I cannot help it."
I never thought 1d4chan Nurgle memes would come true.
Sounds like a noble quest for a daemon.
of course!
A keeper would be equally likely to moan and ask for more
Context is important here user! You know Keepers would just escalate it to something far more worse very fast.
Ku'gath is like a grandpa listening to his two grandchildren and one lashes out at him and he just laughs it off in good spirits.
pretty sure there's a bunch of deamon skulls in that pack of skulls for basing. GW is releasing soon.
That paint scheme is what is making it look worse than it is.
Paint him more like the artwork and it will look leagues better.