Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/


>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Rising!!!

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

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For the Ecclesiarchy!

keep commenting on this
rest of the death guard stuff out soon maybe?

>Chapter Approved stuff
>oh boy I can't wait to see what wacky lists, units, and lore they are--
>it's just tweaks to the main rules
The errata was never what made Chapter Approved exciting for people, it was shit like Cursed Founding and Kroot for days.

Need to just throw this guy in here. Make sure everyone sees.

Sorry I should have used that for the OP image

Wait a minute, that's the lantern. Does the presence of that gun hint that mortarion might be coming or something?

Maybe he's on reddit with your friends.

>that's the lantern
h-holy shit
isnt that mortarions weapon?

You can bet your ass they'll have mercenaries back, just cant let us know until next financial term for max stockholder appeasement

Immediately triggered.

Fuck me I thought some of you guys were asinine but this guy takes the fucking price!
Who is this douchebag?


Why is every white scars list I see just a bunch of grav guns and melta attack bikes? Are none of the other special/heavy weapons worth using?

Lads I'm playing against Tau this weekend with SOB. Mine is very infantry heavy, not got much to take care of heavy armour. Any advice on tactics?

I wonder what customization Morty will have? Probably a no helmet/mask version and maybe different wing variants

Has anyone posted this yet? cuz it needs to be seen ;)

None, he even comes prebuilt. Just open the box and boom you're good to go

what is this?
who is this guy

thanks for the "leak", GW

Cool model, but I'm not a fan of that paintjob and those colors. Particularly in a model with so much detail. It just dissolves into noise.

Fuck this DG shit, gimme a btter CSM line you fuckers

yes. yes you should

His armor looks better than the 30k one which is weird cause it's usually the other way around, especially on Primarchs.

Dat gimp.

>tfw never be raised as a girl to join the Adepta Sorirtas

Dude WTF it looks almost exactly like this!

yeah with his hood being purple it made me think he was entirely faceless and just had a big mess on the top of his torso instead

Looks kinda bad.

Maybe its the paintjob. It just looks like a generic big dude with wings. Don't see a primarch.

I'm not a Death Guard player but my friend is obsessed with them, I expect I'll be shooting at Papa M shortly.

I think he looks a little cluttered, it's like a Plague Drone exploded onto a Lord of Contagion. He'd look better with the details on his armour a bit more unified.and out of GW's cartoony bright colour scheme, though.
He'd look really sexy in old Death Guard, dark grey metal with green trim and rust effects.

>takes the fucking price

Is this an autocorrect of taking the piss or what? I can't keep up with you Brits and all your funky wordmancy.

Same, I'm not a fan of brightly coloured DG anyway so I think he'll look much better with a darker paintjob

Is that the SAME gun?!?!

Looks fucking shit desu.

dual kit confirmed

I found a leak of a new Death Guard model's leg. You can tell by the classic Death Guard icon on the knee.

Grav guns suck plasma is literally better. New bike meta is plasma and melta. You are probably just seeing everyone's old 7E army and they didn't update their guns. Only heavy grav is good.

You might be on to something... k keep me posted

are u retarded? is just a conversion

I cant stop losing games.


>sticking your hands into the view
i fucking hate this, feels like im watching brazzers

Is that from the new terminators? I really need some new death guard news or im going to lose it

Am I the only one who sees a black guy with Flock of Seagulls bleach quiff?

Why would it? He's a demon now, his armor is literally his flesh and can change to his/Nurgle's will. I get that Chaos is basically ghetto marines but demons can look however the fuck they want and I personally love this model, its fittingly Nurgly without going overboard, instead of pustules out the ass like the plague marines he is basically a corrupted version of what he used to be, a primarch, an angel now is both a literal angel of death and an insect, a slave to an uncaring god.

You shouldn't play Iron Warriors, user.

Almost certainly, user.

Obvious Sigmarine conversion



Fuck that cartoony colour scheme. He looks way too clean for a supposed harbinger of disease and decay.

Gee, chaos, how come pop lets you have TWO primarchs?

Because chaos actually knows where primarchs are?


Have faith, Word Bearer!

>an uncaring god

You fucking take that back!

>when even Abaddon considers you a failure

>tfw you will never have a Primarch

At least let me pay like 5 CP for a super Terminator Chapter Master that's like a Primarch but with -1A -1W or something. A tiny waddling 40mm centerpiece that can knock over building sized enemies would be awesome

tfw GW heard the money train coming when they did HH now theyre going to bring it to the 40k universe and were going to get primarchs out the ass and every battle will be power armor v power armor forever and always

Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard

I'm probably gonna give him the original DG scheme and darken it down with weathering and washes to make it look all decayed.

Definitely won't use purple for the hood.

Also all the doubters from before need to get fucked

yeah sure, do you have any proof?

40k has pretty much been that way for a long time due to how many people play power armor. Then it was just ghoulaman and Magnus spam everywhere as well

That has been an issue with all the deathguard models done by GW recently. Hated the look of the new plague marines at first, but after seeing some people on here painting them in more muted colours I love them.

So painting models into son of medusa with iron hands trait, how would it look fluff wise?

tfw no mortarion edition


I am super excited that this is coming out because we need it!!!! however...i think this pales in comparison to the FW version from 30k. this is too over the top. it looks silly

tfw every battle of konor i go to theres like fucking 9 girlymans

Because nobody cares about Retardboy, Injun Joe, Black Guy Dies First, Wish-He-Were-Genghis, Copper Fingers, Lion El Homo, Vampire Jesus and Furry Alpha

Looks pretty cool.

This isn't bad either. Tough choice whether to buy this or the model above.

Bleh. Awful colour scheme. Ruins it.

Too blurry, can't make the model out properly.

>yfw he'll be here for week 6, Lords of War

>Yiffs STILL mad

such a happy fellow

Alright so, that's the last time I ever ask dubs for anything. Dubs told me to give him the original nickname, but that was Tidus and I'm not naming him Tidus because he's not an androgynous teenager that plays sportsball, he's Buff McLargehuge. So I'll just name him Beefhammer because that's the one that seemed to get the most votes.

I refuse

Why do FW primarchs look good but GW primarchs look like 90's cartoons on FOX

>tfw xenos
Great, just get to sit to the side with nothing to equal it as the primarchs accumulate

It's just their house style.

amazingly creepy

DG look rad in dark tones. I think the studio paints them brightly to show off the sculpts.

Can't wait for my friend to paint morty like the rest of his dudes.

you forgot this game is all about space marines you tau loving dick sucker

Hot damn that is a clusterfuck of details, I can barely tell what that is.

Because FW painters like dark and gritty and GW painters like bright, kid-friendly colour schemes

Giant primeork when

Paint scheme mostly.

>What is Stormsurge

I thought I was good and settled on playing SM for my first army, but after digging a little deeper I find the Aeldari making eyes at me too.

I'm mostly just looking for something enjoyable to paint and play. Any suggestions one way or another?

I play DA, I just like the gif

Forgot my pic

>MFW my "Primarch" is the embodiment of Hold the Line
Come and walk into my shots! I dare you!

That's how they were in 7E. Just change the chapter from IH to SoM if you want to use their HQ.

space marines can get real boring to paint. i know, i play CSM and SM, i'm so tired of painting trim.

Sons of Medusa have their own HQ? I am new to 40k so I am not sure yet about those stuffs

where does Perturabo fit on this scale?

>Asks /40kg/ to name his dude
>/40kg/ names him
>Nah you guys are lame!
Screw you, his name is Tidus

Why did you choose to paint it in peach? Looks a little gay desu

Third Eye Nuke is a one trick pony all he does is white and black shit

So when are you going to get to painting Brother Tidus?

the guy was tired of being overshadowed, so he became immortal... so he can be overshadowed forever...

Is it even good? And besides, not usable by most of the xenos last time I checked

you guys can call him whatever you want but I'm not personally naming him after a Final Fantasy X character