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>How do you like your drow?
Like Gygax intended them: powerful, thoroughly evil, spider-themed, matriarchal dominatrixes.
Salvatore regrets!
OK. But even if you're willing to skeleton up and fix this in 300 years, there's A deadline. Heat death of the universe?
>How do you like your drow?
You mean Ælf-Adal, right?
Lodsa magic items PCs can't use, neener-neener.
Evil to the core. Only as monsters, never as PCs or neutral NPCs
>Heat death of the universe?
I wouldn't worry about it.
Fun fact, originally the matrix was supposed to use humanity for processing power, but that got shot down. It also helps that the entirety of Matrix runs on hamfisted gnostic imagery
Nude, submissive, and ready to go.
Alternatively, the ones from...I want to say Blackmoor? The ones who had this highly-religious setup and were actually interesting and not crazy, but had a pretty legit gripe that the surface elves left them to fucking die and their spiritual leader had saved them by following some weird philosophy? They were more monk/ascetic/shaman-y and less "psycho doms."
I thought it was cool. I think a lot of Blackmoor is cool, though I'd never run it myself.
Fuck this though.
Tell me more. I don't recognize the name.
Not him, but the Aelf-Adal are from Veins of the Earth which is the Underdark as seen through Lovecraft glasses
What are you guys' favorite non-TSR modules? Pic mostly unrelated
We're just talking about the older days, before the renaissance?
Basically anything from Judges Guild. Caverns of Thracia, Tegel Manor, some of the Treasure Maps (especially Crypts of Arcadia), but the best of all in my book is Dark Tower.
>matriarchal dominatrixes.
Emphasis on this. The world needs more of this.
>How do you like your drow?
Used sparingly.
Thank you, kind user.
I think I've got the start of the calculations for the new racial class I'm making in ACKs. But I'm not so sure how to advance that to levels 1-4. I added up the cost of the racial powers and got this.
1. Endurance: 1
2. Weapon Focus: 1
3. Strength of Spirit: 1
4. Fighting Fury: 2
5. Savage Resilience: 1
6-1=5 5×40=200
Oni Lvl. 0 = 200 XP
Is that correct so far?
Fun fact, literally everyone on the Internet has posted this fun fact before.
Oysker poh!
You got a table for eating walls?
>the universe doesn't run on math
>uses math to hack da matrix
Okay inexplicably aggressive user
user that's a joke, not the actual script of the matrix
Really, you think that was aggressive?
I think you're being a fag but "aggressive" was more polite. Done?
BFRPG - BF1 Morgansfort
Judges Guild - Caverns of Thracia
Labyrinth Lord - Stonehell
LotFP - Tower of the Stargazer
Just to name a few
PDF request for the following TSR-published adventures that no one is man enough to share
• RPGA module list
• Adventurer's Guild module list
Oi, Skerples. If one were to remove a wall from the wall, place it upon a table, and then consume it by meas of fork and knife, and one's referee were to dice gameshapes to arrive at a consequence, what possible consequences may arise?
大井、Skerples。削除する場合 1 つの壁から壁、テーブルに置くし、フォークとナイフの測定によって消費し、の審判がどのような可能な結果が生じることがあります、結果に到着する gameshapes のサイコロ、?
Oi, Skerples. If you want to remove from the walls of the one put on walls, tables, and consumed by the measurement of the fork and knife of gameshapes is what can be found there may be a result in the arrival of dice,?
大井、Skerples。削除したい場合、1 つの壁は壁、テーブルに置いてフォークの測定によって消費され、gameshapes のナイフはサイコロの到着の結果可能性があります何がありますか。
Oi, Skerples. If you want to remove the single wall wall on and consumed by the measurement of the fork and knife gameshapes there might be a result of the arrival of the dice.
大井、Skerples。あなたはの単一の壁を削除してフォークとナイフの gameshapes の測定による消費サイコロの到着の結果がある可能性があります。
Oi, Skerples. You are in may be a result of the arrival of consumption dice by measuring the gameshapes of fork and knife, remove the single wall.
大井、Skerples。5 月は、フォークとナイフの gameshapes を測定することによって消費ダイスの到着の結果である、単一の壁を削除します。
Oi, Skerples. Remove the single wall, by measuring the gameshapes of fork and knife and may be a result of the arrival of the consumer dies.
大井、Skerples。フォークとナイフの gameshapes を測定することによって単一の壁を取り外し、ダイスが消費者の到着の結果である可能性があります。
Oi, Skerples. You may remove the single wall by measuring the gameshapes of fork and knife, dice is a result of the arrival of the consumer.
大井、Skerples。フォークとナイフの gameshapes を測定することによって単一の壁を削除すること、サイコロである消費者の到着の結果。
Oi, Skerples. The result of the arrival of consumers to remove the single wall by measuring the gameshapes of fork and knife, dice.
大井、Skerples。フォークとナイフ、サイコロの gameshapes を測定することによって単一の壁を削除する消費者の到着の結果。
Oi, Skerples. The result of the arrival of the consumer to remove the single wall by measuring the gameshapes fork and knife, dice.
>大井、Skerples。Gameshapes フォークとナイフ、サイコロを測定することによって単一の壁を削除する消費者の到着の結果。
>Oi, Skerples. The result of the arrival of the consumer to remove the single wall by measuring the Giameshapes fork and knife, dice.
>大井、Skerples。Gameshapes フォークとナイフ、サイコロを測定することによって単一の壁を削除する消費者の到着の結果。
Alright, I see. It's not really framed as a joke though. Seems more like bad fanfiction.
Quite astute of you. It's by the author of the bad fanfiction Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
It is. One written by a gibbering-mad lolbertarian machine cultist who got famous writing more bad fanfiction about a supergenius Harry Potter. If you give him literally all of your money, though, you can get into the good graces of A.I. God and His prophet. I hear A.I. Hell is reading Yudkowsky's fanfiction for forever.
The answer:
Walls are Normal Meat. They taste of Decearing Egg. They make a Delicious Breakfast. youtube.com
That reminds me. I really need to finish my setting notes for a world based on an absolutely literal interpretation of /all/ the Chick Tracts.
Uh. I can really only think of ZH-01 An Overwhelming Sense of Loss if we're talking OSR modules. Maybe In Search of NEW Gods too. Footprints and & Magazine also have good stuff.
What did he ミーム by this?
Like your pic my dude. Although the spooky drow in Ravenloft pseudo-canon are kinda neat too.
>How do you like your drow?
Like Drizzt
I don't think I've ever used drow, but I sure like them as fap bait.
1, 2, and 10 are pretty fun
The others, meh. Just seem like genericish buffs and spells.
2e had the GOAT artwork
Dominant, unrepentantly evil femme fatales.
I need prison/dungeon break adventures. Anybody know of a good one, or a dungeon that works well "in reverse"?
Any feedback on the oni class I made here? pastebin.com
I'm nearly halfway done with my list of races I wanted to create.
Randomized character advancement?
What, like, 'roll 1d4 to see if your new level is in fighter, thief, cleric, or magic user?' Or more like testing skills and stats to see if they increase
I was more thinking something like a 1d20 or 1d100 roll each level based on your class to see what you get.
Mind giving me a rundown?
I skimmed it, but could not tell what was important.
I'm writing one where you break into a fortress to steal the Pope.
So... I'm interested in similar adventures, but I have nothing to offer.
Sit down and read it properly, or google other reviews until I've got the blogpost done?
How do you do grappling?
>the best of all in my book is Dark Tower.
My African American of like parentage
B/X, but here: Determine Strength or Dex at character creation to reflect grappling style. Elven Aikido vs Dwarven testicle-yanking.
Make an appropriate attack against your target. Succeed? Succeed! Make an attack each round to maintain grapple.
Attacker attacks, defender defends, and the defender is grappled if they fail. Defender has -4 to dexterity and can't move or use any weapon longer than a knife against their attacker as long as they're grappled. To break free the defender needs to win a quick contest on their turn of strength against their attacker.
Not if I write one first! I'm not actually gonna write one. You've just mentioned it two months ago and I want it!
After 3 years of Rugby and 1 year of BJJ, I try not to. I think it's one of the great challenges of any RPG to make a system for grappling that is both useable and agile enough to not bog down the game.
I simply run it mechanically the same as being swallowed by giant monster. It's a to hit roll and instead of damage they get "grappled". If you're in a grapple you can only use light/one handed weapons and you treat your armor class/defense score as half. If you're in a grapple you can either attack or try to get out of the grapple by hitting the enemy as with only half your attack bonus/score.
>Not if I write one first!
>I'm not actually gonna write one.
Boo! Why not?
While we're all here playing old D&D I recently had the opportunity to play 5e and it really gave me a lot of ideas.
The thought of Fighters having these powers like a second wind is really cool. The different class and power archetypes that grant you new and powerful abilities are really cool. But it drags the game down in complexity. I sometimes wonder if it would be possible or even a good idea to try and add an element or two of the 'bloated' newer editions of D&D to the otherwise much more sterile and streamlined older edition.
It's not a bad idea. The GLOG, for example, is pretty much all about that.
But weiche, Wotan, weiche! Don't go overboard and throw in all the powers. Don't do the 4E thing of having powers be really abstract and tied to out-of-game stuff like "encounters" and "healing surges" that break the fiction.
What the fuck is the point of 'rolling' for spell power or spell DCs?
Last thread there was discussion of it, and I know DCC does it, but I just think it sounds stupid as fuck. The only possible thing rolling for spells could do is to waste your time and get you killed (in combat), and out of combat it's just a waste of time either way since you'll just retry the roll over and over again until you make it. So what's the point of rolling to cast spells?
>and tied to out-of-game stuff
Doesn't bother me so much, I already do nebulous round lengths.
Consider poaching (or paring down) Strike!
Stop shilling Strike! Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
>Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
You try it yet?
DCC casters are balanced entirely in that they'll slowly become lumps of cancer by using magic. It's not "oops the spell didn't work please try again", it's "oops you rolled a one, looks like a demon lord came to take a slice of your soul". And you roll for unavoidable spell "side-effects" in the form of mercurial magic, which can be anything from temporarily becoming a caveman to a sorcerer-king from another dimension bugging you in your sleep because every time you cast the spell thousands of his subjects die. And those are both actual results from the mercurial magic table
Drow should have never abandoned their glorious sex dungeon jazzrobics designs, no matter how datedly 80s it became.
Is Veins of the Earth in the trove? I can't find it anywhere and I'd really like to give it a look.
It's in _Inbox
Hiya there, you crusty old elves. Here's the rulebook update + The actual MCC RPG rulebook. If you want it. I dont care.
I'm confused. Do Wizards get spells as they level in OSR games or is it only from finding/researching them in the world?
1. By learning them on character creation. Roll to know spells of player's choice as many times as player wants, up to and including until Max Spells / Level # is reached
2. By finding spells on scrolls
3. By finding spells in spellbooks
4. By purchasing spells from high-levels
5. By researching spells
Oh also, for a specialist:
6. Gain new spell of choice from specialty school on gaining level
I know that 2e suggests giving them a random spell on level-up, because 'their learnings over the level suddenly coalesce into a real spell'. It also suggests giving them the option of choosing what spell they want to learn, but then they have to roll for it. Don't know if Basic and AD&D 1e have anything like that.
Thanks man.
It... varies widely?
The Sage, a combination of magic user and cleric. They have the power to support their allies and curse enemies.
They roll 2d6 + (x2 level - x2 enemy effect in HD) and try to reach a 9 or better. Any 1 on either or both die grant them a -1 to all further Sage magic rolls until they return to town and can do their mystic bullshit to recover their mojo. You can also drink a Potion of Potency to recover from this negative, or temporarily grant a bonus to make things easier.
Sages can roll to;
>Heal Allies
>Cure Allies of status effects and diseases
>Counter curses or negative magic
>Command creatures (ie; turn undead)
>Stun Enemies
>Grant Bonus damage to Allies
>Hex Enemies to reduce their power
>Sense dangerous hazards or if an item is cursed
How does this all sound for a useful all around support class?
Skerples, what is that "eye venom" spell you mention in TotSK room 13?
Is that an Ad&D thing?
Pretty sure that's one of Skerples patented "figure it out yourself, it'll make you more creative" spells.
They will live on in our memories though
They barely seem good at running away.
Which is more or less the life calling of low level MUs.
Stunning enemies and Commanding enemies to fuck off seems to cover the running away bit.
Maybe I'm just too used to Rope Trick and Hold Portal.
Yeah, you're right that it seems fine.
Might I suggest removing
>Counter curses or negative magic
It's more interesting to roleplay that sort of thing.
And what's your policy on Fighters with scrolls?
>Counter curses or negative magic
I don't think this should be removed. Without any other written methods this would be the only way to do it, besides I should have added a 'temporarily' to it, sometimes it can only surprise a curse instead of stopping it.
>Policy of Fighters with Scrolls
Postitive as of now. I'm not sure how magic items will be handled in my game yet, I'd probably let them use whatever as long as it isn't a serious issue of class balancing.
I swear I posted a version somewhere, and I know I've seen an AD&D spell called that.
Basically, you stare at a target within 100' and do 1d4 acid damage per round. You can't change targets.
It foreshadows the Basilisk, and is useful in fighting both the Stone Cobra Guardian and the Basilisk.
Stars Without Number Revised Free Edition Beta
Like all Crawford games there's plenty of stuff to steal in my opinion. Psychic powers in particular seem to be simple enough to backport to Godbound sine it runs on Effort.
>I need prison/dungeon break adventures.
Castle Caldwell contains a conceit like that IIRC.
>Anybody know of a good one?
...Oh. Never mind, then.
What a helpful response
That's one of the rules we never used. If you don't find it/research it, then you can go pound salt up your ass
PDF related. Page 3, "Combat Example".
I'm eventually going to finish one that everyone I've shown it to has said would be better upside-down.
Clerics have to roll for turning
Fighters have to roll for fighting
Thieves have to roll for thieving
Why shouldn't Magic-User roll for magic use?
Because unlike all those other things, magic-user runs out of magic. So making him roll for it too would be unfair.
There is an "Eye of Venom" in AD&D2's "Player's Option: Spells & Magic", as part of the seventh level spell "Seven-Eyes", but it does not match your description.
What do OSR games have that a computer game couldn't handle? How are they better roleplaying than story games?
Serious question.
>What do OSR games have that a computer game couldn't handle?
Infinite possibilities and smart environment.
>How are they better roleplaying than story games?
They are not inherently better, they are different. It's like asking how vanilla is better than chocolate, it merely depends on one's taste and preferences.
Broad thread
Storygames assume that the point of roleplaying is to create a narrative with a nice arc and resolution, and the mechanics are set up to push towards that.
OSR is set up to just run a world and let whatever stories emerge happen organically over time.
The human mind is incredibly efficient at turning random events into stories. Play DnD for a while with random encounters, tandom treasures, disposable PCs, brutal combat and all of the unpredictable and nasty bits of the genre... and a story will appear out of the chaos because that's what humans do.
You don't actually need storygames to have stories in your games.