>The king has declared that only one god is legitimate
How doe this effect your part and/or your setting ?
The king has declared that only one god is legitimate
He's likely to be assassinated and replaced by his brother after divine curses wreck the yearly harvest.
My setting is monotheistic by all cultures, so it doesnt.
On the other hand, when king declares HIMSELF to be actual incarnation of God... well, things get bloody.
Is he a huge beta cuck like how Akhenaten was ?
Very little. My setting only has 2 gods that are remotely seen as legitimate, and they're married. This would leave them without the blessings of war or life, but if they're pacifists or desert raiders they might not care. And of course, the two gods work together enough that they probably wouldnt notice unless it spread, which it probably wouldn't since they'd be at a disadvantage.
If the king tried to declare one of the non-mainstream gods as the only one? That's a quick setup to a revolt or the hammer coming down from outside forces. And those are gods of trickery, so they won't really be able to help in a direct way.
That's already the case in the campaign I'm playing in. Despise around ten gods existing, worshipping only one of them is socially acceptable.
What the fuck why are so many anons playing non typical settings
Depends on how he goes about it. If only one god is legitimate, but worship of others is tolerated outside of the royal family, it'd probably lead to some political and religious, but ultimately versy worldly consequences.
If he starts tearing down places of worship and genociding worshippers, the gods would probably make a personal appearance and wreck his shit since this is a Fantasy world where the gods are actual, real powers.
How are any of these non-typical? One of them is generic monotheism, another has some generic good goods and some generic evil ones, and the last has your typical dozen gods that are worshiped equally and don't mind people picking favorites.
What in your opinion constitutes a 'typical' use of divine beings in a setting?
Don't lots of settings have cities and nations that primarily venerate one god? Outside of Eberron I don't think I've seen a setting treat a pantheon equally.
The previous King was killed when diving curse wreaked having on him; the eternal enemy empire was destroyed, so the magic relic sustaining him died too. Poof, he's dust.
The current King is a self declared ruler, usurping power in the vacuum. A mage, foisting a new magocratic aristocracy on the land, appointing dukes and dethroning unyeilding ones. It wouldn't be out of the question for him to openly support the new elvish worship rites, with the Whispering Secrets being his pet project. They're the words of demons, but the layman might not know that...
This is a rather succesful system here in Germany. Most local religions are variations on the "big 13" of gods, switching names and positions, but rarely spheres of influence. There are only a handful of faiths outside of that norm.
If I recall history correctly, he died and his "one god" cult dissapates soon after
The gods will likely smite him, unless he manages to get a ceramic armor
The gods are myriad and personal. So unless the king is pulling some high tier philosophy out of his ass to justify that, he'll likely be seen as mad. Attempting to enforce that would be nearly impossible and end his reign in the most anticlimactic coup possible.
Most nations think he's crazy and just don't talk about it.
One nation asks if it's their patron deity, and probably gets pissed when it isn't.
One nation says that no gods are legitimate, only fate itself.
Another King gets into a giant philosophical debate with him and together they discover the truths of the beginning of the world.
Another nation asks "which god?" so they can prioritize killing it next.
All of these are players in a nation builder.
As long as the heathen finally accepts the Emperor as the Only God and Master of Mankind we are fine.
We are Rogue Traders, indeed, but pious.
it didn't dissipate, they scapred his stories from walls and tried to erase him from history. I wanna say it was Amonkhet or something like that? He legit enforced monotheism on ancient egypt for a like a decade before they assassinated him and tried to make sure nobody remmebered his dick-headed shit
He dies a horrible death, as the various warlike gods who physically walk the land immediately take an interest in his claim, and seek out this so called "only true god" with the intent of challenging them.
He's proven very wrong very quickly. And the tithe is doubled.
Fine, I'm going to also keep worshiping His demigods if that's okay.
Wasn't monotheism.
one of the best settings for story driven RPGs.
You have a well developed world with various tribes, believes and cultures. Its almost Tolkien-ish. I can only recommend it.
The god will most likely tell him to cut that shit out, because he's putting the world at danger. If he disobeys he will tell the priests to incite open rebellion. If that doesn't work he will tell the rest of the pantheon about it, likely triggering a world war against it.
Putting the unity of the pantheon at risk and allowing more unified alien pantheons to come and steal their property is a serious risk and not to be messed up with.
It does help that in my setting pantheons are generally stronger than monotheistic gods. Pantheons are able to more carefully manage and share domains, while monotheistic gods have to do some heavy workarounds to reach the same level of efficiency.
Which king? Depending on which one it could lead to a simple meh to outright revolution.
>ceramic armor
That's when the gods start hiring assassins.
>How doe this effect your part and/or your setting ?
It's WFRP, so at a minimum Middenland and Talabecland secede from the Empire.
Well, in most of the places that's likely to happen, he'd get some odd looks for saying that one of the gods is legitimate. Multiple cultures understand the eight divinities to be merely aspects of one larger divine existence, but calling out one of them as a true god would imply that it was the entirety of the divine existence. Which doesn't make much sense.
The King is already legitimately seen as a direct messenger from God and has proved himself multiple times over by sending the monstrous hordes fleeing for their lives and having knowledge that no normal man could possibly have.
Currently the setting already has a Capital G God as well as numerous other various gods with varying amounts of influence and worship and cultists.
The King however is the most powerful and cunning ruler in an age and has a fanatically loyal populous that see him as a a vessel for the divine.
So while the numerous cults will be unhappy they won't survive long.
"But if there's only one real god, and Fire isn't one of his Domains, then how do I still have my powers?"
Because of the satans, user. Because of the satans.
Give me the quick rundown on this guy
>"Damn it, Your Majesty, I'm a Cleric, not a Warlock!"
All powerful, will take his favoured into paradise when they die, slow to anger and rich in kindness, will smite a nigga unto death if they wear polyester and canvas together
Because typical gets boring.
Isn't it a little embarrassing to still be worshiping fire as a cleric in a civilized land? What sort of cave man god do you even worship?
Ahura Mazda.
I just realized my setting has no kings. Huh.
Emperor, sultans, principates of a monotheistic land, shogunate, another emperor which is also a god, chieftains, senators, triunvirate, decapolis... Yeah, no kings.
>>The king has declared that only one god is legitimate
>He didn't actually declare WHICH god he considers to be legitimate
Classic move.
It was all to hype up a debate between clerics this SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY
>he worships a Japanese car maker
Galactic wide shitstorm
"Say again? Only one what?"
The gods, and most people, will laugh at him and his nation except for his subjects who would be split between humoring him publicly, keeping their faith privately, and a few people preparing for a good old fashioned crusade.
The church of Phos had already stamped out all the false pagan gods.
I mean, part of the setting is a conflict between the followers of two mostly-dead gods, so that's par for the course.
Do you even persia?
That'll be the clergy's doing and everything will be fine because they'll get him to declare some ancient monster or abomination to be the one true god instead of the actual One True God. The actual One True God has very depressing things to say about the meaning of life and the existence of free will so the Church is happy to promote the worship of literally anything else.
Isn't that the soup place in the strip mall?
Pretty sure the party doesn't give a flying fuck about what the king says, just like the majority of the populace given that the nobles are also splitting the lands assigned by the king and as such they'll probably start to think of a way to put this madman who shits up the throne out of commission and replace him with a less stupid man.
The party won't get into politics though, we are too busy getting filthy rich by delving into ancient ruins and discovering treasures. Also theft.
>The god has declared that no gods are legitimate
How doe this effect your part and/or your setting?
>ceramic armor protects against divine retribution in user's setting
I'm really curious now.
>"Wait a minute, is this a test? This is a test, right?"
He's in for a lot of pain. All the cultures in the setting are polytheistic, even if just a little (like holding their patron god above every other deity, or just recognizing gods are existing entities but not worshiping them), so for starters there's going to be a huge diplomatic crisis, followed by unheard warnings from the now illegal cults and then an apocalypse hitting that kingdom, or a huge holy war in case smiting is out of the question.
In any case, this king is going down in history as a huge retard who dared challenging the gods.
The Man Emperor of Mankind has SPOKEN! TACO TUESDAYS IT IS!
Well its not exactly impossible, all the old gods, primordials, titans and capital G ones took a godly step back when the whole world went to fuck.
Now theres just high spirits posing as gods and lesser gods who actually do divine stuff, it'd be no real big feat to just proclaim one truer than the rest.
He is sent to some remote place with soft walls.
Gods existing are empiric facts, not some propaganda bullshit.
Or you know, sculptors liberty.
But lets go with the alien thing, its more exciting.
But are they truly divine, or merely exceptionally powerful spellcasters?
He was an alien because his body was never found and he proclaimed there was only one god! A sun god! Don't you get it? Whenever an ancient society mention the Gods, they were actually talking about ALIENS.
It's a discworld joke.
There's a golem made of clay who's an atheist, in a world with gods - when he declare's his lack of belief one throws a lightning bolt at him. It heats him up a bit, but does nothing. He then says "I DON'T CALL THAT MUCH OF AN ARGUMENT"
Of course there is no god but AES MANA SHULTAI , for AMS is all things. Any other gods are but pages of the story They tell, and how could a Story be more legitimate than the Teller?
AMS is the Story, The Listener, the Teller, and the Medium. What else could there be?
If it's not the God of Death and the Afterlife, then he can expect a visit from one of the many "Fathers" who roam around the countryside, purging those who commit crimes against nature like necromancy. They're literally *teleports behnd u* tier silly. The campaign I'm in is a little weird so far.
Unless you're one of those faggots who reps the Hidden God, but fuck those guys
The Gods take turns being the "One God" Because Being a God is more like a Job with quotas than being a powerful dick to be worshiped.
At such a level, it's the same thing.
If Aliens where just very gaunt Egyptians that must really piss off all those "Aliens are outside our imaginations and look nothing like us" folks.
Nothing. The various Dynasts are constantly shilling for one God or pantheon or philosophy, so state sanction for one would just be kind of a theopolitical faux pas.
It'd only really effect the aristocracy, who can switch worldviews on a dime to keep up with the times, and the clergy, who'd have to run damage control for the slighted "false" gods and grease the wheels of heavenly bureaucracy with sweet, sweet prayer juice.
The commoners and self made men of the world would continue on with their folk religions and weird cults and wacky philosophical memes as they always have. Can't really stop them from doing or believing goofy shit, the best you can do is hope that they syncreticize your religion enough into theirs that your deity of choice can draw off of it