What's a good idea for a sphinx challenge that's not just, you know, riddles?

what's a good idea for a sphinx challenge that's not just, you know, riddles?

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Someone stole the Sphinx egg an you have to find it an bring it back.

If you want to make it more difficult then set a time limit on it, they have to bring it back to the mother before it hatches.



Well, go with the classics, why not? Powerful magical beings usually ask for a service of some kind.

Or try to eat you.

Board or card games.

A game of chance where it keeps subtly using its magic time powers to win. The test is to see if you are brave enough to call it out on its shit.


>what's a good idea for a sphinx challenge that's not just, you know, riddles?
Insult swordfighting. No, seriously, it's a great competitive exercise for the wits.

At least half of those are cringy as fuck.

>le cringe meme

You are not a mighty pirate.

Logic puzzles and riddles that don't require they be written down or anything. I've found that a specific and really simple problem that should be, but rarely is, used in CS education works really well so long as nobody given the problem is in CS or math.

Give her an orgasm.

She's been around a long time and had more skillful and bigger dicked lovers than you. Good luck.

somebody doesn't have a childhood.

The internet memes have taught him to blot all such memories out, because authentic human experiences are "cringeworthy."

Did you just trash-talk Monkey Island?



>your brians

>a sphinx will never feast on your brians

life really is just death in drag

Go find a book they haven't read and give it to them as a gift.

Writing your own book on the spot does not count.

Explaining how the jews did 9/11.

Source? Google was no help

Duel to the Death by Snu-snu.
Strap yourself monster, cause here comes the Gs

standarized testing

any sufficiently quick witted bloke can figure out a riddle, but only those who sat down and listened to the teacher at school can pass this test

Sphinx-chan's Ultra Quiz by kishibe

I found it using the saucenao app, which you can find here saucenao.com/tools/

Happy trails.

A reverse riddle.
You have to explain precisely HOW teeth are horses.

I did one once where a sphinx summoned three bound demons. One told only lies, one told only the truth, and one was mad and would give a random answer. Each had a name, and the players could ask three questions. Each demon they could name would not have to fight them, each one they named incorrectly would be empowered for the fight.

Its a riddle with various levels of completeness, and your strategy changes based on how complete you think you can get the riddle. Its also worth mentioning that their power is established as truth

>dissing on Monkey Island
Seriously, nigga?

A quiz on knowledge of imperial credo and biographies of The Emperor and major saints.

>Standarized test
Those who fight monsters should take care that they never become one.

What is a man ?
What is your favorite colour ?

A children's card game !

You can also use another creature... Sphinx are associated to riddles, maybe use a tengu, a dragon, a djinn or whatever to ask for a different challenge. Also a nice one would be, from a sphinx, "Give me a riddle I cannot answer", or, in a more goofy way "I'm out of good riddles, I'll let you pass if you can tell me a good one"

Oh so you're saying that one super autistic poster who couldn't understand riddles was actually a sphinx all along?

What happens if it hatches?

I vaguely recall something of this caliber of autism, but jog my memory if you would be so kind?

Huh. I thought this was about a year and a half back, but it's more like early 2014. Damn, I really have been here too long.
Anyway riddles came up in a thread way back when and some sperg came in to bitch that riddles are the worst and they never make any sense. By arguing with him for several hours, anons worked out that he must have been severely autistic, because the kind of associative deduction you need to solve a riddle was completely lost on him. He wanted to solve them like an algebra problem, if you can believe that.
The one about the horses on a red hill seemed particularly vexing for him because "hills are not red, that makes no sense!" or something like that.

He also made up his own riddle for us, which was super bad, like a song written by a tone deaf guy who didn't even know any music theory..

This is the first thread with him I can find in the archives, there was one before this but I can't locate it.

riddle: 'Can you out-wrestle a sphinx?'

>because "hills are not red, that makes no sense!" or something like that.
No, it was specifically because the riddle uses the word "horses" to describe the thing that is the correct answer, when it's not horses at all.
I mean sure, teeth aren't commonly found on a hill either, but it's mainly the "horses" part that makes it a lie.

How are you supposed to know they're not horses when the riddle says they're horses, but also know that the rest of the words in the riddle are true?
Why isn't it equally valid to decide the "first they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still" part is also a "metaphor" for something completely different and arbitrary?
You're supposed to know that they're not actually horses and they're not actually on a hill, but you're supposed to know they DO actually champ, they DO actually stamp, and they DO actually stand still?

Oh jeez, he's here.

>How are you supposed to know they're not horses when the riddle says they're horses, but also know that the rest of the words in the riddle are true?

By having a brain that works properly and can make indirect connections like that. Seriously, six year olds can do this stuff, user. It's not the riddle's fault, you're like a color blind person who can't see the letter E hidden in all the dots.

Those two threads have actually helped me understand that one riddle and some of the rules for solving riddles. I only keep bringing it up because it's funny.

Thing is, nobody I've talked to uses rules to solve riddles, most people just do it intuitively.

The baby sphinx will think you're it's mother, they have really nasty separation issues too.

Nobody does. Riddles are usually just wordplay or based around double meanings behind things.

Ask her to explain the plot of Evangelion.