Rate my meme m8!
Rate my meme m8!
seems legit. I give it a 5/10 because smurfs though. Otherwise great costume
All teegee memes suck. It is known.
Pic related.
The God Emperor gives it a solid "meh." He's seen worse. *Glares at Lorgar.*
>trying to force le dank ebin maymays
Please stop
How's this for a Veeky Forums meme?
Pretty good. If you had just naturally posted it into an appropriate thread I would have softly chuckled and scrolled on.
But you made a "le rate le meme and le give le upboats" thread, so what im going to do instead is report you for posting CP and hope a lazy ass mod bans your ip range forever without bothering to actually check.
Still my favorite 40k meme
You have to go back.
You are part of the problem you know.
No want for any fun or laughter.
I still love that almost everyone that wasn't Dorn just ignored Nikaea even Guilliman decided to ignore it come codex time.
Every legion besides the VIIth deserved censure like the Thousand Sons.
I chuckled.
If a joke can't stand on its own without "hey gais wut do u think of my epic meme XD", then it's shit. Good ones rise from being inherently funny, without the need to push them.
Jokes are welcome, but humorous ones are generally better received.
Nikaea banned sorcery, but 40k lore slipped and made regular psychics into practicing 'magic'. now a days you be hard pressed to find a distraction between psychics and sorcery at all.
Black Templars reason for not using librarians, is because they view them as sorcerers, AKA abhor the witch. This view used to be not widely shared. Librarians mainly use their powers for communication when vox networks are down. A classic physic ability in 40k. Sorcery is stuff that regular non psychics can use if they sacrifice enough to the chaos gods, or somehow skim off from them. the thousand sons happen to do both. the regular non psychics fellas in all those dusty suits of armor probably used sorcery to boost up weapons and such like they do.
>rune priests are hypocrites, that.s clearly a form of sorcery via psychics.
Zero cultist so i give it a -5/7
The barrier between powers and sorcery was quite easy.
You take it with your brain through sheer willpower from the warp at the cost of demons being able to fuck your ass: psychic power
You deal with demons for it with sacrifice or pact: sorcery
It was ¿5th Ed? Grey Knight Codex (the first post Demon-Hunters Codex) the first that said nuh-huh, they are the same thing and these silver motherfuckers can use both if they want.
better than no content at all but ya i'm with
yeah so I posted it, i didn't make the costume but I made the meme. sorry if it's in the wrong thread... and i don't know what a cp is. I have no idea how this site worked but a friend thought I would be funny to post it. He said to write that with the meme... i think he was playing a joke on me.
yeah no
5/7 perfect score
Makes me wanna topple it / 10
That is a plebbit tier meme you got there.