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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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First for making every magic system powered by waifus.
Pickle wins
Is there a jump where i can buy an endless dungeon, or something similar in nature to one?
Speaking of Dracula, would the Count work as a Persona? If so, would he be of the Devil Arcana, or something else?
Can't remember if this was asked before or not but, in Sekai Oni the King perk. If we stop taking in the darkness and get rid of what we have inside us would we lose all the life energy and power we gained?
In Nids having multiple Boneswords makes each one more powerful. Is there any way we could just get one that is just as powerful as if we has several? Like buy four but only end up with one which is as powerful as one of the four would normally be?
Reposing my question for the new thread.
Should I get Doormaker from Worm or the Second Magic from Fate? I don't really care for Fate and would rather avoid it but the Second Magic is tempting. Is it really that good?
Given his history, I'm going to call him the very embodiment of the Tower arcana.
Hero who fell from grace? Check.
Representative of destruction? Check.
Arrogant? Check.
You can use it to get infinite mana, teleport, and go to other worlds. Probably more that I'm not thinking of at the moment.
do not
You'd lose it all, yeah. That darkness is what is allowing you to have all that energy and power. if you don't have it, no energy/power.
Gotta be separate, unless you just stick them together on one arm. That'd get pretty unwieldy though.
It's pretty sweet. Even it's name is badass- Kaleidoscope.
You can also steal skills from parallel versions of yourself.
Should probably put my trip on now that I'm working on a jump again. So, tried to come up with a good evolution-based cheat ability. Thoughts?
>Evolver [???cp]: Everything in this world possesses certain qualities. Monsters have breeds and hierarchies that define their strengths and specialties. Armor and weapons have attributes and enchantments that mark the difference between common trash and legendary artifacts. Even people define themselves with jobs and classes, to know their role in the group. You can see these qualities, and by paying a price, improve them. Note that this price is not insignificant, and in the case of living targets, will always need to be paid in part by them. The price can usually be paid in raw magic, though certain relevant reagents may be used to defuse the cost. This price also scales in comparison to your own strength. Raising something up to your level will be vastly more affordable than trying to push it above you. Likewise, self-evolution will always be costly, but rarely not without equivalent benefits.
Zelretch feat: Pulling power from parallel worlds to functionally give himself an infinite source of mana, or od if he's pulling from parallel selves.
You can also fuck alternate versions of yourself.
Do you think the Second Magic could be used to make something like Demonbane's Cor Leonis engine?
So since the Emperor's Army had the most feedback I've attempted to fix that.
Feedback would be nice.
Is that masturbation or incest?
Selfcest, not incest.
Even better, good thinking user.
What are the best daughterus to adopt and ones you have adopted?
If you adopted multiple rate them by how much you love them.
Like to own or to adventure in?
The Magi jump has a perk that lets you create random dungeons to adventure in.
The Fire Emblem Heroes jump has a training tower.
If you want to make an endless dungeon, build it in some infinitely sized pocket dimension like SCP 2400.
>Loving any more than the others
No good parent has favorites.
Well, it's effectively one of it's canon functions, pulling energy from alternate universes/selves to power yourself. So yes.
That said, whether you can manage it on the same scale is a question of your personal power and skill.
I like the concept, maybe give an option for specialization in the evolution? I want to see what other cheats there are before I give an opinion on whether it's "balanced."
I also want to suggest a cheat ability based around negating other "cheat" abilities. Unfortunately, I'm probably going to be of no help in defining what a "cheat ability" is.
Unrelated, and you can ignore this if you'd rather not talk about it, but is the Keijo jump dead? The series has ended and the translations, though they've stalled, are in the middle of the end game.
I'm a little confused by that Gold Dust does. Does it bring out their true potential, or just pull out the potential they achieved at one point in their life?
Aside from Hero BBS, what jumps are there for making your own magic system?
I don't do Daughterus. I don't have any children by blood (traveling with me), and most of the relationships I have with those who are much younger or look up to me have a more Teacher-Student slant then Parent-Child.
All I have adopted are... troubled... individuals. Each has different issues, difficulties, and needs. I will not even attempt to "rank" them.
Nika said it best:
Alright thanks Val, it was something I kept thinking about when the jump with it came out but, I wasn't sure if anyone would answer the question considering what series it concerns/
>Not de-aging women into small children, wiping their memories, and forcibly inducting them into your large, terrifying "family" until you find another girl and forget about them
It's like your morals haven't been warped by magic powers and multiple lifetimes worth of not having to deal with the long-term fallout of your actions.
Hah, well, if I'm making a Demonbane jump, I gotta be prepared to answer Demonbane questions right? You're welcome either way.
I wrote the ability to be super open-ended, so yeah, I can definitely clarify that you can exert control over which direction the evolution goes.
And the idea of a negation-centric ability is definitely interesting. I'll see what I can do, without just copying Devil Style.
It's basically dead. The anime was disappointing and the manga, while still hilarious, has not exactly filled me with inspiration. I no have no intention of keeping my claim on it, anyways.
Arguably PS238
Arguably Highschool DxD (I think it still needs to be calculation based.)
Arguably any of the perks that let you combine/modify magic systems.
I don't think the Second Magic can do normal dimensional travel. I was told it's only between alternate timelines.
I like it a lot, and I think the associated cost for evolving will probably make it balanced internally, although I can't make a real call without the other Cheat Abilities being known.
>I gotta be prepared to answer Demonbane questions right?
Thanks again Val, but since you are taking DB questions will there be a scenario to take Kurous place?
I would love the scenario if only because if we clear it we would get Demonbane the embodiment of justice and Al Azif our magic my jumper is attached to the name Kurou as they have been using it for so long it would be awkward.
Mmmmmrrrr, dunno. I don't mind having one that leads into an endjump but I'm unsure about it being just a normal scenario. I'll suppose I'll decide when I figure out what I need to limit in the purchases offered.
At the very least, you will be able to get both Vanillabane and Al Azif, assured.
You don't NEED the second magic for that. Just self duplication and a little effort. and preferrably that jurassic park gendershifting skill.
I had a stray thought: How much of a breakdown do you think Armsmaster from Worm would have if he caught sight of an Object from Heavy Object?
Will it be named as such, and will there be an option to color it white?
>At the very least, you will be able to get both Vanillabane and Al Azif, assured.
Well I am fine with Vanillabane I was not hoping to get EGD as that is too out there for me. If I get them any other way then taking Kurous place it would feel kinda weird like I was stealing them from him.
Haha. Tempting.
You can just go steal DemonPain instead.
None. Why would you think that would cause a breakdown? Because the "onion armor" is hyper-efficient in how it serves as both armor, cooling systems, and power relays all at once? That's the only thing I can think of that would impact him any. But I don't think he'd have a breakdown, he'd just appreciate this piece of Tinkertech and want to study it to use its design principles for his own.
Why would the Bane of Vanilla be colored white, which is the most vanilla color?
Your logic is flawed! Flawed I say!
It should clearly be colored Apocalypse Pink.
Actually, I'm fairly certain he'd look at it and see just how inefficient the whole concept is.
It's also too large. How is he going to fit all of that into a halbard?
He just needs a bigger Halberd and a Mecha Halbeard to carry that too.
I feel that, if you did that, you'd end up arguing with yourself over which one of you has to swap. Or which of you gets to swap, depending on your tastes.
It's probably easier to just find your alternate self in the gender-swap universe.
Because vanilla beans are black, and vanilla icecream is white because the cream devours its infinite tasty blackness. I had no idea we were dealing with icecream plebs in this thread.
>Actually, I'm fairly certain he'd look at it and see just how inefficient the whole concept is.
His girlfriend is Dragon. Armsmaster is more than used to giant weird-looking battle engines at this point.
Generic Dungeon Builder. There's basically an entire Jump dedicated to making your own dungeon.
Honestly, my favorites are still the Dolls of Necronica. The world there sucks and they needs love and attention to keep from going insane due to the daily horrors they are generally forced to endure. Someone needs to protect those smiles. If not Jumper, then who?
That said, I don't usually do daughterus. They just kind of happened during my Restarted Chain.
Harems are the one true way.
Arguably, there's the Slayer Handbook in the Buffy Jump that will let you write in your own laws of magic should the current ones get broken some how. So technically, any Jump would let you write your own magic system once you have that book and can figure out how to break a world's magic in half.
Hell, if you hit up Forgotten Realms during the Spell Plague era, you could do it there. I pissed off SO many Gods doing it there though.
Does the Zelretch’s Student perk from Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya give you the same Second Magic from the Fate/Stay Night jump?
It's the height of potential they've achieved in their lives up to the point you hit them with the Gold Dust. Sorry if that's a confusing point, also my net is completely wrecked so I'm sorry that took so long to post.
Yours might. Helps that my 100% strength duplicate is always swapped to begin with. Started as a way for our companions to tell us apart at a glance, and it just became real convenient.
Hello I am Nasu lorefag.
So the Second Magic is really strong. It can travel timelines both between parallel worlds and maybe backwards and forwards along them. This allows it to draw energy and objects from parallel timelines, near infinite amounts in fact. Some wielders of Kaleidoscope can even draw skills and personality from alternate versions of themselves.
Rin uses the energy drawing function to fire giant energy blasts once she gets the Jeweled Swords and has a alternate "magical girl" personality drawn into her while using the magic wand Ruby who helps with Kaleidoscope stuff. Zelretch who is a grand master at using Kaleidoscope was able to build a magic square and blast an "image of the moon" being dropped on the Earth by the king of vampires Type-Moon.
The limits of the Kaleidoscope lie in the limited nature of parallel worlds. There are infinite worlds but there are not infinite "Parallel Worlds". Parallel Worlds are worlds within the Human Order which can only contain a certain number of parallel worlds at a time. The Human Order will only will only manage worlds if three conditions are fulfilled. First they must be similar to the other worlds within management, there are no worlds where the world has become super advanced or regressed backwards because those would put them to far from the Human Order for it to properly manage them.
Second human choice must still matter in determining the future, parallel worlds are created by human choice not random difference. A parallel world will not be created depending on what way a coin flip lands but will be created by someone deciding to quit their job or not quit their job. When someone makes a decision the world splits into parallel worlds representing the possible decisions they made. These decisions lead to different futures, in one they keep their job and are a productive member of society who makes the world better, in the one where they quit they become a crime lord and make the world more violent. However if the choices made by people lead to a world where choices don't matter anymore, like say they make a VR paradise for everyone or a dystopian thought controlling dystopia the world will no longer be within the Human Order because choices don't matter.
The third requirement is that for at least 100 more years choices will continue to matter within that timeline. Because a bloat of timelines would collapse the Human Order it snips away any timelines that would form unmanageable non-parallel timelines.
tl;dr Kaleidscope gives you nigh infinite energy, travel between worlds, and skill borrowing. Parallel Worlds are all similar to each other only worlds where human choice matter are parallel worlds and there's a limited number of parallel worlds.
Boarderlands has Tiny Tina. I think she would love superpowers and adventure into other worlds.
Go to Hero BBS and pick up the space-time magic from there. It's by far the best in the chain for utility and travel, vastly superior to both Doormaker and the Kaleidoscope in that respect. This is mostly due to its navigational advantage. A level 8 (out of 10) Hero was able to locate a specific person in an infinite multiverse within minutes and then remotely transport her from one universe to a completely different universe without ever physically being in either.
This is something that is often overlooked with Doormaker. You can't base Doormaker's feats off of the in-series character because the actual Doormaker has access to the Clairvoyant's powers, essentially giving him omniscience via a completely different power that he doesn't have. The power itself doesn't give you knowledge of the actual specifics of the universes in question. I'd imagine the Kaleidoscope works the same way. Hero BBS, on the other hand, does give you the ability to at least scan a huge number of universes for specific criteria within ludicrously short periods of time and feeds you information back, such as the exact coordinates of a given person within an infinite multiverse.
So, Master of All, how does reallocating exp work? I'm assuming that you don't have to bring up a menu or use a computer, given that it's fast enough to do mid-swing (presumably at supersonic speeds?). Is it thought based, so long as you have your Shining Weapon?
And currently my scheme for using it is to dump lots of exp into certain skills, gaining mastery and understanding, and then use my gargantuan brain to remember key details so when I move exp out of that skill, I can train my way through it the regular way very easily. Rinse and repeat with other skills, or on the same skill to an even higher level. Does this all work out?
Neverwinter Nights has a challenge that rewards you with a never ending, always shifting dungeon addition to your warehouse.
>I'd imagine the Kaleidoscope works the same way
Zelretch pulls much the same feat as Sage. He peers in on the protagonist of Strange Fake after setting up a profile of them. He owns a book which is basically multiversal google.
In Saint Seiya is it possible for the Bronze Cloths to evolve to a higher tier?
Generally just thought based, yes.
No, taking out EXP will remove the knowledge and skill you have in something. Taking it out of a skill will effectively remove all knowledge you have of it, mental or physical or otherwise.
Was he looking for them beforehand or did he just find them normally? I don't know much about the Second Magic.
I remember the main 5's Cloths being revived with the blood of a Gold Saint after being broken, which caused them to become even stronger than before, although I think they still were considered Bronze formally. Wiki also says they evolve into God Cloths at some point but that's a BIT of an outlier.
Just found them normally. Admittedly it takes a minute of him searching and narrowing down his parameters but he finds a subject to watch pretty easily.
Hey Jumpchain! What are some good anti magic, reality warping, mind reading skills?
SCP containment breach has some sort of anti-reality warping anchor technology.
Is right?
A gun and good reflexes.
[Saint Seiya]
(Disclaimer: I am super not familiar and the wiki is really, really confusing)
I'm reasonably sure the average mad wizard cares more about magic than waifus. Wouldn't that drastically decrease the aggregate waifu population across the multiverse?
Well, there's Elodie, there's Sunny (my "biological" daughteru), there's Fair Eyes and Makoto, and I've always considered my Pokemon-
>rate them
Elodie got a fair bit of trouble a long while ago when the others figured out she was the favorite I do not have, but it's all evened out with her also working at cross purposes on many occasions. Sunny's pretty chill about the whole thing though, she just wants to step out of my shadow so whenever (honorary) daughter fighting happens, she only joins in because she loves fighting tournaments.
I just pictured Bane's head as a scoop of vanilla. Stop making me hungry for terrorist-flavored sorbet.
I think so?
Yeah, though honestly that just means dimension travel is a two step process. Go to another timeline, come back to your original timeline but in another dimension as your point of landing.
I see. It seems pretty equivalent then.
Based on what I know I still think Hero BBS beats it out though. Mostly because it's free, does many other things in addition to space-time manipulation, and the F/SN jump is already a horrible vampire as it is. Plus there's the fact that Sage is only level 8. A level 10 Magician could probably do even more than him.
Thanks for checking for me, guess I need to buy a Gold Cloth straight out then.
Hey everybody! I've done a minor update to the Ultraman jump, adding a few things i missed before and the options to go Belial and get Geed's knuckle instead of the Orb Ring. Plus a few notes. I'll probably update again when Geed is over.
Let me know what you all think and if there's anything else I missed that you would to see added.
I'm pretty sure Sage being an 8 is just fanon, I don't think his level is ever explicitly stated. It was stated that being multiversal automatically makes you at least an 8, or maybe just that the magic to do so is ranked level 8.
I think being a 9 makes more sense for Sage, for what little difference it makes.
I adopted Homura's. All of them.
They're are all technically in their mid twenties but they still need a childhood.
It could really go either way. I'd say he's really high level 8 to low level 9. He's a long way from level 10 either way, as demonstrated by the difference between him and Wayfarer.
The Ultraman Suit doesn't make you bigger right?
Tamura was really weird.
No, but it allows you to turn giant if you want.
Wait where is that stated in canon?
Tamura was great.
>The rate you gain these at is enough to roughly equal killing a monster equal to your own level every week
Does this mean an enemy that could challenge you, or does it max out at the EXP of a Level Capped monster?
I'll be on the Baka box while I improve my reading comprehension.
Eh, that just seems kind of clunky and unintuitive.
What if you're on a world that's super advanced? Shouldn't you be able to tap into worlds within whatever order it belongs in instead?
.....Wrong pic
No you don't get to get off that lightly Strike.
You get a God Cloth if Athena bleeds on you, so if you want it, that's how you get it.
This is why you sort your images into folders.
I'm not strike, I just have my own Baka box.
It's not, it's just common sense. If he's able to control WHERE he appears in other timelines, why wouldn't he be able to appear in different dimensions in those timelines? They're just different points in space in that timeline. And if he can do that, he can do the same when he returns to the original timeline.
Unless I'm completely wrong and he's only able to open portals to the exact spots he's in at the time but that seems...very silly and not really all that fitting either.
The former.
For clarification, it'll be a lot less limited in future worlds since it's no longer sticking to the whole Human Order thing and I really don't mind if you fanwank it not working that way even in Fate since it's one of the more silly retcons i find
It takes a stupid wizard not to have a shield up.
It's important to keep your bakas in once place where you can keep an eye on them.
(Different user)
Thank you for all of that, actually. I did not know that the second magic could do all of that, and as such, have mostly just been using it as glorified teleportation.