D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What Theurge wizard should I play? Life, Knowledge, Death, Grave or something else?
Where were you when Mike Mearls was so ashamed of the last two UAs that he pretended he didn't exist
The same, but with skill monkeying and inspiration.
Im using inkarnate to create rough drafts of national/regional/world maps, but are there any online map makers that lets you focus on a city or town scale?
This is the only city generator I have but I want something less random
>only drops one link to new thread in old thread
Apply yourself.
>NPC 8 foot tall BIGLY HUEG guy (Goliath race expy)
>Is going to be the party's current boss/questgiver (PCs are pirates/raiders)
What personality would be good for a huge pirate/gang boss? I'd rather skip the generic Pirate/Goliath personalities.
As of now I'm thinking maybe one of these-
>Reinhardt but a pirate
>MGSV Revolver Ocelot (except hueg)
>a 1:1 copy of Tommy Wiseau in The Room
>REALLY FLAMBOYANT gay dude, basically like those fuckers from God Hand
>Leon from The Professional
Which one will you have fun with past the first session of it being a funny joke?
The Sky Pirate Balthier
Starting a 5e campaign for the first time when I've only ever played 3e. What should I expect? All I've seen are the character creation changes and while slightly overwhelmed I'm loving all the options
What stops my DM from having goblins just walk through the stone wall I made with silent image?
If I make a 10ft radius stone wall surrounding the goblin can he just touch it as a free action or is my DM being a shit?
i.e I didn't learn the spell so it could be ignored by gobbos with -2 Int.
Fewer magic items, way less feat fuckery, much more capable martials, much lower numbers and DCs and ACs.
These are more of general peronality traits/what kind of voice I should practice up before playing than overall character, so I could make any of them work in a long run.
8 foot tall Tommy Wiseau seems like it could be entertaining in the long run while also being unnerving to players that don't get the refrence.
Can't use him because he's already got a different NPC that's a ripoff of him. (That and part of his character/reputation is that he's rather eccentric, though the flavor of which I haven't decided)
>guy wants to run a level 20 campaign of just fighting gods and elemental/demon lords
>UA allowed, make mystic, also high elf so take Toll the Dead from starter spells UA
>jesus christ there is so much choice
>like 20 pages of just disciplines to choose from
>takes me 2 full hours to put a character together
>fucking first enemies we fight are mind flayers
>i'm laughing at their mind blasts and sending it back in spades with our psychic wars
unexpected but fun
Because it doesn't look like an illusory wall, it looks like a goddamn wall sprung up out of nowhere. Nothing except a suicidally stupid monster are going to run into a wall that sprouted from nowhere.
Your DM should understand that it's a game, not a competition. If he wants goblins to run through a wall, he had sure as shit be making sure that one of them passes an Investigation check to make sure it's a real wall. Until one of them makes a successful check, none of them should run through the wall. If you use the same illusion over and over, then maybe the goblins will catch on.
Another thing is that goblins are stupid, cowardly, and afraid of magic in all its forms. They're not going to want to be near a wall that sprouted from nowhere.
Death, play a Good Necromancer who doesn't just shit out Undead but instead uses things like Draining, Fear, Speaking with Dead and other classic Necromancy spells.
>casts an ILLUSION spell in the least tricky, most obvious way ever
>whines that it doesn't fool anyone
I don't think you're smart enough to play an illusionist. If you were surrounded by a sudden stone wall, what would YOU do? That's right, you'd probably try breaking out or climbing over it. And if it was a fake ass wall, oh, well, you'd walk through it and get back to fighting.
Seriously, what did you expect to happen there?
I'm going to be having my players defend an Inn from zombies from midnight until dawn, ala the Midnight Hotel from Skulduggery Pleasant. What are some good random events to happen throughout the night? So far I have:
roll a d12
1. an Ogre Zombie bursts through the floor, having gotten into the cellar.
2. a d8 of zombies start climbing trees in an effort to get on the roof.
3. a zombified patron tries to convince the players to let him in, saying he left his wallet.
4. the players find a crate of exquisite-quality wine.
5. a small fire starts in: |1d4| 1. the kitchen 2. the bedrooms 3. the cellar 4. the zombies
6. hold the line! Heavily armored undead try to batter down the door with a sharpened tree trunk.
7. the players catch a glimpse of a black-cloaked figure striding through the crowd.
8. an ambitious zombie manages to rip a players weapon out of his hands.
9. the players find a stash of weapons in the cellar. Roll a d20; if 1 or 20, one of them is magical.
10. a wandering paladin carves his way through the horde, ending up inside the inn. he took |1d4| 1. light injuries 2. heavy injuries 3-4. fatal injuries.
11. a drunken patron stumbles downstairs, complaining about a hangover. |1d4| 1-2. He's a 3rd level wizard. 3-4 He's a drunken idiot.
12. a traveling merchant staying in an upstairs room offer to sell the players "anti-undead cologne". The hideous smell gives any undead disadvantage on attack rolls. Lasts until the player gets wet.
gimme them ideas bois
I imagine they would've tried to hit the wall when it spring up, rather then stand there and do nothing about it. They would've realised it's fake pretty much straight away.
One of the issues with Illusions is that if something touches it you're fucked, so make sure it's something people aren't going to want to touch.
>zombie left his wallet in there.
make it coinpouch for fantasy realism.
13.have the zombies try to fell a tree onto the inn as a final effort in the night and if the party cant figure out how to stop them it breaches the inn and now zombies can stream into the first and second floors using the tree as a walkway.
Have him sing a lot. Sea shanties exist for a reason. And be really uncoordinated on land.
when did this happen?
Tempted to play a Awakened Mystic how does the class play?
Hey does anybody know of a better system for gear progression?like at level 1-20 a martial will never change out his sword to get a nicer blade unless its made of some magical ore or is enchanted
im mainly looking for some sort of added progression supplement to add to 5e so i can actually make martial have a sense of progression for gear instead of just buying new pitons and more rope and food every time they visit town
my only idea so far is to have bronze weapons be the main thing and steel weapons are semi-rare and expensive like 5x phb cost and have bronze get negatives vs steel armor and steel get bonuses against bronze armor but thats about it
I guess its up in the air (heavily leaning on probably not), but im on mobile right now and cant check.
Are any of the 4e books/supplements in the trove? I run 5e but there is a lot i want to steal
What are some examples of epic level classes?
I'm going to be in a level 20+ campaign soon and I need some ideas.
you could let them go to the blacksmith and comission upgrades to their weapons like having your sheath turn into a shield as a free action or have your sheath extend blades out from the sides and turn into a great sword. Even paying a blacksmith to give a weapon the heavy or light properties or have a chain or a metal wire on the hilt of a weapon so when its thrown the user can pull it back into their hand as a free-action athletics check (sleight of hand for light weapons, athletics for others)
Quick question, what class is best for an animate object spellcaster? I have little experience with 5e so any help is appreciated.
At what point does a character's alignment change? Major points in the story or simply the accumulation of non-aligned actions?
Literally any level 20 character you can make.
Even the worst archetype of the worst class at level 20.
But if you want a BEEG HERO, can't go wrong with a Bard or Wizard. Or a Druid,
you're a pseudo-lich at that point
i do like the gnome-tinker approach to it i was kinda thinking more practical though (i will steal some of those ideas though)
If sombody knows of a system with good crafting rules (i think 3.5 or 4e should have one right?) and can point me to a book its in ill happily rip it my self
Illusionist Wizard, because illusionist is a good caster and the only casters that have Animate Objects are bard, sorcerer, wizard, forge cleric.
Does anyone have the screenshot explaining how fast a character could go if you stacked a bunch of spells and stuff? There was one with a tabaxi.
you could simply have an artificer that sells gems to jam into a weapon hilt. for 1 minute all attacks with the weapon deal an extra 2 or 3 elemental damage. Or could inflict a condition on a critical hit like frightened or poisoned. These are consumables mind you so you might actually want to give the option of a permanent enchantment as a reward for doing the artificer a solid.
The legendary Fastbaxi?
Rouge's Cunning Action is way more useful than I thought
Even if you're DM won't let you Hide often you can still dash circles around melee fighters and its still useful just to go sanic speeds
What's your favorite bard college? Why?
Are there any gimmicky bard builds that can still work? I've got a not-so-serious game coming up and I'd like to do something that isn't optimized for once, but I still don't want to be a detriment to my team.
Lore, i feel that Magical Secrets is a major defining feature of what makes the 5e bard interesting/unique, so getting them sooner is a big deal.
Does this seem like a good idea?
>D&D 5E gritty realism, I'm GM'ing
>starting a new game and want to try something different
>players go on their adventure but experience zero combat encounters while traveling
>zero combat encounters in cities too
>basically the world's level of danger is close enough to reality that players only find fights if they start them
>with so little actual combat over the weeks players are leveling slow
>enter gimmick
>players finally come across a shrine to an unknown god out in wilderness
>it's filled with riches, they obviously steal everything they can get their hands on
>lack of loot from battle has left their pockets empty
>after they leave a voice echoes "your hearts full of greed, now yours will be a life of constant strife"
>D&D encounters ENGAGED
>suddenly a regular amount of hostile creatures/npc's/monsters seem like the world is actively trying to kill the party
>players are unable to find the temple and return what they stole
>12. a traveling merchant staying in an upstairs room offer to sell the players "anti-undead cologne". The hideous smell gives any undead disadvantage on attack rolls. Lasts until the player gets wet.
They're just going to kill him and take it.
This image always annoyed me because it's like the equivalent of a human making a painting out of a hamburger.
>playing D&D 5th edition
Why would you even want to play one of the dullest tabletop role-playing games in the history of tabletop roleplaying games? Seriously, class you play in this game to fight assorted villains, is indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the shitty art and unsubtle political support of transsexuals, the classes’ only consistency is having the exact same bonus to hit, and the goal of which being damage, to make even the least combat-oriented games all about combat..
Perhaps the die was cast when Merals decided to make the game appeal to all of D&D's fractured fanbases; he made sure the game would never be taken seriously as anything but a bland middle ground, just a simple inoffensive game that doesnt nothing new. 5th edition might be anti-complexity (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-progress in its embracing of D&D's most archaic rules, and the discarding of 4e's progress. No one wants to face that fact. Now they no longer have to.
>a-at least it's pretty good, though!
No! The character options are all but non-existent. As I read the core rulebook, I noticed that every class had some mechanic that used advantage. I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that advantage showed up again. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Mearls' mind is so governed by the few ideas he has (like advantage), that he has no other recourse for creating class abilities. Later I read a lavish, loving review of 5th edition by the creator of Dungeon World. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing D&D 5e at 15 or 16 years of age, then when they get older they will go on to play Dungeon World." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play D&D 5e you are, in fact, being trained to play Dungeon World.
Eh not really there's a lot of sexual connotation in vampirism
Not really. It might work for a session or two but not much longer. I also doubt players would ever want to go back to the no-combat mode.
Here's your (you). People like the role play and customization that 5e brings. Advantage is a great mechanic that abstracts over what would be a superfluous amount of class features
>players interrogating one of the cultist from HotDQ
>squabbling the best way to go about
>in true PC fashion they resort to more or less torture
>rouge decides to break out his crowbar to start it off
>argues that he gets advantage on interrogation since it grants him advantage on leverage with it
>oh you.jpeg
Long story short they beat that fucker to death
t. Friendless Autist
Found the unamerican swine who doesn't paint all his minis and maps with a McDouble.
It's more of a means to explain why player characters get attacked so many times.
you're joking, right?
people like 5e because it's simple, anyone who actually cares about customization is playing 3.5e or pathfinder
Lost at "If these kids are playing D&D 5e at 15..."
nice pasta comrade. did you change it or did someone else.
You can customize on top of the base rules is what I meant
>he has a mcdouble in his posession for more than the 5 seconds needed to stuff it directly into your face-hole
Nice try non-american, but you can't fool me that easily.
>4e progress
stopped reading there
After playing 5e for like 2 years now, my analysis shows that 5e makes for a great "skeleton" to build upon with your own shit for customization. Though that only works when you're DM cause most DMs won't let you homebrew shit
People really play Pathfinder?
I thought it was just a series of treatises on theoretical character construction that shut-ins like to argue about on the internets.
It's hard to imagine anyone trying to use it for recreation.
pathfinder is great for people who want to make their own characters instead of playing as generic fantasy archetypes lifted directly out of lord of the rings
I bought the Pathfinder book of intrigue, hoping it would have some plot ideas for creating suspense or mystery sessions.
Instead I found a system for assigning "hit points" to Libraries and other mystery locations, which you were supposed to "damage" by investigating them, with your damage dice being determined by your class, modified by attributes, skills....
Nothing human would play this system for "fun".
Just because you lack imagination or ability to work within a system doesn't mean other people can
you wanna try that one again buddy?
Pathfinder is the ultimate Fidget Spinner for turbo-autistic gamers who get nervous when they have to look up at other people, and would rather stare at their character sheet formulas or splatbooks.
Remind me which member of the Fellowship was the Dragonborn Warlock again?
Nah I think you know what I meant
thats not a bad idea for a heavily destroyed library like nearly broken down that could crumble down at a moments notice other wise its pretty shit
why the fuck would you expect anyone to take you seriously when you can't even form a coherent sentence?
No, basically if you are trying to get information from a resource, location or even a person, you are "beating on them" with your class/skills/attributes til you've done sufficient "damage" to dislodge different levels of info.
Because roleplaying is for faggots.
he simply forgot his contraction, the fact of the matter is that you can make a character perfectly fine in 5e without adding a dozen incoherent systems on top of them
Good argument, sperging over the fact that I left off an apostrophe and a t. Thanks for confirming my expectations of a Pathfinder player.
different strokes for different folks I guess
some players are less inclined towards heavy RP and more to problem solving though. The DMG or PHB has a page about it iirc
ok thats laughably bad
i thought it would be somthing like "wizards have d4 hitdie and are really intelligent so half the intelligence mod rounding down roll a d4 and subtract that amount from it thats how much the structure takes whenever you make a search check to find shit inside of it
so a fighter on a crazily close to crumbling library walks in stumbles around and rolls really shittly a max roll of like 10+ somthing cause low intelligence, not only does he bring the library crashing around him but he has to roll a athletics to get out in time
But how will you be able to make a character without 5 tiers of Feats with super-specific attribute, skill, level and Feat requirements to attain?
I mean, nothing really defines the special character qualities of an individual character like attaining Power Attack IV.
I too like to spend my time just subtracting from a number by rolling dice in various contexts
you can make a character perfectly fine as long as you want to play as aragorn, sure
If you get a charge of adrenaline from defeating a notorious Huge Ancient Library, then Pathfinder is the system for you!
hello fellow autist would you like to play pathfinder together?
i wont be dming i want to play a half-kitsune half-demon barbarian cannibal
yes, every martial and spellcasting class is aragorn
Don't feed the zoo animals, just watch from afar and laugh
well, you can play as gandalf or maybe gimli too if you want
let them encounter some possibility for atonement. After this arc (at most 3 sessions?) they should have a taste for battle and conflict, and a desire to adventure.
virt go to bed
Let this man play his kitsune drow princess Mecha in peace!
yes, because gandalf summoned demons and gimli played a lute
>2001 facebook memes
>argues that he gets advantage on interrogation since it grants him advantage on leverage with it
I can't decide whether its most stupid or most genius thing i've heard today.
Fuck you, user.
>Facebook was founded in 2004
I'd at least give him inspiration for that.
>2009 ttrpg systems
>went as far as to google when facebook was founded to win a Veeky Forums argument in a thread about a shitty board game
I always seem to wind up as the party face in my groups. How do I avoid being too pushy? I want other players to have a chance to shine.
Friend I game with, he always plays a high Charisma bard or rogue.
Takes Persuasion and all the other related skills.
Refuses to be the party "face".
>board game
Ok you finally got to me
>I want other players to have a chance to shine.
Do they want it?
Woaaaah googling? Fucking no life