>Fantasy Flight announces new Fallout board game
Holee fuck, this is going to be my head-canon Fallout 4
>Fantasy Flight announces new Fallout board game
Holee fuck, this is going to be my head-canon Fallout 4
But is it good tho?
It was just announced, we know almost nothing about it.
Hopefully it blows everyone away.
I hope it captures the spirit of a Bethesda game and is a broken, mediocre, unfinished piece of shit that they charge sixty dollars for and then try to sell us again three more times
You've got a problem with my game? Why not buy the new edition when we get release it? It'll have fixed all your problems.
I still don't understand why people get so easily excited over licensed products. Are you all seriously so young and naive that you don't remember or realize that a license is essentially a guarantee that the product will suck?
>a company known to make top quality games out of their licenses
Are you so old that your brain has stopped working?
What about Wasteland Warfare?
So it'll be created by GW?
It better be a TTRPG or no go, sister. I won't be fooled by ANOTHER game pretending to be a Fallout experience when it isn't.
I'm sure it'll sell like hot pockets thanks to the retards who hyped up Dark Souls.
To be fair, if your company ONLY does liscences, you'll either be good or out of business
It's just a boardgame, they confirmed it's not an rpg.
I ask the same question I asked when Dark Souls board game came up.
Why bother playing this over the videa game?
No-fucking-way could it compete with the digital version.
From the description of the game on FFG's site it's based off of Fallout 4, so my hopes are not high.
Meh, FFG take on Doom and Gears of War was surprisingly good. I have heard their take on X-COM was pretty intense too, but I never played it.
The biggest complaint I have about FFG though isn't their product quality or mechanics for the game (except their Cthulhu themed stuff is pretty bland. Alright, but bland. The CoC card game was great though).
I absolutely give them heaps of shit for never making a game box that has ever, in the history of their existence been worth two fucks. They are all shit with not thought put into organization at all and they all are complete garbage pretty much requiring additional time and money to make their game capable of hitting a table with any kind of frequency.
That said, I am more interested in the CYOA game they have coming out.
Then I'm not interested. Thanks for the warning.
Remember Witcher the game by IGNACY TRZEWITRZEK ?
>The four scenarios included in Fallout will be familiar to seasoned fans of the franchise, featuring The Capital Wasteland, The Pitt, The Commonwealth, and Far Harbor.
All Fallout 3 and 4.
Steamforged games did Dark Souls, not FFG.
FFG does an excellent job with licensed products, making unique game experiences that take from the source, but isn't the most 'direct version'.
BSG's a stupidly good game, and didn't need to be battlestar themed at all. It could easilly have been 'Mystery Train Murder' or 'Russian Spy Missile Base'.
XCOM is innovative in how the app makes it so your team of co-oppers can't have a smart guy who's solved the game basically solo it with 3 passengers, unlike say, Pandemic. Then add in the theme, and it works.
Chaos in the old world remains one of my favorite 'risk-a-likes'/
t. Cuck Snyder of video games
>Fallout experience
You mean, "oblivion experience"?
X-com was fucking garbage, just like recent games.
not a fan of the stupid dice system in Edge of The Empire, but everything else of there's I've played I liked.
I've got the starter box for that Runewars game downstairs and I never finished putting the models together...I wonder how that game is.
Fuck, i do. That was a mistake.
It'll be meme city, don't waste your monies.
based on fallout 3/4, ignoring every other game in the serie.
garbage waste of cardboard
This. FFG could make something uniqe with setting, tell the story of regions, yet unexplored by video games, but we will get box ful of nuka-cola maymays. Also, why da fuck wasteland cities still use fucking caps?
I wonder if this will lead to them doing a Fallout RPG. Are they still doing non-SW RPGs?
Bethesda probably dont want side products to remind sheeple about alternatives. Only meme theme parks, only nuka-jokes. Violence is fun!
because Bethesda can't write for fuck and apparently does not realize that Fallout 1 took place like 100 years before the events of Fallout 3.
apparently they think 100 years isn't long enough to do some fucking cleaning based on all the shit laying around.
relevant to the thread
>Rule 2: No Useless Skills
Man, Fallout 1 and 2 sure fucked up on those ends.
All fallout games fucked up this rule, to be honest.
Its not really relevant, FFG`s Fallout is pure expluatation. F3 and F4 were the mest popular among sheeple, so they will base the game around `em.
Really wish they had a new Vegas scenario or a master vs brotherhood scenario or a NCR vs Enclave scenario
And F2 basically slapped itself in the face with Rule 3 for laughs.
Didnt see a link. Minis look cool but I'd rather it was a mini skirmish game, even though there are enough influenced games and minis out there
FF url < en/news/2017/8/8/fallout/
Well, F3 was even worse. Remember Mothership Zeta. Now THAT was funny {sarcasm}.
Fallout 4 deserves this figurines.
>stupid dice system
Spoken like someone that never bothered to try it. Shit's good if your group is willing to get creative.
cant we just play the boardgame variant of the fallout 2 combat and skill system?
Licensed board games don't have that problem. Not to say all licensed board games are good, but it's not like video games where everything is universally shit. See, e.g., Legendary Encounters, Battlestar Galactica, and Civilization (although that one might not count since it's a board game based on a video game based on a board game).
Game of Thrones, Robinson Crusoe, Battlestar Galactica and Spartacus are all awesome licensed boardgames though, user. I also personally really liked The Witcher and Firefly boardgames, even though they're less good. Not to mention all the super popular Star Wars, Cthulhu and comic book licensed board games out there... Licensed doesn't automatically mean bad, especially not when it comes to board games.
>Game of Thrones, Robinson Crusoe, Battlestar Galactica and Spartacus
>are all awesome
Are oyu sure, user. All of these are way overrated.
And witcher with firefly are pure shit.
Not really, there were few truly useless skills. Most of the issues were around skills being less competitive or more situational.
Also it is worth noting they essentially created a system from scratch and got it pretty damn near right.
Most of the wacky shit in 2 was located in side quests off the main path.
Maybe you just have crap taste?
>apparently they think 100 years isn't long enough to do some fucking cleaning based on all the shit laying around.
I mean, I get all the trash in the wasteland, but every settlement is still filled with garbage everywhere and filthy people.
Jesus, they're fucking awful, especially the Super Mutant and the BoS one
How nitpicky you have to be to deem them as awful? They're ok for me.
>and then try to sell us again three more times
It's FFG, it's practically guaranteed.
>Fallout board game
this gets the hype
>Fallout 4
this kills the hype
Bethesda tries as hard as they can to pretend New Vegas didn't exist, and there was some pretty nasty controversy where they sabotaged the game and Metacritic scores so that the game was 1 point away from allowing the devs to get bonus pay. There's not a very likely chance we'll even see a NV expansion.
I'm fine with that, the original trilogy (Fo1, Fo2, FNV) is perfect and shouldn't be modified.
>Board Game
Nope. If it was a PnP RPG, then great, alot of source material to work from, a chance to expand the universe beyond the games. A board game just doesn't do anything for me though.
>original trilogy
>not FOT
I'm more hoping that this means we eventually get a Fallout supplement for Genesys, if only for radiation/mutation rules.
I think the Narrative Dice System could handle Fallout rather well.
It's quicker.
I really liked xcom.
I can say I've not been completely disappointed by any ffg games that I've played. Eat my shorts
>Why bother playing this over the videa game?
Because board games are a social event in a way that video games just aren't in an age where you no longer sit down in the same cough as your friends and pass the controller around.
>They're ok for me
We can't teach you good taste.
You seem to be on the wrong board retard.