Any systems suited for modern military tactical espionage action with fireteams running missions? I think Delta Green is a thing, but i know nothing about it.
please no GURPS
Any systems suited for modern military tactical espionage action with fireteams running missions? I think Delta Green is a thing, but i know nothing about it.
please no GURPS
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If not GURPS then I would recommend Ops & Tactics, Savage Worlds, CP2020, Spycraft 2.0 or Phoenix Command depending on your desired level of speed/crunch/"""realism""".
>tfw everyone forgot about you....
user said modern, not dated as fuck.
Pepperidge Farm remembers Twilight 2000, it's spinoffs, and 2k13 reboot, my erudite colleague.
Twilight 2013 was going to be my recommendation. It's got gun/gear porn like everyother modern but shines for it's initiative and morale dynamics.
Shadowrun 4e
No, I'm not joking.
If you like 0 realism, 100% gameplay, (รก la modern XCOM), add Strike! to the list.
tactical cat petting skill.
for the elite only
Steve Irwin?
Cyberpunk 2020 without the cyber. About every gun and piece of equipment can be converted easily and the system is fairly simple. Just get rid of character classes and redefine the class skills.
GURPS + whatever supplement related to modern firearms and gun combat.
Twilight 2000 has probably the best system for man vs. man, man vs. vehicle, vehicle vs. vehicle combat.
In Harm's Way: Wild Blue is a game dedicated to military/mercenary stuff.
Delta Green's new edition has a pretty solid combat system. It's not highly detailed, but it works well.
>whatever supplement related to modern firearms and gun combat.
High-Tech, Special Ops, and Espionage should do it.
Any dl to In Harm's Way, looked like all the old links expired
Thanks guys, there is a lot more out there than I thought. Plenty of stuff for me to go through and see what I like. Really appreciate it.
>Ops and Tactics
Try-hard merging of d20 Modern and GURPS, the rules are clumsy, even GURPS is better.
Basically the same thing. Although FNFF is pretty good, if a bit clunky.
>Spycraft 2.0
d20 Modern-esque bullshit.
>Phoenix Command
Yeah if OP wants to spend 3 hours accurately modeling a sniper shot with dice. No thanks. Also like 300 pages of rules at least.
>Savage Worlds
I really would not suggest playing Savage Worlds.
Savage Worlds is a shitty system that tries too hard to reinvent the wheel. The exploding die and raise mechanics make any form of encounter balance/planning impossible. A rank 1 novice can one-shot a dragon with lucky die rolls using his fist. The system boasts that bennies are used for "cool things" like players changing narrative or pulling off impossible stunts, but players just hoard them for use as extra hit points. The chase system (any iteration of it) is an absolute shit storm of retardation. The 3-wound limit is just plain bad game design. The community is full of sad 40-something-year-old zealots who foam at the mouth at any notion of house ruling the assy mechanics. Shotguns are utterly broken and despite having the same average damage as a rifle, end up dealing twice as much because of exploding dice. The entire game works on a fucktarded tabletop scale so you either have to use miniatures for EVERY combat or have fun doing extra math every time you want to figure out range penalties. It's like the worst parts of FATE and GURPS put together, with none of the upsides. Don't play it. Leave it in the trash where it belongs.
Yeah, it's pretty good at being XCOM-like. If you just want to sneak and cover based shoot it's pretty good, but it doesn't really care about the details, preferring to keep things simple and fast.
>Phoenix Command
>300 pages of rules
I mean, if you use every book available yeah. Between 6 rules books that actually affect man to man combat you are at a total of 260ish pages. The core book is only 91 pages, including front and back cover. And the game really isn't hard to play if you have a copy of the tables.
Sure, i'll take the bait. Do you seriously not recognize that? Go watch They Live, now!
OP I'd go with says if you toss on Twilight 2000 ontop of that as well. He's got the list right.
The new Delta Green is an excellent modern combat system but it's incredibly high lethality. You die lightning fast.
>Not shitting on Phoenix Command without having played or even read it
Hey user, wanna be my friend?
Ah, I see you're a fellow man of autism willing to at least wade through the books. I love the game and I've played it a couple times, but it is a little hard for me to keep track of time and stuff.
You might find this:
Just refluff 4e. It's easy and perfect for this kind of game.
You could feasibly use Delta Green, just strip out all the eldritch horror stuff.
Oh neat, I don't have issue with damage though, rather tracking every body's movement turn by turn since it's generally just a friend and I or sometimes just me handling a half dozen characters.
That's a lot of work when you could just use Strike instead
Yeah, it's tough since it's a vaguely described hidden-declaration-simultaneous-resolution system without a good description of how firing at things you can't or couldn't see at the beginning of the phase works. It's the kind of thing that probably would work better in a computer game, or be more suited to an IGOUGO system just because of the complexity.
It'd be amazing for a computer game actually. Had I the coding ability I'd honestly try and just port over the system for use in a vidya or something.
>that copypasta screed against Savage Worlds
Please, Virt, get help
Same. It seems like it would be amazing for something like Fallout 1/2-alike. Large timescales for healing times to be interesting, lots of guns, multiple characters, ammo types, all that stuff!
It's just bizarre hearing the same bullshit over and over again from that guy.
>Ops and Tactics
>Try-hard merging of d20 Modern and GURPS, the rules are clumsy, even GURPS is better.
How so?