/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Why do people get so salty over Mage abilities?
>5th editons cliffnotes

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>Salty, matey
Nobody does, our uncommonly talented pair of trolls are just really good at turning things into a dumpster fire.

>Why do people get so salty over Mage abilities?
They just want to be the best at something for once. I can understand getting mad at always being definitively bested, as childish as it is.

Here's an 100exp. Feel like you've won the game yet?

Because people want crossover, and mage supremacy shits on any crossover.

Good. People who want crossover are stupid. Why on earth would you want crossover? Splats should only ever guest star as NPCs in another splat's game, tailored to fit that splat.

Question because I've gotten confused recently. How and Where are ghosts formed in CoD? If I understand it, then ghosts are formed after a person dies within Twilight. The soul's passing into the afterlife leaves an imprint on the ephemera thus creating a creature with a personality and memories identical to the original person.

I fully agree. I made my vampires significantly more stronger for my Mage games to have them as NPCs. Just mashing two games together is stupid.

This is actually true.

Without a mage in the game, most of CofD works well together. Everyone has stuff they do well, everyone has weaknesses and things to worry about. Everyone has rivals and foes, and sometimes those problems overlap. But with enough skill, and everyone working together, you can have a lot of fun.

Then Mage comes along, and with three dots in the related arcanum, they can usually do what a dedicated character of the other type specializes in.

Literally, one of the selling points of nWoD/CofD is how it allows you to play in this giant sandbox, without worrying about a metaplot. All the games use the same system, and therefore they have stressed in every single book how different creep types are not alone, there are other things out there, having their sometimes related problems.

But then they keep making Mage take a piss on that.

Beast is the only good crossover splat. All the other splats irrationally hate each other.