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benis :DD

First for GW officially adopting the ITC rules of rolling off for first turn and the army that finished deploying first gets +1 to the roll.

Do any Necron players actually use C'tan shards? I almost never see them brought up, painted or played, despite the fact that at least the Nightbringer's stats and point costs are both pretty fucking good.

I _____like Mortarion's mini.

For Fire and Faith!

>First for
We'll see about that, with a proper roll off!

I kinda dig that actually, I wouldn't be opposed to it, though it would definitely strengthen MSU armies which honestly are already stronger than other armies in objective missions.

I like it except for the wings. Why does a Daemon Prince of Nurgle have fucking wings?

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Aww, I fucked up.

Yeah I can't wait to try an army of DG/TS with both him and Magnus

Well it's something actually happening.

Takes a first step to break that mold and bring one. I mean, towards the end of 7e one guy found a way to power on through the meta with massed Rough Riders. I mean who would have fucking thought of that?

Does anyone have the pic where someone shopped a bunch of extra guns on the Repulsor. Pic related is the official one.

They confirmed it today, it's not speculation. Go read the preview article on Chapter Approved.

All Troops get ObSec, Flyers can't hold objectives at all, and first turn is the ITC roll-off mechanic now.



To get around, I guess, which kinda defeats the whole "slow, unstoppable tide of death" thing Nurgle's had going on forever now. I wouldn't mind the wings if he was gaunt and robed like his original depictions.

Weird, almost every other person I've seen on the internet have said the hate it EXCEPT for the wings.

Also what the fuck does being Nurgle have to do with wings? All Daemon Princes can take wings including Nurgle??


>there are still plenty of Factions – Orks, Drukhari, Necrons etc. – that don’t yet have a codex of their own. Chapter Approved gives these players a sneak peek of what many of these factions can expect when their codex is released

So basically, those 3 confirmed for codex sometime next year. And of course they are all xenos lol
Make way for the marines. So much for Orks getting a codex quick

Because Nurgle is associated with plague and pestilence, locusts are associated with plague and pestilence, locusts have wings? Also not the only nurgle model with wings.

I know the rules had to be changed, but this was the exact wrong way to go. Random or Pseudo Random first turns are not something that should be. First turn is too important a factor in the way the game plays out.

There were numerous other options that should be considered.

1. Extra deployment taxes for problem units. For instance, consider adding the following special rule to Knights and Fliers:

Pre Battle Ritual: Due to the extensive nature of procedure and ritual that must take place before deploying one of these units, your opponent may place two units after you place one of these in the deployment phase of the battle.

2. Bidding command points for first turn.

3. Lowest Power Level gets first turn.

Any one of these would be better than going back to roll offs for the first turn.

Thinking of picking up a Thousand Sons contemptor. Would equipping it with an ectoplasma cannon and hellflamer be decent for a general Thousand Sons army, either fluffwise or in terms of rounding out the army? Also, should I paint it in post-heresy, Ahriman colors?

Thank god it's the "Flyer role" and not

Orks being delayed does mean their release will probably come with model updates.

Necrons coming next year puts a bullet in the head of those stupid fake leaks about the release schedule.

Notably Tyranids weren't mentioned, I think it's still pretty likely they're getting a Codex soon.

Nurgle Daemons are typically ground-bound because they're fat and ugly.

However, Mortarion has always been had wings in his Daemon-Prince form.

Which other Primarchs are Daemon Princes? Pretty sure Angron doesn't have them, but I could be wrong, and I know Mia doesn't have them.

>Pic related is the official one.

Nice work idiot, you ruined the joke

>liking AoS design

This is not the thread for you.

You mean FLY, brackets are only for keywords you fill in like

It's just Stormtalon spam they were trying to stop. Covering Objectives in Gargoyles and Jetbikes is still fine.

Nurgle is the God of Decay, Stagnacy and Entropy, while the Death Guard were all about Death Korps of Krieg style creeping advances and foot slogging. So the whole "Gotta go Fast" of wings doesn't fit Mortarion.

All of those are longer, more complicated, or come with downsides that negatively impact the game.

A roll-off is clean and simple. A single modifier bonus for deploying quickly still gives a slight benefit to elite armies.

they haven't had a codex in...what, 2 editions?

It's about damn time.

>Plague Drones
>Daemon Princes have always had Wings, yes even Nurgle
The majority of the army can still be themed around slowness while a few specialist units and rare powerful characters have wings, user, stop being autistic.

What downsides would they have user? A roll-off already has a major downside: the most important game decision, "who gets the first turn", is random.

Actually, the official Nurgle prince model didn't have wings. Also, the Death Guard literally had no Jump Pack marines, only Bolter and Sword Tacticals, at least afaik.

Angron, Pert, Lorgar, and Fulgrim are all daemon princes. I've never seen any of those 4 depicted with wings though.

Randomness isn't bad. It means more planning is required.

Bidding CP reduces the overall CP available to all players which reduces the amount of interaction they can have with that mechanic for the rest of the game.

The other options all slow down listbuilding or deployment significantly compared to a roll-off.

I don't understand why you're so autistic about a roll-off in an entire game based around dice. Every roll can be important. A failed charged, a failed save at the critical moment. If you really want to succeed, then use a single CP to re-roll.

I just did, thanks for the link. Fucking awesome. I'm honestly pretty impressed and surprised with New Games Workshop(TM) keeping their eye on the ball like this.

Angry had wings in Epic, as did Fulgrim. (And Mortarion, though that was cause he was a Grim Reaper style Angel). Pert and Lorgar have never had a model.

They would surely include at least some xenos this year. They can't do only marines.

Jesus Christ get over yourself. No amount of autism will change the wings.

Post your non-standard paint scheme for Inquisitor Greyfax. Looking for inspiration.

But daemon Mortarion has always had wings. I thought they'd go with the whole Grim Reaper motiff but instead they gave him locust wings, an insect associated with plague and famine.

ty OP for using my 'hard' work and justifying my procrastination on exam studies

are shadow spectres getting nerfed

>Think GW cares about non-marines.

user, I hate to break this to you......

Aaaaaand my stupid 4 heldrakes list gets fucked too, but I deserve it, it was WAAC as fuck and honestly really retarded

>Actually, the official Nurgle prince model didn't have wings.
Which no one gives a fuck about because it has the option in its wargear and everyone and their mother runs it with wings 10/10 times.

You forgot the tard minders, that let you double tap.

Forge World, unlike GW, doesn't give any shits about balance moving forward and will rarely make changes.

Which means GW may end up making a change that forbids FW models at events.

Pose is a bit awkward and the paint scheme is awful, but the actual miniature looks bretty okay.

Not one for primarchs, though. I still haven't assembled or painted my Guilliman, despite playing ultramarines.

They look more like dragon wings to me. Locust wings would be a set of insectile ones wouldn't they?

No it doesn't. Heldrakes have the keyword, not .

Where can I find up-to-date information about fortifications in 40000?

Rumourmongers all over the place have been hinting at a Nid codex early.

>Also what the fuck does being Nurgle have to do with wings?

Flies, man, flies.

Thank you to whoever mentioned Miranda Irene in the previous thread. I've been thinking about checking out some recasts and it would be nice not having to read through a bunch of /r/yoyhammer posts to try and decipher some gook's email address so I can send them money in the hopes of maybe getting some models a month later

>Hellturkey is back kiddies.

>Randomness isn't bad. It means more planning is required.
Randomness isn't necessarily bad. Turning the game into a coin flip is.

>Bidding CP reduces the overall CP available to all players which reduces the amount of interaction they can have with that mechanic for the rest of the game.
Not a downside. It reduces the available CP for the player to whom first turn is most important, and confers an small advantage to the second turn player.

>The other options all slow down listbuilding or deployment significantly compared to a roll-off.

How would this slow down list building? Just add the rules in the index update. That is what indexes are for user. I also don't see how it would slow down deployment.

"Hey bob, I just placed my knight, it has a rule that lets you go twice in a row now"
"Okay barney"

So slow.

>I don't understand why you're so autistic about a roll-off in an entire game based around dice. Every roll can be important. A failed charged, a failed save at the critical moment. If you really want to succeed, then use a single CP to re-roll.

First turn is too important to leave up to chance, because first turn is a huge advantage. I don't mind randomness for guns or charges. Those things even out over the course of a game. The decision of who goes first, will not even out over the course of a game.

looks like Im stuck spamming ravagers for ynnari then...

Well, then it's likely all the Daemon Primarchs, at least those with an old depiction, are getting wings. Wings are generally a mark of huge favor from the Chaos Gods, and a Daemon Prince without one has either not earned it yet, or has lost them due to some dishonor like that one Khorne Prince who was tricked into cutting Khorne himself.

Pert and Lorgar are a mystery, but likely they'll have wings as well. Lorgar is known for being highly favored as the first to fall, so he's probably going to get wings.

Judging by sales, they're probably going to scramble to make nid and guard books.

Holy fuck, are only for ones you fill in, you dumb fucks. There is no such thing as , it's FLY, and Flyer is not even a Keyword, it's a Battlefield Role like Troops and Heavy Support.

>First turn is too important to leave up to chance, because first turn is a huge advantage. I don't mind randomness for guns or charges. Those things even out over the course of a game. The decision of who goes first, will not even out over the course of a game.

Which is exactly why they're nefing shitty 1-3 drop cheese lists.

>Which is exactly why they're nefing shitty 1-3 drop cheese lists.
You can nerf these lists without going full retard and making turns random again.

>or has lost them due to some dishonor like that one Khorne Prince who was tricked into cutting Khorne himself.
That was Skarbrand the Bloodthirster who lost his wings.

Nerfing fml

If this isn't Lorgar's model I'll be deeply disappointed.

>First turn is too important to leave up to chance, because first turn is a huge advantage.
That's fucking EXACTLY WHY it should be a roll, and not a guaranteed huge advantage to one player. Holy shit how do you not understand this, your argument literally defeats itself.

All of the playtesters agree, the old mechanic is oppressive and favours boring, shitty lists, while the roll-off increases diversity of play and makes the game more fun.

Also GW is doing it whether you like it or not, so shut up and get used to it.

>one Khorne Prince who was tricked into cutting Khorne himself.

Are being intentionally this stupid? That was Skarbrand. A Greater Daemon. Him losing his wings was the indirect consequence of his punishment because as Khorne threw him across the Warp he smashed with such force that it dealt perma-damage to his form. Half his face was gone and his wings were shredded beyond repair.

Angron and Fulgrim both have wings.

I can't see Pert with wings, it just doesn't fit the Iron Warriors, at least Morty is associated with flies and locusts.

Hey dummy, read the fucking rules. Heldrake takes the flyer slot (as opposed to HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support and LoW).

The whole game is based on random chance. Even playing with good tactics in mind you can lose to bad dice rolls. How is a roll-off for first turn any different? Why try to over complicate things? If you need to have first turn every game to win, you should rethink how you play.

But that's already Gabriel Angelos.

Thank you, that's the guy.

That's the opposite of going full retard. Random first turn is good. Get over it.

GW likes my T'au though

How is that 324?
Each phosphor blaster is 3 shots, each kastelan can have 3 which makes 9 shots. It can shoot twice with protector protocols which makes a total of 18 shots per robot.

18 x 6 is 108 shots. Am I missing something?

>waacfag running 3 baneblades or some retarded shit is fucking furious that the game is improving every day
lol cry more noob


Which ones, I haven't seen any aside from the "leaks" here that propagate to Facebook.

Miranda has a webstore, make a temporary email address and post it here and I'll send the link to you.

Jesus, take your meds. I used the brackets to make the keywords clear. Calm your tits and get laid.

Not anymore, kiddo.

pls respond

>That's fucking EXACTLY WHY it should be a roll, and not a guaranteed huge advantage to one player.

No. It should be tied to some player determined mechanic, with the mechanic carefully tuned to make it so "guaranteeing" first turn comes with real costs.

>All of the playtesters agree, the old mechanic is oppressive and favours boring, shitty lists, while the roll-off increases diversity of play and makes the game more fun.

To my knowledge, the playtesters didn't test any other ideas. They were talking about the +1 to roll off day 1. They're pretty fucking insular in that regard, which is probably why the playtest resulted in such flawed indexes to begin with.

>Also GW is doing it whether you like it or not, so shut up and get used to it.
Ah, the last resort of non-arguments. No.

Let's just make everything random then! Random movement values (no more of this movement stat, that's too complex for our small minds). Random points values. Random random random.


>If you notice that I'm retarded you are a crazy virgin!

Except that doesn't make it clear, because keywords being in brackets is a separate mechanic and this is important for things like the new Objective Secured rule. Flyer isn't even a keyword, so you actually made things more retarded and confusing. It's not that hard to learn to read.

The website says flyer battlefield role, not FLY keyword.

>Wings are generally a mark of huge favor from the Chaos Gods
Sanguinus confirmed for Chaos
Looks like we know what was going to be retconned

No one gives a shit about Lorgar or Perty though

Fuckin' where?
All I know of is the small blurr leak pics from months ago. Nothing on the community site?


[email protected]

>being this fucking autistic
Cry more faggot. Fuck your shitty Knight army.

Have you tried reading the indices?

>maybe if I spam a bunch of fallacious garbage that will make my retarded opinion suddenly correct when it clearly isn't and clearly never will be!
WAACfag having a tism spasm detected

World Eaters Berserker Horde actually.

But I bet you can imagine him with pseudo wing/archeotech jumppack, possibly fused to his form like something from akira.

What is an indice?