/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Glad you liked it user. Had a fun time going through the age categories and figuring out what a dragon would be up to in each. I figured since magic was based around the Dragon's habitat, setting one up in an urban area would lead to accademic studied styles of magic for things like Warding, Illusions and Transmutations to play the social aspects up.

Then, when you've got the whole system pretty much self-sustaining and feeding you money, it's time to live the life of the idle rich and go Adventure!...except draconic lifespans and immortality kinda leave that sorta thing behind by the time you've set yourself up right, so now it's called something else.

Wellp, you can keep doing that but my own experience suggest he's right.
>I'll work on it whenever
turns into
>I'll work on it a bunch on day one then never work on it / work on it in two months
After spending ten minutes searching through my laptop I learnt I made the cyoa on my desktop... sorry to keep you waiting.

btw that's a toptier fantasy, user.

Feedback ?

At least the island cyoas let you choose how you'll die.

Once again...

Somebody should make a 12 Tribes of Isreael CYOA, which each tribe being some sort of deliniation of magic or whatever — and each tribe having a Matriarch waifu celebrity tit cow.

I'm being very serious. Imagine the possibilities.
The great, Jewish Jewbie possibilities.



I'm responding to him ;)

I'll tank for a group of adventurers or something.
Hanging with humans and dwarves and shit should help me retain a mostly ordinary appearance over the centuries.

I think I might just know who that someone could be!

Kinda similarly to what the other guy said, I generally find 40k too grimderp to bother with (CYOA-wise), at least without ridiculous powerlevels.

>>I'll work on it a bunch on day one then never work on it / work on it in two months
That is not true! I am still writing it.

Pretty good my man, I think the Assassin temples would be a good addition if you ever want to expand

>Rogue Trader
>No Other Place

Kind of like grimdark Star Trek, but my boss is going to profiteer the hell out of new civilisations.

As a scout I should be pretty tough and canny, though I'm certainly going to be in danger on a regular basis.

I still want to fug that Arch Militant

I will make this cyoa for you user!
All you have to do is post the girls, the tribes they belong to and what power they give you.
Do it in the form of a png with a column for each tribe and a row for each relevant element.

Wall of text, and not many choices, also unbalanced.

It is actually a bunch on mini-CYOAs. Once you pick a faction, you are locked to a few choices.


The options seem a bit unbalanced. I'd like to be a sanctioned psyker but the idea of being 'literally broken' put me off it.

You can always be blue (Dabidi dabidae)

I would pick dryad, but I think the 10 mile restriction is a bit limited. Should be 10 miles at first, growing as the tree grows. I'd say extend it to be as far as you could see the tree from, barring obstructions like other trees.

I say this especially because the dryad "end game" is to be the World Tree, taller than the mountains and with magic so vast you could terraform half a continent

Chances are you are going to be murderhoboed way before that.

>No chance to be a rogue-psyker eking out a living on the periphery of Imperial civilisation, building up a small faction of followers with out touching the shitheap that is Chaos.

I've wanted to work on a certain cyoa for several days now but I still haven't pulled myself together. That's why I think that video is right.
I want to write, so why aren't I? because I've set no goal. It's all in my head, I haven't written it down.
Gonna make a smaller one over the weekend as warmup, I promise you this. Friday is jsut a tad too busy but I might start today.
Scratch that: I WILL start today, even if I only decide on fonts, text boxes etc.
... maybe I should add the weirdo monsters too, but then I need to change the name of the cyoa

True, but there's not much reason to kill a dryad except for the evulz, at least not until we reach an age where mass logging is a thing, and even then it might be more profitable to work WITH the nature-mage. I think a Dryad has a higher chance of survival than most. Obviously though if it were easy, it would have already been done (IE there would be "world trees" all over the place)

Don't underestimate the power of the evulz, That is how campaings are ruined and your favourite character killed.

Well usually when i want to do a thing i do it, it is true that i haven't started making the text boxes and stuff but might as well do it now.

You are never going to complete your CYOAs, you are weak.

Witness me.

Hi i have a question can little girls worship slaanesh too please thanks

Get out

You are too young for that, be a good girl and go worship khorne alright?

>Not Papa Nurgle
Children are just little bundles of plague after all.

Nurgle is a bad influence to children. They might actually think it is a good idea to do nothing and rot away, and i don't even want to start with what they might catch! do you even think of the children you scum?

Posting one of my favourites.


>that feel when your imoutos are your waifus

I really like this theme, are there any more like it? Will (you) make some more?

Semi-new OC

I think Murder-princess is out, purely on the level that she can't fool the audience into thinking she could possibly be redeemed

That'd be me. I had to go to sleep and the sheer scale of shitposting and autism made organising anything a rather fruitless task anyway.

Alright it's simple; if you want in the group as either main cast or dark, link your build and at least something about your character to THIS post. You will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis, with as little overlap as possible, so for example as Ms Excalibur (or whatever her user called her) is already the main group's Will and Arma-S character, unless you have some other way of standing out, having another Arma-S and Will-powered magical girl will result in you NOT being accepted!

I fully support that idea

Wouldn't worshipping Slaanesh as a little girl mean eating too much candy, napping all day, asking for hugs from your big brother nonstop, etc. ?

Slice-of-life anime-girls 40k universe CYOA when?

Arma S is kind of bread and butter to anything that's not a pure magic build IMO.

For what it's worth, I'm going to link my build , fluff it as a virtually indestructible magical tomboy who generally approaches all of her problems by trying to beat them up. Weapon is a pair of gauntlets. Utterly incapable of anything but beating up her foes and getting beaten up by them.

Strong girl accepted... On the proviso that you can provide character points. You don't have to writefag a big piece like Ms. Excalibur if you don't want to, but we at least need bullet points for personality or characterisation traits.

If you can provide that, you can fill the Strong Girl slot on the team. We'll be restricting the typical five-man-band to four slots, leaving out the Lancer role. Likewise, the dark girls will have a mastermind/manipulator, a strong front-liner and a magical powerhouse. Frontliner has already been filled by Ms Dark Knight

Cute little girl magic power!

I kinda feel ashamed to admit that i like to do cute things.

>Magic rites
Idol S -3
Smiting evil via singing, lights and music for dramatic effect, they are a must! Even more if you have people cheering you on their TVs.
Hex S -3
Reverse plot armor for the enemy. This makes fights way more easy.
Form C
It might be useful in the future to look like someone else.
Scale C
Astra S -4
''Bullet hell 101'' Satisfaction guaranteed.
Crysta S -4
Great offensive and defensive applications
Love C -1
Knowing who is in need of help is an amazing tool.

>Physical rites
Flexibility S -3
Agility B -2
Mind C
Reserves C
Singing alone won't do it, you have to have some great moves!

A microphone duh.

A good entrance and a great finale is the key to a great show.

>Pet friend
She is a cute, i am going to dress her in some sort of idol outfit so she can showoff too.

Help people
This is something that should be mandatory i mean this is what are we supposed to do right?
Purify Rogues
Everyone can have a bad day sometimes. But that is not an excuse to do such awful things! And because of that i am going to beat them up until they say sorry.
Save the world
This is basically THE quest i can't just take it.

She is a bit lazy but dedicates herself to make a good show for her fans (and friends) to cheer them up.
In the past lived some bad times and feels the obligation to try to make the world better even if it is just to give them something to believe.
Likes sweets A LOT.
Might get panicky and use Crysta S too much.

Is this good enough?

>4-5 people were really hype for me to make this
>only two people actually made proper builds for it

I think I'm just going to stop making comedic CYOAs. 1-2 people seems to really love each one but aside from that they're always ignored. I enjoy making them, but it's not enough. Call me a whiny baby if you want.

I would blame the dedicated shitposter for driving away the good authors and posters while leaving the rest unscathed, but I don't think he cares. I don't think I care anymore, either. I've been in this business for years; I also made Autism Prison, the rapey Viking cyoa, NEET dragon, and many others, but I think it's almost time to close up shop. The only reason I keep going is because I've sunk so much effort into these threads, and even though I enjoyed it for it's own sake, my pride won't let me quit without making something that will truly be remembered. I've got a lot of ideas for the one, but it's not going to be a lighthearted comedy, that's for sure. I'm going to bed anyway, I'll probably regret this post but whatever.


The only reason i didn't make a proper build for this is because i can't decide if go for headpats or for lewds can you blame me?

How many pedophiles did you think posted on cyoag?

Don't base your cyoas success on how many (you)'s you get, that is absolutely the wrong way to go about it. Some people don't post builds but save the cyoa and love it all the same. One-use, short cyoas still have value.

Lurker here. I don't post builds but I appreciate new OC.
So as one user to another, thank you.

Have a pity (you)

Beer and classic rock
Windowless white van

Add Chaos Undivided to Chaos.


Here's mine, if there's somehow not too much overlap with others, but being yet another will powered magical girl, I'm sure there's too much overlap. Easygoing type who half-asses things until there's something that she really wants to do. Then she'll do everything she can to achieve whatever she got fixated on, often to the detriment of other things. Under no circumstances should be exposed to MMOs. In combat, able to do both ranged and melee combat well, will do her best to get struck by lightning every single time there's a chance. There aren't that many chances.

>Slaneesh watching in delight a little girl falling in to the downward spiral of asking onii-chan more headpats

>only two people actually made proper builds for it
Wait really?
That sucks. I know that sucks.
>I think I'm just going to stop making comedic CYOAs. 1-2 people seems to really love each one but aside from that they're always ignored. I enjoy making them, but it's not enough. Call me a whiny baby if you want.
It's okay. I get that. It sucks making something you enjoyed then no one else seems to care.
I absolutely loved this (and this one, which I think you may also have made?).

I'll post a few other comedic cyoas.

If what you want is more than just to elaborate on what I said, I'm not cut out for this, but to restate:
Tomboy, competitive, hotheaded, aggressive. Has something of an inferiority complex for not being able to use any of the flashier magic. Generally expresses this by trying to punch things even harder when it's obvious that won't work, Iron will can sometimes take the form of hardheadedness too.



Slaanesh accepts everyone who seeks greater pleasures


>Papa Nurgle
>Bad infulence
Nigga what? Papa Nurgle in teching us to accept who we are, and he's the only god who loves us.
Why do you deny his love?


I don't post my builds. Most people don't, nobody ever really responds to builds unless it's for some multiplayer CYOA so there's no motivation to.


>There's no motivation to
Authors like them.

Because his love in a nutshell is give you space aids.

I gotta read this one again. I'm so happy I found it.
I remember when he wrote them, I think I got him to add that "doesn't mind it if you use the back door" note to the House-waifu.
I love the puns.

What kind of big brother doesn't constantly give his imoutos headpats?



Last two ones aren't cyoas but they're related to a cyoa so it should be okay.

No no no you don't understand. Her hunger for headpats is endless and all consuming.

Alright done have fun. Gonna stop procrastinating now.

Donezo. What role would you fill in the team? Strong, smart or heart? Cute CAN fill the heart role, though personally I'd like Joy, Benevolence or Hope to do it. It's still totally possible though.

Hey hey hey, I posted a build! Don't give up! I thought it was fun and neat!

I've been trying to burn through a backlog, recent stuff is at the end of a list that includes things from months ago. I can been through it right now, but that's at the cost of putting less thought into it.

Windowless White Van

Huh, guess my choices didn't lead to anything too lewd happening.

oh, what the hell

>Carnal (since can't get it as an affinity)
>Affinities: Despair and Wicked
>Alteration: B (19)
>Invocation: S (16)
>Culminate: B (15)
>Abandon: C (14)
>Shadow: C (13)
>Deviance: B (11)
>Mental: S (8)
>Defense: S (5)
>Reserve: B (4)
>Strength: C (3)
>Stamina: C
>Flexibility: A (1)
Picking a minor djinn feature. Wishes. I'd go all the way but it says you can't do spells. But aren't almost all glamour abilities spells? That seems like an extreme gimp.
>Siphon: B (0)

>Thematic to Wicked (wicked witch)
Because all good bosses need a second form.

>Ash Bat

>Help People

Prissy used to be the ugly girl in school, she fell to magic powers promising to satisfy her vanity. Now she satisfies the vanity of others, for a terrible price...

You know when I came up with the concept to work towards, I expected the dark magical girl cyoa to actually be dark.

Reincarnation, Otherworld, Keep Memory. Eternity going through the multiverse, experiencing everything infinity has to offer.

I'm going to guess that I need to link to in order for it to be seen.

Only a bad onii-chan can't satisfy his imouto's hunger for headpats.

This is a tough one because i am not entirely sure if she completly fits in smart or heart...

Also loyal to a fault, you'll find no better friend as long as you don't mind the occasional roughhousing. (rereading realized I didn't have enough on the positive side)

Maybe stick to things that aren't going to get you put on a list if you post a build? I posted builds for your others, but I'm not interested in pedo pandering.

Not all of us live in Europe. Though you're probably just shitposting.

Thanks for remembering me, saved!

>He's on Veeky Forums
>He doesn't know that he's already on multiple lists

Angelanon and the Doll. They should be able to keep each other occupied when I'm too tired to satisfy them with my "realistic strap-on", and waifus should always come in a pair so they don't get lonely when I'm at work.

Hey not all euros are retarded! (Germans ARE actually retarded) but the rest of us aren't

Professor Lana Panandine
Harlen of Caer Cuilhan

Combat Skill 3
Crafting 3
Governance 3
Shadowcraft 2
Investigation 3
Charisma 3
Tradecraft 3
Command 3
Arcana 3

Lore of Fire 5
Lore of Water 5
Lore of the Abyss 5
Lore of Wind 2
Lore of Earth 5

Clothing and Armor (4200):
0000 Plate Armor
0150 2x Spelllweave Clothing
0300 Artificer Plate
3750 Living Metal Symbiote
Weapons (700):
0000 Earthforged Weapon
0000 Artificer Weapon
Ranged Weapons (750):
0750 Artificer Bow
Miscellaneous Items (315):
0005 Travelling Supplies
0030 Mithril/Enchanted Ammo
0280 Specialized Tools (Smith, Forger, Artificer, Surveyor, Tailor, Detective, Beautician)
Rights and Properties (735):
0010 Academic Pass
0025 Trading Licence
0050 Safehouse
0000 Knighthood
0650 2x Sanctuary
0000 Paladinhood
Retinue (150):
0000 Hireling
0150 100x Soldier
0000 6x Knight Bodyguard
Mounts (1925):
0000 Warhorse
1925 Hippogriff
Vessels (700):
0700 Sky Frigate
0000 Corvette

Lady Mai of the River
Tyhaniel Carmine
Olead Nachaun
Nualla Pale
Svana Palandine

With a few hundred gold to spare.

I don't think you're all retarded, it's just that Euros are usually the people who complain about this sort of thing.

Can't blame the cyoa for giving user girls in their prime.

The choice is just too hard. You want a build though so I'll just go with Lolis, Basement, Myrtle, Kiss and Lewd.

We are being watched you dumbfuck, always

Accepted. Punchfriend is now the strong girl.

Sorry; we already have two powered by Will and using Arma.

Cutewitch accepted as the dark girls' magical powerhouse. Not sure about the Djinn thing; I did make the CYOA - I'm just organising the series.

Tell me when you figure it out, but if someone else fills the role first, I'm sorry but that's just how it goes. Magical Girls are a competitive market!

Main girls
>Ms Excalibur (leader)
>Punchfriend (strong girl)

Dark girls
>Dark Knight (frontliner)
>Cutewitch (magic)

Uh heart is more fitting then.

I'm sticking with my honey Ashley Kim.