How seriously do you take your roleplaying experience, Veeky Forums?
Autism at the table
>I have met far too many DMs and players who SAY that they are into roleplay, and that they will run games that are all about the RP, or that they will do lots of in-character roleplaying as a player, but then when you actually play with them, it turns out that this is not really a strong, central focus of the game for them.
>I'm specifically seeking players for the OTHER type of roleplaying, the "performative RP", which is like what you'd do if you were actually sitting around a physical table, face-to-face with other players. Using your voice, your spoken word descriptions, not merely writing about a character like a fiction author, but embodying a character like an actor or narrating like an oral storyteller.
>Now, I know some of you are really excited at this point, because I know there are a lot of roleplayers out there who have been looking for exactly this sort of thing for a long time. However, now we come to the sticking points.
First of all, the game will be live streamed on Twitch and uploaded to YouTube. I know that's a deal-breaker for some people, so if that's you, I'm sorry.
>Secondly, the campaign I am running features a pre-created cast of defined characters, all made and with backstories written. You won't be able to make your own character. I am, in fact, looking specifically for players who really LIKE one of the characters I've written up, and want to apply to play THAT particular character. Think of it like auditioning for a role in a TV show or something. The actor doesn't create their own character, but once they have the part, then they bring that character to life in their own unique way, and become a collaborator with the designer of the original character in carrying forward that character's story and deciding who they will become.
This is parody
To answer the question, almost always more seriously than the other people in the group, although doesn't make me immune to joining in the out-of-character fun either.
That's actually a good point for discussion: are TTRPGs funtime or serious business?
They are by definition fun, because you get to -play-, but at the same time, the sometimes enormous amount of prep and commitment from both the GM and player sides makes it a very serious affair, with time schedules and such.
Enough to get immersed and to have fun without going full "thats what my character would do!" To not hurt the other players expérience
As a gm though I try to roleplay as much as I can without shame, giving the ambassador of the USA an hamfisted accent or shit like that
The sad part is some idiots will fall for this on roll20. He posted the same thing there.
It can be both. IMHO everyone should be on the same page about the tone and direction the story should go.
Fairly serious. Silliness is fine when its spontaneous, but not when its planned.
>No joke characters
>No plans hatched just because they're funny
>Some attention played to kayfabe
>without going full "thats what my character would do!" To not hurt the other players expérience
I seriously don't get this mentality. I have been playing since my young teens, and I have only met exactly one person who would become upset when things didn't go the way he wanted them to, and he was quickly, and unanimously, kicked out of the group because his behaviour was incredibly childish.
Consider yourself lucky.
Pretty much this. It's more fun to laugh at an unintentionally funny line or description, or a situation that spirals out of control by random chance than it is to go in with the goal to make it ridiculous from the start.
It's a matter of scale and realism.
If the sneak thief known for sticky fingers grabs a relic and sets off a trap, that's something the character would do, and the party might grouse about the situation, but it wouldn't be that much of an issue.
If the guy is playing CN, and randomly decides to shoot the king they've been working without issue for for the past 5 sessions, it's not a realistic response for his character, and it completely ruins everything "for the lulz", and the player typically responds with "it's what my character would do"
Found this gem on roll20:
>our story takes place in Marvel earth 9316
the earth, once a peaceful, happy world.
>then when Victor Von Doom rose to power, that all changed. he dictated the planet with an iron fist. banning happiness, love, and religion. >earth 9316 lost all hope
>of course there were pockets of resistance but nothing that could ever stand up to doom, no one had abilities. no hope. without someone to lead the charge all hope was lost. until now. once every 50 years, a secret magical portal to other worlds opens and judges the world. if the portal that the world is in a bad state, it opens up to those it feels are worthy, those who can help, those that can help the world for the better. now is around the time of the portal, it has chosen you 5 to help this world, to save it, to free it from the tyrant known as DOCTOR DOOM. WILL YOU HELP?
Also, it's a superhero campaign in 5e. Let that sink in.
If someone wants super strength, they get 20 strength.
Superspeed? 20 DEX.
It's hilarious.
>oh and if you got super strength and I mean super strength you get an automatic 20 in strength
>same thing for super speed and dexterity
>and healing factor and constitution
>and telekinesis and wisdom
>and armor manufacturing gives you an automatic 20 in intelligence
>and having magic does a 20 in charisma as well
>the resoning?
>well you need to be able to pronounce the spells right?
>and be good at talking fast and such for quick succesion
He's being unironic.
This pisses me off as both a fa/tg/uy and as a /co/cksucker
I've never actualy read any superhero comic, nor have I watched any of those trendy movies, in short, I've never been interested in superheroes - but this shit is just infuriating even for me..
But implied that too much role-playing would ruin the other players' fun, not that random "for the lulz"-actions would.
>Don't worry about spelling man, it's just a game.
The GM on roll20 can't spell. This is the reaction that another player had.
Thank God it's a pre-made adventure.
When I mean to much, it more or less mean the "for teh lulz" like you said, I should have phrase it better. I am happy when someone go all out in their roleplay until the moment it's bothering other player like a rogue stealing from the party because he think that being a thief means that you have to take every shining trinkets he can see or a barbarian cleaving anyone with his axe, even the king giving the player a quest.
And even this is hardly roleplaying to me, it's just exploting a simple stereotypes to the extreme, roleplaying is much more than that
>Muh shit site is better then this shit site
>reddit: anyone can become a mod and if you say something against the public opinion of the site your post will be downvoted into obscurity
>Veeky Forums: so few people become mods so that the mod team is undermanned. say something against the public opinion of the community and you might get shitposted up to the first page
I tested reddit a few times. It's good for a few select things, but discussion or freedom of speech?
I argued against someone about the mental inferiority of women on an infamous (far) right-wing subreddit. The moment I posted I got 10+ notifications that I was banned from many of the most prominent feminism, anti hatespeech, communism, leftwing, etc. subreddits.
Let that sink in: there's bots that ban people from subreddits merely because they MAY have differing views from their own subreddit.
They ban people because they don't think the same thing.
>muh plebbit
Yes, reddit is plebeian in every sense of the word.
Mind you, I was arguing against the mental inferiority of women.
Really though this sounds exactly like something they'd write for a real comic. Marvel is going to shit.
>Reddit: The word nigger is banned
>Veeky Forums: Get fucked nigger.
Yes, it does feel like it.
Don't forget that the casted women are strong and independent (and turn out to be lesbians in the end).
>discussion or freedom of speech?
Depends largely on which subreddit you visit. Some will ban you for retarded shit, and the site's structure in general promotes same-think and circlejerking, no doubt about it. But still, certain places on it are more open to opposing views than others.
I guess the point I'm actually trying to make is that Veeky Forums isn't necessarily better, just different. The anonymity offered here means that there's no reason at all to take responsibility for what one says. So if you say something retarded in one thread and is proven wrong with sound, rational arguments you can just repeat the same retarded arguments in another thread, over and over again until the rational people just don't see the point in shooting you down anymore.
Why don't you go back there then cunnybunny?
Here some great subreddits for you
>As I mentioned before, I would like interested players to decide which of these characters they really want to play, and make sure that you've read the full background and that it suits you. If none of these characters appeal to you, that's okay, this game is just not for you.
>Read these 5 short stories and play my characters for me
Rofl, I 100% understand wanting more serious roleplay than beer and pretzels D&D type games, but you don't do so by writing extensive backstories and setting up a plot to fit the characters perfectly, you do it by roleplaying seriously and having a campaign fit for that (unplanned character development is the most satisfying thing ever). He sounds like he has written a novel but it's too bad to sell so he's gonna make people play through it instead.
Oh, you sweet little retarded thing. I was on Veeky Forums before reddit even existed.
Totally, especially games like D&D can have ridiculous things happen that can't be really stopped without railroading so you have to be open to that, and humor is a big part of roleplaying and dealing with how awkward it can be, but you can definitely have a more serious game without joke characters and lack of player investment.
>Depends largely on which subreddit you visit.
Yes, it does depend. Those that actually work are always smaller ones, because they've yet to gain true attention.
No good discourse can occur from a place where differing opinions are hardwired to not be perpetuated.
They don't gain attention, and if they do it's in downvoting witch hunts.
>no reason at all to take responsibility for what one says
This goes both ways. You have no reason at all to 'go with the flow'. You can say what the fuck you want, and your opinion will gain the same attention as others.
Nobody sages, except when a thread has been reposted 999 times. In contrast to reddit, reposting on Veeky Forums (specifically Veeky Forums) is not really encouraged. Most likely your thread will be blasted down to page 11, because these reposted topics have already exhausted their use.
However, on reddit, literally the only trending things on /r/askreddit is reposts.
Also, appending a little story:
I used to post on /r/dnd.
It was literally only:
>look at my commissioned art of character/city/party
>look, I made a [insert useless accessory]
>look, I made a map
>look, here's a story that only exists because my GM doesn't understand nat 20s
>how do i get into the hobby?
>is [class, item etc] broken?
Literally nothing more.
So when I started to react on this, like when someone made a shitty map, I commented things like:
>nobody gives a fuck,
>read the rules, it's literally in the free pdf in the first chapter
>that's not how nat 20s work
>your dm is an idiot for allowing anything fron dandwiki
Surprise surprise, I got banned.
Good lord I'd found Veeky Forums by then. I actually used to enjoy /r/dnd before I realized what a shithole it is.
You lot are going on as though Veeky Forums, especially now, actually tolerates someone with a different opinion than the "culture" dictates.
user, you were needlessly being a shitter for no constructive reason. You seem to be misconstruing being able to speak your mind with "I can be an asshole and no one can stop me!".
Sounds a lot like here
>these reposted topics have already exhausted their use.
Depends a lot on what board you're talking about. I could make an eceleb twitter screencap thread on /v/ or a holocaust denial thread on Veeky Forums and they'd hit max replies pretty quickly despite the fact that there is nothing to discuss.
When I got started with D&D I used that sub too, their top posts are Veeky Forums literally greentexts and while I still like /r/worldbuilding and occasionally /r/rpg, reddit is so bad for discussion.
Except everybody here knows you're a reposting faggot and/or a troll.
On reddit? That shit's baseline and actively encouraged by the system - especially with their little 'karmasystem'.
my nigga
>user, you were needlessly being a shitter for no constructive reason.
Man, I sure understand now that I was being a shitter because somebody uploaded a bad, not even good, map and I told them that it was mediocre at best.
Or when I berated someone when he uploaded a commissioned image of his party because half of the characters had pink hair and final fantasy-esque giant swords yet described the campaign as 'extremely realistic and gritty'. In 5e dnd, nonetheless.
Not to mention that everybody there just crossposts Veeky Forums greentexts from /r/Veeky Forums to get more internet points. They don't even post a variety of them, only like the luchador and sir bearington caps.
Sorry for being an arse :)
>Most likely your thread will be blasted down to page 11, because these reposted topics have already exhausted their use.
Sure, after 579 replies and 150 images hidden, click reply to view
>look at me cover up how much of an asshole I was, repeatedly
user, no one is ever upfront about how often they are a cunt, and you didn't get banned for being a shitter a handful of times.
You did it often enough to be noticed and known as a shitposter.
I literally started to reply one evening because I was bored and Veeky Forums was moving slowly. I maybe replied to 6 posts.
I had an epiphany that night.
I logged onto reddit at work a few days later, turns out I was banned. I mean, at leasts the mods are active.
Wait I thought I was a co/ck/sucker.
The problem with reddit's karma system is primarily that people are far too restrictive with their down votes.
There's /co/cksuckers and then there are co/ck/suckers, user.
You can be both, that just means you suck twice as much as other people. Nothing wrong with that. We're all faggots here.
>Nobody sages
I do, whenever I feel like the post I'm making isn't relevant enough to justify bumping the thread back to the top. Like now.
You know, the entire reason sage is a thing?
There's literally no point on fast moving boards, and even less when the catalog came into being. The front page isn't a thing any more and now sage can't be used as a measure of dislike by it being hidden, very few people even remember that it's a thing that exists.
You might sage, and others might as well, but does it really matter? The thread will be visible for as long as it exists, in contrary to reddit when a posts number of downvotes fall under a certain number, then it's relegated to the bottom.
Unlike Veeky Forums, there isn't a limited amount of replies or threads that can be made, so most often they'll never be read (unless you of course is filtering for the 'worst' replies/posts)
Well /cock/ was a thing.
>There's literally no point on fast moving boards
>now sage can't be used as a measure of dislike by it being hidden
Sage is not a downvote and it should have never been seen as such. Saging is about YOU, and how you feel YOUR posts relate to the thread. It's a simple courtesy; a very Japanese way of handling yourself on the internet. "Well, my post isn't all that interesting or relevant, so maybe I shouldn't bump the thread back up when posting."
What's the deleted top comment?
Hello Satan.
Rofl, makes sense
It's also in algorithms and the /new page dictating what content most users see. What is popular gets more popular. Not to mention low-effort content being easier to consume so it gains more upvotes and so on. It's great for finding a community's favorite content, I like going to a game sub and looking at top posts for some good fan art, but for most other things it's pretty awful.
>my post isn't all that interesting or relevant
What? It'd be more "OP's post or the replies aren't very interesting and no something I want to help get more exposure".
You are in error. I know that Veeky Forums has pulled far, far away from its roots as a copy of Japanese imageboards, but that is still what it is, and its text commands reflect that. The thing about Nips is that, with some exceptions (mainly wannabe Yakuza or Ameriboos), they are unfailingly polite. Bumping a thread can cause another thread to die. That's rude. If you don't feel your post warrants bumping the thread, type "sage" so you don't bump the thread.
If you don't think the thread is interesting or worthy of exposure, you should just ignore it entirely.
Strange but I get it now, sorry I misread the original post. However, "Sage is not a downvote and it should have never been seen as such" is still weird as I don't think the nips' view on it is particularly solid. It may be how it was seen originally/how the nips still see it, but that doesn't mean it's the only/best way to use it. It's a way of replying while mitigating some of the exposure that nets the thread, it's still better to not reply of course but a lot of people will still reply to bait despite seeing it for what it is and it can be used by them to make them feel better about that.
>a lot of people will still reply to bait
You can't control what others do. You CAN control you. If they want to be idiots who lack a fundamental understanding of how the anonymous imageboard is supposed to work, they will. That doesn't mean you have to do the same.
You accidentally hit on a valid point earlier. It IS pointless to sage a bait thread, because bait isn't a downvote and you can't control that others with lesser self-control can and will reply and bump said thread. It's much better to simply ignore them and hope everyone else is smart enough to do the same.
*because "sage" isn't a downvote, rather
>I'm looking for players willing to roleplay and who would gladly write a long backstory of their characters
>you will play these original characters I made, you won't be able to create your character.
Jesus christ
>Sorry Charley, but you must be at least 12 hours old to post in /r/lfg.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
Hahahaha, holy shit. I don't even know why, it's not even supposed to be that funny, but this gave me a major case of spontaneous giggle-fits. Just something about this poor sap pouring his heart out to his little heartbox community, and that same heartbox community just rejects him with this psuedo-apologetic empathy card about how he's underaged B& because he needs to have been alive for 12 whole hours. The whole situation was very surprisingly funny.
If I'm hosting, I don't mind telling people with bad manners to go away if their manners are too poor.
TTRPGs are ultimately social, and live or die based on the ability of a group to have fun together.
Pretty much this. I had a player who made an eunuch character but halfway through the game he remembered he was an eunuch and decided to make his character sound like an even more annoying sounding Mickey Mouse. I rolled with it since it was only for a session or two, but I've had to ban him from ever calling back his character again
What I'm saying is their misunderstanding of how it has been used in the past doesn't mean they can't effectively use it for their own purposes. Saging matters very little, but especially in the past it wasn't a bad way to mitigate your impact on a thread's exposure. Idk how that's disproved by me controlling me or whatever, people will do this, people will use sage for it, and it will do what they intend for it to achieve albeit in a very, very limited capacity. I don't reply to bait, but I can understand why someone who does would use sage as a sort of downvote.
Apologies. I understand you better now, and agree partially. It's not that I don't understand why people use sage like that; I do, all too well. That's why I don't like it. The more people who use sage improperly, the faster we forget why it was a thing at all, and then we end up with imageboards whose rulepages specifically state that "sage is meant to be used on threads you don't agree with", and that is just fucking maddening.
Reddit is fine if you just use it to get news about your hobbies/interests. Approach it like a list of headlines, and think of the comment section the same way you think of the one on Youtube, except even worse somehow.
Sounds like he just wants to make a play, but is too lazy to make an actual script
It's sad to me because it can easily be used this way to justify replying to bait, and so if sage didn't exist at all that might have a better result.
>You lot are going on as though Veeky Forums, especially now, actually tolerates someone with a different opinion than the "culture" dictates.
You can't get banned for it tho.
>Veeky Forums isn't necessarily better, just different.
>never claimed it was worse in any way
Reddit crossposters are why Veeky Forums has gotten shittier.
>implying I disagree
Someone saying Veeky Forums isn't necessarily better, just different does not a Reddit crossposter make, though.
Shit on Reddit all you like, just don't call a spade a club.