Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/

Report any suspicious activity, Imperial citizen! edition


>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Rising!!!

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


is the game even fun or do people just like hording dudes

What game?

I was hoping they'd acknowledge Chaos managing to squeeze control out of the Sygnus Generatorum, but since they have all these posts made a month in advance, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

What do you fucking think, genius

40k is first and foremost a modeling hobby. The rules are laughably bad.

Only Guardfags actually play.
Speaking of which, we had a sighting of /our guy/ in WIP general. I wish I had his conviction....or spite.

For the might of the Ecclesiarchy!

6th For Harkon

10th for CUTEDAR.

Even a good paint job cannot save these things. I can't like them. Aggressors are even worse.

Imperium just barely controls the generatorum as far as I can tell.

I don't know, I wouldn't have asked if I did, genius.

The baby-swingset legs just look so dumb.

Reminder that the hivemind is the purest form of camaraderie that exists.

To be fair it was about time GW blatantly stole a design from Blizzard for once.

Force sword or force staff?

>DA, SW, IH, GK, SoS and Aeldari vs TSons
>Loyalist BTFO

Based Magnus.

So anyone have any idea what the guys on the new style flying stands in the top left of the Mortarion picture might be? They don't look like Primaris...

Literally one guy playing with himself.

Lmao. How can one guardfag be so assblasted?

I saved them by putting them on bases as if they've landed. They are not salvageable floating. Aggressors are fine, better than Centurions. I hope Blood Angels don't use them a lot anyway (and I suspect BA will use Reivers and whatever the new jet pack assault troops will be).

Thanks for confirming for everyone in this thread that guardfags are the worst posters in this general.

All contribute. Its a collective power of thought that is directed by one

He ain't even mad brotato. He started his quest because they WERE kinda shit and it seemed like a good excuse as any.

I can't possibly be upset at somebody wanting to improve their work for OUR benefit.

I saved them by re-drilling the stand hole in the pooper and painting it as a wooden pole

They make fine scenery for my world eaters.

Blood angels have also tried to save their aesthetics. I think I just like old school marines more. Manlets>chads

Got a pic of yours?

The hivemind is a woman.

Damn that soldier's gonna make the imperium proud.

So, question:

Has anyone ever tried playing 40k using one of the really old rulesets using the new models, and comparing it to the more modern rulesets?

I was just watching this video of a guy flipping through his old 3e rulebook, and I was feeling nostalgic, and it occurred to me that you'd be able to use most of the new models with the old rules, especially once you started pulling out the old Vehicle Design Rules.


That looks neat. And no, I don't. I literally just made them and stuck them on the base. Hopefully upgrade kits for SW, DA and BA will save Aggressors and Aggressors.

The hive mind has no singularity. It is "one" as the sum of all its parts but there is no "queen" organism beyond larger synapse nodes.


Reminder no one fucking likes you chaosfags and you are actually recognized as the worst posters in this general no matter how much you try to pin it on the IG bros who are popular and well-liked.

Stay mad about losing Konor, too.

>implying i play the edgy teenager faction
I could literally not care at all about your shitty dramafag attentionwhoring or your retarded easily rigged polls. If you want to fucking suck off a crypto-namefag so much then fuck off to reddit.

>23 person sample

Are you a social scientist?

I think he was making a joke about how Tyrannids are all played by girls, user.


I am not a girl



Woops, if that is so it completely flew over my head. The meme hasn't been strong since last may

>t. male nid player

>but since they have all these posts made a month in advance, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Probably for the best. The war diaries are amusing, at least.

Maybe you are and you've just never realised that your birth gender isn't who you are inside.

The meme on its own was never strong. only GSCB made it strong

What do the Tau think of Abhumans?

do they even know about them.

What's rgg

Shoo shoo magnus hirschfeld

Well since there's currently 23 unique posters in this thread, four of you should probably fuck off.

So, ive bought start collecting nurgle and have put the finishing touches on my daemons, im thinking of playing admech next, but i dont know anything about them, i want a gunline army since i play daemons and word bearers and im getting tired of melee, but im mostly playing them for the aesthetic. What models do you guys recommend, what are they like on the table top, also what colour scheme should i go, i dont want to paint anymore red and im thinking black and teal. any suggestions Veeky Forums?

did you google image search aggressors as well? I was just looking at that model.
Get out of my head

I sure hope they expand on that, it's not a victory if the enemy doesn't put up a decent fight.

really good guys. just the nicest folk you will ever meet.

probably come off as a human equivalent to the castes, but I don't think it's ever mentioned in the fluff or scant few tau novels

Also beastmen aren't abhumans, they're mutants.

but user, I am you.

Cawl isn't the fabricator general.

My first thought was "why would they care about abhumans?", my second thought is as of the most recent fluff humans actually make up the majority of the tau empire's populace and are being shipped into the core septs and shit, so they might continue oppressing them just to keep the humans happy.

Go away Mr Noseberg I don't have work till the morning

Is this what it's like to be magnus? Shards of yourself shitposting in the warp

Ah so Guardanons in general then

Daily reminder that Cawl is still an asspull non-character who has no right to exist or be the single most competent being in the entire 40k mythos, Emperor included.

Like in the context of real life, basically the opposite of that guy?
Or from a narrative sense, like a flawless hero like superman?

Hey s/he's the one who said they play nids, it's not my fault that them's the rules.

Now that 7e Taufags have moved on to greener WAAC-pastures the chaosfags are taking the toxic shitposting spotlight. Guardanons are literally the only good thing about /40kg/.

A legend(tm)

>guy works for 10,000 years using the Emperor's own research and stocks and has forge worlds dedicated to his work doing it


i wouldn't say he's the most competant.
it took him 10000 years to slightly improve the emperors work. Which is something the ravenguard managed within the time span of the great crusade.

he's no more of an asspull than any other 40k character, he's just newer than most.

This buttblasts people how?

What will Morty G do guys? I think a 7" aura boosting all Death Guard unit's Toughness by 1 and Disgustingly Resilient happens on 4+.

Also has some cool melee options and a couple of psychic powers.

might abhumans be more willing to join the tau. Simple orwellian oppression as a second class citizen is probably better than heavy proscecution and near non-person status.

He didn't just slightly improve the emperor's work, he not only created hugely improved space marines, got rid of the worst genetic flaws from the genelines that had them but he also designed an entire new arsenal for said mega-marines who are to space marines what space marines are to guardsmen. And god knows how long the Emperor was working on his shit before he revealed himself to humanity.

mine was a joke friend, i dont know what it means either.

The good:
Ranger squads with Transuranic Arquebuses for killing enemy characters and light vehicles.
Vanguard squads with their assault plasma guns for mobility.
Robot squads with character support for killing Space Marine foot soldiers by the dozen. 2 robots = 1 dead marine squad per turn.
Full-sized Infiltrator squads for killing enemy hordes; you want the taser goads and flechette pistols for 50 S3 AP - pistol shots and S6 melee attacks.
Spider tanks with Neutron Lasers for anti-tank; the Icarus Array is good for anti-flyer, but I still like the Neutron Lasers better for the sheer amount of tank-murder they can put downrange.

The bad:
Electropriests are better, but still not great due to how fragile they are and a lack of transport vehicles.
Chicken walkers aren't that great.
Battle Servitors got a significant power drop between editions.

Well, chaos officially lost another planet. This shit's a predictable wash. What's the point of this again when it's painfully obvious chaos never had a chance to begin with?

Is it good idea to run 3 sorcs and 1 ahriman at 1k points for 9 powers in codex?

Need more edits of stuff into 40k.

You monster. That wasn't a very good thing if you to do. You are definitely not a rgg.

What anime is this?

>literally have GW shilling xenos to fight Imperium as well

boku no pico

I imagine the abhumans themselves would love the tau, but who can say whether the tau would be willing to trade political expedience by treating them as poorly as the Imperium if not just killing them off directly or by sterilising them.

The fact that humans are now officially the majority race in the empire makes keeping them placated a very real concern. I doubt they'll ever touch on it though because they haven't even talked that much about Gue'vesa, much less brought out units of Gue'vesa'la who should be a really important part of the tau military by now.

Moaning so much you make two posts. Pathetic.

>Daily reminder that Cato Sicarius is lost to the warp

Hmm, I wonder unit was the major factor in the Imperium winning on Konor? Let's see what the debrief says.

bible black

Elaborate. You asking about the post or the model?

Why doesn't the Imperial Guard have a machine gun equivalent? What do they use for squad suppressive fire?

As a primarily /k/ autist poster this annoys me.

Does that mean that Captain Titus can be canon now?

Good, he was the worst dickhole in the worst dickhole chapter.

No the beergut gravis captain is boss of the 2nd now. Acheran or something.

There's a new captain.

Think he was Captain Acheron or something like that

I don't know, Kataphron Gravstroyers are still OK, it's just that they're basically strictly worse than Kastelans outside of being Troops, which currently doesn't do much of anything because Spearhead Detachment actually exists. 3 Katas cost about the same and shoot about at much as 2 Kastelans without their buffs, but lack protocols, have -1 to saves, -2T, -2A and half the wounds.
They need a 20-25% points cost drop IMO.

Electropriests are a pretty good melee restriction order on elite armies or big stompy things like Levi Dreads, fragile as they are, and if the Triaros doesn't suck major balls they'll be pretty godly in one of those.

I just did a quick google search for it but i cant find a video, the main girl looks kinda cute, can i get a link?

what when did this glorious thing happen? Is he going to be corrupted by slaneesh?

Heavy B's my man.
Alternatively, Kriegers use Heavy Stubbers, which are just Browning 50cals

For the IG it rhymes with teavy tolter.

For PDFs it rhymes with teavy ttubber which is literally just a thing that rhymes with Tem2 Tifty Tal.

Made a list out of some Primaris stuff I got, thoughts? Not enough plasma?

Daily reminder that The Great Khan of the White Scars is dead and will be replaced by Koroso.

Any chaos victory needs plot armour.
You should know and accept this fact by now.

thats your opinion m8

They have heavy bolters as emplacement weapons, and a team can be attached to any squad.
LMG-wards, sounds like you need a Volleygun

This is true but just remember last week it was eldar fucking up chaos as they wrote it.