Anybody has limited edition playbooks for Masks, or any of the kickstarter special resources? I missed on the kickstarter, but the system seems rad
Masks resources
>diversity checklist characters
Wellp, looks like total and utter fucking garbage to me
I said it looks like total and utter fucking garbage.
It's a pretty cool system, though you have to know what you are going into. It focuses a lot more on your characters self image (As they are a teen/inexperienced hero) than it does on their exact powers.
I wouldn't use it to run all superhero games but for the type it wants to be, it's pretty interesting.
I'm not really seeing the whole 'Diversity checklist' thing. They looks like a very standard teen hero group.
I feel like I have seen this artists work on someplace else. A webcomic maybe ?
From closest to furthest away
>Man with tits
>Retarded Snowflake (I do like how the retarded snowflake is the white chick though because that's just accurate as fuck)
>Monster (note he's the only male they dared draw handsome
>Goofball robin clone
And waaaaay back in the back facing away from the camera
>What appears to be the only non-retarded female
It's obvious tumblr trash
Now that I look again I bet the one in back is actually a femmy dude or some shit too
I'm pretty sure you've just described most teen superhero teams. Young Justice/Teen Titans etc.
It's more the artstyle then anything. They picked a very tumblr looking style for the cover. It makes me expect a blog about the white devil oppressing gopherkin then it does a superhero game.
It's literally meant to be about being a teen superhero who isn't sure of themself, rather than a regular supers game.
You can do Teen Titans and other such stuff with it. MAYBE some types of Spiderman. MAYBE Worm.
What art style would have worked better then for the premise of teen superheroes?
Something more Bruce Timm. Or like the interior art for M&M. Actually, just look at any M&M book, but especially Hero High.
That sounds more like you being triggered than any objective criticism of the game or even its art direction.
Not the first user that was whining, but I really do hate the art direction for Masks, same with Wild Talents too. Game is fine but man, you think you could get a halfway decent artist for it.
I think Masks is fine and at least it's consistent through the book.
Wild Talents is ugly as fuck and I don't understand how anyone thought it was a good idea.
Nigga if you think that's bad look at the special edition cover for WT. It's like they took someones Second Life avatars as a screenshot.
>if you notice something obvious you must be triggered
Whatever you say, tumblr
Listen dude, most of the time when someone starts talking about sjw art shit I at least understand where they're coming from. This legitimately just looks like the art you would see in a young-adult targeted teen comic lineup. Gotham Academy, or some shit like that.
This is some "D&D 5e is pandering to sjw because the fighter is black" level shit you're on.
>Gotham Academy
So, SJW shit?
>D&D 5e's art direction
So, SJW shit?
Thanks for proving my point Tumblr
>This legitimately just looks like the art you would see in a young-adult targeted teen comic lineup.
that this is so prevalent you can identify this as a trend in mass media for children IS THE PROBLEM
Right, that's what we're doing then. I'll try again later I guess.
Not really seeing the problem with the art. Reminds me a lot of Young Justice.
yeah man. such a trend. look at these newcomers on the right here. never would've seen this in the 80s/90s.
(the bkkc launched in 1989)
The 90s was the start of it, sweetie.
Holy shit, you can dislike the artwork without having your period about it.
Holy shit, someone can criticize the content being so obviously SJW shit that you can tell just by the artwork without you having your period about it.
I notice that you haven't once tried to defend the game's content (because you can't)
Don't feed the troll. Anti-SJW boogeymen are just as bad as the actual assholes using social justice as a club to attack media and content creators.
>Man with tits
>Retarded Snowflake
>Goofball robin clone
Literally Teen Titans AND Justice League.
It is a femmy dude.
Right, I remember all the pink haired SJWs and super masculine women in justice league, my bad I had forgotten.
>daily reminder that historical revisionism is and always has been a tool of the marxist cult
Don't forget the super feminine men, that was in Justice League too, don't you remember?
Because it's my first post, and it's about your witch hunt for anything that smells like a dirty, greedy feminist.
Your not criticizing artwork, you're tying an imaginary connection between cover art and a political affiliation, and you're being a colossal fucking faggot in the process.
I'd love to hear about some of the mechanics. Why don't you stop derailing the thread and start talking about them? Or is harder for to tease out imaginary slights from language?
>s-stop noticing the truth or y-you're ignorant!
Wow, confirmed for marxist cultist
>everything I don't like is marxism and SJWs
Nigga I was agreeing with you until you went full /pol/
>Your not criticizing artwork, you're tying an imaginary connection between cover art and a political affiliation, and you're being a colossal fucking faggot in the process.
Have you even read the book? I have. I may like the game mechanics but the setting and chargen guide is a leftypol treatise with a superhero flavor.
Nice selective memory, fag. The Justice League is fucking chock full of dykes, manly women, and LMAO snowflakes.
Hawkgirl, WW, Starfire, Raven
Splitting hairs doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look petty
The setting is literally just "generic superhero city where a bunch of people live", with the previous 'generations' meant to mimic that generation of comics. each one of those barely gets a paragraph.
They have an official comic and wider setting that was funded and distributed to kickstarter backers, one of whom was me.
Then go back to your fucking safe space.
In the real world you're going to come into contact with media written from a perspective you disagree with. This has always been fucking true. And if you can't retain some emotional distance then vote with your fucking wallet and don't support it.
Personally, I think flipping shit over author politics is fucking retarded. There are loads of fascinating historical and contemporary works from authors with views I disagree with, or find downright abhorrent. But instead of having a bitchfit over it I read them and try to use them to understand other perspectives, and thereby better understand my own view of the world.
But just rambling about people disagreeing with you is not a fucking criticism you obnoxious little shit.
>implying it's not used by real and wannabe dictators all across the political spectrum
No, I haven't read it. I like superhero games. I would very much like to hear about the mechanics, but you guys are too busy making this thread exactly like every other thread on Veeky Forums with your victim complexes for me to get a hard read on what it's about. I don't give a fuck about the artwork, it's a p&p.
>desperately tries some historical revisionism real quick
lol nice try
After a quick skim the mechanics are literally Apocalypse World. Nothing much to write home about.
Seems like every bit of media is written with a viewpoint hostile to them.
America is not white anymore. Europe is not white anymore. People need to accept this and enjoy the fruits of multiculturalism unless they want to be miserable bitching about their hijab-wearing neighbors until the day they die.
It's a generic Apocalypse World game with the sex moves replaced for a more teen-friendly environment. If you're unfamiliar with AW, it's a 2d6 game where 7-9 is a "yes but" success and 10+ is a "yes and" success, and character abilities are all laid out on one's character sheet (called a playbook).
It's flavorful for the sort of game it is, but you may feel constrained by having to work all your powers into the playbooks, since some are explicitly about certain powersets even if they purport to be more like personality archetypes.
Lol, literally all I did was drop names. You are fucking delusional. You deserve your paranoia.
>don't read game
>can tell it's obviously SJW shit from the art
>turns out it's an apackofshit world game
Fucking priceless
I'll probably just stick with Mutants and Masterminds, then. Cool idea, though.
Masks is a Powered by the Apocalypse game, and as someone mentioned above it's more concerned with your teenage heroes identity than their powers.
You have a number of stats, referred to as Labels- Danger, Freak, Saviour, Superior and Mundane. Each of these reflects an aspect of who your character believes themselves to be. Interestingly, since a young persons self image is very flexible, your Labels can vary a lot, increasing and decreasing over the course of a session as your self image is affected by your experiences.
Actually interacting the game happens through Moves, 2d6+stat rolls where 6 or less is a failure, 7-9 is an imperfect success and 10+ is a good success. In addition to a few generic move, each Playbook (basically a class) has its own list to choose from, giving you unique ways of interacting with the system.
Playbooks can also have their own unique mechanics, like the Doomed, whose incredible powers are tied to an inevitable end that is always coming for them. There's also a few other little interesting bits and pieces, but those are the basics. Shape your self image, make your moves, compromise and try to figure out how to do the best you can while explicitly still being a young and inexperienced hero who hasn't yet truly discovered who they want to be.
If you're interested in a lighter system I'd suggest the Savage Worlds Superheroes Companion 2nd edition. It's got a good point-buy power system.
This is a better sell. I just moved in with two friends who are new to RPing and LOVE comics, if the mechanics are reasonably simple, which I imagine they are, maybe I'll try a game out.
There's one ethnically ambiguous brown guy and two ethnically ambiguous women and three generic white people. I'm all for hating on tumblr and enforced diversity but if this is a diversity checklist then we've regressed.
Thanks, homie
>posting shit from the precise beginning of the mainstream assault of cultural marxism on children's programming
You should dig up some other diversity checklist shows too. Hey Arnold, Captain Planet, what else you got that proves our point?
>You have a number of stats, referred to as Labels- Danger, Freak, Saviour, Superior and Mundane. Each of these reflects an aspect of who your character believes themselves to be. Interestingly, since a young persons self image is very flexible, your Labels can vary a lot, increasing and decreasing over the course of a session as your self image is affected by your experiences.
My god, I couldn't have written it any worse as a fucking parody.
>rpg that seeks to emulate something is similar to the thing it tries to emulate
For the life of me I can't figure out why you think this is a bad thing.
He thinks its a bad thing because forced diversity quotas don't reflect the model of a functioning society.
>Yes it is, only SJW art is like that
>Well it's supposed to be like that other SJW art, CHECKMATE
lol marxist flailing is so hilarious
Goddamn dude, just looking out my real life window I see two dykes, a black dude, and a skinny white dude RIGHT THERE.
It's not some cultural appropriation scheme, it's just WHAT LIFE LOOKS LIKE OUTSIDE.
Is there any evidence anywhere of 'Forced diversity quotas'?
I thought it was just advertisers cottoning on that multicultural marketing is becoming more and more important, purely as a financial and functional change reflecting market trends and shifting demographics.
Portland or San Francisco?
So you live in a marxist containment zone?
I believe that you misspelled "fictional" there
The point is that unless you think effectively every teen superhero team is "Culturally Marxist" there's very little that dinstingishes the one on the cover from any other. Young Avengers? Any given iteration of the Teen Titans? Virtually every X-men lineup?
>Waaah waaah my country is 50% white but I want it to look like it's 90% white
Wizards of the Coast changed Kaladesh to be more Indian because of the whinging of a single Indian blogger. They even brought him on to host a panel about the design of the plane, but when the set was released he complained because it wasn't precisely how he wanted it to be.
Fast forward to now, and they brought in another activist blogger to write in black planeswalkers because she complained that "POC should be saving POC in Egypt," neglecting the fact that A) there are already black Planeswalkers, and B) Egyptians aren't even black.
What's fictional about demographic shifts? The latest generation born in the US was only 50% white. Companies want to make money, and that means not excluding 50% or more of their potential customers in their advertising. It's not about any social agenda, it's pure capitalism.
The fact people lose their jobs for wanting meritocracy (see the recent events at Google) suggests yes
>marxist statistical revisionism
lol keep flailing and hammering that report button to censor our "hate" facts, snowflake
Why are the white dudes always so sickly and thin in the cities, anyway? They try growing beards to fit in but it just emphasizes how bad they look.
New Hampshire. I live it in the fucking woods.
If I can look outside and see twice the diversity than what's in that picture you're all bitching about, then maybe it's time you all took a walk outside and see who's around you.
Also are we just gonna pretend like the point of a cover ISN'T to grab your eye? Like it or not, they used an extremely common trope to make a smart advertising decision.
>implying I'm the same person
You know I was going to argue with you just to stave off boredom, but now I realize that would be taking advantage of the retarded.
Making a controversial public statement can get you fired, regardless of what that statement is about. That's not an agenda, that's basic corporate politics.
He made a controversial private statement that one of the people in his unit spread around to get him fired. They faced no reprisal for this act.
Egypt is black because that's what history shows, just like Hannibal was black.
>implying all cultural marxists aren't identical
lol gg snowflake you played yourself
You can tell that one dude literally just discovered the word Marxism.
>getting purged for wrongthink is normal
Someday I wish I could be so bold and stupid as to think writing a big essay about the evils of diversity wouldn't get me fires when I was working for a guy whose name was Sundar Pichai
user... This is low quality bait.
How can I be identical, if I'm a snowflake?
The implication of that word is that snowflakes believe they are special, but are not.
Hannibal was black, everything points to him being black. He was fucking born in Africa, dude.
As for Egypt? Egypt was black for a while, but the important thing to remember is that WotC is making a FICTIONAL setting. They can make their Egypt ruled by black people and there isn't a FUCKING THING you can do about it.
> this thread right now
If it's fictional and no-one should complain, then why do all the SJWs get their complaints about diversity answered by adding extra dark-skinned NPCs? Isn't it fiction? Shouldn't they just deal with it?
kek they just keep lining up for it
how long until a completely assblasted cultural marxist janitor sees all the reports they have to be spamming because of all this wrongthink and purges the thread?
One snowflake is unique, a billion snowflakes is generic clumps of snow that fuck up your drive to work.
Both melt into watery tears the moment you apply salt, though!
>The art is SJW/Tumblr and if you don't think so you're SJW/Tumblr.
A whole lotta True Scotsman going on here today.
Also, I strongly suspect you are from /v/ /b/ or /pol/ because even if you accept the premise that there's some conspiracy of people trying to ruin everything fun with... I don't know... political correctness or something... TTRPG's aren't the sort of things that can be "ruined" the same way that vidya can. There's no automatic update that changes your book/pdf and refuses to make the game work unless you do it the approved way. TTRPGs have GM's/DM's/ST's who, you know, have qualitative judgement and can run the game how they want... you can even be one if you want to. If your game is "infected" by your SJW boogeyman, then that's more of a problem with your GM than an "industry problem,"
Why are you bringing logic into this? So far there clearly has been none.
More and more DMs are being brought up to celebrate the SJW mindset though, and some companies such as White Wolf and Paizo bake the SJW right into their mechanics.
>He was fucking born in Africa, dude.
Tunisians aren't black, nigga.
>TTRPG's aren't the sort of things that can be "ruined" the same way that vidya can. There's no automatic update that changes your book/pdf and refuses to make the game work unless you do it the approved way.
Unfortunately, with the advent of hyper-specialized game sets like Apocalypse World, developers with agendas are coming to realize that they can enforce standards of play by making it nearly impossible to play the game without embracing their outlook.
The more narrative and setting-focused a game is the less discretion the GM has in running it.
>more preaching by another obvious cultist
Excuse me?
Wait, you go to work? You are clearly a Marxist spy sent to infiltrate our ranks, but you just revealed yourself. Good job.
You do know that freedom of speech doesn't mean that your boss can't fire you for running your mouth right? It just means that you can't face LEGAL consequences for running your mouth. When you run your mouth in a way that your boss is going to find out about, you'd better be damn sure you run your mouth in a way he agrees with. That's not a conspiracy, that's being a socially functioning adult with a job.
Similarly, your DM asking you to stop masturbating under the table while you describe your guro magical realm isn't censorship Virt.