Khorne Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread:
Khorne Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread:
Ded gaem
>obligatory Soon
Second for Nurgle
i luv nurble
That looks oddly cute in a weird way.
Reminder that this is the best model of all time
How are the Kharadron Overlords right now?
A friend of mine says they're a bit undertuned, and I haven't played against them yet
all frogs r cute
hey guys
do you have the recent rumour engine overview for me?
Anyone know where I can get good nautical themed bits for my freeguild army? Looking for embellishments like anchors, fish, ship wheels, finned iconography (see marius lietdorf's horse for example), harpoons and fishing spears and the like.
Here you go.
From what I gathered in other websites, they are pretty good in that they got mad good shooting. They sort of dissolve though if you get into melee with them. Think Tau from 40k minus the Kroot.
>Think Tau from 40k minus the Kroot.
Then, could be possible to use Dispossesed ad Kroot? (you know, meatshield)
>Here you go.
Thanks, but no, I meant our grid thingy where we wrote down what pics were solved.
I don't see why not. Most AoS players or newbies (myself included) are mostly waiting for the GH2 which is due out either later this month or next month. But for now, yes that sounds like a pretty viable strategy.
Yeah, you could throw in some Ironbreakers as a big anvil. The new allies+massive regiment rule should help with that.
Think I missed that one user. May have to ask again later when everyone is woken up or off work.
Noice, I have around 1500 points of Dispossesed and I honestly like the Kharadron's aesthetic
The sculpt itself is dated, but the composition is actually really good and thoughtful. If it was translated to the newer aesthetic it'd be smooth and chocolately.
Looking at getting into AoS despite my initial aversion due to GW scrapping fantasy for it. Either Skeletons or Sylvaneth, which is the more commonly seen army?
these images are great, has anyone got any other ones?
I think so long as you aren't Chaos or Stormcast, you're going to be in a minority regardless so don't worry about mirrors. That said the Undead got their Carnivor Ghouls semi recently but a Skeleton army is still niche.
All of them are here!
And not just Kharadron, but all of the Battletomes from Age of Sigmar
So with some of the new traits already spoiled what are you hoping for, for the remaining ones?
>Darkling Covens
>Skaven Skryre
>Slaves to Darkness
>Free Peoples
Fair enough, thanks. I think I'll end up collecting both, but starting with the skeletons (as a horde force, with the Sylvaneth as a more elite-army)
oh great thanks
I really really hope they do gitmob grots too, and not only moonclan/spiderfang, but considering the age of the goblin regiment/goblin wolf rider kits, and the total absence of a gobbo warlord model, my hope may be in vain. The clampack goblin shaman is the only thing that has me holding out hope
What is the most elite low model count army except Raiders?
Maybe Stormcasts
>obligatory not be for aelves
But newer stuff never has good composition.
Quick /aosg/, should my first AoS be Stormcast or a Napoleonic themed Free Guild army?
Napoleonic Freeguild.
How is that even a question?
Napoleonic no question, but be sure to include some little details here and there to reference current aos fluff.
Last thread someone was deciding between seraphon and Samecast eternals.
Now you are deciding between badass free guild and Borecast eternals.
What is it about Lamecast that people like so much? Also how is it even a hard decision? Stormcucks are boring.
freeguild obviously, but gl finding heroic plastic napoleonics
Is that new? Are freeguild finally getting love?
>what is it about Lamecast that people like so much?
Coming from a new player who started this game 3 weeks ago:
their lore is sweet
they look sweet
versatile with options for every playstyle
strong ranged, strong melee, has dragons, mobile teleport action
easy to paint
army-wide thematic look, like the units are all really part of an organized force rather than a ragtag warband of mercs
competitive, well supported
people who don't like them seem to be in 3 camps, with overlap:
"I don't like popular things/my pet army hasn't gotten an update yet"
"40k ruined me for space marines and these guys look visually similar"
"They aren't really my thing"
The first two encompass about a fourth of those I've met irl, and 100% of those online. The whining about SCE is comically dramatic.
No I don't play SCE.
Freeguild General on Griffon
It comes with 3 heads for either a normal griffon or the 2 headed griffon
it also comes with a normal general, a Karl Franz version of the general, and a wizard to mount it.
.... also the OG Ghal Maraz hammer
pic related
>people who don't like them seem to be in 3 camps, with overlap:
you forgot:
- they all rook da same
- Having the strongest guys in the fluff being the good guys
- army with no weaknesses and have an answer for everything, and thus no real playstyle that would define the army
They are literally the most bland faction they have ever made, even space marines have better lore
>the best lore
1(800)cmon-now you know that's bullshit
I don't like the Stormcast because they feel like knockoff Fantasy Space Marines with much worse aesthetics and the ridiculous 'unkillable magic supermen who are the bestest at fighting Chaos and can nevereverever be baddies' thrown on top.
Plus they also make 40k's tendency of focusing too much on Space Marines look like a fucking joke both in the lore and in the release schedules.
My problem with SCE lies in the fact that they depart drastically from the traditional aesthetic associated with sigmar and his cult. Hence when I look at a stormcast eternal, I can see him as a celestial warrior, but I struggle to see him as one of sigmar's. The original sketches gave them iconography comparable to that of elite empire units like demigryph knights and the general on warhorse with snarling faces and flaming twin tailed comets and fiery suns. The only place the traditional twin tailed comet motif is actually used is on the shoulder pads of the celestant prime.
>started this game 3 weeks ago
You can choose from Ice monsters, Space dinosaurs, primitive imperial guard with sticks, super orcs, skeleton bone army, psychotic undead bretonnians, hippie tree people, etc, but you chose the big armored gud guyz that every 12 year old plays/will play.
Snorecast are literally the Honda civic/vanilla ice cream/ryu&ken/ultramarines of Warhammer AoS.
I am fine with them being in the game, I just have no desire to collect them and they are usually a newfag beacon.
like clearly samefag amirite? everyone loves stormcast so this hivemind cant be possible
This, they make ultramarine look as if they have deep meaningful lore
THAT feel when an user posts an objectively wrong opinion and gets reprimanded accordingly
Can you really not comprehend multiple people not liking a given range? I was responsible only for the last comment regarding the similarities and differences between empire and stormcast models.
I think he is being sarcastic user.
I was being sarcastic my dude. I agree with you.
They look significantly better unmasked. I didn't even know there was a human face underneath.
Iirc it was retcon that they are human in form under the armor. Because iirc they were just like spirits that embodied the armor.
Well that's crappy. I think it would add a lot if we saw some art of some poor Stormcast's mask knocked off and we see a frightened but fierce human underneath that armour.
No no I mean originally they were not human under it, it got changed to them having a human body
They were human under their armor from the beginning but they have some deposit on their armor or something
In one of the books a stormcast gets his helmet stolen and goes on a big quest to get it back, and GW released a helmetless stormcast model once
Good stuff. Games Workshop doing good things. Ironic that while gradually people are slowly adjusting inch by inch to AoS, the 40k fluff which has not actually seen a complete squatting of its original setting has its fanbase verbally rioting.
I never once walked by a Game gaystop and saw a decent looking man dwell inside, filled with fatties that smell and anorexic runts with glasses. We always laughed at them whilst walking by with our noses covered. Disgusting.
How'd you paint those?
I'm not a fan of the SCE but I honestly really like how the mask looks when the artist can be bothered to also include the man behind it. The vision holes are big enough so that you can get the full range of human emotion displayed with just their eyes, which I think makes for a great contrast with the stoic, implacable bronze features of the rest of the face. I really, really like pic related despite not liking the Stormcast aesthetic in general purely because of the eyes.
Unfortunately this design looks absolutely horrible in miniature form because their eyes are impossible to model, which results in literally faceless clones across the entire range. And then on top of that because the current crop of GW artists seem to adhere 100% with how the miniature looks no matter what we end up with Stormcast with black voids for eyes in virtually every single piece they make, even in close up shots.
I would argue the opposite, on a large scale Aos is openly rejected. I have never met a single person in store who actually follows/actually likes the lore. Hell it's the butt end of jokes on par with "dark angels are traitors" even our gw store owner makes fun of it. The game itself is fine it has it's flaws but it's alright the lore is just awful, like objectively awful
you have to go back
Get out you fat fucks exercise and get a life.
Oh yeah its still very much 70/30 (if not more so) against its fluff. I am not saying its been accepted, quite the contrary. I was just saying people are adjusting to it. Some at least. The more I read it the more I realize "Huh, this isn't actually too bad. A fair few bumps in the road, fair few creaks but not as bad as I thought".
Like myself, when I thought about it I realized as much as I do love the Old World, I didn't actually play the game and due to its geographical nature, some races without hoops and loops in your fluff, would likely never ever fight. It also to non Warhammer fans didn't quite stand out among the rest of the fantasy settings. I don't agree with how they "fixed" the solution by ending the setting but I can absolutely see why they would look to rebranding it in some form.
Also, I am going to get lynched for this: I love Knights. I absolutely ADORE the 14th and 15th century full plate knight or man at arms. But I did not like the Empire's angle on it visually. In fact, besides just being humans, I didn't really like them at all except for the fact they were the human foundation for the setting and brought the fluff to life with their medieval human view. But not their looks.
For me I think if they really nail the Freeguild fluff as they implied in the next GHB, that could add a lot more to the setting than the SCE. Maybe some proper non fluffy Knights on foot to boot.
Did you not hear me son? I said get off your fat ass and lose weight.
I am actually quite skinny.
Yeah I was already aware that no one likes them online, I was just hoping for some more thoughtful answers than those completly validating my camps above.
Fyreslayers all look the same too, but if you like naked dwarves with mohawks, then you'll like 'em.
strongest fluff guys being goodguys, ok so like why superman is boring.
most versatile army being the main one pushed, I get this too.
I don't know the old lore, but I get that when a new game and lore is written over old stuff it can suck.
you other guys calling them bland - how?
norse Einherjar plucked off the battlefield, mixed with lightning, and thrown into golden armor made from the core of a dead planet is sweet. If this is considered bland for a game's workshop army you guys are spoiled as fuck.
the conversation is about why everyone hates SCE online, and to a far lesser degree (but still significant) in person.
"The main army pushed are also the best, and good guys, so it's boring." See this makes complete sense to me thanks for a fourth reason.
>Knights on foot
Bro, greatswords have been a thing for a long time now. Also brets had you covered for the arthurian knight trope back in wfb. WFB empire knights were more like german or italian knights than french/english ones (brets).
Just people who really need to stop thinking their choices are any better.
The Anti-Stormcast fags always fall into three camps.
>Empirefags angry the game isn't pseudo-Historical anymore and they're not the special anti-chaos boys.
>Shitposter factions like Skaven and Goblins.
That's factually incorrect.
elf fans must be really rare
>norse Einherjar plucked off the battlefield, mixed with lightning, and thrown into golden armor made from the core of a dead planet is sweet. If this is considered bland for a game's workshop army you guys are spoiled as fuck.
Its a mix of things user. Its not the theme, the theme on paper is fine. Its a number of reasons.
>one setting which had 30 years of love poured into it was squatted
>the aesthetic between SC and Space marines is strikingly similar
>they are very much "good guys" in what was originally a host of morally grey setting
>the lack of distinction between them and space marines visually means we associate them with space marines immediately
I would think SCE would benefit if they had similar proportions to actual humans. Just maybe 5-10% bulkier. Think Chaos Warriors, remove the horns and spikes, make them more knight like and done. Distinctive from Space Marines, still holy suits of armour.
I know greatswords are a thing but they still aren't fully armoured. Pic related is what I love. Bretonnians are Knights on horseback which, while I know was in the majority, historically there have been knights who would take on foot. I much prefer that.
Also Bretonnians were dicks. At least Greenskins were funny and dicks.
>Shitposter factions like Skaven and Goblins.
Oi, us Greenskins keep to ourselves.
Thanks for proving me right.
Most greenskins do, but Moonclan spammers are like the new Skavenposters.
I am not angry over it, I just think it would help Stormcast stand out more. I actually like how Stormcast look, except their face masks.
I don't mind it being more fantastical but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
they really do. not even a SOON post in every thread.
Only posts I've seen of Moonclan here have been asking for advice. Me being one of them.
Never mind the baby, GW threw the whole damn bath out when they made AoS.
thanks for the good reply also that picture is badass.
Implying stormcasts don't take their aesthetic from greek and roman styles. . . Hell even the buildings are similar.
No problem. Sometimes we forget that reality can be more fantastic than fantasy.
Inspiration is different from "Literally Historical as a base"
Doesn't mean you need to ditch every bit of established aesthetic. Kharadrons for example take off from the aesthetic of dwarf steam flyers and irondrakes and such. Likewise new sylvaneth models take off from the conventions established in the treelord sculpts. Many armies haven't changed in aesthetic whatsoever and have just been rebranded, such as seraphon, bonesplitters, beastclaw raiders, flesheater courts etc.
>>Shitposter factions like Skaven and Goblins.
What else is there to do ?
gib more ghb2 Chaos leaks. Is Moulder truly kill-kill?
Not act like degenerate manchildren almost as by as the aelf players?
Besides their name being respelled from Orcs to Orruks, have the Savage Orcs actually changed at all?
The skaven can't meme. Why would freeguild players be salty over a skaven model? We have gunpowder, mustaches and a variety of stylish clothes which extends beyond tattered rags. Who gives a shit about rats worshiping glowing rocks lol?
Currently they are competitive. Hordes of dudes, poor saves but mortal wound defense, excellent ranged arrow spam tons of wizards. So many wizards.
How did they used to be?
Not mad viable, at least in a theme army ala just Savage Orcs. Black Orcs, Grimgor were the top dogs in terms of Orcs and Goblins. That said Savage Orcs could be used in conjunction with the other Orcs to act as a frenzied spearhead but were squishy as fug.
>*tunnels behind Tilea, Kislev, Estalia, Nuln, Araby etc*
>*unsheathes rattling cannons*
>tfw I'm the only regular stormcast player in my store
>played tank stardrake for a while and gave stormcast a reputation for being hard as balls
I was never enough of an asshole to run more than one castellant but boy that was a fun army
Only people who don't know the fluff think stormcasts are just space marine ripoffs. See pic.
Stormcasts were NEVER just spirits in armor. They have always had bodies underneath. That's just a lie perpetuated by shitposters.
I like stormcast eternals. They are not my main army, but I collect them and think they are actually quite cool. Also when you read their fluff you do see their flaws and shortcomings. They are not unbeatable in the lore, their victories are just lauded more than their failures. From what I read, I would say they have had just about the same plot armor as space marines (excluding those damn chadmarines). While they are always the posterboys for imperial victories, when it comes to fluff for chaos/xenos, space marines are the prime whipping boys. It's no different in AoS.
Stormcast Eternals have a lot of victories that help change the overall course of the setting and progress the story, but each other faction with fluff has several stories of them btfo the stormcast eternals.
>same plot armor as space marines
I am going to disagree simply because the exaggerative nature of Space marines (1 SM > 1000 Orks) is not even half as bad with the Stormcast. Or as several fans have said throughout my time on forums, potentially 10,000.
Ok I can see that. I would agree SCE have a little less plot armor than SM.
>SM are Batman while Stormcast are Captain America
Explains why I like Stormcast more then I guess.