He Veeky Forums do you think having Kobolds evolve into dragons based on how much gold they own is cool, also post Cutebolds to help me convince my party that it is cool!
He Veeky Forums do you think having Kobolds evolve into dragons based on how much gold they own is cool...
For reference you may want to watch the episode titled "Secret of my excess" from that one certain show containing colorful pony characters.
OP, this man actually offers you pretty decent advice, crazy as it may sound. Cartoon Horse Program has some interesting ideas for dragons.
Depends on the context of the setting. If Kobolds multiply like rabbits then your dragons will be Skyrim levels of common.
I still like the idea.
I wanted to let Kobolds be a playable race but have no idea how to balance the growing up into a dragon mechanic so I decided to pit 'Dragonborn' in the setting which are a result of Kobold and Humanoids breeding.
High attrition rate my dude and the Kobolds are constantly competing with each over. You would have to be a pretty rare kobold to be able to hoard more gold than you could immediately carry on or protect while you sleep. Maybe thats why dragons are suck sly anti social / agressive dicks, the fierce competition encourages this behaviour.
That's the worst idea ever, kill yourself for not immediately aborting it upon conception.
or just tell him that in the show dragon grow based on greed and treasure.
>get greedy
>get treasure
>get big
personally i would change greed with some mix of greed+obsesion so that they desperately want something. (gold,knowledge, gardening, livestock) and the more obsessed and accomplished they become they just get bigger.
Might as well let anyone who eats enough gold become a dragon.
Except wizards. They were going to eat gold either way.
>also post Cutebolds to help me convince my party that it is cool
I'm all for cutebolds, but posting lewdbolds justifies your party in hating you.
>or just tell him that in the show dragon grow based on greed and treasure.
Yeah, but it's also a good episode of a generally good show.
I know thats why I asked for Cutebolds, I only have one Kobold and its a Lewdbold.
Google is your friend, bucko.
I could see this working in a game. Kobolds would have an insatiable drive to acquire wealth, but few avenues to attain or keep it.
For the sake of simplicity let's arm that for reasons of MAGIC only gold will do.
Kobold warbands gather under promise of loot, theft from kobolds is constant problem. And dry once in a while a Kobold retreats to an isolated lair to metamorphose into a young dragon based on alignment and environment.
/co/ is now on suicide watch.
>Other dragon traits in small horse cartoon are the gemstone eating and teleporting magic fire thingie.
More cunning kobolds set out on their own as Adventurers hoping to make so much money they can retire to the big life.
However, between dwarves hoarding, kobold raids, wizard fuckery, decreases in living standard, and growing public unrest the crown has long since switched to a silver standard. Kobold Adventurers face usurious money lenders and public outcry against the idea of more dragons.
I thought the teleport fire was unique to bookhorses familiar?
This means that the largest sources of gold are, ironically, dragon hoards.
Some Kobolds spend the majority of their lives planning their big heist. Often they enlist the aid of other Kobold Adventurers with a promise of splitting the board equally.
I make kobolds the result of unfertilized dragon eggs. They can in turn lay eggs which produce demidrakes, which can give rise to dragons.
post more cute kobolds
You need therapy John, you're not well. How many times did Daddy beat you this morning?
Even so, it would be quite fun to see a typical D&D party say "WTF is a purple dragon" as they get hit by teleport breath.
neck yourselves you furfag losers
I'm stealing that. Between the concept of insectoid, emotion-feasting changelings, celestial elementals, teleporting fire dragons, and canine morlock-kobolds, horse show has some good shit to steal.
cutebolds are not for sexytime so technically they are pretty opposite to furfaggotry...
Having kobolds associated with dragons at all is retarded. Kobolds are goblinoids with powerful magical abilities, not reptoids with a hard-on for domies. D&D is a fucking plague on fantasy.
t. Autistic Kraut
Goblin kobolds are fucking shit, and so are the other two dozen assorted varieties of germanic short folk.
1. I'm English, and 2. you're a pleb.
Clearly he means kobolds are Agumon.
>implying you're not a nordic/french rapebaby
Don't mind me, just passing through.
>Kobolds are goblinoids
Fuck that shit.
That's not even a kobold, faggot. It's somebody's vore porn dragongirl character
How can it be furry, if it has no fur?
This guy gets it
Loving the design except for the forearms.
Cutebolds are shit
Honestly having a minor monster e related to one of the most iconic threats a setting can have is pretty awesome.
I can easily see low level kobolds trying to appear more "draconian".
give me that scaledog immediately
I would think that between the relative rarity and extreme power of dragons and the ludicrous commonality of kobolds the event of a kobolds reaching 'apotheosis' should be impossibly rare.
Perhaps so much so that it's not common knowledge that the two species are related. Kobolds are just strangely greedy...and they keep showing up where dragons do...
i've looked up and down that person's art. Not a single vore was found.
Only bodacious dragon booty.
Well, not THEIR art.
That particular gif was made in response to the artist noticing just how much r34 there was of the character.
I find this adorable for some reason.
Tugma, go to bed.
That's because it is. Tiny little mobile store/home for a tiny little lizard/dragon person. Add in enough personality to make it feel real, and you have a winner.
>hurr durr I wanna suck Gygax dick all day e'ry day
All I want is that Miatakis makes an animation with that lewdbold like he did with Gumball's mum.
Stop having such a shit taste, user. Gygax didn't even have draconic kobolds.
>thinks Nordic or French means German
there you go now fuck out of here
Ah you're a Warhammer cuck. So much better /sarc
Uh... D&D kobolds didn't diverge from a type of goblin into being lizard like dragon worshipers till like 3e which was well after Gygax lost control of D&D.
>implying they aren't all filthy barbaros
>implying nords aren't germanic
>Nordic are Germanic
>oranges are apples
Well in my setting dragons are evolution result of primal kobolds already...So I could see some sort of ancient almost forgotten ritual that could turn one into a dragon - which could end up in some badass manner as my campaigns kobolds have tribes that are filled with forge clerics and artificers that steal warforged parts and use them to replace lost limbs...And now I have image in my mind of cyborg silver dragon with metal plate for scales....Yeah I am ok with that.
I'm about 75% sure this thread is bait for some form of scalie fetish but at the same time the image of a particularly successful kobold rogue suddenly sprouting wings, taking on a size category or two and shredding all his clothes as a result is hilarious to me.
>Nordics are not Germanics
Unless you wanna argue semantics, in which case fine: Nordics are related to Germanics.
You cunt
If he keeps that up he'll go blind.
>I'm about 75% sure this thread is bait for some form of scalie fetish
>but at the same time the image of a particularly successful kobold rogue suddenly sprouting wings, taking on a size category or two and shredding all his clothes as a result is hilarious to me.
This is also my fetish
In one of the games I'm doing that's roughly how my dragons work
>Except the "Kobolds" are a hivemind species and the colony as a whole needs to amass the gold to reach critical mass before amalgamating all the members of the hivemind and the gold into an abomination, a golden glory (aka dragon)
Yeah. The base idea is great, and as said it nicely explains why kobolds spring up where dragons do.
>furfag autism, the thread
>scalie autism, the thread
>first time Veeky Forums poster
No, but all this 'x is a cute!' is childish as fuck. I guess ive just outgrown Veeky Forums since most of you seem stuck developmentally at about 15
>Enjoying cute things is childish
>Being endeared to something is childish
>Any other mental state but cold, robotic stoicism is childish
You're a low-functioning autist trying to make themselves feel better
>all this projection
keep trying tho, kid
Or you could possibly be stuck in the "edgy must hate everything and be forever contrarian" middle schooler mindset, and you're the one who needs to learn to grow up and stop taking dumb shit on the internet seriously all the time, and to just ignore threads you don't like since you already know there's nothing in there for you.
Seriously, untwist your panties, quit throwing a tantrum over everything that triggers your autism, grow up, and get on with your life already instead of wasting your time getting upset over dumb trivial shit.
You could also make Dark Kobolds with this, ripping off the later dragonlance books. Kobolds grow by killing each other and sleeping on totems of each other's skulls. As they collect other kobolds they begin to change into dragons, who continue to hunt each other ad infinitum. The largest dragons have literal mountains of skulls, starting with millions of tiny kobold skulls and working up to other wyrms.
The dragons also lay eggs which continue thousands of kobolds each, as the eggs are dragonsize and filled with sub-eggs. The Kobolds do not begin to hunt each other until adulthood, and are protective of the young (which is why they exist in such numbers.)
>He says on a website originally created for Japanese children's cartoons, on the board dedicated to games of pretend
>going into super damage control mode
nice try boyo
God, how could someone be so far up their own ass that they balk at others liking cute things?
>He Veeky Forums do you think having Kobolds evolve into dragons based on how much gold they own is cool,
So they're now basically Dwarves, except already reptiles? I guess that works.
>autistic screeching
stay mad furfags. It's way to east to get to you losers
>gets BTFO'd
>n-no, u-umad tho!!! I am never wrong
I can't stop laffin here mate. Thanks for the delicious schadenfreude.
>Thinks he's the one upsetting others
>damage control engaged
Keep at it user, you'll win someday. I believe in you.
Kobolds, like goblins and gnomes, are fairies. If they lack magic they are simply "fallen fairies."
I don't think it was ever defined. Maybe he was enchanted, maybe it's an ability inborn to his type of dragon, maybe he actually knows that one peice of cantrip-level magic. It's all speculation.
>they're still screeching
>he's still complaining
You mean like this?
>le furfag "kobold" thread on le Veeky Forums meme
Complaining about Veeky Forums things on Veeky Forums
no i aint but if you want furry tunnelfuckers instead of scaly ones, then go with ratfolk
>spam our cancer long enough and it is part of the board
I suppose quests were ""Veeky Forums things"" too? Man, Rubyquest really fucked this board up
>implying Veeky Forums hasn't been talking about this since 3e was first published