alright biz, I bought OST at 2200 sat because you people said it was going to moon. It is now at 1484 sat and I'm considering just selling the fucking things. Is there any hope? Should I hodl?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you listen to shilling retards on a mongolian horse meat forum, then no. There is no hope for you.

If you can tell me what this graph shows then there might be.

I guess there is no hope for me then lmao

>I made 400 bucks buying ripple when biz said not to
>I lost 100 bucks buying OST when biz said to

thank god i didnt cop this shitcoin

You're really too stupid to read a graph with everything labelled and spelled out? I even put the answer in the filename.

Maybe you should just stick to hodl'ing bitcoin.


look at the team, full of pajeets... what did you expect?

idk, every time BTC increases in USD value alts plummet?

VERY GOOD! You get a gold star. But the star is made of knowledge you can use to make money with.

can you explain why this is the case? Am I correct below:

>BTC crashes
>alts crash because everyone attempts to get out of the market

>BTC moons
>alts crash because everyone leaves alts to try and get in on the gains

can you point me in the right direction to get a rudimentary TA education


Look up these four patterns:

1) Ascending and Descending Triangles
2) Head and Shoulders
3) Cup and handle
4) Bull flag

Right now a bull flag is forming on BTC. I would bet that BTC will rise further.

Make a tradingview account and set up your views like I have.

op rolls pussy blunts kek

will do

is there a Veeky Forums approved guide to get the basics though? I want to get a complete understanding, like what a support is and that sort of thing. I'm doing a double degree and don't have alot of time for this so I want to be as efficient as possible. Thanks in advance.

I bought OST at 1700, walk into the kitchen, and BTC surges and it dives to 1400. feelsbad

Read : the new trading for a living

Is this knowledge more complicated than buy alts when btc is up and btc when alts are up?

>Buy low
>Sell high

No. TA is mostly a self-fulfilling prophesy so it's helpful to be informed on it.

will ost do anything

Cool coin user. Who is the girl?

idk some vsco chic, I've got a link somewhere but it will be a pain to find

Please user

I need to make back my OST losses, a small donation for the link?


This is going to be the ICX tards very soon. When will Veeky Forums learn?

sorry user my greed overtook me and I forgot we are a community. Couldn't find the OP but pic related is of equal value


tell me more, tell me it will be ok user

If you're into schadenfreude, it will be. As a fellow bagholder, I don't know when or why OST will moon.

not as good

>mongolian horse meat forum
this one was funnier than most of these for some reason.