>he unironically picked a rogue
He unironically picked a rogue
I don't play D&D so that's not a problem. Hell, I could even play a martial if I wanted to.
whats wrong with sneaking and backstabbing?
Being a whiny bitch when your allies don't "cooperate" because m-m-muh sneak damage!
Why wouldn't I?
>High damage
>Large amount of skills, expertise
>Impressive survivability thanks to uncanny dodge
Rogue is a better fighter.
Rogue is the best class. I love it.
Honestly, at least insofar as 5e is concerned, I actually found I got way more mileage out of Cunning Action and (as a thief) Second-Story Work than I did Sneak Attack. Not that Sneak Attack wasn't useful, it's just just that Cunning Action and Second-Story work were the abilities that did the most for my character and came to define my character.
>Dat climb at full speed.
>Dat Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Sleight of Hand as a bonus action.
Why does it always seem like the people who complain the hardest about overuse of tropes in RPGs are the people who don't actually play RPGs?
>play rogue
>max slight of hand
>max use magic device
>buy a bag of glitter
>tell everyone you're a wizard
I'm a few steps ahead of you there.
that was actually a character idea a friend and I came up with for a 3.5 game. My favorite part was not having any class features that just functionally gave you a spell, so you were actually faking it with smokesticks and tanglefoot bags and alchemist fires.
It takes time to actually play a concept. If your metric is just having the trope mentioned somewhere instead of experiencing it first hand you cycle much faster through themes
>just generally untrustworthy people who have no concept of a fair fight
>2smart4u edgelords
>women and cucks
>actual people
>Jerk jocks and dumb muscle
I've played a 3.5 bard that route, MAXIMUM SLEIGHT OF HAND and prestidigitation.
Someone has to be the skillmonkey, but at least I'm allowed to multiclass rogue.
what if I'm playing Blades in the Dark, the character options are basically
>violent rogue
>shooty rogue
>sneaky rogue
>talky rogue
>schemeing rogue
>magic rogue
>a clepto lol-randumb retard who steals everything that isn't glued down, steals from his party and constantyl get's in trouble
Playing a rogue is as much of a red flag as playing chaotic neutral.
>t. manlet terrified of their special snowflake OC taking any damage
Nothing wrong with basically being a Bard (minus spells) that is more combat oriented AND having a huge variety of skills to choose from.
This actually seems pretty accurate. The rogue bit makes me think you're a salty Fighter type but hey I main support more than I should so w/e.
>he unironically plays DnD
Do you spell demon as daemon?
Why are we responding to Frodo bait? The worst part of this post is that it implies ironically picking a class is EVER ok. Its not. Playing characters "ironically" gets you sent away to make a new one at our table.
It seems you didn't sage
>not wanting to take care of the traps so your bros can sally forth safely
yeah, they are kinda busted
Do you spell rogue as rog?
>he unironically picked:
i-its those extra f-feats, user
Human fighter is a stupid meme
checkmate atheists
Yes, because my character is a dirty fighting scumbag, and the skillset for a rogue fit him way more than a generic fighter. Background wise he's an ex-military officer on the run (because of all the scumbaggery).
What if my rogue is just a merchant with a shady past who hasnt stolen a thing in his life?
Don't you have to belittle some shitty anime worldbuilding on /a/, frodo?
I've never been able to understand that mentality. Getting hard earned scars is badass. Getting a beautiful death is badass.
Same reason people collect mint-in-box toys.
>"I made this character with 12 hit points, you can't attack me or my character will be ruined!"