I need pics of knights, of the evil and chaotic variety
I need pics of knights, of the evil and chaotic variety
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Behold, the nastiest knight of them all.
whats the story of this bad hombre?
Gadammit that mini is so fookin good
Guy was Prince Edward of England, he messed up the french plenty in the 14th century in all kinds of ways. On one hand he was pretty chivalrous and was nice to nobility, but on the other he was a massive cock and waged a campaign based on the deliberate pillaging and burning of the french countryside.
All in all he was a real riot
>dat goblin mirin'
That is some of the best looking miniatures of Chaos I have ever seen. Where can I get the halberdiers and where can I get these Warriors? Cause I have never seen then before.
I found it on the Ninth Age forum.
From the looks of it the helmets and shields are from Skullcrushers while the polearms are either from Knights or Skullcrushers. The bodies are definitly Warriors of Chaos.
Well that sounds costly as hell to put together. Maybe I'd just get the halberds and put them on Warriors. Still, I'd love to see a double lined formation of those guys across a battlefield. Would look amazing.
Thanks though man.
The True Everchosen!
One of the big fucking things I detest about Age of Sigmar is the fucking Sigmarines. In original Fantasy, it was the chaos mutated fuckers from the north, that were massive towering men clad in heavy armor and that was what made them unique.
But now, the good guys have the same fucking thing going on as well.
It is lame as fuck.
GW sucks.
Sigmarites are Order Chosen, which did not exist on any faction on the Order side.
Eh, it equals the playing field. It also doesn't override how badass Chaos Warriors are. There is even art of Chosen alongside Tzeentch daemons beating the tar out of them so at the very least Sigmarines lack the plot armour of their 40k cousins.
He's hoping for the BHC
I like this user
>tfw when you love the black knight's design but all you ever see is him getting crtoonishly massacred
Wicked chivalrous.
Bob's got your back, four albums of various knights, my knigga: imgur.com