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Previous thread So, who is hype for high elf waifus?

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>So, who is hype for high elf



Are there holes in those helmets?
Also I claim this thread for Settra!

>Warhammer elves

Children of the Horned Rat says that Skaven settlements have around twice the population of a human equivalent but what about Dwarf, Elf, Orc and Goblin settlements? I'm asking in terms of how their are modifiers for settlement population in WHFRP 2nd Edition that affect how easy it is to find equipment for purchase. It wouldn't make sense for Elves and Dwarfs to have less availability towards rare equipment than humans and Skaven so presumably, the double thing is also used with that chart so that the populations start at 200 and multiply by 10 for each level that equipment becomes more common in Skaven settlement unlike with humans where it starts at 100.

Some of the generic Regiments of Renown from TWW actually look pretty cool.

Still hope they bring in the actual Dogs of War, being available to multiple different factions

the empire one is based off a BL novel.



2 weeks will give you enough time to find us more work. Perhaps something that pays a little better. I'm tired of risking my life for peasants and ale money.


I would kill for the Grudgebringer Mercenaries to get into TWW

They kind of fit the bill for the new rogue armies feature, perhaps

Only question is who owns the rights.


>If they weren't busy protecting their realm, the knights of Bretonnia could conquer the wor-


GW. They're very, very careful about maintaining rights to their own IP.

I want a High Elf Shadow Warrior dressed like a Sheikah.


Wunderbar! Mayhaps the Gudgebringers will ride again.


you know, between the current DLC and Roaming armies mechanic it would be very easy to make a grudgebringer faction.

My first thought when Malekith had to introduce Grimgor as 'Boss of the East" made me think

>Warboss Grimgor, Undefeated of the East


What is your favorite Magic Item throughout the editions? I'll start:

Aldred's Casket of Sorcery: Few things are funnier than being able to steal your opponent's spells for yourself. Maximum trollface when you face a VC player and go "Oh, you wanted to cast Invocation of Nehek?"

I hate these things so much.

>can't make fencer's blades, glittering scales, and white cloak of Ulric combo

What in the hell is a "convincing victory"?

So how does one fight Surtha Ek's chariot spam? Lots of Halberdiers?

Deep lines and closed ranks. The moment they get stuck, they are dead meat.

It's just a meme because it is annoying to deal with.

Halberd Demigryphs.
But Surtha's chariot hordes will probably be no more with the Norsca update.

He needs his own novel, titled the "Lord of Chariots"

Surtha starts with two extra chariot units, and he gets a unique chariot mount at the start of the game.

One thing has always bothered me about Fantasy in general.

The humble sling should be a fairly common weapon, for militia purposes or otherwise. Despite this, Skaven are the only army that uses them in the game proper from 7th onward, and the only other option in 6th were Gnoblar Flingers, from a White Dwarf army.

What gives? You think Bretonnia or the Empire would find use for slingers or sling-staves, or that the Lizardmen would have Skinks with Atlatls...

Also, how come foot Marauders don't get access to throwing axes, or any other cavalry get options for javelins?

>The humble sling should be a fairly common weapon
But.. it is. In WFRP.
>You think Bretonnia or the Empire would find use for slingers or sling-staves
Not really? You didn't find sling units in 13th century English/French armies or 17th century German armies.

The Church of Sigmar banned slings in the Empire after getting BTFO by Sisters in Mordheim.

I think Ungor Raiders could also replace their Short Bows with Slings. However, Slings would be out of place in Bretonnian or Empire armies. The only exception to this would be if Bretonnian ever gets Peasant mobs as a unit.

If Empire got more Halfling back in THEN that's the only circumstances they would have slingers, the Halfling Fieldwardens are known for their talent with the sling and using it to pick off undead abominations cross the border into the Moot from vampire central.

Who should've won the battle for Karak Eight Peeks? Who was more deserving of it?

Are they fixing the goblin exploit?

Belegar Ironhammer, the one and only King of Karak-8-Peaks

>Belegar Ironhammer

That's a funny way of spelling Skarsnik stunty.

Pic related is from the 5th Crusade; the chronicler for this passed in 1259. To a lesser degree, the staff sling could be used for launching alternative munitions which admittedly might make it better as an Arabyan Weapon. Staff Slingers could take on a "Sternguard" role, launching naft pots, scorpions, or stones. Or holy water flasks, flash powder, etc.

Aren't Carcassone Shepherdesses a thing or is that simply WHRP canon?

Carcassonne Shepherds don't get the sling skill.

Chariots are shit. Chariots and Marauder Horsemen together are really shit.

I don't know if I feel justified for being pissed at having just about every fucking battle come down to me attempting to whittle down chariots and have archers shoot marauder horsemen enough for them to break, or if I should just try to accept it and be glad the AI can think of more than 'spam basic infantry' like the Vampire Counts do.

>Got all the soldiers needed to suceed
>Constantly needs to be saved by Thorgrim
>Started everything from scratch
>Never needed any help


Worst part is that this might be a throwaway line for a faction that will never come.

Best part is that this might be just a fun buff now, but in the future could mean a fleet of Tomb Kings will be landing on your shores within ten turns.



Fury Wheels. Witness!

allahu ratbar

There was a story about these Marauders who stole Settra's crown. This sounds like it.

It was honestly a really cool story - Marauders fighting through the desert, and actually beating down Settra, but he comes back and goes all the way to fucking Norsca for his treasure. All those not!Egyptian skellies and statues fighting in the blizzards and mountains.

Any ideas on how to turn the raggedy glade guard into slaves?
They're small and thin enough to not look too out place with the historicals that are the bulk of the army and they are gonna need their heads as well since they're humans, but the fixed arms are a problem.
Drilling a hole in their hands and attaching pikes sound good or should I try and have them be more like free company militia?


Inspired by last thread's Araby discussion?

One option could be to take several strips of sprue, and "carve down" the hands/arms for them. That said, I have this kit, and it's about half and half fixed-arm torsos, and "mix and match" torsos anyway, right? I think you have some leeway to convert them, or use greenstuff to cover up where their capes should be.

I've been building this army for weeks at this point, just that it's slow going.
Cutting off the bow arm and adding some Numidian or Mahdist arms could work.

Nth for Malekith is the true king.

Phoenix kings are overrated

Emperor > King

Prince + Emperor

That would have made too much sense for end times.

They are best waifus from all fantasy in my opinion.

There is literally a Bretonnian knight that is secretly a woman, who is looking for a trustworthy noble man to leglock so she can have a heir, and people still want elf-fus that probably will manipulate you for the good of their race?

>trustworthy noble man
So someone who can best her, or just someone who is the epitome of chivalry?

>one sees you as less than a dog
>the other wants to enslave and murder you
>the third just shoots on sight

That's not how it works in a waifufags head.

Someone who can keep secret that she's a woman, and yet help her out with her obvious problem of siring a heir. Well, I imply the siring part, but she wants a 'true' heir, and how else is she going to get one if she's the last of her line?

Bret woman would never settle for a non-Bret man and and no Bret man would have a woman who dresses like a Bret man.

You need to actually like the woman before the waifuism takes root.

>Wanting manface dykes
Instead of Intelligent, competent martial who will age and die long time after you and your half-elven kids.

Asur are likely to view humans as equals, there are examples of romantic relationships.

She's going to have to find a dude who wants to live as a woman to play the wife while she plays knight and lord.


By Sigmar NO.


Quick rundown on the chaos dwarfs

>High Elves Bow to Chaos Dwarfs
>In contact with Old Ones
>Rumored to possess warp like abilities
>Control the dark lands with an iron fist
>Own ziggurats and dark factories all over the world
>Direct descendants of the ancient Hashut bloodline
>Will bankroll the first cities on Morrslieb (Hashutdangrad will be the first city)
>In the process of terraforming Mannslieb as their personal moon city
>Own basically every Orc DNA editing research facility in the Old World
>First designer babies will be Bull-Centaur babies
>Every dwarf is said to have 400+ IQ
>Ancient Nehekarhan scriptures tell of a race of demi-gods who will descend upon the Old World and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Chaos Dwarfs
>They have Zharrbot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Zharrbots inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of Hashut implanted in them at birth
>The Chaos Dwarfs are in regular communication with the Chaos god Hashut, forwarding the word of the Bull god to the Zharr-Naggrund temples
>Discovered the Sword of Khaine
>They learned fluent Brettonian in under a week
>Caledor Dragontamer allows them full access to Ulthuan
>Dwarf clans entrust their Gromril reserves with the Chaos Dwarfs. There is no gromril in Karak-a-Karak, only Zharr-Naggrund
>The race is 67000 years old, from the space time reference point of the base elf
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing at all points of time, from the arrival of the old ones to the end times
>They have been able to access the chaos record since birth, and have spoken about what they saw while they were newborns
>The chaos dwarfs will guide the old world into a new age of chaos, technology and Hobgoblins

>Asur are likely to view humans as equals
Despite their entire lore? I hahe my doubts.
>there are examples of romantic relationships
There is one example of an elf man pumping and dumping a human girl.

>tfw you will never ever ensure your Elven waifu is always sexually satisfied by making sure she always has descendants to fuck

>Despite their entire lore?
Who are Finubar and Teclis?

>grooming your son and then grandson to fuck your wife
What manner of cuckoldry is this?

Isn't this proper conduct? The mother gives the father more daughters to fuck. The father gives the mother more sons to fuc.

You belong in pic related

>Finubar the cuck
>Tec"let's not have this meatshield go away"lis
If anything that it's just 2 out of their entire race for all that time really speaks volumes.

Or maybe she'd be willing to let you pose as Frederic Desfleuve for a year, while she acted as your wife. If she got pregnant, it'd be impossible to hide it after a few months, let alone fight, so it wouldn't be feasible to be a knight during that time. She has a baby, and if it's a girl (unless she wants to go through the whole problem for another generation) you two can try again. If it's a boy, she praises the Lady, gives you a kiss, and probably sets off on a Grail Quest while naming you steward of her son and her lands. And then you dump it on another steward because you don't let shit tie you down, you were in it for the nightly knightly pussy.

>Sekai and Makoto are related
Does that make him her uncle?

One is ruler of whole race, other is most powerful mage of race, its says a lot about elves if their most important people fond of humans.

Wouldn't the last son be like 95% the exact same DNA as the dad? It's basically a perfect clone.

If you want to do a garbage tier meme do the virgin dwarf vs the chad dwarf

No way fag. The Bogpill is transcendent.

One is ruler over a third, the inbred hillbillies and even bigger cuckolds don't obey him.
The other, well fondness is too strong a word.

No, it would closer to a random mishmash of the dudes current genes.

Nah. Pic related is perfect & has 100% his father's DNA

The bogs are last year's milhouse.

Holy hell you're right. That makes her a kinslayer.

But think about all the people who don't know shit about Chaos Dwarves that will actually believe even half of that.

She also made out with his girlfriend. It's a miserable day when you cheat on your girlfriend and you find your girlfriend cheating on you with the exact same person you cheated on her with,