What faction(s) from other franchises would you want in Warhammer 40,000 Veeky Forums? Pic related is my first choice as a small elite army like Harlequins or Grey Knights. A second wish would be a Helghast IG Regiment.
What faction(s) from other franchises would you want in Warhammer 40,000 Veeky Forums...
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We need another goof race. They're like Orks, but sneakier.
I'm planning to, at some point, buy some Tau and fluff them as farsight colonists who got ensnared in a Deldar hunting planet (ie knockoff Predators) before escaping.
40k basically has a means of replicating every major sci-fi movie setting's gimmick somehow already. Only thing I'd really like to see is a Ferengi expy.
Id like to see an Alien infection on a hive world. Just pretend it is some strain of nids and make las guns pretty useless against their silicium body. Throw in space marines to save the day until one gets infected and births something really scary.
Always wished Predators were in 40k, they fit the setting perfectly. Plenty of modeling options, strong wargear like their plasma castors, and practically no lore hoops to jump through to fit them in.
Got you covered senpai
(Stryxis, the one on the far right. Creepy dog-foetus mercantile culture.)
There was a thread about that recently that i quite enjoyed for a while
To bad I missed it.
The Mi-Go would be fun xenos
Let a imperial fleet discover earth in the year 1939.
Would bei interesting to see how things would play Out.
Inb4: pol takes over thread
Obligatory Qu post.
Imagine the horrible things they could create once they mix their genetic altering technology with chaos magic.
I would love to see a mash up of battle tech and 40k.
Imagening vultures and mad cats fighting in the imperial army sounds really cool
I kinda fucking like that. I'm a sucker for the idea of a non-chaos separatist faction in general, and a human faction with a stunted starting point but retaining the flame of innovation and manifest destiny of the past would work super well.
Big dieselpunk mechs built around fission reactors. I dig it.
>Implying they wouldn't execute the dirty clanner scum for their treachery
>Implying they woundn't ally with the purest of pure House Davion, the Mighty House Steiner, the Swift House Lao, the Fair House Marik, or the Vengeful House Kuritas
The Crystal Gems
This. Make fun of the show all you want but Gems are a legitimately interesting race.
But they are already in 40k...
Space skaven of course.
For some reason I get the feeling that the Qu wouldn't be the type to attempt to dabble in anything Chaos related, as in they'd be "reasonable" to realize that "hey, we're as liable to get as fucked up by this as everyone else, we shouldn't mess with this."
However, I don't doubt they'd attempt to get a hold of the complete Ork and Tyranid genomes for...reasons.
Id figure that they would be targeted and shattered by flashgitz so that they can get their shiny bits. Hate to imagine what a chaos corrupted gem would be like. Or what would happen if they tried to colonize a tomb world.
Massively powerful mechs, orbital support, highly advanced technology generated by enslaved races, impeccable infiltration and internal sabotage.
S2/T2 ground troops
Or put a gem in the Soulstone port of a Wraithknight
Give the deathleaper a plasma gun and AP-2 Melee.
There is no real need when fusions can be as large as a wraithknight.
Honestly in terms of powerlevel, variety and even tone I could see gems fitting into 40k pretty fucking well.
You could even add fusion mechanics which work kinda like summoning, sacrificing a small unit to create a monstrous creature, then merging those for something bigger.
All I wanna do
Is see you turn into
A giant wraithknight
(a giant wraithknight)
Hell, with some fluff reworking you could split them off into equally important factions of Homeworld and Rebel gems. Homeworld getting more soldiers but limited fusion possibilities, Rebel getting less foot soldiers but wilder fusions.
While not original they would fit lore wise as another creation of the Old Ones run amok like the Orks.
Honestly the Ur-Quon would fit right in thematically.
The Akatsuki...
Just hear me out... I want GW to introduce another army like what Harlequins, Assassins, and Deathwatch were supposed to be. A small army of highly specialized characters and units that are very powerful on the table top.
Something where a player would have 10-15 models max but they would be strong enough to win against the zergiest of zerg armies.
The easiest way to do it would be to release all of the Phoenix Lords in plastic, up them to quazi-Primarch level and make a Rhana Dandra formation.
Probably not on purpose, but they very much seem like the sort who'd fall to Slaanesh or Tzeench real goddamn fast.
Agreed. Its a shame the show doles out worldbuilding so sporadically and so stingily, because they're a pretty novel race. Just make them more uncanny and androgynous and alien, and less "women but not really tho uwu space lesbians" and you're all set
Id almost say that kroot would work well for that. Maybe...
Space Skaven you say?
Space Pirates would be really good opposites to the tau.
I wonder-wonder...
I think people would be a lot less willing to defend them if they weren't cute
I want Squats.
I would say they could have a Eldar thing where they look good in photos bun in their actual presence they move and seem uncanny and make most humans feel uneasy because of this.
Ah yes, I too love generic space robot man
the Overwatch team. Winston would go HAM on all the evil baddies.
Actually, I could very well see Overwatch as the retinue of a rogue trader.