Gimme some cool factions for my upcoming space opera campaign.
Gimme some cool factions for my upcoming space opera campaign
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Give us something to work with you lazy cock suckling whelp!
Goddamn, stop being a bitch. If the thread doesn't interest you then let it die.
A race of war crazy space pirates who's actual population is all frozen in hypersleep. Their automated war ships and robots have gone crazy from years of working, and are now trying to colonize every living planet for their masters, whom they have long since forgotten how to wake up.
Robots who love organics.
I am interested. That's why I demanded the TC provide some kind of Seed idea to work on assuming they want us to write their setting for them.
N.M.E corperation is here to support all those dastardly villainous groups across the galaxy to really provide the extra push you need to kill those dammed goodie two shoes.
Sign up today!
Alliance of Lunaris
An alliance of moon based colonies based around their largest satellite
Metal gear: the faction
A group of scientists addicted to building giant robots, that launch stupid attacks.
And don't forget the rape elves
Or the orz
A legion of space corporations trying to buy out/steal suns to create luxury planets.
>write a setting for them
They asked for factions, bro. This isn't going to be on your resume.
You could just put down BEES!
>they want us to write their setting for them
>they want us
That's a funny way of writing "me". Or do you think yourself the avatar of Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums is one schizophrenic entity made of like 200 dudes screaming in a monogolain throat-singing board
He is the avatar of Veeky Forums and not, at the same time
>Or do you think yourself the avatar of Veeky Forums?
Bitch what makes you think I'm not?
A hive mind species that live in four or five closely packed solar systems. They starlift vast quantities of hydrogen off each sun, weave the resulting snow with carbon fibres from deconstructing the nearby planets and create a series of bands around the now smaller tamed stars. Not a full Sphere, but still plenty of room. They don't do a huge amount other than sell energy en masse to other species in trade for interesting stuff and knowledge about what's happening in the rest of the galaxy, since the hive mind is loath to send part of itself out of the range of its communications in case it develops an independent existence.
Coming up with a suitable idea, a new discovery or even a particularly grand and unique story to trade them is enough to have your entire colony powered pretty casually for the next millennium or more by regular "battery ships", so it's customary for kids on powered worlds to write short stories as gifts every time the ship visits as a gesture of thanks.
They don't really have a military, but they're resoundingly unobjectionable to most beings and their assorted trading partners will gladly defend them, so few have ever got far enough to necessitate they turn their gargantuan solar focussing stations onto the attackers. Have also been known to offer refuge to fugitives, until the fugitives use up the quantity of energy their personal stories bought.
The Murlock Mining Corporation
A race of amphibious people who are now entirely controlled by a single corporation. They focus on mining and use slave labour.
>He is the avatar of Veeky Forums and not, at the same time
What the fuck is this fucking /b/ "we are anonymous" fucking bullshit? Are you fucking kidding me? Veeky Forums is a fucking web-board in which a bunch of people post shit online.
Sling half-baked philosophy on /v/ or some shit.
He is one part of many.
He is a part of a community, it's how they work.
One person can speak for a community, but he's not necessarily speaking for the community
Royal Albion
A human empire, thrown through experimental warp catapults in cryosleep before the dawn of terran space travel, some finding habitable planets, colonising and reconvening.
With the assent of Queen Altera III, their brave Grenadiers bring the light of God to planet after planet, dropping from orbital Ironsides in their Space-Pattern Armstrong Suits, Fusilasers flashing.
Seeing the patrolling bobbies of the Albion constabulary in a spaceport is at the very least an assurance that ne'er-do-wells are unlikely to be tolerated to operate openly.
Robots who love organics and are bio-experts.
Terraforming, agriculture, genetic modification and engineering, even abiogenesis. These robots can do it all, and they do it because they get off on the fresh yet familiar data new life offers. Each time you build a spanner it's a spanner, but every sparrow is just a tiny bit different from another sparrow, see what I mean?
A group of sentient machines that have been living on rogue planets, few thousand years isolated from the rest of the galaxy. You can decide how they feel about outsiders. They would be good for a random encounter.
I like this
Religious fanatics that constantly plow stolen cargo ships into cities and major space stations.
>the church of ryback
dedicated to the eradication of "artificial influences" reverting colony planets by subjugating the colonists and forcing them to work to death reversing their "evil influences"
their Green Peace marines are among the most feared soldiers in known space.
Cybernetically-enhanced humans of Indian descent. Believe mechanical augmentation is the key to enlightenment. Frequently control multiple artificial arms.
An alien race where all the men are traps and all the women are reverse traps.
An organization dedicated to restoring planets that have been damaged or destroyed by Death Star-tier weapons.
I think India would work better with genetic design.
Bees with spaceships.
The spaceships are made of honeycombs.
Honestly the Ur-Quan and their battle thralls would fit right in thematically.
Honor harrington is a copypasta meme at this point, but it actually has this
they're space mormons, not space muslims
A memetic hive-mind. A creature that is the information transferred between living creatures that influences their thoughts
I feel like this is something that could end up very interestingly, but i want to sleep too much to make it into something
go for the better work of Weber, tempered by Ringothere is ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT for the main character
A highly militarist space feudalism empire whos' current leadership realises that it's social system is unviable but fears other political factions will make a play for government if they do what is needed to fix it so they plan to lose a war and get annexed by whatever counts as the "good" guy who will fix things, they just need to prepare their enemy to win with minimum loss of life.
>Army 25th ID unit patch
>Navy Special Warfare insignia hat
>cancelled model AK-12 with left side ejection
He's not part of any group, he's just a hobo who robs /k/
>weber + oh john ringo no
>it somehow works
it still amazes me that when you put the two together you come up with halfway decent material
Early human colonials that heavily modified themselves to live in the harshness of their new world, now re-emerging after a millennia of silence they see the rest of humanity as frail and undeserving of the name Human.
their grandplan is to glass the surfaces and ruin the atmosphere of human core worlds to force adaptation or die.
>halfway decent material
you look D'nall Cord in the slime and say that.
or perhaps Eva Kosutic.
it was a genuinely good series at worst
a group of renegades on the run from the forces of a regional power. they've stolen an advanced spaceship, and hold the keys to the deadliest advancement in weapons tech in this quadrant
Space BEES, you mean... With lasers?
The Joi Collective.
A species evolved from a plant-like race, the Joi are a very accepting people who tend to have friends in many places. They are skilled in mercantile endeavors as they output pheromones that make many olfactory dependent races incredibly distressing in negotiations. Those afflicted become dipped in a euphoric like state where they soon lose track of conversations and tend to agree with whatever the Joi say. Negotiations with them must be done either in a well ventilated environment or with the other party supplying their own air.
Cult of the Void: spend their time meditating on ships hanging out in space away from everything else... basically reverence of the absence of everything, but more like a zen thing, than a nihilistic thing
Sleeping Gods: a race of sleeping psychics. They travel through space in a psionic bubble of matter formed around their sleeping bodies. While they do not appear to have any hostility to anyone, their dreams are also projected into physical reality. Any planets near their path of travel can suddenly find a sudden population of sleep-projections appear, often in fantastical clothing, and sometimes with warlike tendencies.
Space-bees: an alien insect-like swarm of spaceship-sized creatures. They travel through space, and seek out active suns. The swarming bodies, which cluster close to the chosen sun, can block the light and warmth reaching further out, endangering native species on orbiting planets through extreme wintery conditions. the swarms are not destructive to the stars they cluster around, and will move on after a while.
-Vacuum-adapted humanoids that feed on the minerals found on planetary rings and breed like aphids. Aphis with navel lasers.
-A bunch of machismo-addled eugenicists trying to recreate some nonexistent "Glorious Empire" they believe existed at some point in history. They're inbred, overly fond of grenades and ride dogs into battle.
-A robotic ecosystem that spreads by way of asteroid and rogue planets. The most intelligent species is powered by nuclear isotopes and lives in the manner of chimpanzees.
-Molluscs that left Earth during the Ordovician by growing spaceships. The ancestral form evolved lighter-than-air flight and the current species propels itself using extremely efficient jets.
>navel lasers
it would be far more fun that way
Indeed I did not. I have a certain manga to thank for that. Have two more factions:
-UFO cultists that chase after "flying saucers" and "Zetans". Neither actually exist but the cult still persists, claiming that the Zetans somehow seeded life throughout the Galaxy and therefore must be worshipped. Their holy warriors scavenge bits and bobs to fashion into crude versions of whatever passes for a standard sidearm in the locale. Their clothes consist of tinfoil helmets and sackcloth under reflective materials.
-A whole suborder of arthropods called Anomalocarida survived their extinction on Earth when an unknown alien species transplanted them onto another world. One species of human now farms a few select species and has a massive monopoly on anomalocarid meat - essentially titanic shrimp. They guard their supply with a tenacity that would make any dragon proud.
Time for a fwubby bump
Fucking newfags I swear
Post Scarcity transhuman Anarcho-Capitalists whos only government is the mostly AI driven free market.
An entire sector of post scarcity communists that have descended into brutal sectarian war involving dozens or even hundreds of factions that shows no signs of ever stopping due to abundant cloning and matter compiling tech.