Made, Saw, Played thread
Horse wizard doesn't like this anymore
Threadly reminder that these threads a shit
I'll admit I wouldn't have immediately gotten that with swamp thing. probably would have made more sense with Zenyatta?
A smart man does not fly through a stargate at 270 mph when they know that there is only 33 m of stopping distance on the other side.
A really smart man does not get into a position where they have to fly through a stargate at 270 mph knowing there is only 33 m of stopping distance on the other side.
I am not playing a smart man.
It works better with Swamp Thing because Zenyatta's philosophy is all enlightenment-based whereas Swamp Thing's is pure depression.
I am genuinely curious why "Buff mime with a pneumatic drill" is a common enough request to require stock imagery.
I kind of want this job where you have to come up with the strangest shit people can possibly imagine to be a stock photo.
Because mimes are boring
You ever played Space Station 13?
lynch all mimes
Honestly this.
Most of this shit makes no sense and is boring as fuck. Even the shitty ms paint skills have gotten worse.
I do remember a time when people had little explanations that made you chuckle instead of being shit tier dnd memes
This is a pretty simple one. Sun Soul monk, 5e.
Character has been a ton of fun so far.
I need stories about this mathematical goblin.
I desire some green text.
You ever play a character, and realize partway through that they were just in the wrong campaign, with the wrong party?
Sorry friend, game starts tomorrow so I don't have anything for you yet.
Why the fuck would you make the thing, if the game didn't even fucking start yet?
Because I know what the GM sees in my character and where I'm gonna take it. Sorry if that it fucking offends you so much that I can't give you your fix faggot.
>What I played
>Havent played
>The state of Veeky Forums
So what you're saying, you made the meme without even playing the character for ONE session?
source on first image ?
Not that user, but first image is Nightcrawler from X-Men. He teleports. So the GM saw a taxi, because who gets you around better than a teleporter.
Last image is a rescue worker. So he ended up playing the rescue chopper getting people out of shit situations and saving lives.
That's cool
Precisely. It was for Mutants & Masterminds and I chose a teleporter character. Y'know, being rescue wasn't half bad. Would play that role again.
>miles per hour
im having a stroke
So you played exactly what you wanted
Good going
Alright, lets hear it.
Tell me too!
>clown and mime not teaming up to prank the station
Only the shittiest people don't do this.
Thanks, here's the other members of the team.
story time now please
>playing a dorf cleric
>one of the other players feels kinda bad for basically being that guy in the last campaign
>got his character executed for dumb shit
>despite this he managed to get this character executed as well
>both times were for starting fights within cities
>this time he makes a non-retarded character
>only catch is that it's a female cleric that has the hots for my character for some damned reason
>thirsty cleric woman trying to get with my dwarf
>having none of that and remaining celibate
>this was my first campaign so I stayed within tropes to make RP easier for myself
>drunk dwarf getting drunk
>pass out
>crazy cleric woman drags my dwarf to a room and basically rapes him
>wake up the next morning with this thot on his dick
>thot gets upset and fucks off
>celibacy compromised
>magical realm forced
>and now the cleric woman hates my dwarf
not a great way to start off my experience with tabletop but at least it makes an interesting story.
He's kinda still that guy
Yeah pretty much. He was kicked out of the group shortly after this shit.
Gummo G'Ruttum had enough intelligence to understand the complex mechanics of rotational velocity, physics, torque, and momentum necessary to dual-wield two flails at once, but he absolutely did not possess the Wisdom to recognize how stupid of an idea that is.
He was something of a scrappy savant.
I miss int/wis threads. This is really the perfect example
user, please.
I need to know the truth.
Thread didn't update. Ignore this:Did it end well?
It went very well, I don't have any super epic stories or anything but he was just really fun to play.
I got the DM's approval to be able to throw my flails like ricocheting pinballs if I'm able to pass an INT check in combat.
Please elaborate, I wish to know how your character more or less turned into Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Pretty self explanatory I'd hope.
>made a Tank Ace for an Only War game.
>GM assumed weebshit and "accidentally" shoots the tank out from underneath me.
>Spend the rest of the game providing CAS in a Lightning we stole from some traitor guard.
Yeah growing up in the UK will do that to you.
go to r/gaming please
Ran a M&M set in Marvel
i fucking love M&M and I've been trying to get my group to play it for like 3 years now. It's fucking bullshit.
That's shitty. I was lucky enough to get this game to last as long as it did. Probably the best I managed.
Still, feel like I got a bit turned off to M&M. It lets you do a lot, and that's a good thing. But it's also a nightmare to manage.
Looking to try something simpler for my next game. I've heard good things about Savage Worlds.
I prefer this variety personally. I never got the "What The DM Saw" bit.
He was originally supposed to be a reserved misanthropic character, avoiding civilization, and his favored enemy: Humans. However after having to spend multiple sessions in a village filled with pushy, aggravating, and manipulative people, trying to use him as a tool for their own political gains, his self-control started to wane. He started to cut promos on people who pissed him off, and opening a can of whoop ass on the ones who he failed intimidation checks on. The phrase "And that's the bottom line!" was also used more than once. That's what happens when you create a character suited for a rather specific environment, and then throw him to the opposite for an extended time.
>That's what happens when you create a character suited for a rather specific environment, and then throw him to the opposite for an extended time.
Please tell me how you play characters in this kind of situation without getting them killed or bringing the wrath of the police/guards/whatever down on your party.
I've never been able to do this with a character. I end up retiring them, or having them snap and do something that gets them arrested or killed (or the game stopped because the GM or too many players disappeared.)
tell me more about this game you GM'd and the PCs in it, especially Mr. Hyde Heisenberg Escobar.
Thank you for adding this in every made/saw/played thread. Maybe one day I will save the template and won't have to copy it every time, but that is not today.
that guy is still that guy
the "will this shield blend" part confuses me.
yet another template
What the fuck.. explain now..
Did anyone of your murdered mates survive to murder the shit out of you billions of chapters later you heartless shitwanker
In this game it worked out fine, because our characters were the kids of the biggest celebrity, hero, and protector of the valley the village was in. We found him assassinated, and started an investigation to uproot a conspiracy that had killed him. So in our situation we were operating with the privilege of being very kindly looked upon by the town guards, who hardly ever even considered putting their hands on us. Celebrity can take you a long way in that regard.
In a generic situation, I think if a player has a character that doesn't fit the environment, and it goes on to the point of retiring a character, or making them snap, it's a failure of communication between the DM and the player. Either the player didn't tell the DM what they wanted to play, and hoped the DM would know to put them in the right environment, or the DM didn't tell the players what they wanted to run, and hoped he could adapt any and all character types to his story idea. Either way communication is the way to remedy the situation, and expecting one to cater to the other's ideas without proper communication, harms everyone's enjoyment.
tfw you will never catch your players making posts here about your game.
I know you assholes are here.
My kobold was the defacto leader and meat tank of his group of a 3.5 game. He ended up killing a monster in a mirror nightmare world as an NPC class to earn his real class; Dragon Shaman.
I don't see you filling in this
why was this addressed to me?
who you?
They decided to make it music themed.
My first time doing this
But if it's road related it still in yards, not metres.
The only good one in this thread
lol this one's good, nice job