Hey, Veeky Forums, you guys want a storytime?
It's cute witch girls and a cool magic system.
Witch Hat Atelier
This is good stuff, OP, keep it up
I will. It's just the whole delay thing's really disheartening.
This is awesome. Thanks for dropping this.
I'm glad you like it, user.
How much longer is this? Don't have time to read it now, just gonna save the whole thread once you've dumped
4 or 5 chapters, IIRC
Six chapters, actually. Sixth just got uploaded today.
Just read the new chapter today and hilariously enough I thought it felt just like a dungeon fantasy campaign. This and dungeon Meshi have a very RPG feel to how things work without being gamey which I really appreciate
>RPG feel to how things work without being gamey
Tell me about it. I'm so sick of picking up a fantasy manga and characters and monsters having stats and shit.
Crikies. That was a sudden shift in tone.
Yeah, there are a couple more incoming. This is the big one, though.
Thought about it and a better way to phrase what I mean although I think it still carries through is; "This is a proper fantasy without the 'gamey' feel of current fantasy manga". Perhaps it's no coincidence that the more fantastic manga stories I see are aimed at the seinen demographic. But the feel of stories like these and the attention to worldbuilding and organic uses of fantasy elements is welcomed.
I like this aspect of the world. Justifies the presence of a magic guild right away.
>Perhaps it's no coincidence that the more fantastic manga stories I see are aimed at the seinen demographic.
What do you mean exactly, user?
Done with Chapter 1!
And it only took... well, two fucking hours.
Why did I decide to do this?
Chapter 2
In which the number of cute witch girls increases by 300%.
Thanks for introducing this series to me.
Every so often, I wonder why I bother browsing Veeky Forums anymore, and it's discoveries like this that make it worthwhile.
That makes me happy, user.
I've just noticed in my readings that the stories that have better world building and more consistent internal logic that isn't dependent on crutches like making it about video game logic have been in the Seinen demographic. Off the top of my head; Dungeon Meshi, Witch Hat Atelier, Alice in Borderlands, Gate - Thus the JSDF fought there (it's not great in the beginning but picks up several volumes in), Totsukuni no Shoujo.
Shounen series I can remember that equally consistent structures and no 'gamey' nature are things like: The Ancient Magus Bride. Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou, Birdmen, and of course Fullmetal Alchemist.
But what I've noticed is that even though I have equal lists for both Seinen and Shounen aimed stories, once I start to look at any bookmarks or lists of other series I'm reading/watching I find that the majority of the ones that fall into the realm of vastly inconsistent settings, tacked on magic systems, RPG logic, etc; they are mostly shounen.
Nothing against the age demographic because it's not like that stopped anyone from writing a good story before, but I've just noticed this for the last couple years as I've kept up binge reading manga.
It's just the current bandwagon due to the huge success of Sword Art Online and stuff like Overworld. Lots of imitators.
The issue here, I think, is that seinen is usually on its own merits. It's all about the manga itself and the way to make it successful is just to make it really damn good.
Shounen tends to have a lot of commercial concerns behind it. Games and dolls and clothes and shit and that can lead the authors to make some shitty decisions, profitable as they might turn out to be.
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