Would your character romance someone that is very nice but also very ugly?
Would your character romance someone that is very nice but also very ugly?
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Depends on your concept of ugly.
I will flirt with anything with scales
Someone/something you consider ugly but it's very virtuos.
>I have to look this up to see what the gimmick of this one is
>There's no way he actually fucks it
I was wrong. God I was so wrong.
That's pretty much where I draw the line between friendship and romance. Either way I generally don't do romance in games at all, because ultimately I would have to see it played out by me and one of my friends GMing and that wouldn't be pleasant for anyone
Fuck man.
I was gearing up for at least one or two more pages of world building, not-
-not whatever the fuck hell shit that was.
Friend, I'd settle for anything. Even my fictional character from my games of pretend.
Just another chapter in the story "Japan goes too far"
Why not being just friend? I just think that physical attraction is needed for this kind of relationships otherwise it's just pretending and sex would be more unpleasant than anything.
Honestly I'm ugly IRL and I wouldn't romance someone ugly too, I'm open to friendship but I just don't want to pretend to have this kind of relationships with someone I'm not attracted to and is probably not attracted to me.
Is that a real fetish or people do that just to be edgy?
Yeah, he would, on the account of being an idealized version of myself. Something about a very compassionate woman just shines, and the opposite deal eventually goes sour with old age.
Then you're just dealing with an old harpy.
Are you quoting the wrong thing, or do you just guess the meaning of words?
>read it
>still boner
Fuck it I stopped caring a long time ago...
Sure. Plastic surgery and glamour spells can fix ugly.
Romance? No. Befriend? Yes. He's done it more than once.
Yes because he isn't a superficial person. What's inside is what matters.
Molerats are cute.
My current character? No, but then he works with an incredibly creepy woman who falls in love with people then kills them constantly. This has turned him off the very idea of romance.
Fucking Adorjan/Kimbery Exalts.
So long as "What's inside" doesn't mean "I'm the asshole for not wanting to have a relationship with the one who can't bother to do basic exercise or put the fork down" that's okay with me.
Yes, but not exercising and eating too much isn't healthy. It's not just a matter of appearance, it's a matter of self destruction.
Haha your sadness is funny :)
This thread is going to give me new fetishes that I didn't know about nor did I want, right?
Damn... and I thought I'd seen the fetish high of this week after that Writefag announced he was going to do a 10-page smut about a franken-fran AdMech simultaneously Sexually/Scientifically experiment with a marine from every major Chapter.
OP that isn't ugly, that's absolutely adorable
I like to consider myself a proud /d/egenerate. Furry is nothing new to me. But rarely do I find a work that just kills any desire for my boner to even rise.
I can't look it up right now so please tell me the horrors.
As long as she doesn't have a shit tier fetish like scat, fart, piss, cuckoldry, or fat, sure.
A lovingly married couple have consensual sex for the purpose of reproduction.
No, he's a vain prettyboy who unironically wants to save a princess from the clutches of evil to marry. Can't have an ugly princess.
That was sweet as fuck.
The ash cleric? Maybe, but he's fucked in the head and high as balls off of other peoples catharsis so he'd probably fuck anything that's nice enough to him
The mech jockey though, definitely not, at least not if we're basing it off his definition of ugly instead of a general one. He's a proud wouldbe king, it just so happens that a lot of ladies in the wasteland don't look so hot by normal standards
It's not that bad:
She seems to have some nice tits at least
I like it. Not like, fap to it or anything, but in that, well... there's a genuine love connection here over some of the other hentai premises.
She's absolutely hideous the sex scenes are kind of disgusting. But the guy... the guy genuinely loves his Mole-rat Waifu, and genuinely finds her attractive. It's honestly very sweet.
Now, would I waifu her myself? Probably not. But hey, she seems like a genuinely nice mole-woman and I would graciously accept a dinner invitation from this couple.
If he/she has chemistry going on why not? Obviously it'd be a bit less likely but if the setting has it as precedence I can't see why Joe Adventurer wouldn't fall in love with the local monster if they click on an emotional level.
Romance, no. Befriend yes.
He's already got a romantic partner.
No, it must be a healthy female of breeding age.
why the fuck did i readdddddddddd that.
>not enjoying pure love
It's not that bad you baby. There's no weird gross fetishes, just a rather homely chick and baby makin'.