You find a large mysterious egg

>You find a large mysterious egg

What should you absolutely never do when this happens?

Giant Omelette is tempting but inadvisable across the board.

I've seen this movie.

Make scrambled eggs

Try to fit it in your vagoo and turn into a dragon.

>Try to fit it in your vagoo

What's the harm?
Girls will be girls.

Force feed drunk girls.

fuck you, that's the best use of this egg as far as im concerned, you dont even know when or how to hatch it.

an egg this large can feed for quite a bit of people, you could go to inn, ask them if they could cook the omelette for you, hell ,with that much omelette you and the innkeeper could make a bit of money with it

shove it up your ass and incubate it

forgetting to season the inevitable omelette

haha what if that was her egg haha
like she had to lay it haha


Imma hardboil that shit and make two of the best deviled eggs the world has ever seen.

There are two options.

Eat it or help it hatch.

Any other options, like leaving it, selling it or just breaking it are no-gos.

Shove it up a Rooster's ass, pull it back out, then give it to a poisonous toad or Black Adder to look after.

Giant, Super Poisonous, Stone-turning Chicken-Beast plus whatever it used to be.

Play Diddy Kong Racing minigames with it
I know I wont be satisfied with the answer, but I still feel like I have to ask. What series of conclusions you had to draw to think that would work?

>making the mother of all omelets jack!

Until you got to the cockatrice part I assumed you were trying to do some sort of strange reverse take on Koschei the deathless

She's not drunk, she's hung-over.

place nitrogen anywhere near it

I rolled on the trinket table once for my trifling fighter and got a red, leathery egg. Since she was convinced that tie flings hatched from eggs she literally slept sitting up on it for a good part of the campaign.

>not making the mother of all omelettes


fuck what ever comes out

Get close to vespoids or other flying insects.

This guy knows what's up

I played College ball, you know?

I don't know about the dragon part, but putting eggs instead of yourself is a common enough fetish that there's actually a whole industry of sex toys built around it. So I'm going to assume that.