Tell me about how elves in your setting handle relationships, Veeky Forums. Are they monogamous? Polygamous? Do their relationships last their entire lives, or are they more like flings? Is an elf falling in love with a human seen as something normal, or is it strange, or even tragic?
Tell me about how elves in your setting handle relationships, Veeky Forums. Are they monogamous? Polygamous...
same as humans pretty much
Put Silmarils in the bag, Fingolfin, and nobody will be hurt
Breeding seasons.
I follow the Silmarillion model with Elves. Everything is tragic.
Elf Love Gone Wrong Gone Tragic Valars Called
It's what they call "Wild Hunt" these days?
They do longterm pairings for companionship, but are generally not monogamous, and have casual sex outside their partnership.
High elves are gold-skinned monogamous traditionalist geniocratic mages with a wand up their ass. They're decent fighters, especially with the use of cantripped infantry, and have a judicial system that would put North Korea to shame. If you commit a crime you, your spouse, you children, both of your parents, and your grandchildren if you have any are all banished to the anti-orc buffer zone territory for the rest of their natural lives (350 years)
Wood elves are tan-skinned carnivorous cannibalistic polygamous acrobatic warriors with a focus on swiftness and attunement with nature, living in a collection of kratocratic city-states in the middle of their shithole jungle. They have lots of very complicated war paint designs which indicate their home cities, gender, age, rank, favored deity, weapon of choice, and their skills.
Dark elves (are not drow, fuck all-evil races of elves) are gray-skinned, white-haired, and red-eyed bisexualesbian gynocrats living in a sand-covered darklands and subsist on mushrooms and giant bugs while living in gothic homes made of black stone. The only elf race with severe sexual dimorphism—the males are about a foot shorter, have half the darkvision range, and lack the spellcasting powers that the females do. They have MUCH higher fertility than the other elves, but the traditions of varying male mistreatment mean that the birthrate is about the same.
I am open to feedback.
>lol, check out my NotDrow!
You got me there. I really liked most of the drow, but being evil and worshipping a spider demon really bothered me. This way prevents Drizzt clones.
Like I said, I'm open to feedback. What'd you change or add?
>Painting By the Numbers: the Setting
It's fucking shit.
Never claimed to be original, just trying to combine stuff I liked.
Like I said, open to feedback. Hit me with some changes.
Rewrite everything. Rewrite your life.
Last as long as their role requires. Elves play whatever role the Gentry require of them, so as long as the script says they love you, they will. And it's real love. As real as an elf can be anyway. But they'll leave you in an instant , become your worst foe at the drop of a hat if that's what needs to happen. The love of the fey is fickle and capricious, as glorious as it is damning
Sounds a lot like Morrowind but our dark elves are from Faerun mixed with Dark Sun to me, honestly, but I've been drinking heavily, so take that as you will.
DESU that's kind of what I was going for. Mash all the stuff I like about elves from different settings into one thing.
That is not going over well.
This is Veeky Forums. Everyone hates everything on principle.
Your players will probably think it's cool
In my setting, elves have become so degenerate that they are seen as the most perverted race to ever exist. Thankfully, many of them have displeased the elvish fertility goddess to such an extent that she turned her presence away from them, making the elves incapable of siring children anymore. The older generation of elves are generally polygamous and pansexual, with a demeanor not unlike Slaaneshi worshippers. An elf falling in love with a human is normal, although if it lasts for more than ten years it becomes a little strange in the eyes of the other elders.
The younger generation of elves all leave, some of them after a century or so of pederasty, forming communities of elves who venerate the goddess of fertility in hopes of mercy and forgiveness from the sins of their ancestors and predecessors. These are monogamous, 90% of the time and much less likely to be as degenerate as their predecessors. An elf falling in love with a human is normal, but seen as an unfortunate thing, because elves should reproduce among themselves, lest they go extinct.
Well, Elves in my setting have a rather alien way of handling emotions in general. Most of the time they seemingly don't have them at all, at the same as they're able to suddenly burst out in a storm of extreme passionate hatred, sorrow, or love at the drop of a hat. And when this happens, the emotions that the elf feels are much stronger than those of a human, and oftentimes it's as if the elf loses all self-control; if he feels angry he simply has to act on it.
These outbursts come in two types: quick and true. Quick love in particular is the elven equivalent of crush and may or may not evolve into a romantic relationship that usually last no longer than a couple of decades at most. It's not all that uncommon for an elf to have more than one quick romance going at the time, and the partner's gender does not seem to much of a concern when it comes to quick romances either.
True love, however, is lifelong for an elf, and once they've begun a true romance it's very rare that they ever fall in love with another after that, even if their partner dies they usually won't ever experience even quick love after that. Far more common is instead an elf that loses a true romantic partner will spend the rest of his life constantly grieving.
Elves falling in love with humans isn't exactly common, but not unheard of either. As long as it's a quick romance it's usually seen by other elves as something maybe regrettable but not in any way harmful. If an elf ends up falling in true love with a human, however, it's seen as something highly tragic.
They're dead.
In my setting, elves are considered the most libertine in terms of sexual values. Where humans are full on, medieval, puritan, "no holding hands in public until you're at least engaged" 2pure, elves are in this regard a lot more "modern": they have no qualms about public nudity (bath houses are everywhere and all of them mixed) and while marriage is common, so are short flings.
>Is an elf falling in love with a human seen as something normal, or is it strange, or even tragic?
Strange, but there's little tragic about it. Then again, I stipulated that elves in my setting never get older than 200, so an elf in her 80s can marry a human in his 20s and both of them can comfortably die around the same time.
>Are they monogamous? Polygamous?
>elves have a centuries long courting process
>they see humans as sluts for jumping into bed with people they only know for a decade
>elves who settle down and marry and have kids with humans are seen as 'chasing half a century stands'
You have quite a bit of contained descriptors, stuff that they do which affects them, but how do they interact with the world? What do they do or what is done to them?
You mentioned an anti-orc buffer zone, what is the deal with living next to that?
It works. It's not original in the slighest, but it plays straight into what the expectations for each race are, and for a tabletop game that can sometimes be better than doing something completely off the rails as it allows your players to understand much of the setting without having to read about it first.
>fall in love with human
>they grow old and grey but your love persists
>they say they will always love you
>you say the same even though you know they will leave you soon
Being an elf is pain
>Do Not reply to Feanor
>Ignore any remarks from Feanor
>Sage any posts Feanor makes on 4Valinor
>How do they handle relationships
They don't. Couples are organized and approved based on which pair of elves is more likely to produce an original soul and how many souls waiting for reincarnation are stuck in their world tree. Accidents happen (elves aren't exactly emotionless robots despite their culture encouraging this), but in 99% the babby is stillborn. Lucky accidents happen, but they're just that.
What about dwarven romances?
They mostly consist of parents trying to remember the genitals their children were born with, conveying that information to the opposing parents as discreetly as possible. After that, the dowry is just another business transaction, easily resolved.
Elves went extinct in my setting, but their created servant race of gnomes don't have a concept of monogomy. Everyone loves each other, until it's time to go on a Gob Hunt to rid the woods of those pesky blighters.
>Elfkind is dying because every elf is too bothered with jerking off that he can't even think of siring offspring
A significant portion of the dwarven couring ritual consists of discreetly deducing the gender of the dwarf you're interested in mating with so as to not embarrass yourself nor offend the other party.
Gandalf's real name is Olórin and he was made by Ilúvatar before the music of the Ainur. Galadriel feels tenderly for him because she has known him from her childhood.
My elves are basically just Tolkien elves(Read: Chaste)
polymonogamous. They have multiple monogamous relationships, often at the same time, some as brief as a few hours, others that last for hundred of years
Thanks, that's nice of you to say.
Hmm, that's interesting. Might steal some of that for the wood elves. A race with initially high fecundity that displeased their goddess and now struggles to conceive children. Very krogan, I like that.
>how do they interact with the world? What do they do or what is done to them?
Most of the time all three prefer to keep to themselves. The high elves are pretty conservative and prefer developing their own culture among the rich and powerful than going out and defending themselves.
The aforementioned orc zone is b/c the high elves' homelands directly border the plains that the orcs inhabit. So they have, over time, sent all the poor, undesireables, etc west so that the orcs raid and plunder them rather than the "better people" in HE society.
Dark elves are really too far south to have much interaction with anyone, though there is a trade city where all 3 elf civilizations meet. Needless to say it's pretty crazy there.
There is a small country where wood elves tired of warring, savagery, and debauchery and the high elves tired of a hardcore academic/political game that could take centuries founded a new place that's actually pretty utopian. Probably the best place to live if you're an elf or half-elf, and they're pretty arrogant about that, but try being another creature and you'll get hit with the long-lived equivalent of the white man's burden pretty fast.
Elves used to have an empire before they all split off, but at this point the subracial rivalries are too deep for them to amount to much beyond infighting. The high elves have a wall that starkly separates their eastern border from the wood elves' forest, for example, and there you'll find hardened, ruthless soldiers who've seen firsthand what wood elves can do when enraged.
>it plays straight into what the expectations for each race are, and for a tabletop game that can sometimes be better than doing something completely off the rails as it allows your players to understand much of the setting without having to read about it first.
Yeah, that's more what I was going for.
>They have multiple monogamous relationships, often at the same time
imagine an elf is in a long term relationship. Then they travel to some faraway land for a couple of years, there they establish a temporary monogamous relationship with an elf they meet there. Then their temporary partner leaves for a few months. During their time then they establish another temporary monogamous relationship of a couple of months. But only during the day, because they live apart, so during the night they establish various temporary monogamous relationships, some that last just a few hours some that last days.
When they go back home they'll only have a monogamous relationship with their long term partner, until one of the 2 has to leave for some time.
Each relationship is unaware of the others, they don't meet other people while with their partner, don't share and don't encourage sharing. While they are with a partner they are only with that partner, and nobody else, and are pretty jealous of their partner.
But only when they're together.
You might call them proximally monogamous if you will.
Polygamous somtimes, since men tend to die more often and the women get passed on in the family as second or third wives. Monogamous is the ideal. Some women are allowed to never marry again and spend the rest of their lives in solitude. Marriages are sacred and supposed to last for their entire lives. Relationships with humans are seen as disgraceful since they are completely different races with different origins. It would actually be less disgraceful for a dwarf and an elf to marry, but half-anything isn't a thing anyway.
High Elves, because of their long lifespans and religious beliefs, seek balance and inner peace with all things, living in relative harmony. This includes relationships.
They are monogamous, and often times elves will not find a mate until later in their life, as their patience and calm makes it rare for them to make rash decisions based on passion rather than love.
When two elves fall in love, the marriage is quiet and humble, a reflection of their society. They retreat to some small homestead secluded within the Elvish countryside, living a few years of their lives together, before returning to society. This originates from the ancient custom of seclusion during a woman's pregnancy; her and her significant other would retreat from society, waiting many years for their child's birth. It is during this "honeymoon" that the wife will become pregnant, though there are plentiful cases of a married couple not having children at all, so as not to disrupt their peaceful lifestyle.
When an elf falls in love with a human, the elf is ridiculed by their peers. It is seen as a blind passion, as humans live so briefly compared to elves that to them it is impossible to really know a single human well, let alone well enough to fall in love. If the elf insists on keeping this bond with the human, then they are usually outcast until their love dies, at which point they are deemed to be "purified" of their tainted vision. Some outcast elves do not return to their society; instead they band together with other outcasts to create their own communities, which eventually become mainly half-elf communities. These communities are rare, spread out alongside the river that naturally separates the borders of the Elven Civilizations and the Human Fiefdoms.
fuck off with that degeneracy, of course they are god fearing monogamous.
/pol/ = /nold/
Veeky Forums = /tulk/
Veeky Forums, /m/, and /r9l/ = /aul/
/x/ = /ist/
That's all I got. Gimme some more ideas people.