Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

[something funny and relevant to 40k that sets the mood for the new thread] edition

Reddit tier humor sub edition

>Hilarious™ Mortarion Reveal, also some terminators and stuff
youtube.com/watch?v=eJMu9G7Pyw8 [Open] [Open]

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


We've gotta *burp* we've gotta overthrow the Imperium Morty


Got to say I'm surprised the Grey Knights and normal Chaos Marines don't seem to be getting new releases with their dexes. Thought at least the GK would get some kind of Primaris thing.

Why did the top part of the store webpage suddenly change, did it really need a redesign already

Too bad about season 3.

>all this rick and morty DG shitposting

Has anyone here every had a GF/BF/passable trap that was into 40k, if so what was that like? Did it get old or did it make the hobby even better?
I'd also just be fine hearing what it's like to have a significant other in general

Saving releases for their own month

Classic Veeky Forums, "It's bad because it's popular," contrarianism

>all this angry pumpkin posting.

Im trying to become trap. Its counts?


I got drunk and decided to start a Death Guard army, how did I do?

Captain – 74+15=89
++Combi plasma
Tactical – 130+4+15+10=159
++Power sword, grav gun, heavy bolter
Tactical – 130+15+13+10=168
++Combi plasma, plasma, heavy bolter
Tactical – 65+4+13=82
++Power sword, plasma
Scouts – 55+20=75
++5 sniper rifles
Scouts – 55+16+10=81
++4 sniper rifles, heavy bolter
Devastators – 65+84=149
++4 plasma cannons

Librarian – 116+12=128
++Jump pack, force sword
Sternguard – 80+8+10=98
++4 special issue bolters, heavy bolter
Vanguard Vets – 90+20+16=126
++Jump packs, 4 power axes, thunder hammer
Vanguard vets – 90+35=125
++Jump packs, 5 plasma pistols

Lt – 60+=63
++master crafted boltgun
Apothecary – 55
Apothecary – 55
The Imperial Space Marine – 60
++Disintegration weapons


What 13 points do I drop?

>GK getting anything new
Haha. On the bright side we did get access to stuff that we didn't previously have like Chaplains and the small SM planes.

What's fucking stupid is that GW "got rid of codex entries with no model that they sell", so they get rid of Juggerlords, Rifle Dreads and SM Bike Chars, but they want GK players to convert a Brother Captain and Chaplain? Why not just leave those converted models in the codex, then? Pick a fucking stance.

You know
It's just bad
And people who don't give a fuck about trying to fit in will say that

No, this time it's the heavy handed writing and tonal shifts.

And the writers that forgot that 'show don't tell' is a cornerstone of visual media between seasons.

This is more a case of 'We're popular so it's time to get lazy.'

I felt this way until the pickle Rick episode, then my sides left humanity behind

Drop the hammer on the vanguard squad for something else

I fucking despise rick and Morty but I still want to make this just to see how many people think the sight of rick is hilarious

Yes it does

We can still use them we just need the index
And chaplains is literally just a shoulder pad

Just right user just right. You just in time to tilt the scales for chaos to take Konor!


Can confirm. These are great.

>tfw like R&M
>chuckle at every episode other than shitty cross dimension cable episodes
>learn of plebbit tier fan base and cringe tier youtube theory videos that overanalyze every second
>never mention it online and tell no one I like it other than roommate
Will autism be what finally destroys mankind?

You have chosen wisely

I too am drunk

It only has three episodes out, two of which were fantastic. What is everyone's problem?

Shit, hope my eBay purchase ships quickly

I believe GW said that if there's a new entry in a codex for an index unit, you have to use the newer codex entry, which in the current codices, the regular and Ven Dreads do not have access to Autocannons.

She likes space wolves but has trouble building and painting because she has limited feeling in her hands. Until her disabilitybux starts up we're trying to space out our purchases which works because she can't build too fast in the first place.

Is it more of a slaneesh thing to do? I was tossing the idea around while I was sober, got drunk, then hit buy it now on ebay

Need some advice lads. My store is planning a fuckhuge tank battle (or 2) for week 3 of Konor.

I have half a dozen or so spare Rhino chassis that I can run as either
Deimos Predators (but no sponsons since I won't have time to make enough before the game)

What's the best option? Personally was leaning towards whirlwinds since I can leave them out of sight while the rest of my armour is doing the heavy lifting

Some might remember last night I posted my unsprayed leman russes, this is them 20 hours later since I've been trapped at work the entire time
Didn't get as much progress I'd like done, but at least they are TT ready, now time to add a few more details and recess shades before going wild with the weathering effects

What's everyone else working on?

DG players, what will you be using the little nurglings that come with Mortarion for (if you decide to pick him up)?
I was thinking of repurposing them into combat familiars and such, like I've seen some Tzeentch players do with the brimstones that come with the Lord of Change. Maybe build a mini palanquin for whichever nurgling I like the look of better.

I have a boyfriend into 40k, he used to own Grey Knights but doesn't anymore, lost them in a couple of house moves, didn't want to start them up again because he doesn't want to collect the same models as before and paint them up again.
So he started Tau.

Those are the Executioner variants right? I am not really that well versed in my Russes.

nah, you lost your inhibitions through drink and chose to embrace happiness through Nurgle

all this is autism tho

My gf wanted space wolves and then went nuts when she saw daemons of Khorne. So she has been proxying her SW as chaos marines and thunder wolf captain("chaos lord on juggernaut") and using her bloodletters. She really really likes painting and is very excitable during games once she got the swing of it. Even suggests we watch batreps while we paint.
>Pic is some of her stuff.

Depends how drunk you got really.

They asplode, yes. Every 1 is 6 mortal wounds and loses all it's plasma.

You done good. More releases in September and October.

whirlwinds would be the silliest, so I suggest going with that

This is why you paint tracks on sprue.

yes you have to use the newest version...but if you have a model with options that are not available in the newest version, you can use the index version which has the correct options. You have to use it exactl though...so if the newest version has a special rule that the old one didnt have, you dont get it. Also lets say the index versions base price was 75 points before weapons and then the codex drops the base price to 65, you will have to take it out of the index for 75 points in order to have access to the options that you have currently outfitted on your model

has moratarion senpais brain teally been addled by nurgles rot?

There is no rule forcing that WYSIWYG shit you liar

Maybe. It's either that or he's just lazy.

Typhus, First Captain and Herald of Nurgle, has no respect for him.

>gain a gigantic boner for one particular faction in your world circa 2007
>make an event in your fantasy game where this faction is supposed to win and fuck over everyone else
>make this event player-driven
>your faction loses
>get so angry that you retcon the whole event and a lot of the game's lore just a few years later than begin an event that you control and make your favorite faction win because they're just so good
>try to do the same thing with your scifi game a few years later
>begin with events and a line of backstory dedicated to making your favorite faction the strongest and destroying everyone else
>make them player-driven
>your favorite faction loses

How long until GW retcons FoK or just ignores it outright so their favorite faction blows up the universe because they're just that good but the Emperor escapes into a pocket dimension (ONLY because your favorite faction allows it) to start an Age for himself there?

I'm sorry, user, but they look gray tide. You really need to actually paint them, because this shortcut doesn't look good at all.

>Fantashits STILL buttblasted

Well Captains on bikes are also still in the SM codex, and those need to be converted/kitbashed too. GW is just extremely schizophrenic with what they remove, keep, or add.

Is there a best way to run Bullgryns? Mauls vs the launcher and sheild vs sheild?

Working on an Apothecary, white power armor is not fun.

>LIterally has the audacity to claim that Chaos is the posterboy when Imperium gets handed literally every victory and new toys ever

Fuck off

What's a cost effective way to transport your shit? Rather not buy 3 ugly gw black boxes

I usually do, I traded a guy for them dirty cheap and he had them assembled with about 10x as much glue needed, there's some pretty ugly parts that you probably can't see in the pic, I'm sure I'll go back and clean that up when I'm doing details

>pic related on just massive globs of glue

likely nobody will care in a couple of years, konors just a bigger Medusa (is best Rider) V

I swear 50% of 40k players male or female have some sort of hand related disability...

Did you start from a white undercoat ?

Holy shit, can you be even more ass blasted than this?.

>no respect for him

>be Night Lord
>primarch hates you

>be World Eater
>primarch kills you

>be Iron Warrior
>primarch has you beaten to death by your brothers in game of chance

>be Death Guard
>look down on you primarch

>Well there's your problem
>Skins all black and slickly
>Gotta get that looked at back on the battle barge

yea, I can't imagine how much longer it would take from black

I hate when fanbases taint a property that is otherwise decent enough by itself. Jojo and undertale are the same.

Excuses to not paint the grey tide

Finally made it lads.

After years of not comitting to a single army I'm selling all my GW shit and starting Death Guard

>every piece of warhammer 40k or fantasy fluff, army splat, and dev commentary has been "omg chaos is so amazing omg chaos is unstoppable omg chaos always wins omg let's jerk off the chaos gods"
>chaosfags get incensed over anyone complaining joking or even talking about this
you give chaos an inch, they take a parsec, and it's never enough

just pay your nieces/nephews to paint them

>Starting new flavor of the month flavor

Raven Guard
Primaris Captain: Power Sword, Master-crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle - 96 pts
Primaris Lietenants: 2 Master-crafted Stalker Bolt Rifles - 150 pts

10 Intercessors: Auto Bolt Rifles, 2 Auxiliary Grenade Launchers - 212 pts
5 Intercessors: Power Sword, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher - 105 pts
5 Scouts: Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles - 90 pts

Primaris Apothecary - 68 pts
Primaris Ancient - 69 pts
10 Reivers: Grapnels Launchers - 200 pts

Fast Attack
3 Inceptors - 180 pts

Heavy Support
5 Hellblasters - 165 pts
5 Hellblasters - 165 pts

Total - 1500 pts

Was going to do 1k but figured I may as well just go to 1500. Is this any good? Going to infiltrate the Reivers and power sword Intercessors, maybe get a bit cheeky and infiltrate a Hellblaster squad too. Just worried no tanks might hurt, or that I don't have enough anti-armor.

Idris Elba, you glorious motherfucker you look gorgeous

>spend hours painting multiple thin layers of eshin grey on top of chaos black
>looks like grey tide
You're breaking my heart user,I don't really consider them finished, any suggestions? Here's a side view, I was gunna do nuln oil in the recess then use a little typhus corrosion on some places, was considering some dull coat too but I'm not sure

That's a nice scheme


*all fluff after 2011 or so

2011 was the year GW's Chaos bias really began to shit up the gaming creek. Before that it wasn't bad at all in most cases.

Nice scheme

Have fun man, they're pretty cool

I've always liked chaos marines and I like almost every single DG model.

Also I've always wanted truescale and the new marines are truescale

Anybody? Just kinda curious on some of the ideas other people have right now


Wait unless you're that same user who said everything that is a color lighter than black looks like grey tide for months
If so well memed


r8 my meme homebrew chapter, mateys.

If ye can guess the source, I'll record my next victory at Konor under your faction of choice.

Chapter: The Firstborn
Battlecry: Coalesce, League of the Firstborn!
Motto: Still shining bright in this desolate black.

"The weight of the galaxy is pressing down, but we will press back! We will press or martyr! Darkness, violence, bloodshed, loss, we are all still shining bright in this desolate black!" - Chapter Master Deathstar

coalesce is code for gay sex right?

Pretty sure thats not your paint scheme.

>not drybrushing rivets
Looks like we got someone who plays a faction that invented welding here

Then there's no issue. Just be mindful that many others started DG due to them being in the starter box.
Grab that half for cheap when you can btw.

Model isn't officially released...

I thought everything was code for anti white?

my faction will eat you

There's only 183 rivets on that side of the russ....just use the tip of the brush, if you dry brush its not as perfectly shiny.

Looks great. Nice Glooming Lord.

Looks great, user. Enjoy them.

Got all marines for 20$ including characters

The drone and the zombies look like utter shit, I'll use the FW drone and zombies or some nurgle Imperial Guard instead of the poxwalkers

Technically mine's arm related, rather than hand, and it doesn't stop me painting, just means I need a bit of help with the fine details. Does that still count?

I know the model isn't released yet user. Doesn't mean people can't create ideas and stuff yet though.

>having rivets

How embarrassing.

It depends on personal taste of course, but I find them rather ... riveting

You spent a lot of time in Rivet City in fallout 3 didnt you?

Everyone did whether they wanted to or not

Why are there two 13th Black Crusades? One that started in 3rd ed, one in The Gathering Storm?