Our God-Emperor is better than your God-Emperor, and our Lasguns are better than your Lasguns.
Dune is Superior
Fun fact: both settings are overrated and get way too much fucking attention.
Meaningless word used by salty "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" fuckbois who can't just enjoy shit.
Stay mad, princess.
But it has a meaning, that your setting is played up far too much and jacked off too much when it's really just decent (or in 40k's case, passable on a path towards bad). A word has to actually BE a buzzword before you can just try handwaving it off as meaningless.
He was just having a knee/penis jerk reaction, it happens sometimes.
>stop liking what I don't like no reason for stuff to be popular when it shouldn't be etc
STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE fuckboi confirmed. Enjoy your salt and tears, I'll keep enjoying my games.
Keep crying, kiddo.
Can you give me some examples of good settigns then?
Because I'm ok with people critizing things but sometimes I feel like they hate everything.
>But it has a meaning
No, it doesn't.
>A word has to actually BE a buzzword before you can just try handwaving it off as meaningless.
It absolutely is a buzzword, used by every shitter who didn't like something that was super popular, and the same holds true in this case.
>lasguns that explode with unpredictably massive feedback whenever they hit a force field
I mean if the point is to force people to fight in melee a laser so powerfull it blows you both up in a nuclear fireball so you have to use a sword is way cooler then so pathetic it can't even peirce the flimsiest armor so you have to use a sword.
Daily reminder the Golden Path is a dead end evolutionary strategy.
Lol, the golden path was to create an evilutionary bottleneck so that after the fall of the empire humanity would spread out and radicaly deversify.
Actually that's just dumb. 40k lasguns don't pierce armor because they damage by heating up what they hit so that it explodes rather violently, not by shooting projectiles that go through things. Also because lasguns are old as shit so the first thing people check when building shit is "how do we make it not explode when shot by a lasgun?"
>plasma guns that have a 1/6th chance of killing you every shot
>the 41st fucking millenium
With 8e it's only a 1/6 chance if you overcharge it. Been like that in the RPGs as well, and Inquisitor, where plasma is fine if you use the lower power setting.
>Overcharge Plasma weapon past it's safety limit
>act surprised when it's not safe.
>41st millenium
>overcharge is a non-standard setting
Any sperg who thinks 40k is a better setting than Dune is a sperg
If it were standard, then it wouldn't be overcharged because it wouldn't be going over anything. It would just be high level charge. What is so difficult to understand about this?
That it's the 41st millenium and they're constantly releasing new tech despite it being illegal and they still haven't found a way to secure a tiny gun
They haven't secured it because despite being incredibly dangerous, overcharge is also very useful, and might just save lives in the right scenario. And Plasma weapons are too widespread and in use to inconspicuously spread a whole new line of Improved plasma weapons without the Admech noticing and throwing a shitfit. And if an archeotech schematic for such a thing exists somewhere then o probably got lost in the bureaucracy somewhere.
Ignore him, he's probably bought into the "No one knows how the tech works" maymay.