Since no one else did it
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 37
Since no one else did it
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 37
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>Since no one else did it
Well it was gone by the time I got to the catalog
Relive the pain
Good user we had this very thread earlier yesterday morning. But Dungeon Meshi threads are always good I suppose.
In that case; What are other good Fantasy comic series. not just edgy image/rpg deconstructions or isekai, but proper series.
The fell's five stuff. Has some amazing party banter. Eternally unfinished for the time being though.
cant believe i missed the meshi thread
The end for the next two months, next one is in October
I think DM is the best manga I have read in a very long time. So I don't know.
Props to the aithror introducing a manga which does not require pages long monologues to build the world up or power levels. Instead we get fun ones about food and health.
Griffith disrobes before his backstab.
Senshi never drops the food.
Laius finally showed Farlyn a kobold.
Harpy nipples at 9 o clock!
It's like the ones in the 3.5 MM, your not supposed to sexualise them.
You can't tell me what to do.
That's more eight to eight-thirty then seven.
So how are dnd harpies?
In the dark eye they were created a long time ago by magic and all of them are insane. They may insult you as you approach their nests, the next second the might offer to suck your dick, followed by more insults, some doggiestyle and you getting your eyes clawed out.
You requested my presence?
You're right.
Show me your tits
There's some good stuff by Jim Zub, Skull Kickers, the Pathfinder comic(art's kind of sketchy, but the writing's good) the Legends of Baldur's Gate comics.
There's also "Dungeons & Dragons" aka Fell's Five by John Rogers like recommended, him deciding to focus on his TV writing career the last few years has been a loss to comics readers.
I only just read issue one, the fuck did I miss?
... so all the effort they made, all the trouble, ALL FOR FUCKING NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
Fuck this comic
> Fuck Kabron
Bruh, it's all about going on an adventure.
The adventure is the real treasure.
Imouto is the treasure
the adventure was to save a loved one, and the story just made it all less than worthless, they made it as if it would have been better for them to have quit at the very start, I feel like I did nothing but waste my time for having read it, like I've been played for a sucker.
>and the story just made it all less than worthless
First people complained when we found out Farlyn was spooky. Then she got resurrected and everything was fine.
Now she's doing her best Prey cosplay and people are complaining again. We have three parties linking up and a mad sorcerer still at large, the story is far from over.
Do you honestly think that a knife to the threat is going to kill her when she's hopped up on dragon flesh and dark magic? Do you honestly think that Kabru of all people is going to be the one to put her in the dirt? Just wait and read, this story is going to make everyone work for their happy ending, and if it comes to pass that Farlyn just needs to stay dead; it's not like the story hasn't prepared us for that thought.
Many great fantasy stories start as something small and blossom out into something bigger. In this case: they go to find Farlyn, but in doing so are getting involved with the deepest, darkest secrets of the dungeon itself.
Farlyn is still alive, and could probably be restored at some point. In the mean time, there is some dark shit going on that they have to face.
Dude, it's just a standard three-act structure.
Everything up to first recovering Farlyn was just act 1: Setup. We're now just getting started on act 2, where shit gets progressively worse before it can get better.
>but I've never experienced a setback in my coddled life and I can't handle one in comics!
Everyone is so quick to write her off as beyond help, I can't tell if it's ment to hammer in that our hero needs to let go, Or thay he needs to fight even harder for it.
I'm very goal oriented, anything backwards is unnaceptable.
I've experienced many set backs in my life, few of which I've recovered from
Until they kill Kabru and his party, and use their meat to fuel Farlyn getting resurrected again.
Who are you quoting?
Deal with it, fuckboy. Shuffle it up, let somebody cut the deck, and deal with it.
He thinks a shaggy dog story is a good thing and is mocking a ready disliking that as a baby
I don't "deal" with things, I fix them, when I can, I can't stand having my efforts reneed meaningless
Cry more, faggot.
>and is mocking a ready disliking that as a baby
Is english not your first language?
I'm tired, not checking spelling enough
So for clarification. I made this post here Then this post was made in response. What did that reply have to do with what I posted?
she probably has magic healing factor now
Kabron made a pragmatic decision.
He's gonna get his ass whooped.
Theory time, it's arc 2 electric boogaloo, the pressing matter is no longer just finding her body and resing her. She's back and corrupted, likely having had her soul blended with the essence of the dragon itself, and that mixed with the dark magic will keep her from staying dead, meaning they'll need to keep her caged up while they seek a means of purifying her soul
Why does the "pragmatic" decision always come off as fucking sociopathic
Food is gonna solve the problem. Eat the Dark Sorcerer, she becomes ruler of the Dungeon, bound to the land but live and sane.
Because you are too weak to do what needs doing.
That or whatever purging gives her a chance to go in peace with at least the ability to say a good bye, depends on if they want to earn a happy ending ot mearly bittersweet
>empathy is weakness
>nothing personal kid
Next chapter Marcille is going to use her ancient magics again trying to suck the evil out of Farlyn, resulting in her being turned into an adorable loli dragon chicken.
I think it's going bittersweet, myself.
>Let's let everyone die because I'm a pussy
Chilchak is the mascot already.
It's easy to say that when it's not your sister whom you actually cared about and risked your own life just to revive after days if not weeks of travelling.
Not that I disagree with Kabru in this instance, she needed to be killed (for as good his neck slice will actually do). But it's very easy for a guy who distrusts most people and already hated the siblings to go all "Psssh, nothing personal kid".
He had it, he was about to actually communicate before the fucking throat slitting
Note it isn't Laius cutting her throat. I'm not denying that for anyone on the team to do it would rub a little wrong, but much better she go down than everyone else die.
Naw, she's fully under the Sorcerer's sway. That's not Farlyn anymore.
I just dislike having the efforts of a story arc get shat on like this, it feels heartless to just go "nah she can't be saved"
And Laius also just watched him slit her throat right in front of him. He is so going to try to kill him, and crazy totally not dark elf is going to back him up at least. And I don't think we have ever actually seen Laius truly completely pissed the fuck off. This is gunna be good.
Meanwhile his party is decimated, not sure about Asian dude. And the sister may just play possum and let him do it.
Oh, no, something happened I don't like! I better stop reading because clearly the author has no clue what they're doing!
Stop reading, and go fuck yourself.
Oh boy, don't say that to his face.
I don't think Laius was exactly watching her six, so 'let it happen' is a bit much... but I agree, he's going to be livid.
>"nah she can't be saved"
Bit premature there user. Story isn't over yet. Arc isn't over yet. Sit back and watch to see what happens.
>but much better she go down than everyone else die.
Wasn't disagreeing with you. This is a mercy kill and a way to ensure that the body count doesn't rack up even higher. We lost four in Sureau's party, and 1 from Kabru's. It's time to stop.
What is your problem? The entire story to this point was based around being able to save her, having that pulled from under the rug in such a cruel manner feels like a giant middle finger
He's pretty savvy. I think he'd hate it, but I doubt he'd deny it.
Can't they be ressurected?
Stop reading, and go fuck yourself you soft-headed manchild.
Yes, but at this point the only living magic-user appears to be Marcille and... Well, it turns out she's a necromancer.
They'd have to go back to the surface, but yeah. Not cheap, though.
Answer the question asshole, what is your problem?
It was also about food, and IIRC this is the only chapter where no dish was cooked. I'd rather we don't become Berserk and stick to being a silly cooking/worldbuilding manga desu.
>Well, it turns out she's a necromancer
Anybody that uses resurrection magic is a necromancerr then.
Marcille doesn't use resurrection magic, she uses some crazy-ass black magic that turns dead people into dungeon creatures.
Stop reading. And I don't mean just this. Your delicate sensibilities obviously can't handle hardship, you punk bitch.
There were several chapters with no cooking, the whole dragon fight, the Kabru chapters, overworld chapter.
I'd have liked that too, instead we got throat slitting and the crux of our journey being a giant fucking mistake.
I think they just used dragonflesh to 'fill the gaps.' Sorcerer is the one that mutated her. He probably practices 'ancient' magic as well.