How decadent are your nobles?

How decadent are your nobles?


More decadent.

There was a violent revolution in one of the countries recently so most of the nobles cut back on the decadency for a while

They're secret Molech worshippers, meet in Jamacian Grove.

The decadentest.

"supping on astatine dipped live dodo's just because" decadent.

Rogue Trader style.

The game I'm currently running: decadent as fuck, but with just enough restraint that they can pretend to be on a moral high ground with the common public. And of course no-one takes that seriously but they aren't pissed off enough to do anything about it at this point.

The setting I'm currently writing: barely decadent at all, since it's an early bronze age society which has a deeply tribal culture and the noble caste haven't been in power and separated from the common folk long enough to have quite the same entitlement that older civilizations nobles have.

They rape women repeatedly to get them pregnant and lactating, so they can drink their breast milk. These women are held in cages, and are given abortions in the third trimester so the process can begin anew.

Inspired by the French.

Now THAT'S what I call edgy!

Not that decadent
Post nobility

Well, it was inspired by the French.

Degenerates who want their progeny to live longer like immortal gods. Virtually all of the noble houses have entered into a pact called a 'nobleman's gambit' and have taken to breeding with long-lived races to increase their lifespans. Male nobles have intercourse with Elves to produce Half-Elf heirs and female nobles have intercourse with dragons to have half-dragon heirs. The intent was have the half-elves eventually marry and interbreed with the half-dragon nobles but in virtually every noble house now there is the root of a coming conflict among the nobility. The half-elves and half-dragons don't get along and both have designs to defeat/exile/murder the others and take command of the noble houses themselves.

And of course, we have the aristocrats, who don't give a damn about this 'nobleman's gambit' and are taking part in moonlit orgies with half-orc slave girls because they find their aroma intoxicating and it's the only time where the slave girls aren't scrubbing the feet of pampered half-dragons or serving iced tea to half-elven gentry in the parlor.

Well, posting some.



I make them french.




An ortolan bird is about six inches long and weighs just four ounces. It's olive green and yellow, with a touch of ruby here and there.

Capture the bird in the wild, blind it using a pair of pincers, stick it in a tight cage so it can't move, keep it on a diet of millet, grapes and figs until it reaches two to four times its normal size, and then drown it in a snifter of Armagnac.

The secret to enjoying Ortolan is in the way you eat it. After roasting the bird for six to eight minutes, you cover your face with a napkin, place the whole bird inside your mouth, with only it's head and beak sticking out and bite down.

This brings up something.

Some of the campaign ideas I've had were inspired by real world events, but I'm worried people are just gonna think it's needlessly edgy.

>Inspired by the French.
You're gonna have to tell more about this

"Foie Gras" is a French dish meaning "fatty liver".

Decadent enough that the military is giving serious consideration to orchestrating a coup, given how many are developing Kuru they'll probably have to just to keep the country stable

Djambi the chocolate icing

Google "150 Days of Sodom" lad.
