Uncensored youtube, news, all the porn you could wish for

>Uncensored youtube, news, all the porn you could wish for
>Permanent integration into blockchain
>Shit can never be taken down

It's 2017. Why aren't you buying Atmos?

wtf is atmos

will most likely have a garbage catalogue even worse than Netflix if that's even possible

Your ticket to lamboland

Somebody shill me on this crap

how do they make money?

Lowkey coin get it cheap while you can. Blockchain will be popular in many countries that face censorship, especially China. Active devs since the start, one was just hired full time.

Atmos coins will be used for bounties to fulfill user requests in the future to encourage people to upload quality content.

>Permanent integration into blockchain
So it's a proof of storage coin that stores the videos on mines hardware?
Sometimes I think Veeky Forums doesn't know how computers work.

> blockchain as storage solution

Is it like torrenting/stream only seeders get paid for seeding?

So just popcorn time with tokens???

You're not storing videos, you're storing hashes which can be read into data.

Could be like torrenting but better. Once you have the whole blockchain, you can access everything inside. And once you upload something, you don't need to seed it because it will be added to the blockchain

>Could be like torrenting but better. Once you have the whole blockchain, you can access everything inside. And once you upload something, you don't need to seed it because it will be added to the blockchain

What? So the chaindata would be on several terabytes? Idiot.

Lmao. The blockchain adds a hash of the file, not the actual file itself

The jews will simply DMCA takedown the IP of whoever is actually hosting the content.

Reminder that btc is still in a bear market

Lol, am I supposed to want more porn? Shit is degenerate as fuck and I'm having a hard enough time quitting as it is.

Won't blockchain as an uncensored storage solution be completely unviable until regular people have 100-1000x the HDD storage they currently do?

Where would the file be stored idiot.

>And once you upload something, you don't need to seed it because it will be added to the blockchain
This contradicts what you just said.

My PLEX sever with all Full bluray ISO's probs has more series and movies.

I know LBRY's client is pretty garbage tier, waiting forever to watch anything because you have to download part of it first.

>downloading ISOs instead of remuxes

Worst vaporware application I've ever seen.

Videos on the blockchain? Seriously?

Do you retards even know what a blockchain is?

This is next-level retarded.

>tfw fault in video file but can't nuke it, it stays on the chain forever and an almost identical copy gets uploaded in addition


I wonder if normies might FOMO this and give us gains because 'muh free tv'. It'd make more sense than the Verge debacle...