Which youth sub-culture is least-suited for traditional gaming?
Which youth sub-culture is least-suited for traditional gaming?
All of them.
Anything with females in it.
Don't all sub-cultures have at least a few females?
The tumblr crowd.
Unfortunately it seems like now that's the market all the big publishers are trying to appeal to which is why there are like 4 CHA casters in 5e and only 1 INT caster.
Wow, if you get sand in your vagina so fast, maybe you should fuck off back to R eddit, you fucking faggot. Fucking kill yourself.
Show me on the doll where the big mean woman didn't touch you.
Amish maybe?
Probably cheerleader/preppy girl cliques.
GM's Notes: STOP FLAMING U PREPZ!!!! If u dont lik the gam dont play it ok?
Settle down Mearls
Geeks, which is ironic considering they're the ones who've been doing it for so long. But literally any group does it better.
/r9k/, please go
Subcultures with poor people, since they can't afford to buy games.
White Suburban Christian Conservatives.
Fucking assholes nearly destroyed the game with they "Satanic Panic" bullshit.
The elderly.
Lets call them what they are, protestant heretics.
I hate those guys.
Unironically this, it's actually geeks ruining the tabletop scene and keeping other people away from it. No one wants to play something associated by smelly NEETS with poor social skills.
The only thing that could get tabletop to wider audiences (in America at least) is if blacks start getting into it like they did with anime. Geeks playing tabletop will still be looked down on, but the games would be more acceptable to normies
Gamers propably. MMO fags especially.
Casuals are ironically the safest players if you can get them engaged.
>keeping other people away from it
This is how you protect a subculture.
> "Have you heard of the high elves?"
Gatekeeping is shit-tier behaviour because it's just your fucking opinion you mong.
chavs/neds but they are good for stealing mini stuff
gangsta shit and chads
I ended up putting a bit more thought into this than I should have, but I work with kids so this ends up being my wheelhouse in a sense.
There's cliques at the college I work at that obviously are inclined towards playing tabletop games: the "nerd" hobbyists, obviously, but also the theatre kids tend to have a lot of crossover with the gaming clubs.
It's tempting to say the more preppy, or sporty kids, but it's important not to conflate "unwilling" to "ill-suited" Similarly, Veeky Forums has a distaste for hipsters in the hobby but they tend to create their own gaming groups and spaces that tend to do pretty well.
I suppose the "normcore scene wouldn't fare very well in the average tabletop group.
>Holding a cup by your fingertips when there's a handle right fucking there
People who get angry about things on the internet.
also the tumblr crew
Tabletop games are already getting their surge of "normie" acceptance thanks to all those popular podcasts and streamers.
That's why 5e's doing so well - Matt Mercer and the McElroys and all that
Maybe try looking at the world outside of the perpetual educational creche?
>Gatekeeping is shit-tier behaviour
It's human behavior. Suppress it and it finds a way to bubble back up.
Nothing wrong with asking that people prove themselves before being fully accepted. Peer groups function in this way. It's more or less a brute fact.
you're not even trying to act like you're not from tumblr
It promotes shit-tier players and shit-tier games user.
Human behaviour is a race to the bottom. We should aspire to be more than that.
I was speaking out against gatekeeping before it was cool.
Here, here.
Stephanie Suburban and Cletus Cousinfucker ruined any "good" the Protestant movement could have done with the religion.
>Human behaviour is a race to the bottom. We should aspire to be more than that.
I too think robots should sluice humanity, but until we are cast aside by our mechanical brothers deeply rooted norms will persist.
The only fucking good answer.
It's not protecting your subculture. You can find protection of subcultures in shit like the tekno, punk and heavy metal scene.
What you have in the tabletop community is called AUTISTIC SOCIAL RETARDATION.
Robots are the end result of gatekeeping user.
How many games have you played that just felt like yet another escort mission.
Which is fantastic, because anyone demanding for D&D to kick out normies are either stuck with the crazy toxicity that is 3.75E or go back to AD&D, which will kick THEY out for being no nothing kiddies.
Knowing that gatekeeping is shitty behavior is something babby-tier sociology will tell you, not everything that disagrees with your opinions comes from Tumblr
so blacks?
Nigger he was asked a question and he answered.
While I detest gatekeeping, I hate misanthropy disguised as a moral highground more. Learn to love human nature, because it includes more than just the things you don't like.
I'll take 'escort' missions over 'babysitting' missions any day.
>What you have in the tabletop community is called AUTISTIC SOCIAL RETARDATION.
Call it what you will; it deserves to be embraced.
Reddit' dnd sub perfectly exemplifies what I'm talking about though. Every other post is a drawing of some other dude's Arocokra (black feathers of course) rogue dual weilding shythes or morally-ambiguous-but-secretly-a-good-guy Drow warlock.
Then the rest are with posts with titles like "How Amy nat-20 Charisma role defeated the BBEG in the first session"
>kick out normies
The problem isn't games that allow normies.
The problem is games that direct their every effort at drawing-in and placating normies to the detriment of their actual base.
We have a group of guys at our college gaming club that refuse to play anything that isn't "OSR" because the casuals allegedly ruined tabletop games, even though the olde days they're pining for happened two decades before any of them were born back when their dads were playing D&D.
What's it like living in opposite land?
Seriously; the more main-stream or 'inclusive' a hobby or franchise or whatever gets, the more watered-down, dumbed-down and generic it gets in order to 'broaden its appeal'.
Going mainstream changes it from a creative endeavour which makes money in order to keep funding the creative process into a business which exists to make money to please the stock-holders.
Pic related.
Small, niche, hobbies are by far the best one.
I believe in people's ability to do better. I'll take that over your apathy any day .
I'll take actual babysitting over an escort mission any day.
Not that guy, but those groups protect their subcultures by the fact they demand some social skills and sense of style to be a part of, even technical skill with an instrument. This obviously doesn't apply to anything associated with geeks.
does it hurt when the autism hits you that hard?
1 & 2 were once 3 & 4.
>I believe in people's ability to do better. I'll take that over your apathy any day .
The ability to "do better" is part of human nature.
Funny, that's the exact opposite of what people were agreeing with me about before.
See how gatekeeping can be subjective when you move the goalposts around.
Because geeks demand you have a skillset to be part of their subculture. I.e. learn the rules.
The ability to try, maybe, but extirpating vice from groups always fails.
Holy shit, this.
The hilarious part of this picture is that everyone in a nerd hobby (including the person who made this) fancies themselves a 1 or 2 and doesn't realize there's someone a rung or two further up the grogpole that considers them the cancer that ruined the "real" spirit of the hobby.
Muslim rape gangs.
>I.e. learn the rules.
It's too much to ask.
This might be the saltiest, saddest image I've ever seen. Still mad you got pushed into a locker and Stacy never touched your pee-pee, huh?
The problem is games that leave no room for rookie roleplayers.
Sorry m8 but if I had to be stuck in front of your fat fucking face once a week I at least want some variation.
I'm only 23 and I grew up playing AD&D 1e. I can honestly say having played every other edition besides 2e, 1e AD&D has created the best players out of newcomers.
Everybody I brought into the hobby through OSR games became really great players if they stick around more than 2 sessions. Most people I've brought into the hobby with 3.5 or 5e never got any better in terms of not being a total chucklefuck if they were one to begin with.
Playing 5e with my OSR people has been the best 5e game I've ever played.
They won't realise it. And they damn well wont do a fuvking thing to change it. Easier just to move on and find another group RIGHT FAGGOTS.
The worst thing for traditional gaming has and always will be people who consider themselves traditional gamers.
Humans are social animals capable of adapting their behavior to changing circumstances. I don't care what those dinguses were saying.
You can always tell the people who object to this image are the ones who try to validate themselves and overs via how much sexual contact they have had. It's almost as if their only value system is based around women's judgement of them rather than any value or function of their own.
Do people honestly think casual dabblers should be accorded the same respect as grizzled gaming veterans?
None. Anyone can play RPGs. Pull up a chair .
Then why enforce gatekeeping when you yourself can be a positive factor in the rookie players becoming better at the game.
>implying most gamers actually learn the rules
>I detest gatekeeping
First fucking post I made, learn to read.
I have a neckbeard to contend with the best of them. I'm also incredibly casual. It might be just that I hide my casual power level when I'm with other roleplayers or it might just be I'm completely legit.
You decide. It's the same fucking thing from either point of view though.
Clean your room.
You mean the basic level of respect human beings should be afforded? Sure. Nobody expects you to go to the dabblers for gaming advice, just to not ostracize them.
Im sorry, i thought you were the other cuck because you didn't respond to my point on apathy and instead just started spouting off.
What hobbies/fanbases has this actually happened in?
Veeky Forums divided:
Liberal gamers that think everyone should be encouraged to play.
Conservative gamers that think only those with a passion for the game should play.
You didn't have a point, it was an empty self-aggrandizement.
Because gatekeeping is important to keeping the function of your hobby.
>Be a soccer player
>Really love soccer for the game it is
>"That's not very incluse goy. Why can't you let people use their hands? Not everyone likes kicking, kicking is quite violent"
>Reject allowing people to use their hands in soccer
>Game remains soccer and is played by people who enjoy soccer
>Be a soccer player
>Really love soccer for the game it is
>"That's not very incluse goy. Why can't you let people use their hands? Not everyone likes kicking, kicking is quite violent"
>Allow everyone not just the goal keeper to pick up the ball
>You're now playing Rugby instead
>Rugby is a different game so you're not enjoying it like you did soccer
>Rugby players attract other Rugby players so you can't play Soccer any more
>Have to share the field with Rugby now so even if you do find players you have less space to play or less time with access to that space
>Your soccer hobby is now less than it was before because you didn't gatekeep and keep it a pure game of soccer instead of Rugby.
This is why you gatekeep. If you care about what you're doing then you prevent mutation and corruption.
Also eff that in the ay. Your prejudice against others as dabblers disregards whatever skills or experience they have outside of traditional gaming.
Those dabblers represent a breath of fresh air to the dank musk of your "veterans".
The image postulates that any involvement of women in a hobby irreconcilably ruins it and that a woman would never participate in a hobby other than to attract male attention. If anybody has a problem with girls it's whoever made that image.
>You mean the basic level of respect human beings should be afforded?
By all means, afford them "basic respect".
"Advanced respect" though should be accorded to those who have earned it.
Respect is earned not demanded. Any one who demands you respect them doesn't deserve respect.
If you respect 7 billion people then there is no such thing as respect. It loses all meaning because it's no longer a valid action or emotional response. It's just null and void.
You should learn what respect is. It's a great emotion when you earn it.
>"Advanced respect" though should be accorded to those who have earned it.
This but for everything.
Read more Aristotle you fucking mouthbreather.
This happens in pretty much every new edition of D&D since the change from 2e AD&D to 3.0e, and it probably happened with the switch to 2e AD&D as well.
> didn't respond to the point.
> get called out on it.
> you're full of it.
Then why continue posting as if this wasn't the case. Seems kinda manipulative.
> he's holding up gatekeeping in sports as the ideal.
Doping & corruption are fucking everywhere in sports explicitly because of gatekeeping what are you smoking.
More like:
/r9k/ social outcast gamers who hate women and normal people and want to gatekeep
Regular gamers who don't care what other people do for fun and realize that games are more fun with more players
Except it hasn't. The hobby is still dominated mostly by smelly NEETs, and the current edition of the game is vastly more complex than its earliest editions.
This guy is correct. Maintaining standards prevents the corruption of a hobby. Maintaining standards isn't "keep the girls out of our clubhouse", it's "keep the parts of the game that made it attractive to newbies in the first place".
Implying emotions and abstract awareness are finite you lazy fuck.