Stat me Veeky Forums

Stat me Veeky Forums

>Insane Bullshit opener

Shameless rip-off of Elric of Melnibone.

8 mana 8/8 At the end of your turn, add a random *Death Knight* card to your hand.

mary sue/10

Used to be interesting before WoTLK turned him into a generic evil overlord with a booming voice and no personality/10

I miss his sense of humor.

>weaker than the Thunder King/10

Good luck trying to kill him without *Divine Intervention*/10

-10 HP

We're going to have to go with the Death Knight of Krynn Template in 3.5, which is the Dragonlance 3.5 template and the ability mentioned inTop D&D villians on Lord Soth's Entry, then we need the equivalent Paladin levels for the powers granted by Blackguard to be close to what he has, then we're going to need that Libris mortis feat which causes undead made to do cold damage, then we're going to need to roll up a number of salient abilities from the Ravenloft campaign setting for 3.5 relating to the manner in which he controls the undead, then we need some stuff for Undead management and control from D&D's web enhancement, Dead Life, then Probably a shitload of undead Creation feats and spells that he really shouldn't have.

Despite this, the CR is manageable and the issues pertain to his broken-ass fucking gear, the helmet can be classed as an intelligent magical Item/Symbiont with death on removal.

He's undead, but more in the practical sense of undead-like progression, then a bunch of template stacking followed.

The massive pain is probably going to be finding all the [evil] Necromancy/Evocation cold spells, spell templates, and such to suitor his powers and attacks available.


So let's discuss his personality. I find him very similar to the protagonist of "A Clockwork Orange" before he killed someone.

just make him a level 20 LE fighter with ice spells and the necromancer spells with them

Not as cool as Archaon.

8 mana
At the end of your turn, add a random Death Knight card to your hand.


stat this motherfucker, Veeky Forums

wow im actually FUCKING RETARDED dude. I accidentally replied instead of making a thread.

Nah, he's definitely cooler, wields Frostmourne, lives in essentially an ice fortress, and uses frost magic.

Kel'Thuzad needs to come back and take the crown from Bolvar and be a true Lich King.


I doubt Arthas would ever rape elderly women though.

Type: Recluse
Qualities: Undead & Evil Emporer
Power Source: Magical Power & Fear
Athletics 3
Affection 0
Cunning 3
Skill 3
Luck 0
Will 2

He actually has semi-official stats in the Warcraft RPG. Only in the first edition though, so they are somewhat outdated

That's because he merged with Ner'zhul, who actually was a "generic evil overlord with a booming voice and no personality". I mean, death knight Arthas was a fun character, but the change is hardly surprising.

Ner'zhul was the orc shaman contacted by the Kil'jaeden (in disguise) and used to initiate the orcs' corruption. When he found out what was really happening, his apprentice Gul'dan ratted him out for power, and Ner'zhul was forced to stand in the corner and watch everything go to shit; only one of the clanleaders listened to him and declined to drink Mannoroth's blood (Durotan, Thrall's father).
After the Alliance drove the orcs back to Draenor and destroyed the portal, Ner'zhul took possession of (and was corrupted by) Gul'dan's skull, and made the new portal that shattered Draenor. When he passed through it, Kil'jaeden destroyed his body, enslaved his soul, and crammed it into the Lich King armor.

So the Lich King is actually two fallen heroes rolled up and crammed together.

defeated by central heating

AKSHUALLY, they retconned it into him supressing Ner'Zhul persona and becoming full Arthas in the Rise of the Lich King novel, which is 100% canon.
EXCEPT not, because the full Arthas then tore out his heart to become fully evil, and everything good about him became a split personality, Mathias Netler, and the rest of him became a generic evil overlord with a booming voice.
EXCEPT Tyrion Fordring than looked into his heart and destroyed it, because there actually was no good left in him at all.
EXCEPT it later turned out that the reason there always has to be a Lich King is because Arthas still has good left in him, which is why he subconsciously restrains the Scourge and sabotages his own world domination.
EXCEPT he turned out to be absolutely undefeatable and nearly pulled his plan of getting the entire Scourge killed by 25 people, so those people would grow stronger, and he would kill them and turn them into his strongest minions, but at the last second a deus ex machina defeated him.

is chilling in superhell/10
also, was it ever said how many souls were in Frostmourne?


Oh, I know his backstory, but by the time he was in that armour there was very little left of his personality but rage and hate.

Yeah, but they've retconned that like... twice now? Once in WotLK itself, when the ghost kid showed up, and I've heard that the ghosts of Ner'zhul and Arthas are still hanging around in the helmet in Legion.

>his entire arc is 'just how hard can a single man completely fuck himself?'
>mary sue

Do you even understand words?

In Frostmourne, actually. Frost DKs make their swords out of left over fragments, and have to effectively purge Ner'zhul from them. Arthas is 'around' but basically as much as a shade bleeding into the real world from SUPER HELL. Only DKs can see him, and he isn't really doing anything.

Frostmorn hungers.

What is it now?!


To be fair, I don't think Arthas wants to disturb the DK by saying shit like FIRST BLOOD! DOUBLE KILL! DOUBLE DAMAGE! FINISH HIM! DK WINS!

Glad you could make it, Arthas.

>*Ding* It's done!
Every fucking time

That's a pretty neat picture of him.

>Lich King is an epic level character
That's a recurring problem with WoW RPG. There are way too many epic level characters in the game, and none of them did something even remotely epic level in canon

better version

If you say so.


Great version

would purge again

Friendly reminder that Arthas was only right about Stratholme in hindsight because Mal'ganis showed up after his tantrum and began teleporting zombies away, and neither he nor Uther knew that was going to happen. Without that there would have been time to enact a quarantine and save at least some of the uninfected population.

Apparently that's the case but if they each had their armies with them, Arthas would win.


I never really understood where the whole "Lich King is the most powerful entity in Warcraft"-notion came from. Obviously he was the best necromancer out there, but that's all about controlling and empowering minions, not direct power. He was essentially a glorified middle manager for Kil'jaeden.

Sargaras, Titans, Old Gods, they were stronger. So was Deathwing.

Sauron -100°

But user, Arthas didn't get BTFO by an elf.

>steals Jaina from Kael
>rapes Sylvanas until she's nothing but a husk
>rapes Quel'thalas like it's a drunk coed
>kicks the shit out of Illidindu Nuffin
Yeah, he does have a pretty good track record against elfs.

I miss Arthas. I'm conflicted if I want him back or if I want the writers to stay away.

yeah, it's a fucking monkey paw scenario

It was like Activision was emptying and refilling the writer staff with idiots until the last minute.

Legion is incomprehensible, There are 5 zones with their own distinct themes and it's a fucking chore to do them all. Nothing is cohesive, and the main theme is meant to be demons which have apparently become slate grey with green EVERYTHING.
I fucking miss warcraft 3. I don't know where the art staff got their ideas but it's just a wreck.

They're killing the game down in order to vring about Warcraft 4. The Legion's being beaten this expansion, and the final Old God is more or less confirmed for being a baddie in the next, meaning no more crazy cosmic BS. We got maybe 2 more expansions.

But crazy cosmic BS is the most boring part of WoW. It's why Pandaria was the most enjoyable expansion since TBC, because a lot of it was just plain old comfy low-key countryside adventuring.

There's still the Void Lords to deal with. The things that are so bad they retconned Sargeras into having good intentions for founding the Legion to beat them.
Fucking WoW writing is so fucking bad now.

Kung Fu Pandaland was the fucking worst expansion not called Cataclysm. Only because Cataclysm was so fucking bad, nothing can possibly be worse. Until the next expansion.


I'll take a thousand comic relief pandas over an expansion entirely based around mirror universe time travel. That's the kind of premise bad cape comics are built on.

Although I'll agree that Cataclysm was the absolute worst. With a personal exception for Vashj'ir, 'cause I'm a sucker for underwater settings.

Void Lords are dealt with in the far, far future. As in Anduin is an old man when it goes down. Player characters will not likely be part of that.
>Kung Fu Pandaland
Opinion discarded. Fuck off.

>Malekith was a good guy the whole time

The mirror universe time travel was fine. At first. Then it got stupid with 6.2 and the Tanaan Jungle shit.

>pandafaggot gets easily offended
Go back do /d/ furfaggot.

All Blizzard writing is bad. Diablo has been retconned into shit, same with Starcraft. While the original stories were all fairly standard boilerplate with some interesting twists, it was the tone of all three universes that set them apart, and now Blizzard would rather have cartoonish villains, comic book story lines and fan fiction logic and consistency.

I think his point was that Pandaria wasn't a rip-off of KFP. Which it wasn't, pandaren have been a thing in the setting since Warcraft 3, and part of the actual plot since TFT.

Personally, what I like about Pandaria is that it never pretended to be anything but what it was: a big box of quests and new areas for you to explore at your own pace. It was the perfect setting for an MMO.

Except for the 5.2 shit with Siege of Orgrimmar being the end game for way too fucking long and the whole bullshit of Horde players still saying "Garrosh dindu nuffin"

Well, quite. Goes without saying, really.

8/8 with taunt

None of the women Alex raped in the movie or books were old, dude.

But Garrosh dindu nuffin

forgot taunt

WoW lore in a nutshell.

Why do MMOs have to ruin everything

I am so glad 3 was the last Warcraft game I ever played. Why the hell would you people keep giving them money for this?

Stat me Veeky Forums

They've invested too much into it to turn back now. It's just $15 a month, and all their friends are there...

You'll never escape, you know? Hee hee hee.

Exactly. Warcraft and Starcraft previously had simplistic but fairly well executed plot with people whose motivations were varied but felt real.

In blizz games now everyone feels so cartoony in how they are good guys or bad guys. Also screw SC2s entire story.

Y'know, it's kind of funny. Whenever people would get mad about "FUCKING KUNG FU PANDAS", defenders would say "but it's not focused on the pandas! It'll be about the faction war!"

And then Pandaria itself was so much better received among lore nerds than the faction war part of it.

>the uninfected population
You mean the one that didn't exist?

>Golden Kamuy

Except Alarak. He is a pretty great character to come out of that mess, Abathur to.

I miss him. He was one of the few villians I really wanted to beat. And now that he's gone, the others can't match up to him. They all seem like a new villian every episode.


I didn't like the idea of some new RED and BLACK all EDGY Protoss. But John De Lancie won me over as Alarak.
I like playing on a team with Alarak in Heroes of the Storm. No matter how good you are, it's just a constant barrage of John De Lancie insulting you.

And Abathur was fun as the autistic "muh sequences" designer of the Zerg.

He has stats in the Wowrpg.

He's a CR 50.


It truly fits metzen.

Honestly, the faction war has been the worst thing about Warcraft since around Wrath. It's completely obvious to everyone that no one is going to win, and so every battle just serves to make the factions look like either monsters or wimps.

It's like writers forgot the whole point of Warcraft 3's plot. Rexxar's campaign was supposed to be the last farewell to the WC2 mentality, with him having to put down Proudmoore because he refused to accept that the setting had changed around him.

And then Kosak blew up Theramore, because "muh War in Warcraft".

>tfw Proudmoore was absolutely right

Proving Proudmoore right is probably Kosak's greatest sin.

Well that, and turning Sylvanas into Lich King 2.0.

>none of them did something even remotely epic level in canon
Arthas and Illidan fighting was threatening to sink Northrend.

Nah sylvanas already sold her soul and the Horde to the void lords for "muh Immortality"

there's people stating already that Bolvar will resurrect Arthas to lead the Forsaken when this happens to keep an eye on his Cattle

after all, Afrasabi is turning Bolvar into Nagash

>Arthas may had wanted to Destroy the Ebon Blade, But i have other plans.

Wasnt that bitch using mind controlled Forsaken Dk's on Stormheim intro

... I'm starting to feel better and better about quitting the game before Warlords.

He's not an anti-sue either. An anti-sue an intentionally dull, weak, and otherwise ineffectual character that still somehow manages to be the focus of their work.

Arthas was an incredibly gifted paladin. He was even in the right during Andorhal but his hubris got the best of him and he ate it, it's a classic fall.

When will Best Lich come back?

Visit MMoC someday, and see the shitposts defending her

everyone started to call her "Rejected molag Bal's Bitch" because of it, mainly because of an asshole there named Mehrunes who keeps defending her like if someone insulted his mother