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I got you senpai
Male since it looks like I dont really need the other boons much.
> only +3 instead of +4 like the other 2. of course.
Body: Average
Hair: Short (aka average)
Beard: None cause fuck that shit
Skin: Sun Kissed
Face: Playful?
9 Power
Za warudo. Stopping time in quick bursts should be less taxing and still pretty op.
Shapeshift. Disguises and different bodies and instant hairdo.
Regeneration +. Because, you know, dying sucks.
Durability +. Because dying really sucks.
Flight 2. Did somebody say cannonball?
Speed 1: To you know be able to react because sometimes you dont want to smash into things. Just sometimes.
Fight plan : Fly really fast and then ram into things.
Home Life: School Apartments. See? Why bother getting those boons.
Hangouts: Library, Magic Beach, Around Town. Pretty good combination of everything since the human town should provide a lot of things.
Classes: Modern Alch, Cooking, Biology. I mean, I mean, Alchemy is just applied cooking. And biology is just studying the effects of alchemy. These three work together pretty well. Who says potions have to taste bad and smell of herbs eh? Who says the fountain of youth can't be used to brew alcohol huh? Why wouldn't people welcome some pheromones if it comes with world class bliss due to food and alchemy?
Clubs: Art and Media. Cooking is an art as much as it's a science. Also Occult Inc. I might be able to find some rare ingredients here.
>New Me
Old Body, but de-aged to a teenager
>Body Build
>Hair Style
>Skin Color
Regeneration II (6)
Strength I (5)
Speed I (4)
Durability I (3)
Emotional Control I (2)
Illusion I (1)
Inner Eye (0)
School Apartments
Fantasy Tavern
Magic Beach
Around Town
Modern Alchemy
Swim Team
Occult Inc.
Jasmine J., she is my neighbor in the School Apartments
Irina, we are in the Stargazing Club together and she's a floor above me in the apartments
Victoria, thre apartments over and friends with Jasmine
Elisabeth, two apartments over on the other side of Jasmine
Zeke, my other neighbor and part of the Occult Club
Ann, a floor above me and next to Irina also in the Occult Club and Swim Team
Abraham, We are in Swim Team and the Stargazing Club together, he has his own place
Susan, two apartments over on the other side of Zeke she's our RA
Tyler, has his own place off campus but comes to visit the apartments frequently to check in
The student council has an anonymous tip that I'm the worst kind of monster. My low tolerance for school spirit and student council authority has not helped my case with them.
I did not choose a sweetheart. Why limit myself to just one?
Students: 6 friends 1 sweetheart 2 rivals
Sweetheart: Irina. She seems like she'd be reeeeal open minded with a little constant nudging and pressure. Well with those tentacles I wouldnt be surprised if she gave in and caught some girls before I did anything though.
Rivals: Persephone. Shouldnt be too bad. Probably hates me for being faster flyer than her. Probably challenges me to races a lot.
Lucile. You know. I bet some of my pheromones and alchemy might do something about him/her. Exposures much more effective as a child I'm sure.
Ann. Pharma is going to be a big help in my cooking/alchemy/biology research/hobby. Plus she's cute. I wonder how potions react when dissolved into a slime.
Alice. Dragon parts are good materials right? Plus she seems so much fun to tease.
Caroline. As if she's not a pervert. It would hardly take any pheromones at all.
Zeke. Definitely valuable as a supplier. Plus, many potions wont effect undead so he can help.
Susan. Having someone as a backer might help keep me out of trouble. Besides. If she falls... Well we all know what happens to fallen princesses and queens right?
Victoria. Lewd and undead. She'll love some of the potions I come out with I'm sure. Or at least love watching other people eat them.
This thread needs more me!
No it doesn't.
Go die in a fire.
>Clubs are just as useless as I said they'd be.
So instead of getting extra power points, Females get extra clubs which do literally nothing and some worthless friends. Saw it coming from a mile away. How exactly are these bonuses supposed to be equal, again?
You didn't even include the genderswap potion you tried to counter complaints with.
I think it needs a lot more me.
Sue me.
Also I forgot about the potion. I have shape shifting tho.
>Saw it coming from a mile away
The End burned off any good will I had towards you or your work.
>Females get extra clubs which do literally nothing and some worthless friends.
There should be a cyoa option that grants you extra points for not trying to min-max it.
Hmmm, this level of me is sufficient.
It most certainly could, it seems like it's been a while.
I feel like it'd be somewhat more balanced if they got like 2 extra classes instead.
There's an Alchemy class. Also, you can take Shapeshifting. Be a big, muscly dude covered in hair and fat, then shapeshift into the little girl. Then eat like a fatass anyway so you can get even bigger until you can turn into a giant monster. Just watch out for fire mages.
Take shapeshifting 1 or 2. Sure, shapeshifting takes a point, but being able to take any appearance anytime you want it is worth it.
But then people would minmax that and claim it was an accident.
I'll just gloat instead.
Shapeshifting is as much a gender change as plastic surgery is.
See above on shapeshifting, and alchemy can cover up to love potions, which is significantly less demanding than physical alterations.
What if I want to be a girl without wanting to be very social
Imma just take shape shifting. The dick pays to get rid of itself.
Dual Strain
>Infectious Strain
Infection- Impregnation (70)
Infection Rate- One Year (75)
Virality- 90% (75)
Virality Sub Options- Females only (80), Environment Dry (85)
Mutation- Humanoid (95)
Mutation Sub Options- Immortality (75), Enhanced Orifices (65), Iridescent, fully body tattoos (60)
Parameters- Strength I (50), Agility I (40), Regeneration I (30), Pheromones I, boosted further by Iridescent (20), Telepathy I (10)
Drawbacks- Liquid Production (15), Well Endowed (20), Orgasms (30), Swelling (40), Non-Contagious (50), Libido (60), Random Orgams (70)
>Progenitor Strain
Mutation- Humanoid (80)
Mutation Sub Options- Immortality (70), Enhanced Penis (65), Bioluminescent, eyes (62.5), Iridescent, full body tattoos (60), King (50), Hypnosis (42.5)
Parameters- Strength II (32.5), Agility II (22.5), Regeneration II, boosted further by Bioluminescent (12.5), Intelligence I (7.5), Phermones I, boosted further by Iridescent (2.5), Telepathy I (-2.5)
Drawbacks- Liquid Production (2.5)
With the spare 2.5, I guess I'll make my bioluminescence retractable.
>Shapeshifting is as much a gender change as plastic surgery is
I don't think plastic surgery can give you a fully functional vagina and womb when you previously had a working cock and balls. And how is the potion any better?
For shapeshifting to make you a woman, it'd need to be able to alter your DNA and turn testes into ovaries. I doubt it can do either.
>The End burned off any good will I had towards you or your work.
So your one of those people huh? Like I had a friend who refused to watch Mel Gibson movies, I was like: wtf? Why can't you enjoy Mel Gibson movies? He was like: He's a piece of shit I can't stand him. I was like: I don't know about you but I don't go and watch movies because I want moral counseling from the actors in the movies. I watch movies because they are entertaining and as long as the actors are good at their job I could not care less what kind of persons they are.
>Thread need more Tok
Agreed, but not today. Tomorrow will be the day of the release of my next CYOA you better prepare your body user.
Post power fantasy CYOAs now!
Just dont take any friends.
Re-read it dumbass
Be a weak, isolated, easy target, you fucking whore.
I can't imagine why you'd want to be impregnated, or that alchemy caps out at a high school level, but I doubt that if you use shapeshifting to get new body parts, they'd be non-functional.
I love you Tok. I want your babies.
Thats the point, you nasty brute
Power! At a price ...
Stop same-fagging, Tok.
I read it. Changing flesh doesn't change DNA or gamete production.
Because nobody wants to be a transexual, no matter how convincing they look.
>change whatever you want about yourself at will
Holy fucking shit you're thick.
Well, you're making up restrictions where there are none, so if you want to nerf it for your own play, that's fine, but complaining about options being too weak because you choose to read them wrong is obnoxious, so please kill yourself.
I guess shapeshifting can turn me into an energy being too? That's obviously not the intent.
Monster High CYOA:
Skin Color:
>Tier 1: Speed
>Tier 2: Gravity Elemancy
>Tier 2: Summoning
>Tier 2: Inner Eye
>Tier 2: Za Warudo
Home Life:
>School Dorms
>Cafe Sab'r
>School Library
>Magic Beach
>Modern Alchemy
>Occult Club
>Zeke (Roommate)
Sweet Heart:
Question for cyoag regulars, do you like whole page(s) of body customization? Wouldn't "you're free to shape your new body however you like" be sufficient?
Shallow as Fuck (-2)
Twin Sister (-1)
Dirty Mouth, Waifu 2 (0)
High Libido (0)
Exhibitionist (1)
Attention Whore (2)
Talkative, Waifu 2 (3)
Fertility O (3)
Cum Plugged (4)
Snug Fit (5)
NEET (6)
Seductive (7)
Phone Sex (8)
Favorite Color, Waifu 1 Black and Waifu 2 White (9)
Nymphomaniac (10)
Quiet, Waifu 1 (11)
Milk Lover, Waifu 2 (12)
Milking, Waifu 1 (13)
Daddy Issues (14)
Sensitive (15)
Blunt (16)
Cynical Asshole, Waifu 1 (17)
Clingy (18)
Terrible Humor (19)
Hearth and Tome Tier 2 (17)
Comfort (15)
Immortality (10)
Power Tier 2, Superhuman sexual ability (stamina, recharge, skill, volume, etc.) (6)
Luck (4)
Pleasure (2)
Beauty (0)
Anything you want withing biological/human limits.
That includes giving yourself a working pussy.
Now please stop. It's embarrassing at this point.
>Skin Color
Stronk 2
Speed 2
Durability 2
Regeneration 2
Cybernetics 1
No magic bullshit, all goes through nanomachines.
>Home Life
Shacked Up
Cafe Sab'r
Around Town
Magic Beach
Martial Arts
Fight Club
Occult Inc.
Brett Asmodeus
Jasmine J.
Johnny J.
So Johnny dislikes me because I'm with his sister. Holly is also top tier, I'd have go with her as well if it wasn't for Jasmine.
You seem to keep ignoring that a working pussy isn't a gender change. That involves DNA and gamete production changes.
I think it may be a bit superfluous, but I'm a boring fuck who always chooses to be me (but better).
I actually like detailed boy customization a lot, but I still do an enormous amount of write-ins.
>That involves DNA and gamete production changes
And those are both of human and biological understanding, correct?
Now re-read what the power says and stop being an illiterate and ignorant dumbass.
Should I put a Time Stop Chill Zone aesthetic remake on my to-dio list or should I just focus on finishing cyo/u/ and moving on to my eventual next cyoa?
I think it'd take a few days or so. It shouldn't be that difficult.
You're too late. SDA is already pregnant with little baby Toks.
Finish cyo/u/ so I can see myself translated into being a little girl then do a comfy zone update.
Please and thank you Ros.
>Time Stop Chill Zone aesthetic remake
Please, Ros, I can only cum so hard
Nemean Durability (Indestructible)
Regeneration (Immune to aging)
Godmind (Immune to mindfuckery)
Vanish (Immune to Neutralization)
Neutralize (Can fuck up other supers)
This is acceptable.
The biggest issue with that cyoa is everyone just picks 5 top tier powers. Why wouldn't you?
Not that Strife really cared.
It all comes down to what you want to build ("aesthetically") and how strong the other superhumans are.
I thought of choosing some lower level powers, for roleplaying, but if it's just powergaming like in that post I guess it's indeed just the top tier.
So when is the CYOA you where making about me going to be released? I have been waiting for that CYOA Rosanon, it better be soon.
I don't procreate for 1 simple reason, I know in my heart that the day will come when one of my spawns would eventually surpass me and usurp my power.
Is summoning instant? Can I summon a tier II summon to defend me from a guy with power II and speed II?
Short Hair
Lewd/Timid Face
>Sexy, but shy
Stronk 2 (4)
Speed 1 (3)
Durability 1 (2)
Cybernetics 2, Left Arm + Laser (0)
School Dorms
Cafe Sab'r
Magic Beach
Around Town
Martial Arts
Swim Team
Fight Club
Art and Media
Johnny J.
Diego B.
Jane Doe
Female, age 15
>Power Source
Emotional- Dulled 35
Physical- Sickly 42
Mental- Sharpened 39
Life- Prime 24
Memory- No Change 24
Spiritual- Repellent 22
Telekinesis 18
-Power 15
Dowsing 14
-Specific 13
Healing 11
-Self Service 6
-Miracle 3
Vitality 0
Athleticism -4
-Raw Power -10
Barrier -13
-wide -15
Unsettling -10
Night Person -5
Eyesight 0
Yarrow Falls
-Danny Glass
-Kate Fox
-Peter Blake
-Julie Slater
-Eric Strickland
Special Snowflake
Summoning time is based on power. So something to just defend could be instant, but to fight on even ground would take a couple seconds.
I'll think up the details myself, in my head. Then again, I usually only highlight a few important/notable details. You know, stuff that defines 'em. Or whatever.
So, /x/ was right. All it took was being abducted by aliens and turned into... something, for me to admit it.
It's hard to care, and I feel like that should worry me. Physically I feel fine. Better than fine, I feel great. Though bright lights hurt, and my eyes have gone to shit. Smell seems to have gone off the charts.
Oh, and there's the telekinesis.
And I'm a kid now. Not even a splatoon reference, I'm being literal. It's kind of awkward.
Anyways, finding food isn't really an issue out here. Or anything, really. I even found a suprizingly deep cave to hide from the sun in, and some clothes that were drying outside a house on the outskirts of the nearby town.
The locals are superstitious, and they should be, considering that I'm not the only 'thing' out here. The lumberjacks are noisy, and easy to avoid. Even most of the hunters whistle whenever they're moving.
Most of them, anyways. Turns out some of the local kids decided to go hunting for bigfoot or whatever. Pete nearly took my head off, and I nearly returned the favor. Glad I didn't. Kid's just dumb, not bad.
Kate apparently does their research, and Danny helps out somehow. Probably illegal, considering he got the local sheriff involved.
Strickland's been trying to get me to submit to blood tests. I don't want to end up in some government lab getting sliced and diced under bright lights. He says he has a friend into private research, one Julie Slater. That no one needs to know.
Well, I'll talk to the woman, but I can't guarantee anything.
She better bring food.
That deer belongs in a fighting game, holy shit.
Focus on CYO/u/ first, I'd say. We believe in you, Rosanon!
I know, right?
Fucking whoosh, man.
Reposting (and editing) my build
>New me
>Skin color
I am going to be the cute shy little girl and no one is going to stop me.
Elemancy 2 (Water)
Shapeshifting 2
Flight 1
Inhuman+ 1
Infiltrating a monster school without the capacity to look like one will end poorly. Flight and inhuman have synergy with shapeshifting giving me the capacity to swap parts at will and elemancy is just cool.
Adoptive family
I would feel a bit lonely without a family
Cafe Sab'r
Around town
I would say this is kinda the typical stuff isn't it? A nice place to eat, A place to watch some movies with your friends, And just go fucking around town.
Modern alchemy
I like the classes and they are pretty useful, hell they would probably allow me to get better at shapeshifting.
Occult Inc
Snacks & Naps
Fight club
Playing videogames is fun, occult shit is fascinating, i like sleeping and i also love to fuck shit up. There is not much else to say.
>Friends and stuff
Alice (sibling)
Ann (sweetheart)
Duncan (rival)
Mary jane
Still too lazy to write up my reasons sorry
>Fight club
>No physical perks
You gonna get fucked up girl.
>Body Build
No Beard
Stronk II
Speed I
Durability II
Regneration II
Za Warudo II
Solo Apartment
Cafe Sab'r
Fantasy Tavern
Around Town
Modern Alch.
Martial Arts
Occult Inc.
Fight Club
>Fellow Students
Johhny J
Jasmine J
Diego B.
Who needs fancy powers when you can just steal DIO's powerset
>Not noticing that abusing inhuman shapeshifting allows me to fuck shit up
Go get 'em champ.
I will make you proud.
If CYO/u/ is the CYOA with me in it I will forth it!
Hey Ros, given recent events, I say you should hold a vote to kick out Tok character or make them extremely shit.
Anyone else?
Ok so is there literally any reason not to pick time stop? I'm confident I can WRYYY for at least 20 seconds and thats enough to defeat anybody in a fight by just walking behind them and kicking them in the spine a couple of times or some shit.
Most of MH was just so I could meme and shitpost on tropes if I'm completely honest.
>kick out Tok's character from the CYOA.
I created the biggest shit storm /cyoag/ had ever seen and I could easily do it again. Be careful for what you wish for.
Of course. I'll finish cyo/u/ first.
I never added you in the first place.
He never contacted me to be interviewed to be included, so he was never in to begin with, and the time has long passed where I'd still be willing to let anyone else in (unless they were extremely well-loved)
Motivation up! Work time go!
Have you tried to WRYYYYYYYY while doing "big" actions? It is kinda tough.