what game is better warmachine or warhammer 40k???
What game is better warmachine or warhammer 40k???
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Warmachine has a more mature fan base and is more tactically nuanced. There's endless combos to learn how to utilize and deal with. You have to carefully position guys, whereas 40K just rewards clumping them around your leader.
What game is better? Warmachine. What hobby is better? Probably 40k unless you're REAAAALLY into steam punk robots.
Privateer Press is a gaming company. GW is a model company.
>Warmachine has a more mature fan base
You proved his point by being a 40kid sperg.
Well played.
Warhams players don't really do that. Not to the point of the obnoxious children screaming waagh in GWs anyway.
>Friend runs a battlebox demo for me
>Turn 2
>His caster uses an earthquake ability that knocks down my warjacks
>No kind of save whatsoever
>His guys all shoot my caster
>Apparently he can't crouch behind the GIANT ROBOT because it's tipped over
>He dies
>My units stop working, I lose
I never played the game again. It's just not fun to play some cutthroat CCG with miniatures as props IMO
In my store at least, all the autistic kids flocked to warmahordes and got in screaming matches over rules and distance. all the 40k players were just 35 year old dudes that took a night away from the wife and kids to play army men.
Dark Age.
Setting 40k wins massively
Your dudes 40k wins massively
Models 40k wins massively
Good baseline rules warmachine wins massively, however the degree of gameyness in warmachine is a bit much for my tastes in a lot of ways
40k has a much better aesthetic. WM just looks cartoony and goofy.
I agree that Warmahordes is goofy and up there with Wow as far as ridiculous pauldrons, but 40k is just as goofy. The Canon way orks talk, the fact that csm are just spiky edgemarines. Power fists the size of VW busses. Both settings crank the camp up to 11.
>anecdotal autism
You are both using anecdotal evidence
Well not really since my evidence of 40kiddies was his post in all caps sperging out.
So my reply was a direct correlation to the previously posted comment making it not anecdotal at all since the comment is right there.
play Age of Sigmar, it's the true wargame for chads and other successful people
mostly see mature 20/30 something year olds playing AoS, and none have been fat neckbeards so far
can't say the same for either warmachine or 40k
You can't your dudes warmachine
That's a dealbreaker for me.
Yeah. I suppose it's just that it's a flavor of stupid that I like. I prefer album cover metal hurlant gothic over WoW LoL steampunk. I also don't care for the fact that warjacks look like imperial knights given a Blizzard makeover and severe scoliosis
that is exactly what anecdotal evidence is. You are basing a group of people on personal experience with a single poster. The same could be said to people who post the same on the other side.
Jokes on you! I'm a fat neckbeard and I play AoS!
Makes sense people that don't like the hobby would play the most shallow game ever farted put of an executive's anus.
40kids is a class of person.
You already fell into the trap.
40k. Just compare their video games.
Warmachine is a better game competitively, and I think it handles it's ongoing narrative much better, too. That said, 40k is a vastly superior hobby, as the personalization is leagues above that of PP's
Kings of war for large battles, Lotr for skirmish.
No its a term used on Veeky Forums to elicit an emotional response. You want a shit posting thread
How would they NEVER just have their heads blown off. There's a MECH with a 1060 gun right behind him.
40k is goofy in a direction though, and feels like it's serious in setting
Of course it worked. Getting tg to argue about their game of choice is simple. The degree is another question.
>screaming waagh in GWs anyway.
This picture pretty much describes my opinion of your attitude.
People I have played with do not have this attitude. That phrase is ingrained into the style of game with two armies charging into eachother basically. No tau sitting back and shooting type of stuff.
>Warmachine has a more mature fan base and is more tactically nuanced.
Tactical nuance, definitely.
I would not be so certain on more mature or not. in my group there are some people in there 20s or older who play warmachine and have acted VERY inappropriately and immaturely.
>the game can't be fun unless I'm being a loud meme-spewing faggot
This, a hobby game where you are forced to use canon characters is retarded
>hellenic phalangites facing an anachronostic Spartan army
How about 100 years war English vs undead?
>Warmachine has a more mature fan base
I think you mean a more MANURE fan base given how bad the warmachine tables smell at conventions (there's also noticeably fewer warmachine tables than warhammer tables)
>literally quoting the other side
Guess warmafags are the real spergs, eh?
They both suck.
If there were a way to play warmachine without warcasters, I'd be interested. Steam punk armies with the occasional jack marshal would be nifty.
the spell slinging, caster kill style of gameplay that's permeated the game from the start ain't interesting to me
This guy gets it.
Play historic war games. You'll never look back.
Every time I play Flames of War there's always that one neo-Nazi player tho
>people complain about wmh terrain
>see this in almost every other game
Have to admit, for the big 'cons terrain was often more sparse. Had more to do with limited resources, local tournaments I find have lush terrain setups often in WMH
OT: had only 1 demo game. Think it's a bit stupid having played loads of 40k video games to have your genetically engineers space marines in fuckhuge armour to be oneshotted by afanatic with spikes coming out of his nipples
Model quality in WMH is inconsistent and it's consistenly good in Warhammer though.
Play Napoleonic or WWI. That's the nice thing, you get to choose which period. And at least it's usually just one neo-Nazi
>see Company of Iron, coming in autumn
That's why you position your caster outside of that range. You can check literally any measurement at any time during your turn.
Yeah, I'd heard about that. Hopefully it turns out alright, I'd like a reason to dust off my WM/H figs.
I prefer 40k because it's got much larger armies and more satisfying battles. It feels more like a war game. Plus, the player base is mostly adults.
WMH is basically MtG with models instead of cards, and the players are mostly little kids screeching at each other about the rules.
They got rid of that quote, it was problematic.
yup thats the problem - in warmachine you always try to win and fun comes from this not from playing itself. Also huge huge power level problems
Whichever one has a better community for you locally. I prefer Warmahordes for this alone, but I also like the fact that there's much, much less "codex creep". I got into tabletops because Tyranids were awesome, and the local meta was Leafblower guard and Latest Space Marine Codex.
So yeah, being able to have multiple viable lists is nice, and the newer themes seem to be supporting playing weirder/jankier stuff. I'm still losing most games, but every once in a while pull off a solid win, and it's very satisfying to start getting positioning down and pulling off solid combos.
Play both, opinion incoming:
Warmachine easily has the win here. Not even a contest. HOWEVER!
Warmachine players will only ever play the latest steamroller rules. Want to play for fluff? FUCK YOU. The player base are over-competitive and only play in order to practice for tournaments. They are SUPER SERIAL and fuck you if you want to have fun with your toy soldiers. You will play Steamroller forever and the game will become a dull slog because people will only ever play one or two lists with occasional small differences in the same scenarios that slightly change every year.
Warhammer is half and half. If you can find a group that don't play netlists and don't sperg out over losing then you'll have great fun. Unfortunately 40k also has more shit-eating douchebags who'll play the latest netlist and grin at you through cheeto-stained teeth as your fluffy Inquisitorial Allience list gets smashed to bits on turn one by whatever the latest hot list on the forums is. Partly this is because WH4K is so popular. A wider fanbase brings in more asshats.
So it's a draw basically. I'd give 40k the edge if you can find people who are cool though.
40k, hands down. Warmachine models are ugly and expensive, at least GWs models actually look good for the price and you can do a bunch of kitbashing and customisation. Warmachine uses shitty models made of shitty materials so even if you wanted to customise stuff, its annoyingly difficult. Not that you would because
40k again. The Warmachine fluff is boring as shit and scattered over so many books it's basically impossible to catch up on. If you want to find out about certain events you need to look in 7 year old rule books and 10 year old issues of No Quarter. While 40ks plot has basically remained static for 30 years the current plot developments aren't scattered through codexes and issues of White Dwarf. You just buy (pirate) a novel.
I went down to my club's WarmaHordes night a few years ago, with the Cygnar starter and the mk2 quickstart rules. Met a guy doing likewise with Cryx so we thought we'd have an intro game.
About three turns in another guy comes over, who I'd never seen playing anything else at club before, says in the full rules one of the Cryx warjacks has a "Leap" rule or something, then starts sperging out until the guy uses it to give himself an advantage. Bizarre lot, thank fuck it's never taken off in the UK as much as the US.
The fanbase thinks that if you aren't playing Warmachine with the aim of being TOP TIER WTC INTERNATIONALLY competitive you're playing it wrong.
>40k rewards clumping up around your leader
>the main gimmik of Warmachine LITERALLY involves being in close proximity to your leader
WH40K HQs are basically the equivalent of a Focus 6 caster these days.
Did you think about what you wrote before posting it?
I like skub lite.
Fight me.
Warmachine was better for a while.
But between PP shitting the bed with mk3 and GWs improvement with 8e 40k has pulled ahead for better game.
>says while being the jew-enforced grimderp dogshit that is 40k
your hypocrisy knows no bounds, retard
I found in Warmachine games revolved around clumping all your units towards the middle and trying to pull off random combos to win. Was really boring, magic the gathering doesn't work as a miniature game.
Likewise the actual Warmachines were trash and you were better off taking infantry which was ironic considering the games about Warmachines...
40k has a far more interesting universe, a much larger scale in game, I hated the tiny ranges in Warmachines and lack of maneouverability, and is more fun, clean and fluid to play. Actually plays out like a wargame rather than a CCG.
As for the player bases there's sperges on all sides. I didn't find Warmachine players any better or worse really , beyond their shitty smug superiority over warhammer. They'll take every opportunity to tell you how much better their game is to warhammer which reeks of insecurity. Meanwhile warhammer players barely ever talk about Warmachine because they know they're already playing the superior better supported game.
People who play Sigmar should be euthanized.
I never mentioned 40k, stop projecting.
How did they get away with this? Good lawyers?
How are the novels and video games?
Oh right.. it has no novels and video games. lel
>Warmachine has a more mature fan base
Define what you mean by mature. Warmahordes is notorious for having the most elitist, douche filled community of all table top war games.
I will admit, I do like certain Warmahordes game mechanics. But everything else about the game is so bland.
Seriously, Warhmahorde models have hardly any detail.
Got triggered faggot?
>oh no, they insulted my universally strongly disliked game
>I must retaliate
>Good baseline rules warmachine wins massively, however the degree of gameyness in warmachine is a bit much for my tastes in a lot of ways
I disagree. In terms of mk 3 vs 8th edition, I'd say that while warmahordes has the better ruleset, it's not that much better than 8th, and in some regards (such as playing a fluffy game) 8th wins out.
Bonus points to 8th for GW actually trying to balance the game and listening to the fans and the results of tournaments and making changes rather quickly, unlike mk. 3 where the fans are blamed for the games problems
I play WarmaHordes for the game and the okay -to- great models.
I just paint some 40k models and sometimes play the RPGs for fun, but haven't played the wargame since 5th edition.
The one in which it's not the list that wins you the game, but your actual tactical prowess and ability, with a bit of luck.
So neither
>The one in which it's not the list that wins you the game, but your actual tactical prowess and ability, with a bit of luck.
So, what wargame do you like to play?
The one in which that requirement is met.
it depends what you mean better.
warhammer has better lore and models
warmachine has better table mechanics
both have shitty metas and fanbases
warmachine is infested by SJWs and nu-males if that matters to you.
Uz gotz ta pla'z ta 40kz. Datz lots. 'Or 'en 30k.
Play 40k you god damn skubmachine
Ive heard alot of bad stuff about wmh competetiveness and was really surprised when at my lgs ppl where chill as fuck and played for fun and with janky lists(ok there was a dedicated "tourny training" evening every 2 weeks, so maybe the system was just nice) and stil could play hardcore if they wanted. So like with everything you can really luck with the community
both kinda look like shit. HURR PAULDRONS
>I like shitty ass skub lite.
>not superior Skub Wild Cherry
I didn't know it was possible to have an opinion this fucking bad, but you sure proved me wrong there friendo.
but its not universally disliked.
we may not like it but evidently a bunch of other people do given its popularity.
Play a RPG then.
Don't shit up the rest of the gaming with that autism.
>buying models for 40k conversions = people liking AoS
No user.
have you been in a FLGS lately? there's usually a tablenof AoS being played about as often as 40k or warmachine.
In reality the WMH community is still a slice of the population and still has plenty of people that play for fun (every lgs I've gone too in the past ~4 years).
Veeky Forums just can't go a week without shitting on some non 40k game and if they don't have a good reason they say shit like that (ex: "Infinity is just for Weebs! Mordheim has such a shitty aethesic")
>Actual game
That's generally how it is. Also holy shit, I didn't realize that Veeky Forums had gotten as bad as /v/.
Battle box games are broken as fuck if you know what you're doing, which is why the person running them needs to be super careful.
There are a lot of tools and abilities in actual armies to prevent that exact thing from happening, but in BB games it's just a crapshoot.
Anyways, OP, to be honest, the first step is figuring out what people around you play.
The second step is figuring out if you can enjoy hanging out with those people.
If those two don't have an obvious choice, then Warmachine has a better, but much stricter and complicated rulesset, while 40k is more casual and free form.
Well, to be fair, Warcasters wear special armor that packs a forcefield they can personally enhance with their magic, so not wearing a helmet is something they can get away with.
Lists are strategy, table time is tactics.
Good wargames make both important.
>warmachine is infested by SJWs and nu-males if that matters to you.
In what way? Bearing in mind that I've literally never seen a Warmachine player -or- a nu-male at my LGS, what attracts them to a game that looks like a pretty generic Warhammer clone?
He must have confused Warmahordes with Malifaux or something. The Warmahordes playerbase really isn't that different from your standard miniature wargame's.
Thanks for the summary user. I guess I will see which Warmachine starter looks the best to me then.
DESU nobody at my LGS plays anything except GW games, Magic, and tabletop RPGs. Not that I mind since all of us seem to play all three and the owner opened mainly to cater to the games he loves.
Considering they still release pinup versions of their models, and actually made it a continuous feature, I'm pretty sure they at least have some resilience somewhere.
At the moment, no lesbians, gays, or rainbow colored folk have appeared in the fluff. No Donald trump Expy, no refugee crisis.
Numales maybe, SJWs No. Way to problematic for SJWs.
Dumb frogposter.
Do any wargames actually do that? It seems like they wouldn't even have an audience considering the main demographic for wargames is middle-aged white men and young boys.
What exactly do you expect from the Mongolian Animu Waifu pillow forum? Well thought out, reasoned, arguments with citations in fucking Turbian?
Let me guess- you hate anime posters too right?
Get out your own ass, or get out of here
They don't. I can only think of MTG and some RPGs which really pull that shit. Maybe Malifaux but that is more because most of Wyrd's staff are women.
Both have pros and cons.
As previously mentioned, Warmachine runs off combos between units and warcasters (a'la how the cards work with eachother in MtG). This adds an extra level to the game, but also restricts armies to being built around the combos of each character.
I kinda like some of the older GW games editions... There's something quite satisfying about winning because of tactics rather than because your army is loaded with special rules, skills and weapons that your opponent has no counter to.
Even that's pretty weird to be honest. MTG doesn't even sell well with blacks and women. The main market among black TCG players is Yu Gi Oh, which doesn't have to do any pandering to sell (well, anime titties is sort of pandering, but they're pandering to Japanese audiences so I don't count it).
And Wyrd being SJW-ey is ironic considering they were thrown under the bus by a woman who didn't get hired as a "diversity consultant" there. Seems like the best way to avoid trouble is to not include them at all, since they eat their own.
The only Indy games store within a few hundred miles of me is an SJW haven... The weird thing is... it wasn't a decade ago. I just went away for a few years and when I returned most of the Neckbeards were gone, replaced by manlets and tumblrites. They also stopped getting new RPG/Tabletop games stock in... Think it's entirely TGC keeping them afloat now (well.. it always was, it's just a shame that they're not interested in anything else nowadays).
> Jew enforced
user what the fuck is wrong with you? Where did the rabi touch you?
What do they play? MTG? YGO? Pokemon?
My local LGS makes all its money on Warhams and Magic. Probably mostly the Warhams.
> Skub Wild Cherry
> not Vanilla Skub
Does your father know you are a faggot?
I go at least once I week.
I see three guys playing the game once a week, two of which have had square bases and unpainted armies for a month now. No stormshitters, it was empire, ogres, and lizardmen or whatever they're called now.