Epic is an old specialist game from GW that was discontinued a few years ago, since then the community has taken over. Recently there have been rumors of FW releasing new Adeptus Titanicus rules soonish, and depending on if it succeeds(which likely it will) they plan to expand into classic Epic.
>Where do I get the rules? tp.net-armageddon.org/ It's based off of the Epic Armageddon rule set, otherwise known as Epic 4th Ed, with some minor changes and new army lists. You can also find 30k rules here. >Where do I get those fan made minis that show up everywhere? You post your email in Epic threads and hope that one of the recasters contact you, or post on Tactical Command (tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/index.php) and hope you can find someone after you build up trust there. >Where else can I get miniatures? There is a lot of old epic stuff on Ebay and some manufacturers produce good proxies, like vanguardminiatures.co.uk/. Tacticalwargames.net, and other forums or facebook groups also do lots of trading in second hand epic minis. >What's the game like? Players alternate using parts of their armies called formations rather than moving and fighting with their entire force. Morale and fatigue is represented by giving “Blast Markers” to a formation when something bad happens to it, which gradually makes it less effective and stops more and more units in the formation from acting until they rally. The scale makes units with longer range weapons or high movement speed stand out more, makes maneuvering more important and allows for the use of many units that are super heavy or above in Warhammer 40 000, such as Baneblades, fliers, knights or titans without warping the game too much. The new 30k stuff is also great, and they are rapidly developing more rules for the legions as the actual FW Redbooks release.
I always had difficulty playing this game, because I didn't understand epic's mechanics at the time.
Connor Cook
They're the old-school metal knights, before there was any real lore on them.
Nathaniel Collins
>tfw GOG threw in mp3s of the OST
William Watson
There's been enough of these generals now, can we make the OP not a shitty mess?
Samuel Flores
What are your suggestions for improving it?
I've largely been keeping the epic starter guide separate as an excuse to bump the thread.
Owen Scott
So what's the deal with the Epic30k rules? Their forums are dead and the wiki hasn't been updated in months. Is someone else taking over or is the supplement dead?
Owen Williams
>There's been enough of these generals now
There isn't much to talk about that hasn't been said before, and people invariably start posting pics they find online and beg for stuff. Whatever active communities there are, keep discussions within their own circles.
Adam Morales
>Whatever active communities there are, keep discussions within their own circles. Some of us here are active on TacComms. Well, sort of active. Life's been getting in the way.
Christopher Ross
Oops, meant to post pic.
Nolan Morris
Mother fucking tax rebate means it's Epic time!
Wyatt Hernandez
Nice, I'm planning on picking up a DKoK army since a few of my friends aren't interested in Epic30k. Trying to decide between Trolls.cz infantry or Vanguard's. Definitely ordering some forumware vehicles though.
Ayden Adams
Fuuuuck, I need to know who makes those titans
Daniel Mitchell
>Fuuuuck, I need to know who makes those titans
You did. You just forgot.
William Evans
What is there to add, what are you looking for?
Isaac Ward
Mechanicum is pretty barebones and the Cortex Controller rules need reworking. Space Wolves and TSons don't have any special units yet. Primarchs used to be able to take Legion specific units but now they can only take generic units.
I dunno, I might be nitpicking, but maybe a blog post showing what they've been up to for the past year in regards to playtesting would be nice.
Thomas Foster
Cortex Controller rules are fine, the rules for adding Tech Priests to Thallax and Urasax units needs to be tweaked since no one will ever want a 15cm moving Tech Priest in their 30cm moving Thallax/Urasax unit. But, that's the only way to add a Magos/Archmagos to those kinds of units.
Joseph Edwards
thought about buying Onslaught minis, What is the learning curve to play casual games. What kind of terrain works best?
Matthew Martin
If you don't think of it like 28mm 30k/40k you'll be better off. You want fairly dense terrain so there will be some interesting tactical choices. Should watch GMG's Epic:Armageddon battle reports to get a sense of the game, but use NetEpic:Armageddon rules.