If you’re from Shitcointalk, Twatter, Plebbit, 9fag, Veeky Forums and /soc/ you’re a fucking normie that needs to leave this board at once.
This is a safe space for pink wojaks, not chads and stacies
If you’re from Shitcointalk, Twatter, Plebbit, 9fag, Veeky Forums and /soc/ you’re a fucking normie that needs to leave this board at once.
This is a safe space for pink wojaks, not chads and stacies
this. normies get the fuck out.
agreed bro
Nope, I'm gonna hangout and watch your BTC reverse back $7k. Plus the larping of the blockfolio accounts is comical.
Hey nigger I’m a chad but I also love calling people nigger and making money. Accept me or pay the piper neetfag.
Wants normies to adopt his shitcoin, constantly tells normies to gtfo
This is the dip normie, now fuck off
Self-proclaimed chads like you should stay in Twatter instead
>calling other people normies
>most likely 80% of this board are 'normied' with a stable job, a girlfriend and so on
Normies calling themselves not normies. The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
Dip...soon to be crash
30% in one day haha
/pol/+/r9k/+cryptos=Veeky Forums
I’ll run it by the other chadfags at our tri weekly meet up at the gym. Consider yourself spared for now from my barrage of normie insults, neetfag.
Nice try normie, plebbit is that way
Good lad, r9k is mentally corrosive with their stupid gf shit though. If your life revolves around focusing on women but failing, then its a shitty life
i dont want normies to buy my shitcoins. i want them to fuck off and die.
No one is buying your tough guy attitude
>I never had a girlfriend
>I hold a master degree but I am still jobless (working on getting a job though, only recently graduated)
>I haven't bought clothes in more than a year, I wear only two jeans and two shirts.
>My "smartphone" is from 2011
>I am also a poorfag
Can I get into your sekret klub yet?
all i want to do is pay off my mums mortgage im such a fucking loser. i have no friends or interests in anything and im a dumb virgin. literally all my life has amounted to is a few fucking meme shitcoins in a desperate attempt to make enough to help pay my mums mortgage. im such a fucking failure if i lose my shitcoins im probably going to hang myself
Easy there roastie, i said CHADS and STACIES. You’re welcome here all the time
I really don't understand how people stand Plebbit. I tried it for like a week when I was selling Magic cards online, it singlehandedly managed to make me quit Magic.
9gag ftw
I've been on /y/ since 2010. Am I allowed?
the fake friendliness and submissiveness gets to you, if you cant even tell somebody online to fuck off then I might just as well go to a bar and have smalltalk with randos all day