>character is flatchested/has no breasts worth mentioning
Oh, what a deep, well-rounded character, let me hear your undoubtedly amazing backstory.
>character has a listed cup size
Into the trash it goes.
>character is flatchested/has no breasts worth mentioning
Oh, what a deep, well-rounded character, let me hear your undoubtedly amazing backstory.
>character has a listed cup size
Into the trash it goes.
>listing breast size
>listing skin color
>listing virginity status
>listing family members
>listing phobias
>listing allergies
Just don't. No good will come of it.
>listing family members
>listing phobias
>listing allergies
Actually sounds like a good idea
What's wrong with busty, pale, virginal, astraphobic ladyknights who are allergic to cats and the 4th children of their noble households?
Depending on what kind of DM you have.
Why would you not list skin colour? It's the first thing people see about you.
Not if you were wearing appropriate armor, you skank.
the fact that they're allergic to cats
cats are extremely useful animals and also super cute
>Walking into a tavern wearing full plate
>Walking into an inn wearing full plate
>Having a meal in full plate
>Presenting yourself to the monarch in full plate
>Bathing in full plate
Who do you think you are, Goblin Slayer?
Enjoy your youngest daughter being polymorphed into a peanut-covered spider.
While there's nothing wrong with describing a character's body type or with having a character that's noteably well-endowed, it should be remembered that it's only one attribute amongst many and not a character-defining one.
Going so far as to describe their actual cup size feels unnecessarily specific.
Ironically, GRRM does a good job of this when describing female characters. He'll mention maybe once that a character is "extremely buxom" or "full-figured" and never bring it up again, unless it's in reference to something relevant in the scene.
>Going so far as to describe their actual cup size feels unnecessarily specific.
But their height down to the inch and their weight down to the pound is standard fair.
joke on you the guy did get undress !
see chapter 10
Why is this ironic? GRRM was a good writer.
False. Cats are mean, arrogant, smelly, and altogether useless creatures.
huh he's a cutie
>main character of a mango is "a cutie"
How is this unexpected?
> main character of a mango is "a cutie"
> main character of a mango
> a mango
> mango
Also cats are usually dumb
>Character description leads with or focuses on who the character is in the person, their background, or their place in society
Interesting, tell me more.
>Character description leads with or focuses on wish fulfillment physical description (cup size, bulging muscles, whatevs)
I don't care what cup size your character has, it's totally skew to what makes a good character or bad.
Welcome to Veeky Forums newfriend.
If you can't see why one is acceptable and the others aren't, you really must never play any games apart from ERP fetish crap. Do you also tell the party what your character's dick size is, too?
Is dick size that apparent?
If you dick size isn't apparent to all that look upon you it's too small to be worth mentioning.
When it was first revealed, /a/ flipped their shit and made edits to widen his jawline and add facial hair because they had all built up a mental image of him as a hypermasculine squarejawed sex god and couldn't fathom that he was a pretty boy like every other japanese protagonist ever.
>Do you also tell the party what your character's dick size is, too
Only if my character wears leather armor or other similarly sexy clothes.
depends on the setting
>inb4 drinking/shitting excerpt
To be fair, dysentery is a hell of a disease.
Two of us rolled a d8 for it last session when we had to go skinny dipping to get some treasure
3d4 drop 1 would be more accurate
But that wouldn't have led to my cowardly piece of shit bard rolling a fitting 1
>Le tueur de gobelins
IMHO that's the big flaw of the French language: it's otherwise great, but it's shit for making up concise titles. You end up with an extremely long and floral translation for "goblin slayer" rather than something concise like... IDK, tue-gobelins (or maybe take a leaf from the book of Spanish and do something like Matagobelinos)?
He's not THAT bad, but I did expect something a bit more masculine.
Rolled 2, 4, 1 = 7 (3d4)