EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"Mixed Feelings" Edition

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Full C17 Decklists:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
What's the verdict on C17?

Other urls found in this thread:


The commanders themselves are decent enough. UW Taigam, Kess, Mairsil, Ur-Dragon, Mathas, Inalla, Mirri, and Nazahn are all things I'd like to build. The decks are shit and not worth the price.

Thinking about replacing Hero's Downfall with this. Losing the instant speed is painful, but the incidental grave hate can be so useful.



Ramos and Markov are the only commanders out of C17 that look fun at all.

Mommys fine Dragon Ass

If there's more graveyard stuff than Planeswalkers in your group, I'd say go for it. There's other instant creature-removal and losing one of probably several usually won't break your neck, while the utility this provides might very well save it often.

>What's the verdict on C17?
Like a handful of decent singles if you want to do tribal shit. Not worth ordering as a whole.
I'm gonna order Wasitora simply because she's a sweeter general for my Jund goodstuff.dec than Sek'Kuar and probably ingore the rest.

Instants aren't even good against planeswalkers, since they get to activate their ability before you get priority anyway.

>not Prossh

It's a fair goodstuff deck, since our meta is fairly Timmy-heavy. Prossh just draws too much hate.

u wot

>build Prossh
>get instantly targeted and ganged up
Sure, seems like a good idea for him.

What do people think about portal mage? It seems like a kind of shitty card to me, since it can't force a creature to attack in the first place, and it doesn't do a damn thing late game when it becomes a 1v1.

If it just said "goad target creature" it would be a better card and less verbose. I am already running a wizard deck and I don't think I can find a slot for it.

This is the cutest equip in the whole game, I love it.

>my opinion is fact!
Go away.

I'm not saying that my opinion is fact. I'm saying that those are the only two that look fun to me. Sorry if my wording was confusing.

It reminds me of pic related in that it's very situational, but okay at what it does. I'd only use portal mage if I went all out with janky wizard shenanigans.

>What's the verdict on C17?

Worst Commander product ever, with the possible exception of the mono-colored ones (that might be just because I'm racist against monocolored commander decks though).

Still mad that they made Super God King of All Gods a 6/6 trample.

>Worst Commander product ever
How do you figure? Aside from the lands, the decks seem pretty well constructed. Lots of ramp and okay card draw.

>build Prossh
>tell group it's not foodchain tryhard just goodstuff

Talking to people sounds scary though so it's probably better for him to hamstring himself but running mediocre commanders.

user, you have to understand that O-Kagachi's design was made with the Kamigawa Block in mind. Our card designers really tried to put themselves into that same state of mind, rather than modern design paradigms.

The fuck? If you are actually from wizards, why do you care about our opinions?

If you aren't from wizards, the fuck are you doing?

Zero value in the boxes.

I'm already daydreaming of keeping a hand of just it, lands, and rocks, but still swinging for game at a somewhat competitive pace. sorry I missed you asking for it a while back, here's my hope decklists of you're still around user tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sad-machine/

Ok then, if they aren't the worst, which set of decks is the worst?

>Mirari's Wake in Cats
>Marchesa reprint in Wizards
>Captivating Vampire in Vamps

What do you want? Five hundred dollars worth of cards in a thirty five dollar box? Be realistic.

>Be realistic.

I am. The previous ones always had ~$150 in value (before their launch dropped the prices of everything). That is what I expect from all Commander products. This is just shit in comparison.

They have about as much value as C16 and C15. Sorry they didn't reprint dual lands for you, user, but just buy the singles.

Quit bitching. Who cares? If you want singles, buy them. If you don't, don't buy anything. It's not complicated. Did you think we we're getting a Tabernacle or Phyrexian Obliterator?

They have much less.

>don't buy anything

Thank you, I won't.

>Did you think we we're getting a Tabernacle or Phyrexian Obliterator?

I was thinking we'd get good high-value reprints like in previous Commander products, instead of bulk from the ten-for-a-dollar commons box. Sorry if expecting them to meet the same standards they set for themselves upsets you.

It's roughly the same, especially when you consider that a lot of the card included were reprinted previously and therefore already have a lower value. Plus, there are more new cards per deck this time, which is good.
I'm not trying to defend them too much, but there isn't a significant drop in value.

>What's the verdict on C17?
cats and wizards are cool, the rest is super meh

id give it a 6/10

Not him, but they could easily fit in some spiking cards or lands that just increase in price.

They really don't. I think that they downplayed C17, because they thought that the Eminence Commanders would be pretty expensive, since they are Oloro-like.

>this user who has literally never purchased a commander product
The fuck are you on about? Wake, Havengul lich and Marchesa are fine reprints. Vamps get Teferi's protection to offset it. Why do you care about how much money is in a PRECONSTRUCTED product? Either your a scalper or a mong and either way you're ignoring that there is one money deck in each set, probably cats, one almost money deck, wizards, and two decks that are neat but you shouldn't buy unless you want to play them.

Either way, new quality legendaries are fine enough on their own. Get out with your speculator bullshit, this is not the place.

I drew the vampire deck when we decided who gets which deck and I'm still salty that bloodline keeper isn't in the deck.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this year's product, nothing is really standing out to me as FUN.

>Narset is an autist

So does she play with lego in the command tower?

>build Prossh
>tell group it's not foodchain tryhard just goodstuff
This has never worked in my playgroup ever. We had a guy try this once by just building generic noncombo token swarm with him. Prossh is just one of those generals that paint an instant target on your forehead, no matter what you're trying to do with it. It's in the same league as Zur and Narset with that over here. People just have ptsd.

Using Mizzium Meddler to steal a kicked Rite of Replication is pretty sweet. This guy is almost always an mvp, usually he's a counterspell + body, worst case scenario he's a flash chump blocker.

Solid art too.

user the only "expensive" card you listed there is wake.

If you would like you can tell me which year had worse commander products.

O shit boys, drama in the """competitive""" tier list. The guy who made the Jeleva list is salty because his waifu is getting replaced.

Just tell them that it is just casual or not tryhard deck.

Really, my 3 commander decks are Kaalia, Meren, and Atraxa, and none of my friends target me because they know that none of my decks has infinite combos out of the ass or has "no fun allowed" or too many tryhard cards.

Captivating Vampire is pretty expensive too, but I agree that Marchesa is too much of a stretch.

Quit bitching about the cost of cardboard in a PRECONSTRUCTED product. If you want to be a speculator, go elsewhere.

I'm sorry, Mr Starcity Games employee. I'll be a good goy from now on!

user, people want high value reprints because it would lower the cost of the reprinted cards. If a demonic tutor was in each of the black decks, then demonic tutor would drop in price dramatically and be more affordable for everyone (assuming that they didn't print a ridiculously small number of decks). When they do things like give decks intentionally shitty manabases or refuse to print obvious includes for a deck (like riptide lab in wizards) it only hurts players, not investors.

na this is the sad world we live in.
I just want to play derevi bird tribal but the stax autists fucked it up for me

But user who'll think of the poor hardworking investors?

>investing in anything that's not on the reserved list to begin with

This only benefit speculators you retard. So many cards spiked, because they were intentionally not included in these new decks, despite being perfect for the deck.

The other reprints we desperately need will also continue to climb up, because we got none of them as well.

This only works if they print the shit out of the decks. Otherwise they get scalped to hell for having anything of value in them.

What's your favorite magic card?

Mine is this one

See i understand your point, but you're missing the fact that Wizards is pants-on-head retarded. If good reprints are included, then it just raises the popularity of their goofy bastardization of the format, which incentivizes them to print silly format breaking commanders.

Demonic tutor in particular is utterly unrealistic, which emphasizes my point of not bitching. It represents too high of a power level for access to standard babies, because it is a 5 mana effect stapled on a two mana card.

What you're complaining about is access to cards. 30 bucks is like three trips for fast food and if you can't afford it, you don't really need it or you'd find a way. As new players come here for spoiler season bitching about the value in decks is just going to encourage those shitty ABUR duals should be reprinted in commander deck teenagers and that's just annoying. Vote with your wallet, by it or don't, but going on tirades about how it's anti player to not reprint expensive cards is ignoring that brand new format breaking commanders that will be expensive, and are something universally preferable when compared to shitty cheap new commanders.

>is just going to encourage those shitty ABUR duals should be reprinted in commander deck teenagers and that's just annoying.

But user it's unfair that I don't have dual lands that give me an incredibly slight advantage in commander. Do you honestly expect me to play the bajillion other dual lands they've made over the years like some kind of peasant?

Just goldfished Mairsil. Cage Mirror-Mad Phantasm, mill your whole deck, Reanimate Lab Man, Dread Return Mairsil, Cage Lotus Bloom, Flashback Faithless Looting.

Doesn't work

>utterly unrealistic

I hate people like that. It was reprinted in a fuckin Duel Deck when Wizards wasn't retarded. If they never ever reprinted Sol Ring we would have idiots arguing now that the card is too valuable for any product other than Masterpiece/Mythic in a Masters Set.

Maybe fetchlands and other Modern staples shouldn't be reprinted in those, but cards that are only expensive and popular because of EDH, and are in a very low supply absolutely should.

>make the powerful cards extremely expensive, because less people will play them if that's the case

Fuck off. If you want a low powerlevel go play standard.

So... How does a Daxos Curse deck with Enchantment Tribal sound?

How does it feel to get slapped with an Overwhelming Splendor and Cruel Reality, that both happen to have Hexproof thanks to Greater Auramancy?

Or should I be going with an Aura deck instead?

>Maybe fetchlands

Enemy fetchlands in general need to be reprinted in a non Masters set. Wizards is retarded if they think they can lower the prices via modern masters. Meanwhile non-enemy fetchlands can go for as low as $8.

Which part? Because if it's the Mirror-Mad, read the card.
>Mirror-Mad Phantasm's owner shuffles it into his or her library. If that player does, he or she reveals cards from the top of that library until a card named Mirror-Mad Phantasm is revealed.
The first one means "this card," but the second one is "a card named Mirror-Mad Phantasm." The rulings are even clearer.
>If no card named Mirror-Mad Phantasm is revealed (possibly because it was a card copying Mirror-Mad Phantasm or it was a token), all cards from that library will be put into their owner’s graveyard.
Just let Mairsil go to your deck and dump the whole thing.

But specifically not demonic tutor.

The fastest way to ruin a fun casual format is with two mana tutors, particularly if those tutors are included in an entry level product. Cost as a barrier of entry is a perfectly reasonable way to prevent an arms race because little Timmy isn't going to spend the same cost as his deck for a single card he may never get to play. It's like reprinting blightsteel, elesh norn, or doubling season; nothing good can happen by including them. You can manage a banlist with minimal bans by having prohibitive cost, otherwise you'll wind up with MTGO no-cantrips format.

I have very strong decks, but you're a moron if you think giving casual playgroups overpowered nonsense is going to do anything but make them cry about how it should be banned. Also, 30 dollar is an utterly trivial amount if you have any kind of job. if you want it, you can buy it at that price quite reasonably.

Your first argument is retarded. They aren't allowed to reprint good cards because if they do that then they also have to do an unrelated and retarded thing? That's like saying if you want a new car you have to run down a pedestrian in your old one so you have a reason to dump it.

>What you're complaining about is access to cards. 30 bucks is like three trips for fast food and if you can't afford it, you don't really need it or you'd find a way.

I wasn't bitching about this. I did say that these were the worst cycle of commander decks made so far, which is true, and I don't think anyone has named a worse cycle to argue this point. Some other user then started bitching and saying how reprints of expensive cards were somehow bad for players though, and I told him that was retarded and I said why.

Demonic Tutor is the format staple since day one, nearly everyone had one in the early days and the format continued to grow.

>Elesh Norn and Doubling Season are so OP

why am I even talking to you

by reprints alone they are all over 100USD

>Couldn't even get a Brushland reprint in the cat deck even though it's been scooped up in Modern and they printed pain lands last year in commander product

Sasuga Wizards.

Yeah, and the box of unwanted draft chaff in your LGS that everyone is free to pick up cards from is worth a few hundred $ by TCGplayer prices by sheer number of cards in it alone. They could include a 100 0.50$ cards and it would still be technically above MSRP.

>Brushland is worth money now
Goddamit all, is nothing sacred anymore, leave my fucking painlands be, you scum.

well it's too expensive now so they can't reprint it, you dummy

magic cards can only be reprinted if they're 5-8 dollars max, after that they become unprintable except as mythic rares in 10 dollar eternal format boosters

They are, when included in a precon designed for new casual playgroups.

>what do you mean you get a Planeswalker emblem the first turn you cast it? How come I can't remove it?
>so I can't play anything weaker than 3 toughness? That's bullshit and unfun, you don't understand the spirit of the format.

I run all those cards, but a brand new player isn't going to know how to deal with it. Even standard players would be in over there head. A master's set or a new standard set with those cards is fine, right now printing them in a precon is dumb.

It's around $12 now but my point is it's absolutely retarded to not reprint it when they reprinted painlands in commander product last year.

It's nice to know the reserve list is "These old cards plus anything over $10" now.

Wizards is completely fucking Modern by not reprinting enemy fetch lands in a non masters set but powerlevel fags would probably say those are too powerful now too.

This card is broken in a token deck, right?

I've seen so many people using this argument unironically lately, it's depressing.

What kind of shitty world do we live in where fucking painlands are too powerful? Checks, painlands and mirrodin fastlands were your cheap manabase of choice if you aren't willing to shell out for fetches, shocks or the ABUR duals.

it's a winmore card, so it's not really broken but it's a fun semi-blowout for casual edh i guess

well, that's how wotc handles their game. if they don't reprint stuff when it's relatively cheap, it becomes really awkward for them to reprint them when it is actually expensive. if they do reprint expensive stuff for cheap autists who hoard expensive cards get mad and wall-street wannabes will scalp that shit

It's ok. It puts them tapped, only searches for basic lands, requires you to have tapped creatures, and is sorcery speed(you can't just suicide your tokens).

Yeah, I have a better idea: let's make those products like Intro Packs! Only unwanted bulk rare, 3 mana-sorcery speed removal, taplands and absolute lack of any value whatsoever. Maybe we could include Cancel, but it could be too confusing for those new players. It's a fun, casual format and they can always buy all those expensive cards from SCG if they really want them after all.

Angry Omnath and similar landfall stuff likes it but it's not all that strong otherwise.

It's not bad. Compare it to boundless realms. It only costs 3 mana but you probably won't have a shitton of creatures out to abuse it turn 3, so you have to cast it about when you would be able to cast boundless realms for wacky returns. Except this can be blown out by cards like rift and rout.

>Elesh Norn and Doubling Season are too powerful for Standard


Man I'm really glad we got shock land reprints when we did because we'd never get them now with power level and investor bootlicking faggots

Doubling season is legit too stronk though. It would combo with most walkers to win the game.

Your mother is too strong, the only decks Doubling Season sees use in is jank garbage.

It really depends what answers would be printed along with it. It's also a 5 mana card and you need that walker. You could be dead at that point.

How does Savage Summoning interact with Persist creatures, if it does at all?

Blaxos dude here. Gl. Getting those out is kind of hard and they don't do a lot in terms of protection for you. People know how fast daxos gets out of control later on so you gotta stack protection for yourself. Curses aren't a bad subtheme, I just don't run any because all my other stuff dominates my space.

>the only decks Doubling Season sees use in is jank garbage.

>The previous ones always had ~$150 in value (before their launch dropped the prices of everything).
How convenient then, that that's right about where the estimates are putting this set right now:

Thinking about trying to make a haste/ dash edh deck with Queen Marchesa at the head. Thoughts?

Doesn't. Creatures (except Skullbiar) don't keep counters when they go to the grave. It'll come back with a -1/-1 counter on it. If it had Undying then it wouldn't come back at all.

>No access to green

Also Ogre Battledriver

How would you build this thicc goddess?

Jesus, she got that Innsmouth Look. Waifu dropped.

You mean gross graveyward granny.

That's literally a grandma. Cool card though, think of her as Karador but for instants/sorceries.

Thinking about doing token cats. Should I go with Mirri or Arahbo. Mirri is great for getting my tokens in, but Arahbo provides a lot of value from the command zone and continues to be useful when he comes in. I almost want to do equipment cats, but it's easier to focus on one or the other.

I looked into it but decided id rather have white than green, especially since I couldnt find a green commander who fits. Is this a mistake?
I figured the Queen gives the draw and the blockers that Id need.

If I have a good amount of removal, does it make sense to have counters that are mainly cheaper and target spells only like Negate? Cancel is good and all but that one mana is often a big deal

Do wenn know the lore behind her and were she is from?